july24. website(s)-transition. things won't work -for awhile- !!

>> G-studio
>> fb photo
>> MindYou!
culture & festival
ABC  ↶ expand.

MindYou! is part of ABC.

I´ll be working on ´The Conscious Generation´. A publication about the building blocks of psychological suppression. Simple and honest. Without crazy stories and complete nonsense because in fact thát maybe a trick to ridicule and joke about, laughing away what is right and really matters.
Lóók we're happy, smile..
Banter may make things not be worth giving attention to or even thinking about the next time.

We´ll even make an explanatory dictionary, which will be an enhancement of the above. As well as a kids page. Simply because we don't want to see a scared child looking under his bed for some reptilians.

more news about this later.
Rocksushi is okay with true spirit and religion. Not with people that use it to create misunderstanding and misery as in 'V is to pieces.'

strategy in war, war out of strategy
..Which side of the tap is hot water?
"War is not about who's right but about who's left."

Notifications Board!

While going to work, school or when travelling I write some stuff down. Letting friends know what I'm up to and we share notes on our pages. Oh, it gives a recipe every day, just thought that would be handy. We will 'co-operate' with other websites.
This will be just the message page. Many thanks to the folks who made those great recipes & to those behind the sources where I got them from. Thanks to DAWN for the drawing of SUZIE!
status..ouwe kleren, ouwe motor, regenbui > Koffie
  • Nikon a True
  • Journalists tell the truth
  •  Some even dare to show the lies
  • Stone Roses
  • Bombay Dub
  • Paz: Spaces
  • I'm looking for people wanting to help
  •  with translations. Pls Write!

  • Breakfast talk:

  • Follow your heart, but use your brain
    and don't forget to ask for some ID
  •  MAC and Cult file

    Notes and news on this page.

    So, this website is just a little 'notebook' a timeline for comments, stuff I like, things I'm working on. Some I write about in the Wallpaper below. Although I´m busy commuting through the city I do regularly come here to write down news, test and try out web stuff on ‘ Suzie ’ for other projects.

    This page will be here at least for the next 15 years. By then I must have realized our own 'Tsuno' social-solar project.
    In time, you will see what more this website is than just a friends notepad.
    We want to organize the Best Rock festival ever!

    Multiple Media

  • Amnesty International
  • Human Rights
  • Some music notes Some music notes: ´Being There´
  • SimpleText:  a textpad
  • Shop: USB & more!
  • Video Project
  • Nomad
  • Studying Earth & milieu sciences
  • Comm. Gabin   expand ↕︎

    An example of my recent attempt to make some photo's.

    A standing Monseigneur. It's a potato.

    Here he sits on a rock. It is one complete potato.

    I fold a big bottle of cheap cola to perfume bottle. Dra-cola!

    Cork made of snacks
  • We don't
    make missteaks

    We only have little broccoli.
     relief & relieve
  • Website App.

    But not without having published our own grooviest tunes.
    On the own Apollo/TAMBAM Music Label! huh?!

    Right now I talk a little about MindYou; a new coming website.
    Our world of make-believe, disposal, waste and the discourse of psychological control. About keystones of suppression and influence on the public. About: Compliance! by your orders and 'Cylons'. But mainly about its deeper trouble; all the way from bad labor to 'political' coercion on a personal level. Careful: this can be rough information!
    This note/comment page will be used for personal reference.

    Thanks for reading and Enjoy your day!

      I am Rocksushi 素敵な目

      "There must be brighter sides to life
      and I should know because I've seen them,
      but not very often.."

        ›› ABC - foundation   ↶
    The MINDZOO website
    -about (political suppression
    › Practical -civil rights guide & help
    › Ethics:library of translated articles
    › Support trace & back up
    Rollie, a think tank
    › Vocabulairy

    The abc is also:
    › Kicking the bud of corrupted data, misunderstanding & analysis -
    › Mind You!
    › Informative for the general public

    We greet a Consious generation
    About psychological suppression on pers./public level
    frustrating,    messin up your (fam) life
    knowledge, internet & censorship
    ethnicity of moral values. moral, ethics, norm and habituation
    arranged trouble & shah sum networks

    People can be illegal
    But not illegally a human being.

    This is not the official®
    Mindzoo website.
    -have a heart-
      ||||| | |||| ||||| || |||
      Roxksushi wallpaper

        Week 24-6-2023: carrying a sad mark on my chest. You're not abandoned.
      Alles beweegt niets is stil. End line writing of little poem 'Cheyenne'. Butterflies, bandits and my queen of the belt, my dreadla. Colditz. How much does an idea weigh?
      When you're poor and crazy, you're crazy, when you're rich and crazy, you are eccentric.

      Must you have seen the world or expressed it with words? Last year I got a train ticket and wanted to travel relaxed through the senses & images
      of winter by the end of February. (Update: I will do again.) Beautiful quiet landscapes of the reclaimed land I knew as a kid, old polders
      small ditches with challenging hard and dark ice. (want groot water wil niet altijd dichten.)
      Before I go to Japan I'll be leaving for Leipzig and Rostock from there I will travel to Beijing.
      Night train, train via Berlin 23h 34m includes 43m transfer
      152€ - 210€
      Moskva Belorusskaja
      Fly Moscow Sheremetyevo to Hamburg, train • 10h 17m
      160€ - 389€


      I had a chat with a friend about 'in front of' because it seems some people use this different. In my language there is no difference in the expression of the preposition 'in front of' and as the adverb of time 'before'. It's a kinda funny confusing with place and time leading to different directions.
      A little piece about language you can find here new words.

      I can work relaxed on 'The men who sold the world' and listen some music while there's still daylight. Saudade while moving forwards; what a nice way for reflection.
       - Last sept 2020 my WP exploded, used it for some music/art pages. Still got to fix em like top menubar but don't feel like it.   Will no longer be using sloppy WPress..!. Today I get my old stamp collection book from the basement of my temporary place that I'm at. Filiation, the knowledge of stamps, good to know.
      No future with second class people unless we're all second class people.    lajeninajah - Doe Maar.  This world especially the animals must have more love & care and respect I think.

      It's 2021 since a few days. I have tons of work to do and to find out; things will be very interesting and exciting.
      My use of "opinionating" gets underlined in my web-edit page. Remarkable. All these words that get red underlined can be easily re-written wrong and thus understood wrong by the readers! Is my web-host a little 'funny' using a filtered dictionary or what? So I hope I don't make wrong 'improvements'. Opinionating is the present participle of opinionate. nbsp;
      On the page is a nice photo of white swans. You have black swans too. You see them round peculiar places, architectural spots of importance and prestige. I know some other black swans: your medical record and assessment profile. Personal and social. It's kind of end of the line that I'm talking about here, funny that it's now on top of the page. We face many important changes and the future ain't far away. The challenges are only beginning. But there are many difficulties. It can be rough. It will be obscure. For it is night.
      Bowie - where are we now.

      Today I welcomed a new friend: 'Dread no Dread'. (link)
      ..And then there was light. I have light from the self-made candles (see below), they are burning well. Used an old sheet to roll some strings, then through some hot candle wax to make it a strong pit. I an I lickle Dread, fi we guin a school, work, life: a suh di ting tan mi fren bandulu.
      Near my favorite food shop you will find a place that has wild unshorn marram grass filled with plastic litter and empty packages of Marlboro on both sides of an old track that is still being used. It runs along a sunny village center to the beach. In the shop you can buy necklaces of candy pearls and sausages in U shape for meatlovers (@)
      Are both ends actually close together or far apart..?
      last weekend I was over at a friend's place making little holes in leather straps. We shortly discussed the hypothetical example idea of an emotional person to which the sentence applies: you do not think, you only believe you have thought it through. Very interesting in our hasty yet lazy world of one touch, one action. There is difference between just having thougts and really think things over. Difference is movement.
      I made a list with titles of some topics and chapters of the new coming Mindyou website (the 'dough' of thought and behavior) here on this page. (scroll down a bit) These with topics from this page and with lots of other psychology terms will all be on a T-shirt! with a good veggie recipe!
      Quite some time ago I met Natalie a beautiful, clever and kind woman from the Rocky Mountains area. We've had many long conversations throughout the night. Not long after my life would definitely change forever. I hope they're all doing fine! Update: I knew Sego lily is Utah's symbol. I didn't know the official name sounds a bit like hers : Calochortus 'nuttallii.' I had to think back about things since she used the letters 'n' and 'x' in her name. The 10-th brain nerve is abbreviated as N.X . It is involved with breathing and the larynx and is the most important nerve of the autonomic nervous system.
      Next year I see if I can roll out something with Warszawa, sleeveless punkRock shirts
      Nothing beats casual jeans and a self-assured smile. Gives off a better example than soppy trousers from a fake trend meant to give you a look on your future. Though I think guys can better learn workin in an overall with toolkits & technics, than singing like sweet birds in all these talentshows. Verkeerde 'zinggeving' Get out your toddler-raincoat.   I'd say be a little careful with your language, style and tatoos. It may all belong to you and the codes but some work environments measure 'double standards' (infact society still does) and some demand a certain neutrality as norm. Be cool. I'm interested in rough raw cotton as well as waste materials for textile. "seen thick Chinese cotton once in our worldmuseum : nice! Did you know the silk butterfly is very beautiful? For some items I maybe want to use a tiny bit of Ahimsa silk because it is a harmless way of producing for butterfly. Real angora (fur) totaly sucks too.
      In offspring activities of the Yokohama faculty of energy and fantastic co-operation with local crafts -and fist in the world!- we developed a surprising(photo) kind of 'cotton' material that we recently were being able to apply into a copy artefact to show it's possibilities: a toy lion.In ten years time, 10% of the (cotton) market is a fine challenge.

      Mid 2020.Longest day has already gone bye. I have been workin on an energy system around research labs type MiTraL , consists of a 12000kVA casting resin Transformer, a 7500kVA casting resin Transformer, an 8 field Medium voltage installation, type VCB 110kV. It's for our fridge.
      The moonlanding 50yrs celebration. I got an old plastic disc with lunar sounds. Even better: from long ago a sweet poem from a girlfriend on a card with moonlight; still got it. Say, wasn't it infact a sundown? it's behind a locker, I cant check it that fast. Would she still get the pimpels from the porkmeat?
      Finally time for Wrights psychiatry book 'Destructive trends in mental health: The 'Well-Intentioned Path to Harm'. Written by the founder of APA himself. Does he also write about mal-practices as the corruptible 'combination of indications' to falsely label people? Don't have to look it up. Generally the penalizing bite and suppression is true.
      Tv can hook up with your phone, sends private data, uses inaudible noise and makes intimate sexy sounds, subconscious smack tv.
      - Behavior is a reaction on an impulse from *your environment which could be initiated in the past - Just wanted to write this down. (from tmwstw.)
      - Paying extra attention - for some reason- shows you things you haven't seen before. A scene from Tokyo Story inside a bus shows you how ridiculous normal behavior can look!

      This evening we drive back to the city for Market Square Camping like this with good fun and music.You can rent-A-tent and xtra blankets cause it's cold but very unique.  market square camping in the city
      With the initials of : North, South, East and West you can form the word 'news'. Add 'ui' and you can spell news in my *language. ui means onion these things that make you cry   Is there maybe feeling in logic? (yes)   To the goal of your feeling. and back)
      'FormaTLizing', understanding of *extern and intern relationships with yourself & between others and or objects. I leave *reality out. (This was an 'describing answer' on idea/feeling and inner-language. I know formatting; this one doesn't erase
      *Language names, transports and moves. Evr'thin in our world has a little coat on, is painted or one can say lying under a cloth like lava or snow, that's language, but it is colored; iro 色 color..
      For the weekend we'll be making our own candles. You can buy all you need for your work if you don't have cotton, and make mold with wax or clay to make a funny object candle.
      Here is an old (winter) recipe - Tulip Bulbs!. Try it here
      On the market square is our favourite pub 'Los Hermanos Rocko!'. They are probably the only cafe in the world. They have a nice drink a sort of fresh winebeer kinda like Shandy with lemon named 'La Severe' very tasty. They bring it to you upside-down. Is a very nice trick. You can do it too and it is very simple!
      You have a long-drink glass and fill it up with drink than you put a paper or beer mat on top of it fully covering glass then you turn it upside down very quickly. You see, you can release your hand from the mat and you have now the glass and your drink upside down! (First practise before spoiling your carpet!)

      I'll be staying in a hotel for 4 days and Im looking forward to meet the people and enjoy the fabulous food and the view outside!
      I love to go to the park and visit them whenever I'm in a new city. I always try to bring the pets , my cats with me. I also one day hope to do base-jumping with my hedge-hock Batman. (and a little parachute)
      Yesterday I saw my little buddy Stevie climbing my outside wall! Unbelievable :) Little dread like a free style climber! Very high and right up the stars! Proud of ya. To the stars dread!
      I will add to the new mindyou website about ninja psychology tactics, two small lists from computer-science and information science of psyche-linguistic related terms for better understanding (in the mind's) 'computational' processing. No worries the site will be clean and ordered.
      People like lists. Evryone got them. So handy. Lists with on, lists with off. Some can make m true. The sheer order! Lists are also good way to gain informations; People like to fill lists: "finally someone's asking questions.." Open questions evoke people to spit out their full stories.
      Public information is not punishable, but keeping people from it is.
      latest news: it's Jan. 2020 and I got a nice work overall.
      Ik ben erg angstig om niet bang te worden voor de dood , help dokter! "linksom of rechtsom, we zijn allemaal sukkels.." Dank u.
      ..Don't forget to do little gymnastics or make the xtra move; keeps you supple which is really good for you! Improvement you feel after couple of weeks! Stretch!   Bend!

      The   means a space between words. HTTP is hyper text transfer protocol. It does not mean hate or something

      Some quick last notes:
      I have an old Russian supermarket around here I go to this week. I enjoy supermarkets and unknown products. Since a long time I seem to have little 'deposit receipt' problems. Does it mean somethin? I dunno.. Bigbrother likes to watermark himself in everything you can think off. That ain't new. The signs and 'totems' of presence and indoctrination are in everything.
      BB is the whole of the mean, corrupt system apparatus; its owners and all who cooperate on all possible complicity and knowledge levels, to keep it going in every way at the cost of many lives and honoust society. Bigbrother is in tiktok, in facebook, probably in your SPO2 app. Bigbrother is in the tree-drawing on my page as the trunk and core joined by his groups with leaders that steer, moralize and instruct whole municipalities, millions of members and moral knights in many forms organised, and anyone else motivated/recuited as scum for Bigbrother to help frustrate his targets.
        The name Anderson can simply be explained as 'Another's son' in my language. Wasn't he Everybody's bic-brother (I usualy mean the bad part of owners-politics that makes heavy use of or is corrupt) on Myspace? I enjoyed Myspace ,each day new problem, scrolling sidewards, when it just started up. I wouldn't be surprised if back then MS was meant to create a void for Facebook - an even worse website. Facebook actually isn't a social media website(s). And what happens to your data when you close your WhatsApp account? They will kill you when nobody is looking. Google is the biggest. Google = 42-1. Google is still infinite. Google means 'sun'. More precise 'moon' (in Japanese getsu or tsuki) Link. Okay, I'm just playing language here but then again Google is a mean blob anyway. Plse don't hack my coffeemachine. Google is.
      I am not on social media websites. Because I don't like 'cults' and their relational algorithms to decypher big data and behavior. See Myspace brother Tom 'profile' Anderson laughing on his sudeten-student profile picture with blackboard behind him.. Smile!
      Just as serious as fake news and mal-information though both are more than true.
      Bigbrother is powerful but also full of annoyance, anger, jealousy(possibl. intense -powerful- revenge). Dat BB zichzelf mag herkennen als de oplichter dat ie is. de schijn-heil. dat ie zn handen mag wrijven uit zelfwroeging. check the sun. kiss the rain. -
      One of the nicest books I read was about a girl in a sex (rush trigger, life and death -extremes- are close together) shop annex drugstore. I once was in love with a girl from a drugstore : ahh when she cycled by..! little memories. Mind you, you only remember your lást memory of a memory. Everything is a memory. Memory is memories. Waiting to become a working rule or set within a concept. You also need it to consciously forget things.
      Only relativity gives meaning. And that's how it will be.
      As a young kid I think even yellower than the sun were the first little ducks in the water. Only I am this memory and its details. By the way, this can come in handy when matching person(ID) with his' or hers communication. Did I miss something?
      Chinese character 'shi' . It means history, annals. The world is very sparse in naming its squares and streets with cognitive names such as memory and conscience. There's if any, hardly or no memory street for example.

      Of course one can talk about how the mind of a woman is occupied with ideals from a men's world and how she is often portrayed and seen as mere a desirable and appetizing object, or Paint it! French painter Rousseau made a famous naive and primitivism style painting with a woman and what's with her (behave)hair..?! Women in (since) 1910 This is also suppression. Women may thank the feminists for trying to improve positions cause things still suck hárd. Besides appetizing creature she has been an object of trade and lust with amber or blue 'candy' depending on the region. Naivity is thinking you no part of invisible responsibilities, it's thinking nothing bad will relate to you, it's living in your own world, it's sitting together and call your lies norm and norms holy.
      It's thinking love finds a lonely number. Naivety, servitude superstition, weakness, preferably all in one, are sought-after 'qualities' because they serve the corruption.
      Just to be sure :the old Upload page for your food recipes don't work anymore. I stopped it because I want to give Veggie instead of meat recipes, in time you can use the recipe upload form again!
      By the way the number of books (titles) published in a country is an important index of a country's educational level and self-awareness : The Netherlands (one tiny country, sunken in the sea) alone publishes almost as many books as the whole of Africa. Selfawarenes and reflection are important in self-improvement. Thinking about thinking and behavior can improve life and work in my language: nadenk aandacht>...< dachtna aandenken!
      Thinking is more than words shapes or calculations its also :letting your thoughts bubble, feeling thoughts come up, listen, search and remember,to pay attention, to relax, find coherence, deliberation and to weigh; and all can be intruded..to say the least.
      I want and going to use solar power (is a plural form vector) for my computer, I only need the size of a small table for the watts I need. What a challenge it would be to think about designing your house in the most energy effective way!
      Food for thought! Your energy is gonna come out where you put it in! feed urself happy energy , positive power! Because what you can get for free is being occupied by stress and worries.   Watt's the name of the game. Evrywhere, anywhere.
      [End of last notes.]

      Important: within the context and theme of 'repressional and transformative' psychology, there are texts on this page that one can wrongly relate to oneself and can be experienced as very upsetting!

      Busy times. Also, as of July '22 Rocksushi moved to another part of the country(US). Possibly (old) broken links will be fixed one day. Sorry for any nuissance. This theme page is pretty Fu.k^&8* long. Might take a sec for that browser thingie stops turnin. This .net version comes from european servers. In Russia update 6-8-23. Here is the normal homepage again.
      Update june 24: pc broke down again. Quick repair however. Made a poll, a questionnaire, I would be grateful if you tried it, it is important.
      Poll quiz
      I heard sad news about the russian Navalnyit is sad news.
      By-the-way: early July I received 'Collected Poems' by J. C. Bloem. (link) Note: the book fell open on the pages goodbye and November. No worries (smile) I want to thank the sender(M) for the nicely folded paper and the hand-written note.
      I want to say too that the vast majority of this page I wrote before corona ..and oh I forgot, please let me know from wherever you are if you can't see this website. Thanks!
      Also I want to ask you to notify me whenever you see identical or somewhat similar content somewhere else on the internet; thank you again!
      Oct '23, belief sombody took a pic of me as I fell from my skateboard near a shop; at home I bought a pine [nl: paintree]. Btway.. Chinese pinetree nut can alter your taste for days or weeks. Big Deál..!!(mkDeal) ..as far as I'm concerned this goes to the impaired sence of smell (during corona) and a bunch of bears.
      My basement with my moving stuff flooded last week. The only thing floating around: my membership card of the 'waterleidingduinen' (water supply). The waterleidingduinen is a protected monument, beautiful nature and walks for hikers and is registered with the EC as a Habitats Directive area.. Thank you yet again. Update aug '23: got an email from the water supply company saying that water deliverance to the house where I temporarily stay was cancelled. Somebody had to call immediately to tell the company and make things right again!

        lacking in-text /and some really last notes. About things I didn't point out on this page.

      -  shopping! Next year you can buy some móre small stuff and things. You can now also order our (kids) bamboo® chopsticks which are also straws for the lemonade. I'm checking out shopping-cart & pay software from my bank or maybe I make it myself for another mini-website. Next year there will be a little webspot where you can buy simple adornments and jewelry made of candy like winegums :)
      -   Tolerance is a beautiful word but it's often claimed not asked. Good-manners n calmness never hurted anybody's (space). Today is the inauguration. Update 1: inauguration day was okay. Update 2: Already some time ago I subscribed to the White House to receive updates but thus far I received no updates! Think that's kinda strange! I informed about it but : no updates. Also no updates from other instances and no news on little email to university Grunninge. Is anybody home? In Groningen my father (practically) lived on a boat years ago.
      These days I often hear mentioning parallel, multiple whatever kind of relativity of reality(s) (delivering same result) : In this light I think it's about the position and power of the observer ..Im upset that people -in the media- speak up so openly and denegrating about politics, pointing at individuals,not at the broader system.
      -  FLashing the traffic light. Disrupting the regulator. Taking, checking the/your 'system'.

      -  little update on 'Polaroid'. about my little family and a long time of Zersetzung. It is thís story itself that is important they, Bigbrother and notables, are trying to frustrate; raising extra stress levels and stress byitself increases -as effect- disorganization and slower (priming-association) thinking. I'm worried about my family and 'possible' health issues by -effects of- outside and remotely caused physical damage. It's a fixed picture. Away again with rest and recovery. Bouncing 'marble' at 6am.. I have a lot to find out. uploaded a photo (You catch the future in the past) of my great-grandfather My grandfather himself on photo's when he was young he looked like the child tsar in known sailor suit. The wharf, rad, the antique blue and black -first with inlayed hair picture of an uncle- ring (gone), the number nine, family history initials and names and of course the totaly unbelievable Zersetzung chase behind my family (started before 1900) to say the very least raises many questions about a sad but unique timeline of which 'they' have tried to prevent people speaking about all that I just did here , all that I try to change, and the many things I'll have to find out. Until old age my grandfather occupied himself with 'penmanship'. (1 skill taught to schoolchildren to copy meaningless texts in prescribed handwriting. 2) Calligraphy.) He (mis)took the beautiful boshy'penmanship for the label Writing. It's a simplification of numerator and the denominator of 'writing'. 'Penmanship' replaced the 'other' writing that he could or should have done and thought about - if he hadn't been manipulated and suppressed or even had a single clue of all the fakeness and abnormalities in his and our lives anyway, he had a certificate in business correspondence. Black ink. I have tons to find out about my grandfather alone I remind myself. What about his correspondence with London? How about his work near 'The Victoria' in our capital?
      How well can you make a family generation forget their own history, get rid of it, wipe it out under constant and tacit intimidation..?
      With zerzetsung related to my family I dont mean the old 'East-German thing' but the social mental framework of suppression and manipulation to say the least in my (family's) life by bigbrothers corrupted cults, alike or (para) active associations, government and so on.. Talking about denominators 2/3 = 3... ? Guess somthing like 32/48 or 3/3 / 3/2

      There are many ordeals by which we can fall into escapisme whether you're rugged or as sharp as Hades in a burberry raincoat off to Pimlico first-class but swallowed by organised stupifying bullshit will make anyone an emotionally blocked introverted bunch with the accompanying labels that are adopted by even grandchildren who might never find out the truth.
      Two initials of my grandfather were (ao) H.P.. Jzn while PH is the air code on all Dutch national airplanes. My -grand- parents never openly spoke about the zersetzung that brought us strange winds in our reality, the attacks on our minds, the silence across the street and everything organised! The early begun conditioning and lifelong 'active measures' around us made to keep my family shut up, wanted and want to 'break' us by which I mean all the (psychological) deceptive, intimidating, and hurtful methods that make you lose self-confidence and trust in capability, capacity and qualities, feeling not good enough to meet others' thus your own, expectations. These would be typical (self)leadership elements as I mention elswhere on this page. Deadly in combination with buzz cuz 'your' negativity can't get overruled by healthy thought; the black helicopter won't go away. Even big careers remain unsure to the core, susceptible for obediance and cheap advice. Others stay empty and nameless in life's corners.   My grandfather..
      Whatever fits manipulators' need and contributes to their goals: in behavioral and mental manipulation (*mind control) there is no morality, something positive is appreciated if it's seen as 'contributory / attributive' to the *result. Sure mind/behavioral control can lead to serious identity and emotional damage for a target-victim. The end of a line contains people not numbers..
      What's love got to do with it..? Well I tell ya, love can overcome all this. That's why they try to spoil every existing or new one. My fams, my life is within a murderous design to remain 'bourne' unhappy and to withhold love. But I won't allow this! It's not going to happen! The facts must be clear. But not when I'm old and ended up in the wastbin of coverups!
      btw I suspect, in addition to the mental terror and cover-up that conflicts my family for a long time, that 'somewhere' unhealthy obsession is also playing a new role in my direction - also a cover-up about thát - but more important perhaps it has also consciously seriously hurted others in my group of friends.
      Update: our Nigerian postman's: "goede morgen, mevrouw" sounds just like: 'goede morgen, mijn verhaal'..   Btw, sas it coincidence that my grandfather got into hospital because his eye hit a radio antenna? (anzenna is japanese for save, nl 'directional' lang.)
      -  There was a little smoke round my house recently. Infact a little fire was made and a big amount of smoke came from the roofs. Not funny.
      -  On mindyou more about the working brain > behavior of information itself and information processing and how these possibly effect the following behavior in time. I cleave the Brain in hardware and software, chemie (brain) and scheme (mapping and hierarchy). For some subjects please check the mindyou page.
      -   Update: I saw a photo of Wilhelmina (old queen) looking like my grandfathers mother. I could even fool my mother with it who as a kid often spend time at her grandparents house the Heijning. I do have a great old photo of my great grandmother robuste, moody, tanned and pretty   :) More on otherwebsite.

      -  My old house. Update: my old house next to the V&D (department store) will not be there much longer. This is part of a much bigger part. I want to find out everything about everything that was going on over there. (see old house further on page)
      Update II: the new spot will all be student units. The infuence on my fam's lives; the trouble and arranging ('handbook of suppression') are pretty much decided for. Whatever I say about our past it just right away touches something bigger. The basics are the same only the scale differs. In the story above it's not any different.
      -  democracy is even younger than 2nd world war. (about society and politics) How honest can we celebrate 75 years of liberation when on top of everything wrong & bad in our world, one realizes that only around 1970 women gained the right to vote in Swiss? (My music player NOMADS is originally about human rights) Moreover, married women were still considered not legally competent between mid 50's-70's in Europe. (1957 for my country). Screw the parade and thank the feminists. Real change goes suspiciously slow if there's any functional anyway; women minorities and human rights? thumbs up!!
      - -  Psychology (mind and behavior) hasn't said the last thing yet about gay sexuality. Many people would like to see it as a biological 'mistake' or manco giving it reason and destiny cause they are afraid to understand human is much 'makeable'. There is no specific gay gene or combination found, yet. No God given or purely biological reason or necessity that exclusively and only can allow for -the choice for- hetero sexuality. At the same time this also leaves early experiences and behavior (mind-set, believes) as cause for, and can in some cases point to a substantial portion of, someone's gay sexuality as a (self-convinced) 'role'. Everything and everyone has their specific 'advantages and possibilities' which goes for gay and gay community too. All too often I presume the media picture of two happy double-income queens implodes long before the social network runs out and becomes (again) a path of seclusion and lonelyness inside a depressive incontinental closet. Maybe watch-out with 'funny' experimentation cause it excludes thinking about consequence. Use Marklin® for experiments..
      The I psychology as part of personality map can be written in differnt ways more it can be changed. The LGHBT community is about identity feelings and behavior, hey isn't everyone, understand that thinking about sexuality is thinking about shaping society. You can not understand the world intuitively. Nor live it safely and wise.
      One of the things is, persons in a 'normal hetero relationship' can never be intimidated just because of having one, as opposed to gay and sneaky sudden sunbeam of double moral. Within this pages context and certainly to time, spirit of moral can be altered and (personally) debased.
      I hope in the future from another place on the net to show simple concise but true and clear light on the complex swamp of auto-immune, immune deficiency, external cell destruction and equal effecting diseases; their differences simularities and mechanisms with : STD's(hhv-8), hiv, (active A) radiation (marrow, cd-4), cancers, diseases and viruses, environmental factors (toxines) seriously affecting nucleus on these levels. In the marvelous year 2000 34 million people were hiv infected. 95% lived in developing countries mostly Africa also South Asia. No chains, chains of collections or devoted voters can change that.

      -   on my own way to the market I found an old copper thing (bicycle valve orso) looking just like a bullet, again. My collection is growing.. I had mentioned the Five-SeveN, the gun that shoots through iron, a few days earlier. I took measurements of the object I found and guess what , it's pretty close to a .45 ACP, suppository to another famous gun: the Browning 1911. (Belgium is outwarded in a remarkable way: Brussels, the vaccin and the Five-seveN.)
      The most used caliber for short fireguns is the German 9mm 'Luger'. The real name Parrabelum comes from 'Si vis pacem, para bellum' meaning 'if you want peace prepare for war' which could fit victims but doesn't fit an agressor. The police in my country has the also German Walther pistol which uses the above mentioned bullet.  **remember: use it wrong and you're on the run.
      -   often the reality behind the illusion will be a disillusion. Tv is a lonelyess drug. A lightgun for people living in boxes and addicted to one: an illusion. Real, true and good btw can al have diffr meanings. Anyways, in this efferdent uncertain corona times my plans for a music festival are gone.
      "Everything is wrong" is a song by Interpol. Our world of life and laughter is a lie. This world isn't about living together, this world is about death. A death divider. Distributor. And clarity and justice are not the name of the game. My HeartPulse festifal will have to waite. Waite. Waite Waite.. I tell you cuz its serious: 'dont wait'. Just try and do it. Some people have learned to wait. Can be good, can be way too long stupid; believe you me friend, things will take a fit once you start. On the other hand, with stress and work years can go bye as a time bang! For some of us it could be wise not to forget they have a life as well.
      -   Please note that this is roughly speaking just a dressed-up (personal) notes & comments page. information structure and development are not clearly ordered or chronological. I will not add more to the subject on page. The new psychology website mindyou will explain, order and distinct things, use lists and scaling and will be looking from all possible perspectives to the subjects and their relations such as from: an individual victim situation to the victim-self >< perpetrators and leaders >< organisations & cults >< all the way to mass behavior and countries. Be so kind to remember all in psychology has at least two sides tóó as with intent and use. As is in social strategies with public fault, capacity and honour.
      On this page I briefly mention twoity; social two-sidedness relevant to things like purity, totalism and *corruption. Only the truth is always wholly true. However each other's opposites don't always prove contradictory in a way of 'this side excludes the other'. In a boolean result may play many elements and all information can be made fraudulent anyway.
      Well, sometimes truths need 'some workin' to stand at the same side. For example when Bigbrother (by whoever in it) and for any reason, purposefully wants given people 'to be framed', and commits fraude with/in: sizing and timing of all kinds of information, interpretation and processing; the thinking framework; the way of acting(coldbrute, neglective), as well as profiling and manipulation of persona.
      I call the persuit of innocent people the mentally 'sick of it meanwhile' technique (bite). In Dutch: de 'onderhand eraan onderdoor' techniek.
      nb: Influence is a kind of inheriting quality. Control and influence on a person can be used indirectly to affect behaviour, viewpoints and decisions of this person's relations.

      Did you know that, when he travels near the speed of light, your grandpa can infact become younger than you? Put : data:text/html, <html contenteditable> in your browser bar and you got a notepad so you can quickly make notes of it.. Made a silly page with some two minute examples ..here.

      -  The bomb or how to stop worrying about what others think about you. This page is about a fluorescent lightblue and black burnhole. Heartlessness is the norm controlling the 'flock', reasonable subversives, non-conformists and all suppressed captivated souls and spirits. Bigbrother's Firm neglects, falsifies and erases love.
      Not allowing emotions doesn't necessarily have to be a problem but I know friends in a lifelong stubborn avoiding attitude of thinking nothing, remembering nothing, learning nothing. Getting fooled over and over and letting things slide off of you again. You don't wanna be Supergirl or Superman. Don't exist. But you can try to be a friendly living human. He or she who has learnt to lie very well against him or herself is capable in many ways to deny serious problems. Lies, stubbornness and nervousness play hide and seek with rest, self-respect and finally getting somewhere, with yourself.. Stubbornness can also mean you don't listen to yourself. When everything depends on the lie or becomes a shackle being a condition for living your life, it can drive you crazy! Solve or accept the causing problem is often wiser.
      -  Life-paths and wisdom is also about fear of death and fear of living, time, hope, spirit, mobility, health, moral responsibility, dignity, love understanding for youth and the elderly. I foresee a big rise in meaningful social relations and leisure -studies. And hopefully I pray a lot more respect for the sometimes tiny often daily miracles of our world! We all need love, meaning, to belong and we all want to be like effybody else.   (a deadly ill Van der Keuken -film maker : "I want to be like everybody else again." Film: the big holiday. With the unstoppable mass in the inexorable final scene. rr) Respect. Besides education and attention, just normal treatment and a little working job can start that.
      In the future people will all agree with the 'accusation' it was all your own free will, satisfactorily and truthfully.
      Something else: I often use 3 or 4 different words/arguments for an example as a loose summary but it's enough to show important sides and directions of a statement too. In a flat surface drawing, horizontal and vertical directions can be simply shown as dimensions. Everything is form (and number). With 3 or 4 you stand firm.

      -   conquest may be heroic but probably without justice. Plenty of greed and blinding jealousy though. Ahh, greed and lust in my language 'Hebzucht' en 'Heerszucht'. See the H's! The upside down Imperial TIE-fighters from Star Wars! Strength, logic, symmetry, symbols of geometry can always be seen in ('closed') higher circles. Part of worlds true worship of movement aimed at the glorius graces: comfort splendor and (WO)man. I prefered the X-wings, the single fighter that were to destroy the logically '5senses mind sphere' named Death Star. Star Wars was ,and still is, the dreamed perfect popstar. Willing and without a word of self-criticism yet ,for so long, having had more influence on people's concious than all Jacksons and Beatles combined.
      -  About the universal balls of power: itself, guts & glory, innocence, beauty and honor. Not easily to buy in a shop.. With Power obviously is meant: (century-old) ownership, (monetary) assets, means and resources, strength and abilities. On the pre-mindyou page I call this 'interest' (The Gold)
      -  about all the ways BB (state)intelligence and 'elites' (often bad part of ruling class and nobility their co-ops and 'agents' included) use 'their' many groups and orders, cults 'n' members (mental 'chain-gangs') and semi-agencies for psychological harassment in many ways: harpoons against your thinking and how all these under-jerks can kill the seed of happiness and prosperity and ruin lives of people, discriminate and ridicule them: on orders, sneaky and extra-judicial without legitemate reason and very real.
      On every (official) level, co-op operation round a target is based on: need to know, need to particepate. State is carte blance for 'state reasons but 'ruling class' elites - business or cake stand- with power and influence into the many fan(atic) groups can have mediocre and rancorous personal motives to ask these social etagères to fix somthin for them meaning that these 'purveyors to the court' can ultimately go as far as joining the over-time setup making parents or their kids hookers or homo if thats hinted by people who appearently can't deal with themselves.
      Upperclass is organized. Their organizations(bad bigbrother): the groups, knowledge, man and (war)tools are used to their benefit yet at the same time to control, suppress the people in general, as well as to fight state and system subversives and personal 'enemies'. Organs make body. It's still the iron against the powerless peasant;the richman's nepotism and feudality against the poor man's naivity, suppression and dis-organisation. Got to stop. Reasonableness is threatened with extinction. Fair dimensions without dependant coercive slavery for the other person and hopeless existences for the amusement of owners. Are you crazy! I would love to change those things. Put politics on stilts rock law & justice and order! They, I tell you, should've straighten themselves out long ago. Being there by the people and for the people! Build with vision and mission making things more honoust because class aint a soc-econ model, ás well as having checked or stripped all the cultic, half-open and asset-agent groups this page mentions (all included mal-functioning politics are part of badBigbrother) for these extra corridor channels bypass, influence or create pathways to external: control and instruction, rule and policy; make false support, claims, opinions, orchestrations; put gossip to their side and let krauts give designated 'targets' a call back to tire them to death or help breaking them. Control and containment is what you do with corruption, violence, rules and money, money, money! And politics ís the black hand of BigKapital. But changes start at politics. It must be depressing for some to see that Kapitalist dreamweaver has spun its contrarian weaving throughout everything.
      '..Everything you always wanted to know about church organs, elephants, institutions and one pig farm.'   Big Kapital is the fundamental and organized bunch of kartel and interlocked leaders of their own institutions, the blowing, stamping, sucking mastodon still controls allows and decides the lawn environment, makes the political and public agenda setting. Maybe there should be thorough research into relationships of business and (invest, central) banking. Cuz Family is just a phase and the Economy has always been in somebodys else's pocket.
      "Me can't find me girl name Fae, she must have gone with the boss deejay.."
      Where are the motions that ask to organize politics itsélf differently..! Wake up folks have a heart! We all must continually deal with a symmantically transformed reality or lies, grossly spoken 'they' too, and what is our mach II mercantilism more than an excuse for emotionlessness maximization, and the selfish (organised) scraping and squeezing cause it 'brings (criminal..) profit to the community'? It's effects you can see on the News every day. The false pretender who treats simple kind socio-economic ideas with critique of simplification often simply does not dare to face the 'unkind' facts of the real (economic) drives. Q dan q (rest u, vw, xyz).. De importantie of blankrijkheid der dingen.
       Somebody should have informed and guard us from the arrogant mentality the self-enrichment and oppression of the calculating ruling class(BB)andits compulsive powerlust, crimes & pranks. Our A-social reality builds upon discriminating economic inequality and is simply untenable without violence and corruption. Let's turn around cause and effect. Advantage: anywhere people within bèta-social disciplines start to understand their data again.

      -   people tried to discredit me, ruin my noticeability and tried to make me non-credible to others as well as to myself.
      I should have been an unreliable fool grossing out in: mistakes, exaggerations, wrong responses, lies, misunderstandings and misperceptions, biased conclusions, empty rhetoric and nonsense; I should have been unbelievable - didn't last. I should have been dead - didn't happen. I ought to have a useless, empty life and my honoust name and work spoiled - didn't succeed and it will never.
      Every bit of talent, everyting that is good: running, drawing, togetherness, music, dancing had to be erased, to be avoided, turned into the dark emptyness of a sad loser: addiction, lonelyness, trauma, nothingness. Trapped inside his cave, on the street as waste. They tried to kill and burrie it all; the love for love, joy for life and the moment, my thinking mind and selfrespect. The hidden bullshit became visible. Like white that undoes itself from white, it got foreground and background. And now the awareness of it never goes away, is the picture becoming more clearer and past things fall into place but.. can my government read?! Can my government read and does she want to see things..??

      **  - early January 2021 I woke up with a blood red eye. I got pretty scared you know: little panic,shaky legs,weak stomach, sickdizzy, wanting to disappear, thought I would lose my eye lens, that it'd fall right off. A week earlier someone I love very much got the same serious eye after she had fallen to the ground. I didn't know what I saw as I came back from another room I was shocked. Now I wonder: was her eye wounded after or befóre the fall? -
      -  also related to Mindyou I'll give a sketch of environment of my normal house and surroundings on my reality level. With the big rising head & legs of the red lighted bridge at night (I can see five bridges), the silent -hopper- day streets, always fires(restaurant and wharf), hugh white building with an envelope gap like a spaceship landingstrip (true) and much more remarkableness. The whole 'scene' and especially the house itself really adds to the idea of intimidation. It restricts. It takes away good feeling and gets to your throat. And it was meant that way. In my bedroom I am everywhere surrounded by vertical lines bars that were already there when I first moved in. Plastic bars (vertical blinds,lamina), wooden bars, shadow bars, iron bars from behind the windows. At night they pop up in the carlights as dark stripes together with the shadows of trees like graveflowers. Sleeping in a prison. Intimidating. Deliberately. I have been living within a continuous (mental) murder attempt. It has always been so and it won't stop. Same for my fam. But I left the shadow corner and ever since things have gotten a little bit more scary for me. Every day war. non-stop stress. And it will never go away only lessen temporarily like now by the situational circumstances.
      I can use it as a good example. And I'm the closest to a view noone else has. A different crownlayer. TiraMisu. HitlerCamping. And I am used to have always known the 'too silent streets and wallpaper behind the windows (like in Delft) and housing situations as a set-up of negative reinforcement in which even neighbours by name or any other outer aspects played part in the psychological covert co-op but, this one's truly special.
      I've heared a neigbour was at the same spot(s) that I was while on a trip in Barcelona some years ago. I recall noticable figures indeed. What groups have BigBrothers services 'brought' my family to, to have them come to their bad attention anyway?
      Some neighbours clearly associate with pictures from the past, ..like my moms neighbours who are the remarkable inverse of a married couple in Delft (he a mathematician) whose initials spell grave in dutch and who had a big german shepherd dog: twigs at the tree of underbelly unrest, uncertainty and alienation ..or like my Turkish neighbour wife with voice and mimic of my then girlfriend.
      They've learned to love the kidnapper round here. It's order within a greater disorder. With everywhere built corruption group organised over-looked trouble on every level, in every layer. Self deafd. There goes tramp Chaplin with his little hamer st*uck in the radwork wheels of the system! Bye poor loser. Without further explanation or adding information: the capital T of trauma is a push button. It works for the small, it works for the big. It works.

      -  minorities and recognizability. Good examples are tremendous important because (self)-undermining can even start with tiniest of notions.
      -  I have a page named   PEGASUS   about money and Trottels. Trottels are little troll creatures who came to understand that the big monster they were fighting was in fact themselves standing on eachother. You also meet the name of Pegasus in architecture preferably high flats. It is also a well elaborate website with rather some remarkable background information on the vague archives and historical disputes and controversy around 'Orange' royals, constitutional errors and criminal records. You can check it out here:  Pegasus   (link)  (no English, use translator)

      -   last but not least: I'm going to reduce wifi, microwave and Google. I want to use old-fashioned cooking pans. No more health poisoning Teflon and non-stick coating pans. Throw them all away. Did you know that your kitchen cooking oil at very high! temperature is self-inflammatory? So better don't forget about that pan on the fire and let oil get tóó hot. Update: Im proud owner of two sheet steel frying pans. Oiled and heated them; result: natural non-stick in 1 minute. Update: Rust in Pans after three(3!) days: Threw them away also. Now last solution: I'm very proud (and poor) owner of stainless steel and enamel frying pan. These are the best.
      .  This is character for fire in Chinese or Japanese. Hi (or Ka) in Japanese, Huǒ or huǒyàn , in Chinese. Ka is also used in Japanese language to form a question.
      -   the little texts in dutch I write on this page and elsewhere can be hardly translatable watch out with translation results.

      This year '22-23! I'll be moving. For good. A future is impossible and it will stay this way. I write a tiny bit more furter on page -for own archive.
      - My father still read SF Perry Rhodan and his friends ao Gucky, the ultra-cool giant hyper powered telepathic telekinetic and teleportation able MouseBeaver. Sounds like a sectarian wet dream. It must be the pre-made picture not thinkin about the practicability of things.. In a fearfull perception of reality: how big is your initial belief space? You are what you believe , this cóuld turn against you. Keeping extranatural fantasies somewhere secular, separated from reality, principles and common sense doesn't hurt a spine. So...
      -   Does magic exist? Is the monarchie a kidsfantasy always birthdayparty with pie and important? What is it? Is 'guiding buddy' magic with knowledge and understanding of the emotion still Magic? The Force ('be with you Luke') makes susceptible for spiritual influence (which can potentially be harmfull) and self-deceit. 3M (the obscure Miss Teri Carr) means: Magic, Myth and Mystery. They can stretch things infinite and fill them with all thinkable and indefinite. Magic: or why something that is NOT possible, stíll is possible..[ned:waarom iets dat NIET kan, tóch kán.. :] Leave Magic to the p/t imagination, watch a nice movie or art or nature. Magic may mean excitement to many, it's also part of our fears as a child. Pragmatisme and knowledge are healthy and real, these try to build credible assumptions, true magic don't exist. And I shouldn't trust on just spells either. However who isn't spiritual? In a way nothing is sure ,often we don't have answers nor fully control our decisions when the pure 'nd trusted intuition comes up with something good; from your own engine-room the subconscious mind.
      One thing is for sure: I'm looking for a cheap place, a berth, in a harbour around here. Next year 22-23 I want to go with a little sailing boat from south to north via small waters. In my own little country. Magic!
        I want to work so unlike last time there'll be no people but me. But I' bring my guitar for dinner.. Geweldigenoten.
      My beautiful precious depressed schyzofrenic country, sunken in, rising out herself. Landchild! Childland! stand up for yourself.   Haha! (Haha 母 means mother in Japanese) Just considerations, contemplation and a lot of drawings.
      In '24 I'll have the trip worked out with maps. I already know how the real 'voyage' will end: I see a seagull, I see a cat. Then they're dissapeared and I climb on the land in the rain near a tent I play a tune and then.. I'm married to Suzie! :) Simply.   ..My country is named The Netherlands or in dutch: Nederland.picture of dangerous wide water.
      There is also a Nederland in Nederland. But I won't go there. (link)

      At times I think.. the city is over for me anyway. The more busy you get, the more free healthy Zuiderzee air you need maybe. Rest and simplicity. There'll be a day that I am on my way back along meadows, a few yards and workshops, a little church and cosy homes with fruity (jinro) wine and bags of vegetables to make a large family pan of soup at home. A light. 'Cause light is live, breath, oxygen, clearity, free, warmth and support, up. Magic and mysterie will aways be there but there's no harm in trying to gain a little more terrain under our feet of complacent doubts. And what do you want with the future anyway.. the dirty inner city filled with chaos; lizard girls selling themselves; junkies, zombies everywhere and nothing left of your remotely guarded free will while clean air and water go by coupon, noisy eigenwijs-bank is writink his 2000th tune and Bach turns out to be the wastbin of anonomous piano playing grandmothers. We will not be sealed!
      nb kinda. imagination is a brain sense evoking from the inside out. You can project a red heart in the sky and visualise it, see it with the eyes of your imagination. (I don't need glasses to see my dreams better). "Insight in the brains register of (worded) emotions and -processing protocols of the (sub)conscious is like pizza; you never have enough of it" (Founder Wheeliestan). Even better: perception is another dimension!

      Reason aux. Coercive influence, unwanted 'hospitality'.
      reason. Comes from characters for jewel and village, ain't that nice! Our lifes run on order, law and trust.
      Spirits are happy little playing children, sparkles. Leave'm alone. Good and fortunately that many people go about their little charms and spirits in happy and harmless ways without bad people around to abuse and exploit these open vulnerabilities.
      The mind can be trapped into conditional and dissociative states of functioning and thinking. Organised cultic orgs can maky u susceptible for habituation of (external) influence. These places may be filled with leeches and freaks that seek to control and manipulate the inside 'manager and reception' of people. Of you. They practice invocation, tell u to allow a spirit to pop data into your head, to 'seed and feed' the spirit untill it takes yóu over and you are: somebody else's servator or a stressed out ir- prefix..
      Healthy reception desks or heads don't make holes in responsibility, wisdom and clearity, for their safety. Also failing is better than fooling and you don't have to get rid of compulsive entities. Just grow some guts.
      *nb: we dó have our own con-servator Warhola. We dónt have Campbell soup but hey we got unox en worst case scenario from HEMA.

      -   Targets and victims of (politically) directed organized long-term intimidation and frustration like on this page are seriously affected by groups and movements that frustrate life and work of these targets, on orders or instigation, and are as quick as chickens around to nip away and smother any positive seed of development and intentions and to highlight mistakes, of the 'enemy'..
      For many many years now - and still- my fam is surrounded by buzz and manipulators talking in to us, working the mind. Dreaded persistant Sabotage.It must account for thousands of mental beatings, attempts to flatten trust, sow conditioned fear and imbedded uncertainty. Killing initial happy thoughts by the non-stop overule and rejection that makes you think your health or subconscious give of warning signals, sending your mind the wrong way and yourself nowhere. And where was my country, anybody to warn us..? The forces that instigated to the zersetzung surround, suppressing my family, tried to kill, deform and cut off life, every important relation and inner connexion to strength, talent, love and dream. Even sense. They have tried to turn all I craved for into indifference. Indifference is criminal. Murder without blood for so long and indeed we have been very lucky. (We've only just begun Dread.) Maybe it's the gray weather around here: it makes you ponder and point at people. Because that's the nature of a native Dutch regenneger.
      In my African cooking pot of the new website about organised psychological crimes against political dissidents and anybody else in trouble, I hope to help out showing the how's and why's of psychological (m)atrocious methods, especially for loyal fam and friends of those victims/targets still in the midst of the devestating initial shock by the fire-storm of confusement games & tricks, aimed at the person and played against those people, that tries to make a flatline of mind and reason against bowing for compliance.

      -   Political- corruption is a purposefull manifest process which causes standard informational misunderstandings. You can't aspect to make change just looking at things as to solve 'incidental' mistakes. When corruption concerns 'the firm' it's often: 'the weakest link is also one of the highest'.
      My *privacy has been so mashed, defied, my hopes for a normal life so shattered andfrom early on made impossible that I have to leave.. It prevents people from discussing and solving problems together. It's unbelievable: passwords, thoughts, statements are repeated. I feel and live in the disruptive and bizarre realization that I/we are not alone anywhere. There is no other option. Not only to be able to work and straighten things out from the past, but also to get my life back. Greetings from the Prudential assurance company Ltd. Seriously, I'm jaded disappointed. The last real people I've seen were on Hill Street Blues.
      There are numerous social ('disguised') order, inspection, supervising duos & teams that contribute to this, by every clue and (external) inducement, using any occasion to look with intolerant and prejudiced wrong eyes and rapport escalation. Full of type I and type II errors. I mention this in a commented out note-text called 'administrative truth'. On the new website (household) examples, that targets can pay attention to because they serve as a starting point to give rise for further misery and cause a lot of hassle and loss of time. What I'm saying here is: water is in many ways like noise, it slides everywhere in between. btw Water can also be used to indicate something else, I have to pee.
      * privacy ([dutch] -trouw in (eigen) ruimte, lichaam en geest. Trust in (own) space, body and mind, ** important relational within page theme. Privacy and Distribution (dutch: Verdeling) are often part of Conflict.(dutch:pvc, Paper darts through a yellow plastic tube) In a sense we are taught to ignore the aforementioned important values.   shelter, the right to be alone.)
      ** Note: ID, system, rights. The cia triad of information (weighed confidentiality, integrity and availability) > Docility from trust.

      -   I wrote a tiny line about knowledge (values and exchange of disciplines) on another file. From (Shell magazine) : "You might think scientists join each other on complex issues, but inter-disciplinary research is scarce." How democratic is knowledge and are there linguists in the SCOOP program?
      -  we live in a time all generations can openly enjoy & love the same music from many variations, also we can pass on family video it's easy! So, I go start a series of messages to my kids in year 2300! Here's some moon-mail for Earth by the Sea from moon base.. Greetings from Grandad.   btw, can you tell what is the opposite of bitter? and sour?
      -   *  this page contains hidden comments.
      -  I leave this page for a while. I'll put a little text on a page with a simple little tune. And a last one named 'Maria on a rainbow'.

      --  just incase: I am not channeling, telepathic or in some kind of spiritual/astral contact or whatever with someone. Because this simply don't exist. Also, I do not know nor have I spoken to, people or anyone from any kind of (mainstream) net/radio/tv media anywhere, ever! That's the Real and Simple truth.Got that? Neither have I corresponded, sms-ed, chatted or e-mailed with people about this website. Knowing you because of or via this Rocksushi and related website(s) or any other internet stubb is really impossible. I DO NOT talk to you about Rocksushi and website(s). I am MJ and I'll be making a book named : 'IK ja, Rocksushi'. :)

         Una mayoría no tiene que ser absoluta en número,   la relatividad se reconoce a sí misma, es una piedra. (Rocko la Sushi)

      I saw a creature so small and fair that I knew: this being is just too small for the hands of God,
      but too big for his conscience.
         End of 'lacking in-text.'

      I ask people to send me any piece of information regarding the organised malpractices towards my family. Also I want to ask you for information about the topics of (mass) psychology, psychological suppression and malversation as well as corruption, private organisations and their [concealed] social-structures both important to our society as to man, to a broader understanding and acknowledgment hereof, and to enable the general public with this information to inform itself in the best possible way via the new website. Your help would be really very much appreciated!

      I don't lie the truth, I speak the truth about lies..
      Think I'll see it comin' perpetrators ain't appalled by what they've done, but because they realize they will not get away with it.
      Together with a few internationally established independent parties within: law, expertise and media a.o , I want to investigate
      the who and what regarding the background of my family, what happened to my family and who was involved.
      Let's make our world a little better.

      About my point of view
      Below, all nouns have their necessary, wonderful, valuable and common sides. Here are a few caveats though.

      1)  I'm against these rules that make elite and declare elite and those who pursue a discriminating (exclusive) class system to consciously reduce the chance of an equal life(BITE) and -the responsibility- with which you fill it. (econ. pressure, levelling! & lorenzCurve, supply & demand, prosperity circlulating!). Money makes money. The lorenzcurve shows you people/income inequality. Like an A with an 'extendable' wedge between the letter's legs that shows anything between a 'sugarmountain' or a form indicating income equality a triangle in a ratio of 1 : 1 : 2. There is a relation between income-inequality and the real mother named capital-inequality. Capital means power to connect grow & build. That's why we don't have it. It means ruling over others instead of rules for all.
      2)  The european royalty nowadays raises a lot of doubt. However, I mainly agitate against the groups with which (top)elites and bigbrother from a systematic consequence surround themselves to violate rules and damage innocent lives.
      3)  I especially suspect the crowded West of a colonialism and imperialism that suppresses and rewards worthless everywhere.
      4)  I stay for a while at 52.389293, 4.837228

      Making education and studying only available at the cost of too much money is the biggest imaginable shameful thing except for having no good school around you to go to at áll.
      Systems want machines. They want 'mens' not menselijkheid, they want 'dig' not dignity. But being human alone ..is not enough. We need awareness, basics and respect. (Jaiks! Is-it-a ghostly phenomenal phantom?)
      I wish every living soul, at the moment especially all 'polar bears', wisdom rest and peace as soon as yesterday. the spice of life - link(audio)
      The difference in media and political approach between the Ukrainian war and the Iraqi war is if not sleazy then at times ridiculous. Minds that are not really involved forget plenty. Like that CNN held office inside the ministry of information in Bagdad befóre Gulf war 2 started..
      Ukraine should not despair. Nato's resolute actions will soon bring you bananas and cross-word puzzles to threaten the Sovjets with. Don't worry!

      ..Sometimes he really paints dem clouds.
      Always I met organized (especially covert) influence: break self, build wreck, null life, off mode and inside very small.Living monitored and manipulated, in a whisper cell increasingly orphaned of yourself. Unknowing about the invisible training, sanctioning, conditioning, brainwashing and emotional control of mind and behavior. A constant attack on self-responsibility and quality of life. Rape of the mind that is and it's still here! Some less fortunate than me, while worrying about what the hell 'owns' them, would fall with self-respect and selfie into an addiction for the necessary self-affirmation as quickly as a Gloster Meteor swoops a snipers nest.
      In fact, I am shocked every day about my/our(fam) situation, our deeply affected lives. I think about the flowing line of unfrustrated development, I think of our ówn mortified twisted tangled line. How insane mind-blowing criminally this is and has been going on while I had to try and deal with so many twisted and painfull crap 'n' lies coming consciously and unconsciously whistled to my head, to screw over happy mindsets. That Huxley horror, omni present plagueing and (s)talking over my shoulders is wherever I am, wherever we are. For years throughout the day and it is devastatingly killing.
      As soon as we want to come out of our little dark cave to breathe, see, eat, live, every good intention immediately must deal with Pavlovian intimidation, to pushback and deprivation of (mental) necessities of life. Life Painted Black.
      I'll say it again: it's war and that sucks got that? Because war is its own generator and anger and alertness blow the days of the calendar, leave nothing of your years. And because this situation is so perplexingly illegal and crazy. What does the STATE allow to happen to people in order to protect and keep their mean bobos and fairytale characters happy and full of themselves? Because NOTHING remains of a healthy happy autonomous existence, and NOTHING remains of the image of an honest neutral government because : they don't meet the least to their responsibility not even as I write about things!
      It seems that because of my family related old (national) lines of interest, designed relationship(s) and now my website, some took on a premature idea of having wanted me to die in disbelief'. The bias and threats I meet anywhere, are sometimes of a shocking and worrysome nature.
      Thát's my privacy, thát's my conscious, thát's my life. Since the very first day of my existence. Not one of hope and free choice but of always optimistic hope and invisible oppression from icy iron, shunny and shiny.

      Please let me kindly inform you that : --* I request information about instructions and orders from or related to organized cultic groups and orders directed against -anonymous- third parties or me :(
      An appointment for a conversation at a police station was moved to another location that was not as easily accessible for the public. It clearly became a meeting of rejection, referral and 'off record'.
      I have kept extra -albeit minimal- additional information about the data/text below, such as times and situation.

      My shoutlist. For a full version see here..
      "You have to listen!", I heard anonymous people muttering to me inside a bookshop recently.To what? Frankly, in our context, you don't want to listen, you want to think. You don't want to listen at home for what to do to: ghosts, coincidences, devils, sounds from the outside etc; you usually would want to think for yourself!
      Also you want to believe what is right not what you want to believe is right. Naivity and blindness are tools the moment you came to understand the world sucks.
      Here are some examples I promised in my: little home terror example list. Buss is how I call the upsetting 'break' remarks that I can hear all day like gestapo talking into you. They can also come with buzz (emulating of inner thought, manipulating mind & choises). More about buzz in another paragraph. In between parentheses are my own comments or additional text. It's on top of page cause of personal relevancy.
       Anyway, here is my 'shout-list'. Named as such because of their impact, nót about the volume of the just hearable (you can't make conscious listening choise, let alone with buzz) remarks aimed at me 24 h/d that I must endure while at a place named my home..like:

      "you may soon again write off more years of your life", "only lives to be 70", "will also be lying downstairs soon"(on and on shocking and degrading information indoctrination is stressful, helps to damage and slow all cognitive processes. It scraps my energy, my health, my time.), "They also deadened his sister in front of the camera" (christ.. pro's, nutheads, groupfanatics or culties. Can appear as jerks or normal people/families. Placed frustrators or professional psychological behavior mtc's aka trainers/controllers: they can be close or far away wolves in sheepclothing and [give room to] buss or buzz aka voicing). What do fukkin informer scenes all do and know about people? And then all the 'too late, too old and almost dead' threat 'calls' by surrounding 'nazi heels', wheel and will clamps, insidious snitches brainwashin' you dejected, nervous, choking life and happiness. Azotomia of my heart. The obstruction theory applied here means you are: worried happy feeling and worried every beginning: not as in going ahead, but back up to where you started, as in set-back, as in no rest and depressed and you don't even wánt to start something..
      Wether frustrating Singletons on some senior leaders' orders or PRO manipulators in an organised assignment; the whole Fu%*&ing stack is corrupt an criminal. How do you think the continuous sickening, mood-breaking commentary (buss) feels like? Every day and night. Nazi heels kicking, twisting, chopping your soul, nerves and heart. They destroy you, your positive believes, your identity and the idea of being the orchestrator of, and living a normal undisturbed life. For some of my family goes that 'for a lifetime has a life been deliberately deformed from the outside!' Thís is the war. It's with 'the Beast'..),

      "to make working for him impossible"( Language.. imagine you get intimidated, with the idea of a friend thinking you're pursuing this person. Part of this person's name is clearly recognizable as part of conjugations in our everyday language. How can you write anything without fear of giving out wrong signals..? Deep muting impact dilemma but does the mayor know this is happening to people?), "by whom is his life made impossible? by a queen!", "refuses to get insecure", "He basically hears throughout the day that he should not jog", "he also regularly withdraws from the program", "don't make it so hard for 'karate's' sister"(Karate Pepperspray? still have to google a thing or two.), "we may not let him think of nice ladies", "'they' must think it is a brain inflammation", "(..) girlfriend has gotten big legs", "kind van de rekening"(vaker), "We just screw around so much that he starts everything too late" (even the slightest breeze moves a boat forward. meanwhile some 'remarks' are so boldly shocking that you freeze while you feel a short-circuit go through your veins. ), "because pretty much all medical remarks have been removed.."(I want to collapse. Again I'm very afraid for my work!!), "just unlucky"(jebus christ what a remark), "It's all stephan and that long one behind him", "the burn-out of 70 people sits here", "you gonna get hit" (the buzz/voicing by frustrators/manipulators can prepare victims full of fearful expectation for aggresive conflict, plays chess with people. Worse is that they threatened to make themselves known and present to people I love which can raise many questions and cause dismay and existential panic about their lives), "already is a whole life long afraid to be hit in the face"( yea, misplaced hunches, x-tra nervousness and unrest as you gou out. Now I know it was buzz. Before you know it you prefer to stay home), "will fall into a bloodcurdling reality", nearly 05.00 with happy intentions for the day but there's already talking: "he has (had) no life", "he only cursed 'under his breath' (inner voice), we are not allowed to respond to that..", "Your brother abroad has also been harassed by 'god' a little too often".
      "your mother has become so thin because of all that beating"(about buzz/buss. (Hello lawfull State: so a.o. these are the species we have , initially completely unknowingly, to deal with for a lifetime already!), "only just now made it a letter p" (my Scoob! remark), "you see ghosts.." (Huh? I was reading a book about Deutsche bank... What does that manipulator ashole mean who ,so to speak, walks laughing with a gun past his prisoners and has become completely accustomed to have power over his victims? That this is really a book about the Deutsche and not a cult-like coat rack to actually confess a different story? Well.., I don't know whát it is, but I think it sucks.), 'you were like Brett A. ,Al Green' (at bookshop. People have no idea of the seriousness. The Zersetzung from cult & association life ('t verenigingsleven') even follows me into the bookstore but they also influence my possible relations. Make-believe and manipulation, to deceive, stalking & spying, to corrupt and ruin, playing people against eachother etc; it's their hobby)

      "Marathon Man" (as I ran down the stairs of the market square. But I want to say this: that one can behave (privately) for years as a 'mental', a child, imbecil - dead while alive. Through a depicting, narrowed mindset filled with uncertainty due to intense and relentless programming with deception, manipulation, confusion, fear conditioning and broken self-esteem simply due to bad treatment by other people. Fooled by 'modder and fladder'. I am not a youtube teen. This page is very serious.),"from his 7th on", "you may know that it was the intention you would end up in a wheelchair"( Much weird bullshit happening around my fam like forever. Sometimes I say to myself that my brother and mother should be protected. When I jog my little piece before 6am and double shadow creeps up from behind or there's a sudden cracK or rustling sound, I am sometimes kinda startled for a moment.),"because hardly anyone knows how forced things were (are)", "because he says 'Lock on heed?' ", "is actually constantly at gunpoint"(The ongoing talkin(in) to by surounding 'camp-guards', -who infact make of you and all knowledge and information stolen from your privacy a group confession,
      who frontaly attack your meaning in all You are and Do while you are at home.. continuesly and year after year-, is dead-tiring(understatement)! but just as disgusting is how organised intentional psychological deception and decievement, with anyone possible through stupid ideas that only bad nazis think of tried to hurt and damage my parents -they were children with children- by their gullibility. It's terror, it's war crime and Hów could all this have been made possible, ever!), "they have made a public diorama of him", "thinks he's still 16 but will be 60 by then",
       I worry about victims waking up and realizing the betrayal of the, perhaps years of mental kidnap and takeover. A humiliating control by intense covert and overt manipulations and coercive influence on our minds and lives. That there are 'people' out there who know what happens to victims from childhood on is unforgivable. A deranged lifelong 'royal' embrace. A lifetime! Every remark will be on the new website every bit of this brutality.  
      "Your whole life is pre-processed.."  (yes I fear the worst; the seriousness of the manipulations -on this page often covert- to the head, the 'close-up', the general corruption machinery, advance of the wrong waltz), -It's dark as I lay on the couch just before sleeping when I hear: "you get a knife on your throat" - I spontaneously think of an escape route, and hear: "he announces his escape route!" - I tell myself that at least half of my thoughts consist out of a can of herring in tomato sauce - then I hear: "pain in your heart!" This is all real and at the same time a very sick movie but degrading, deranged and scary!
      "they also ended his family tree" (buss about a gay guy. known elitarian nazi-like people hurt/getback doom scenarios. again how great is the madness that sweeps the world), "also becomes increasingly more difficult to breath" (this was an attempt to make me forget the previous sentence), "his heart beats quietly, because it beats on its own for the first time.." "you can assume that your little tree is dead"(anyway sometimes I lie there shaking for 3 seconds from nervous shocks and shooting pains at night),

        It's at the end of a winters night. The temporarily appartment where I live, has a big parking lot downstairs, a space where one can hide, the houses are noisy. 06:15. A voice. It runs empty as in a séance, a whole bunch of shitty remarks: "There's been treason for life on that guy", "tsar television", "should have received legal aid and knowledge only in the year of death" (that's HEAD VI), "Tonight it almost goes wrong"  (Headache I'm surrounded by premeditated asholes that call off, fake and sabotage our lives. A crazy movie and I still say it's very quiet around here..)   Some more hints fly by: "is on the list to..", "it's just a coincidence!" (Just before that I'd taken a picture of something I almost unawarely see from my sleeping spot. what is coincidence? here's the picture.. link   on the roof across my temporary house -in a corner. Coincidence :) ), "you're going to be held at gunpoint tonight too" (reminds me to something outside : "yes, we're at the 'office' now"), "terminal, has been given up."
       Time for coffee Jeebus Christ.. party over. I feel sick. Somehow I am reminded of that Stasi bad-good cop Hoover the secretive gay who was the absolute boss of the Feds for half a century. Infiltration at highest national level, a top key right between his own wichhunt papers for compromising information of which an entire (personal) administration was kept, even about members of parliament and the police service itself.

      As I watched one of my family members(having an important meeting) get inside my brothers car I saw a 'school' example of coverted bullshit, a 'play' enroll, orchestrated dark and light lines no-doubt trying to subconscious influence a target(my fam member) and the whole darn psychological-neuro grid moving along! What has been going on all these years on the cold red square in the corner of our eyes?

      Impossible situation. Utter terror. And I wonder: also responsible for other victims? And also not unimportant: is there still a mature security service with a heart and a conscience that wants to explain more than a century of trouble? Where is the 'state' of The Netherlands? Why does this country hand out people to terrorists?
      There comes a moment I'll ask my government(people and/or archives must know) via a supreme court which main parties are guilty which may include themselves or at least being corrupt and culpably, punishable ignorant. It's simply impossible not knowing a thing. We're 'shielded and profiled' and the same shit has been put on our case- They keep us hanging on a line between psycho-social framing and a single ice-cream cake somewhere hoping for justice until we drop dead anonymously, due to a zersetzung full of mental oppression that mashes normal life and hides you from the world. Preferably feeless, lifeless, mindless like extinct ..and then being woken up just before the end. Cuz you see, rather than my situation emerged from the terms of my own free will, it very much was influenced by the premediated manipulations around me, aimed to control my life, depersonalized, hardly bearing a name. Goes for all of my family.
      They try to pump out my heart, lock down everything, keep me stationary without taking off and hope I drop dead. Fuck it. Oh man, what I have and what I love gets taunted and provoked, frustrated and chased away, they laugh behind my back and what they can steal from me they build upon. Nah, no silent cover-up for me. This must be heared and trialed.

      ..it's not even 06:00 hrs and just awake that I get/hear comments that: 'totaly crushes the idea of a normal, safe and reliable situation (at home) in which I can confidently rely on my privacy and that of others with me.'
      "poluted your life", "next spring will be your end too"(the constant talk, voicing and emotional hijack is an ordeal. An almost unimaginable hell. Have we been able to be alone and think free for óne moment? Is this overwhelming, mind-absorbing and destructing accompaniment, upto our very death?!),
      "gets a ring to reality more and more often" (you stiffen and become dizzy. when you think of how -in a controlled way- your natural protected and uninterfered life has been and is made impossible. A victim simply cannot believe, cannot accept what is going on. For my fam and me, these shattering and mind-boggling practices are not just going on day in and day out but have been going on since childhood. This also applies to my parents and grandparents. The rest of my page is a bit about the ingredients of 'destructive psychology') ,
      "Your (a family member) is under our control." (it's mental rape. It's repeating insultment, frustratement, involuntary learning and perpetuate conditioning, 're'-trauma and it still continues. I can trickle and cry for two years thinkin about the misery, the impact it all might 've had on our lives, the fearmongers, sickmakers, the organized betrayal, to purposefully and intentionally limit and hurt our lives and future, faith and destiny. Meanwhile, all day long, stalking Mengeles amuse themselves with their victims 'beaten up' to miniatures mentally and seeking to survive in the puppet playhouse. I often asked myself how can it be? Looking at the world around us. It felt not right, wrong, fake. Unnatural! A mismatch between who you are basicly and your life, the situation.
      Now I know.. How indeed they faked it. Filled our surroundings with emptyness, delay, disinterest, surly bias, false response for our daily emotions; nothing, nobody 'seemed at home'. They've tried to smother the glow of ánything positive around us and inside us. An official ban from the divine comedia that high end corruption is),

      [..There is excitement and commentary around me about what I want to do..  It's pressing and retarded. Do big brodder cops miss out on a reward if I feel happy or something? You can almost feel the sting of how for decades it has been their excessive intent trying to let my family and me be unhappy, kept under, bereft of love, happiness, 'to build' and that it has to remain that way; at any cost. It's unbelievable, a living prison camp. Nothing is really normal. For só long there has been manipulation and damage outside and inside our heads. Heartless and with no regard for feelings whatsoever. It's a GDR zersetzug, a private MK and the authorities have done nothing against the generations of offensive terror. Kidnapping. All this was and is is menticide. I recognized it with my grandparents: life, story and position harnessed or made impossible. You can't live until you're old and weak. These are the hot coals of the story from an old, dark and messy coal scuttle that raises a lot of questions. ]

      "that's why they're always trying to clear his mind", "because this goes beyond Nazi. All 'resources' should have been deployed long ago." (May I ask: what is the opposite of always nervous, restriction, under 'probation' and hostility..?), "the family situation is even.."(Have, perhaps due to the weighty importance of the elite and state-related assignment to our kaltstellung, all kinds of sifted superstitious pharaoh wackos been busy for years and years to eliminate us prematurely as preventive sacrifices and substitute bodies for possible problems and ordeals in fearsome times for the other side? - and do the authorities look away for as equally long because otherwise they'd have to investigate their boss and a huge pile of bullsh*&t? -Like two half sinuses make a circle, this misery is the angles between right and wrong. The many cultic cultivated word, cross, self-puzzled dumbblunt blockheads and believers with vague commands, vague leaders and poisoned sham, may indeed be what's required for an unsuspected deeply corrupt system. If you mess with people before they can even walk, you're building a McDonald's factory with people destined* to become a 'hamburger', whack!   hamburger, hamburger, sláp! The idea of the wind of the zersetzung is: to have to let the 'circumstances' drag us along like a lesser child, but inferiority is a lie, you must stand on top of your equality. It blew a kind of discrimination : they tried to restrict, frustrate me in as much and many ways: all capabilities and possibillities an unbothered person can benefit and enjoy from, as the result of being -able to be- the best of himself).

      "Cause he writes himself"(anonymous people on the street), "he is a pielot"( chinese girl in the street), "it'll soon be over in a bigbang ignition, charges have already been applied..", or take real threats like "your kid is coming to it's end." Perversions by the perverted. Live terror and frust stowing goats. Cowardly mess. The bit-a-dirt of impelled (covert) organised bullshit that tries to take over your fore-ground and get to the nerves. How big how long for these leeches? Update 2023" - "when your last child is to pieces",
      "It's family murder indeed." (My stomach turns. it's over. A point has been reached. Bastard practices may continue apparently.. while I must deal -on people I love- with control and conditioning around here. Chique gloves their doggies and governmental duty drop, cover-up, rumour stop, holding us down, bad cops, ear pops, shock, scare, chop and break jobs. I'm looking for a constitution.. and some real people. Ál die hoge en heel lage gemene opdracht smeerlappen en hun moffen zijn héél ontspoortief. scum), "We traumatized your kingdom", " you get irradiated", "we get paid", "real politics is on our trail", "only when you're dead will 'polio' be rid of", "just about everything is beamed to pieces in there", "that's why his body also got code red", "this one here killed (name of person about whom I already expressed some concern)", "don't talk -sjutup-!! go away! don't- don't do that!" (-indirect- bombing of kids imperatives. adds to the mental shrink & screwbox of nervousness, depression and intimidation. It's nlp. Pinces nerves.. -Subconsciously- sneaks into your system; influences, damages and ambivalent restrain/freeze targets), "your mother is under our emotional control", "ze noemen hem het opwachtstation".
      I tell myself: nuh worry Dread betta days a come. You can take a problem put it on top another and get out of the pit. All you need is commitmen and guts. Just like the stars that ride the nightly skies and the indian who climbs the well's steep sides.
      I lay in bed tired in the morning. I was thinking about an old relationship. When I talked to myself about this, I got 'negative pulse' in every form: "Shut up, you'll get another 'military' warning"
      Infantilization is part of the nasty tone of the sham and blame rhetoric flood exercised on a vicim that shifts mood, motivation and self-esteem to zero. The flood of degrading accusatory remarks victims get to hear I dubbed WISE cuz they are bout you being: wrong, infantile, stupid and evil in every way. At 5-6 AM when I'm awake on a summer morning, serious sickening remarks about me and other people pass by : relations, accusations and insinuations about other people, suicide and passings, incest, deadly diseases, threats, intimate details!, failures, accidents you name it; language that is confronting, stalling, dirty, harassing, hurting, discrediting, swearing, untrue or bullshit information, filthy, shocking, infantilizing, dumbifying, denigrating and so forth. On a simple day I might have had had more to endure before 8 O'clock than somebody else in 10 years.
      What I did find nice though was crooked spaghetti from a new pack right from the store! But that ain't half as weird as being surprised and over-confronted with car accidents upto the art-installations in exhibitions.
        That people -in my country- can be played like this, as taken prisoners, up to their minds and inside their own homes! Where is conscious mind, justice and SWAT to be found around here?  International 'Groups' and their inner-connections already should have been traced and examined long ago. Concerning my fam and me one can safely assume I only paint personal circumstances in: underestemation. Some bad ass state assigners must since way-back have always addressed all 'official' and organizational means to suppression and how seriously should I be concerned about others? Ultra rough and worrying. People kept under. In 'underworld'. Substitute the naive blind, the superficial fact swindlers with their intuitive 'grandiosity' and all those being responsible since a lóóng time..
      Why not be a little fair and honoust? Time is too valuable to be immortal. Maybe I must see GSG9 or GIGN for an understanding ear. It would be the first in a lifetime!
      Something else, got to add it.. name three random countries and you're easily talking 100 secret- intelligence- and information services, yet nothing has changed for my family..
      'The system' kept and keeps us under fire. An organized kaltstellung in the coldest conceivable 'cold' war full of intense deceit for which I suspect, among others, my state to be partly accountable. Ain't there something like right potential energy? Has not been tried to have ours stolen, destroyed and frozen like a silent and cold little rock..?

      Mind-control, brainwash and Zersetzung practices are all forms of psychological warfare. A) The silent (c)overt changing, hindering and stopping of the ease of Being(mind, health), (operational)functioning and availability. Ambivalence & Uncertainty (attention, dilemma ao), Tension and Frustration(disturbance, undermining, counter-act) are important values. It creates paralyzing tiredness, stress and distrust. Shaky examples spread, radiate feelings of anxiety, doubts, fear and will have a negative effect onto their surroundings and (subversive) milieu. Anonymous stalking asholes and indoctrinators, puppets on orders, behind the walls of where you live who seem to know you, address you with sound and speech. Blow their unsuspecting victims immense fear and unclearity, actually immitate one's 'guilty' conscience which can provoke to: culpable behavior, private confessions, psychosis and tremendous feelings of guilt. Do not follow alien orders. Never follow anonymous orders or become blindly obediant.
      When harassment continues one can be indoctrinated on a deeper level with damaging doctrines to the extreme, things like feellessness is good, keep on waiting, self hurt and dirt, stop making sense, opposite truths, intuition rules, required invulnerability and invincibility, will on command, worthlessness of being and so forth.
      Check your memory with school books, photo albums, stamp collection and sane friends.
      It will take much strength to withstand mental attacks. Stay cool. With this I mean: prevent people from labeling you as aggressive or crazy because it won't do you or your cause any good. That doesnt mean that you cannot swear or get frustrated but be careful. Mind your privacy and dont panic, keep doing what you were doing and hang on!

      -I used a few 'keywords' frequented in public discourse about complot and gladly abused in 'theories of' mental disorder and as its proof. The mimiced psy-complaints explain themselves because the goal of the mental harrasment is functionally equal(see A).
      (State) complots ofcourse are as true as the official flag of Mozambique (with an AK-47 in its symbol)
      Zersetzung could mean as much as 're-setting of 'tongue'(Zunge), a proverbial 'smack' on the head for dissidents behaving out of norm and saying wrong things about the system. But on what criteria? And what is true..?
      Bigbrother, who owns goverment, has many ways and people in collections to help bother his 'targets' and maybe these people belong to groups where they are told how smart they are.. and not to ask reasonable questions to 'superiors' nor themselves. Of course you understand this bullshit means lies and corrupt situations in which instead of criminals victims are punished. Not because they are state-enemy but for some other trivial or important covered-up reason.
      Life shocked, career blocked, relations destroyed, bans imposed, money spend, love gone, hopeless and scary perspectives and-not-knowing-what-for, often not even knowing it all together! And a lot of people, blindly or on hear-say helping 'Bigcriminal' to fu*cK over the wrong guy, young families; parents and kids.
      My family still defies and deals with all the 'behind the scenes' organised crap, because it's bin around for so long and I don't believe my grandma was subversive or me political active at ten years old..

      But my family wás and stíll ís in a mean pervasive psychology using calculated covert manipulation to control you. *Attacking the ways to your stability, wisdom and capabilities needed to feel positively anchored, to orientate and wisely organise yourself to go ahead and grow in as much as natural owness.
      - the casuality of our mind and environment were purposefully worked on; didn't this damage our 'humaness' and what makes us human? -
      The level of mind life manipulation was and is completely monstrous. Everything around us can have a double-role. As it were from every direction watched, our minds attacked, under 'fire' or better * 'bite', in order to control behavior. See below. The hidden but scarred criminal alteration and overhauling of our minds and of our lives has always been there for my fam. But I doubt wether the reason to it fully originates from government. I say it a couple of times more on this page: about my family a lot has to be sought out but as far as what contributed to the reasons for all the bullshit over time towards me personally can easily be described as: mk- bigflirt - mk.
      * spiderweb. (link)

      If you want people down and wrong, than you put for an aeon of time serf and cult riffraff around them who ,committed to their instructions, go bite those people and mess up their lives and being: from B to | to a point. Krypto debilitated. This is how its played and thought by the (psychological) absolutist elites the muff barons and their networks with babylonian and fervent, unrelenting watchdogs ,waf-waf Wharf!, around targets who must 'think wrong or not think, live wrong or not live at all'.  Itai!
      This way generations later, the life of a targeted family or person can still be disrupted by people unfamiliar with, but continuing to build on, the misery caused by their 'predecessors'. The more professional, the more disruptive the practices until the lives of 'targets' are truly in ruins, more or less turned against themselves..
      You're brutaly (covert) manipulated in many sneaky subconscious ways with your life and mind
      -They take away: love, skills, understanding.  (+ going qualities)   When gone nothing is positive.
      -They give: pain.  (- stopping qualities.)  When there everything' is negative.
      This eventualy damages u and your perception off all. It'll get into you and makes up for what you do, what you are and what you meet. So this is all about your belief system, your self-esteem and trust and your energy..!
      Fighting back/recovery from a long period of attacks by very strong psychological measures is possible ofcourse. Even though you and your world , values, secrets, happy fantasies and (little) lies are seemingly touched and you are (very) scared and still surrounded by all kinds of so-called co-ops. You might have to temporarily lower some standards for your sélf to make functioning easier. Véry véry briefly : 'fight' for the exercized discipline to ..take it easy. No problems! Find that tiny rooted piece of self-belief in you (it is there!) and from there win back, recover the relation with yourself, ideas and ways, places, things, people, directions to a normal level or at least livable without (too much) fear. I hope it brings you back to a wise even smarter self. Maybe now we see why I mentioned owness and humaness. Because the above words carry a little nose, eyes and a heart.

      Malicious intent and bad intentions, how ever subtle, make your living environment less safe. Far comes too close, close goes too far.. Zersetung can go way beyond sensitization.
      Let alone when grandiose selfishness coupled with power and influence converts itself into (group) instructions that should make life impossible. State or elitarian killings can be fast ór slow and in many many ways for as many as -private- reasons and like sex, violence has a double moral too.
      The trapping psychological oppression that I and my family deal with, full of (mental) control, elimination, frustration and contras, incrimination and humiliation, has almost driven people crazy and can continue until it has chased victims into psychosis and left them alone as dead dirt.Like a worthless story, without light, without reason.

      All This troubling missery makes me think of the dark little window in my last house that reflected the old canal houses behind me. It reminds me of the fact that you can never be really free, it reminds me of famous writer W.F. Hermans who said: "The Netherlands is a country with big cover-ups [nl: doofpot], most of what 'happens' is covered up" and "In a democracy in which everyone supposedly knows everything, it is still possible to let the greatest mysteries exist.." The bull in my familys lives is so gigantic i name it a doofplot. Shit. you know..theres two kinds a people of the same: people in a group are diffr to when they are alone. Two different beings. The individual you can invite for a cup a coffee and to carefully speak up the truth.
        | Hermans caught in a dutch grey sky on a wet street. His ego as big as his resentment. Because of his status and big mouth he must have had more opposition than from colleagues alone. In a documentary, the interviewer starts drumming his fingers impatiently after his question. I know this 'hurry up' meta-communication well. I encounter it even when there is really no reason to.  |  
         End of shoutlist.

      Sturm und drang, turm und rang.
      The comments above are only part of a broader discrete psychological zersetzung (decomposition). Both covert as overt. These comments (the buzz) themselves undermine peace of mind and confidence, exactly what it's meant for.. Hence the constant pressure also in unexpected places and times. They can shock, be reminders to previous endured shock and trauma. Shock for example: paralyzes, slows or stops thinking, is scary and confusing, makes indecisive and vulnerable. Shock is categorized as temporary destruction.
      The purpose of the psychological 'warfare' within which this takes place is, through information, intimidation and psychological approach of a target and environment, to have such a manipulative grip on someone's thinking and decision making (thus his life) that one can (unknowingly) suppress his behavior namely: correcting, continuing controlling mind/behaviour even ,if thats wanted or necessary, steering to social isolation/defeat or (social) destruction. This can apply to an individual, a member of a family and the family as such. Moreover, all this violence may take place outside the law; what do they mean by legitimacy..

      More important components in the psychological influence are: reputation, rationality, optimism, independence, health, thought and belief system, privacy, norms & values, love and intimacy(in touch but in a different way,rejection) pace, shock surprise, perception, your coherence (the sense of responsibility and connectedness to others and yourself and the uninterfered relationship to your doings), your power potential, morale (part of strength) and will. Frustration often starts with the last few values. All this can become fundamental uncertainty. Doubting your common sense or 'losing your mind'. Because often one has to break first before one will change. In the absence of the above, an individual target of severe psychological harassment is likely to give himself and work up. Because hopelessnes makes pointless. You wanna give up. Surrender. Stop. Take a rest. Start carefully 'next time'..
      In my view I make little difference -for here and now- to the possible *sources (such as groups, government, intelligence or coat of arms sects-cults) of psychological manipulation and control over an individual, because these often have the same methods and objectives and ultimately being influential (corrupted) elitist (used and 'owned'. BB) The reasons for harassment can be state substantial or dirt cheap, from national interest to a (private) gain in power over people. Effects of a lasting psycholocical harassment are disastrous. I suspect many lonely still alienated victims going through devouring misleading and fundamental fear (will I make it through the next minute), years after the beginning of their sensitization campaign. A campaign of psychological disruption, depending on *source, may affect not only enemy soldiers but also our fellow citizen in his own living room. Psychological suppression in our world like unjust inequality and class corruption are everywhere; complots are so common they're threatened with extinction, you know what I mean? The mind has been made a map. A land map but not for the poor.

      Klad (in TGV Tuesday 28 battery quits. tomorrow new HP )

      Vulnerability and loneliness play a major role in psychological zersetzung, in addition to fear, nerves and 'the hangover'. Maybe one as big as: disappointment about lost time, your worn-out future perspective' or false expectations and remaining illusions from la-la land. In Naturalism (art movement) it is about the raw 'natural' bleakness, vulgarity, and the poverty of reality. The common man has to believe that he owes this to himself but mainly to the (wrong) circumstances. You are only influenced by your environment and higher powers(metaphysics), you hardly exist as an individual, so you can do little about fate anyway.* Naturalism looks hostile at the bourgeoisie but does not tell you that everything, as always, revolves around the control by the ruling class that subjugates with a lot of violence and deceit. She has many alikenesses with the 'being' or essence of a cult but wrapped them up ,the agenda, in 'rethorics' like moral, causality, individuality, identity and determinity. The colored pessimistic view and way of explaining reality can be seen on the one hand as a cult doctrine full of misconception and confusion, intimidated, mastered and conditioned like cornedbeef and further wrong psychochological practices with which you can strongly convince and make docile. Ain't complexification, imagination, repetition, emotion all about (deeper)susceptibillity for learned 'message and experience'.
      On the other hand, it reads as bigbrothers objective: the key points of naturalism show what the effect of control and suppression on man should look like: mr murky, fed-up and quiet in his own naturalistic naggy movie but accepting everything. Half pig, half cow. Meatball.
      Naturalism is the doctrine of the Freemasons filled with "the 'angry' dissatisfied man." Psychologically burdened, claimed and dependent. Dogs pitted against naughty dogs who need to be sensitized, or converted out of public interest or any other interest. (Italics) But they're looking the wrong way. On their way to improvement and perfection, their rogue words and actions are actually directed against themselves.
      Stable puppets are needed at every level to prevent BBrothers from suddenly having people with principles around them, or below, in civilian society.
      In the question of this so called fixed destiny I can tell u dread: it's not about fate, it's about you. Thats why cults have hierarchical and fatalist doctrine: theydont like idea of roaming individualism. Cuz cult is about corrupt control not about free people. Bigbrother likes to collect sheep, leave normalized injustice as be and he knows:"freedom is a fueled Mercedes."
      Make that a Lambo but we can't have 300 million Lamborghinis in the country you know.. cuz they would all come with a volumuous picture.
      'You know.. you've got scrap boat Janssen floating in the mess, next a buffer of heavy barges, then two-master 'Pauline Elizabeth' in clear and clean water..' The moral of our bigger story simply floats in the channel around here: you can take nice pictures of it. It's a status quo, society is set up for this.
      People in cults or alike they're kinda BOSS oriented like authority and (wing)leader minded. These moral knights, your 'shadows', can all be traced back to groupthink and the (corrupt) metaphysical ideas of the leader, easily to instruct and incite to cultic & treacherous and organised criminality and negligence : nuisance, opposition, violence and accidents, and they all wanna know about yóu, they're spioneering.
      Organisation and control psychology incl group, lodge and cult are at the core of society. They all advocate unity, teachings, loyalty and primal war. Worked people to work the people, simple. They make the system, the 'ministery' of clandestine affairs. Use your gut and you know what it is about: the shadow side of honoust, open, and lawful. To have informal and extra effect on society. I asked friend Graym on what than? He sais: "on anything that fucking moves." Information, policies, bad neighbors, opinion, moral. Wat a fukking laugh. Tuning society this way.. Then he points out: "you know, the truth is a shrouded clockwork underneath a sunny baby blanket looking like a miniskirt."

       I know a website named: "the opposite of someday" ain't that nice. Left and right, forever or never, say *what's actually the opposite of one(some) day? In dutch: wat is eigenlijk het tegenovergestelde van 'ooit'?
      It's a nice example of categorizing semantics. *Answer: Jezus Christus. (een onbepaalde bepaling). Actually I think the opposite of someday is 'always friday'. Well, it is friday now.. I like joy and naturally happy people. Think I take my car and drive some place, buy two bottles, gaze at the stars and drop dead.     much/1 = much 1/much = not much.

      "regarding public policy and administration I think unlawful informality is infact bigger than formality, which for some is as old and common as daily bread."
      こんにちは Suzi 幸せは東京の水の白鳥の中にあり、私の 3 つの水仙とスージーは輝く菊の下で手にしています
      "Today I slept normally again (in my temporary home);
      I go to sleep and sleep through the night in one go. Can you imagine .. that's been destroyed for years. Instead of being able to sleep at night I had war all day.
      Especially at the beginning I was terrified. They tried to blow up my heart and vessels. They tried to kill me. I've kept notes ever since.
      Get behind the mental tricks myself, and find out what and why something happens."

      Might have a job at a department store in town next week. Get there on my motorbike in little to no time. Straighten out Easter Bunnies, put them up neatly and stuff on a display. At least I got something to explain to the immigration officers..

      - When you click the bee you'll find the famous White Rabbit. I'm looking forward to explain this picture on the new website because every detail relates to the psychology of the new site. Having said this, Aye! I will put some shells and corks in my cuisine fishing net. And where has 'my' white duck Peche Melba been? I haven't seen her around the house for quite a long time now!
      - What will your mom answer if you ask how that voice comes inside your radio? Tonight listening to radio-interview in bed with hot-water-bag nice for warm toes too!hold me tíght, senile!! Long live christmas 2022.
      - Based on what I found out on political suppression round my family and a really weird FaceBook photo I started to have little worries about friends and I contacted someone's brother named Paul (hospital doctor) a few years back via LinkedIn. For this once and the short time this remark stays on page, I just wanna say : I don't know if I really did talk to the man I thoúght I was talking to but I take for granted that everything is okay as he said and I hope things still are!
      - Mondriaan looked kind a weird on some photo's, makes you think of another historic man. What was 'the plan' behind the +/- 1910 artistic streaming of Dutch art movement -artists & architects- De Stijl? Were Mondriaan's abstract rgb (eng ryb) form paintings looking like house and city maps only just that? Architecture- structure and Geometry ..hmm interesting! I used it for my own drawings of a 2023-24 housing project in ShangDou (China). Viva 'The Style : formalism and New-Constructionism' simple Social-Abstract architectural computing More (much) Later.
      I also made an architectural figurative Mondriaan painting..(link)  ms Paint. A transparent (negative) circle over the same circle but white coloured creates the motion
      sol SOL

      A very known name in daily life of most people around my country is Hein. Magere Hein is the nickname of death. In an environment with much (hidden) rule, sin and guilt and a moral that preaches to cut the head off of people that outgrow mediocrity it is so f** EASY to point at someone who must be dimmed using the argument of vanity (and as of old magnifying and lying information) and have that person surrounded by gossip(build air of magnified info,lies and evoked bull*t and have people react on it) and angry losers willing to punish an individual.
      It's absolutely clear why a strict religious and moralizing claw is still (kept so visible) in everything and kept alive as a tool.It is also, I see, important in history of my family. I hope to slowly but progressively find out more.
      last week I read in the Newspaper: government changes titles on buildings and in heading of letters
      The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate is being replaced by: Economic Affairs and Climate ! The underlying self-presenting titulature has been replaced by an unquestionable statement (without the exclamation mark). At the same time you read that it goes wrong over at the organization for whistle-blowers. It is obvious: Huxley is a 'clown' compared to where we are now and going fast: Robocop state. ('no time refining this). We are a 70 yrs later, what in our over-sexed society is must be, and deliberately suppressed are our liberty, health and the living sun. Cause let me say this in a kind way: "we may only be aware, happy and vigorously when dreaming and suck satan." Obey! One Ken-no be an optimistic Starbuck..!Without a philosophy, cheat remains superstition pervertion, badluck and poverty in shift for alt five.

      The big pieces of text on page will disappear and this page will be the front-page to some other stuff.(2022/23) Text and notes will be ordered and used as a reference for the psychology website Mindyou.
      We live in a guilt and born victim society. For victims/targets of psychological harassment like: social injustice and cult (role and roll), social critics and activists, journalists, Persona non Grata, refugees, the subversive, creators, truthseekers, dissidents, elitarian playtools, 'waste', good bigmouths, people at the wrong side of the fence. and any other victim. A victim may serve at the same time as an 'example' too. For the rest of the sheep herd
      Man oh man, oppressors love the companion scourge of guilt. Anyting that drops people's pants 'n gets them on their knees. Guilt obliges, makes sinful, depressing indulgent, begs at the mercy of others. On vague innuendo people dig into themselves and find guilt.. : fun, something that makes you proud, fear, things not even worth mentioning, things humans do.. but trust and integrity are put on issue and you start questioning your congenital badness, disappointment and mistrust until uncertainty principle II : 'you may know what your doing but actually never know if it's right.'
      Guilt is subjective you can feel it, or told to feel it even when you ain't. Don't let it play you 'problem and dilemma', make you do unwise moves and turn you into a selfhurtmachine (and hurt others later).

      As an example lamblike is poirfect. A cool man, strong and neat style is still good or he who sorts the 'right' effect, nót good is an indocile pirate and even worse is a conscience soul who dares to speak the unspoken and up against what's bad of the (local) system. Skeezy drunk pick-up artists & casanovas are also tolerated. (true)subversives and rebels too are tried to revert into the 'contrary', something decent, reli, pro-establishment to set of the 'good' example, one that radiates no longer signs of resistance or possible leadership qualities that can stir up people. So everything they once potentially were. Former 'naughty' man finding Jesus is a common example. They are reversed, feeling quick but making lots of little accidents thinking they're pure energy , can go through anything untouched and probably have unlearned to think while being part of a fake norm. Hollywood is cool and it is fake, drama, dope, cult, and creepy. "Half of Hollywood is gay.." Hollywood sucks, it is criminal has no moral and you gotta play a roll in order to get one. The promise of success and glamour is raped. In the scene you can feel the Big projector; only at home is the silent knowing. In true proportions with stars on the wall.
      Superheroes don't blink, never fart, don't eat fries with satay sauce and stand still in dark toyshops in the middle of the night so they're very lonely.

      Mind control. Being Schooled. People unaware that they're manipulated and schooled. No idea that they're on a track. For a purpose. Programmed and profiled because we need people to play with, to re-present the gutter with a smile and to get rid off. Slaves and misfits and a black sheep. They have no place to rest. Magic chocolate flowerbud.
      The control psychology of suppression and manipulation is also that of (psychological) forgetting. hink also for example (involuntary) learning and rejection. Knowledge can be gained, conditions changed and the mistake you maken often happens by itself, autamatically..
      Related is another road map, destination plan: the school to prison pipeline or killed by 'homework'. The country is split between users and those who will be abused. There're a lot of sheep on the never come back line.
      on this page 'schooling' mostly relates to unwanted (onbewuste) learning where as training is meant as something coming from normal exercising mostly (that ain't necessarily always).
      Right now it freezes outside. Happy iceskating! Have fun exploring the ditches round school or neighbourhood, seeing the flame you fancy and have a bit of a flirt.

      Prof. Dread - I made a wrong choise today.
      youth - ?
      Prof. Dread - Nevermind, after that I took the wrong decision.
      youth - ?

      What more is life than a path full of choises?
      About what to do and whether you are doing it or at least have tried.

      choosing from a choice is deciding which decision to take.
      condition forms choice gives decision.
      having no choise - making no choise -   making own choise. (and mistakes but is hopefully happy person)

      "..I look at my coat rack. Above my bed hangs a small coat rack. And I realize: sometimes I am enormously awake, as fresh and fast, as I should feel.
      And then I wonder: do I perhaps live in wartime the rest of the time? Under false pretenses and in a human rights violating situation?"
      Mindyou relates to the constricting consciousness psychology sides concerning political activism, civil rights, militia and global castaways. People as a kicked around herd with user manual in sad health statistics and the continuation of a suppressive master-servants-and-slave- system in which control and shameless appropriation and exploitation of people and all earth's resources has priority. (E1)


      and control by the shape of capitalist trap (poverty ) too or the flow of - supply/demand (competition, development, formal labor) and
      maintain socialdistancing / unjust discriminating inequality (competition, privileges, informal labor). Poverty accepts cookie.
      It's a jungle. Kick down and backstabbing to let the other drop! To create power and dependency, using vocabulaire to hide, mask things. People finding out bad stuff social wrongs and policies first got to find out (anywhere) that 1) they are Powerless and then 2) that the speaker is owned by the other party.
      The fingers on the hand of our so called western welfare state are on the hand of a old poisened bitch corpse that either sucks life out like a bat or suppresses right away. The fascistic corrupted mercantilism is the poke in the weel of global basic equality, 'heart' and development. Condemning regions to disorder and the filthy scrapheap of informal unprotected and abusive work.
      With inequality I not only mean backwards injustice and unequality itself but also discrimination and xenofobia. Understanding and good policy can speed up social integration but what if there's no rapprochement, no explenation? Then the conclusion is obvious but who dares to accept it..?

      - Intermezzo ..I bought two bookshelves: now I can move a block of 30 books at the same time. Now that's having a vision. When will my country have one? It aint friendly it has no heart, run down by tolerance, it's selling out and loosing ID and unique knowledge. Despite all good news bout a bunch of great sea locks. Here..in the pit and a little dizzy (link)

      Something else : you can hit somebody bring 'm down or let him ruin himself. In a cultic(influenced) picture , he can be brought to: accept crazy believes, muzzle himself, seclusion, neglect love , self-abstinence (purity in a relation towards God, an authority or Self and as phobia, beause you yourself maybe the only one left to trust ), make impossible wishes unconditional demands, block love and happiness and remain damned stubborn about it. it's a trick! But what's the difference? Hey, machines are heartless..!
      nb: Stubbornness can have several roots. Obedient devotion to one's belief (certainly the one in exchange for heaven and salvation) is also a source. Absolute faith needs no proof that's why religion always hammers on the psychology of trust. This way for example language, ánything can be misused, examined and regarded as medium of 'devine' prophecy and signs, for the ever searching subservient believers. Watch out with mystic and metaphysics. Use language rational. The lie of satans truth is only human.

      I For me the simplest form of a purity problem is : not beig able to start something until a worry, problem, ánything is cleared whuch makes that you will never start your thing because there ís always a problem! Solution : change and sét your priorities, think wise for a change and kick the habit.
      When you make important thing important y'don care anymore about spots dates thing to do first or problems cuz you can live with them.
        Mindyou -the new website- wants to ask the unanswered, 'unanswerable' questions too.
      Good and strong hearted People in power must take their responsibility find mutual understanding use their Political power, veto, mandate and throw out suppressive forces and start building true society. In Wheeliestan the government represents what it should be doing here because it is not ego- fishtick and it dares to include the people because 'common sense can delegate'.

      In 'Wheeliestan' happiness is defined differently . Over here we won't do that cause it would reset the artificial values needed to maintain the advantages model of Power. So it's a loop with the global farm and firm, nót about equal chance and shared progress and it's the poor that make the extra baby.
      Before I really leave this page behind for a while I will make some pages with Poetry from Pushkin and from a special person; a woman literally on the run for stalking and harrasment. You can find them both here: Pushkin   and   on the road.
      - Status: monstrous cargo bikes from the left; frontal straight ahead looking 'make space' zombies from the right. Events and people staring can catch your look. This misleading (let me call it this way for the picture) draws you away from your awareness on your situation as it is rolling and continuing meanwhile. Can be dangerous. You gotta always watch out in traffic! Be careful! Traffic can't freeze. Can not stand stil in a split second. Keep distance.
      - Fixed the Map-links on simple Africa page.made it to learn them myself this weekend!

      (my japanese public rail card)   ➜  Japan Rail Pass. (link)

      It can also buy you lunch and much more at shops and stores

      - Got a bread with a tiny hole. perfectly normal, adds to the collection kinda, we already had iron pieces and wasps in it before.

      Language is infact a first thing on this page people are mistaken about and fairly unknown with. And you carry it with you so close and every day! Language as most people think is NOT at all free and random but looks carefull to our surrounding world. Language is constructed and build further upon its foundations, its rules and logical structures therefore pure semantic (link) conflicts (contradictions, error) will not so easily be seen. Don't take it too literally but in a way language is pretty exact. Write this because of meaning (the meaning of meaning), formal languages, relation to page-topic psychology and syntax ('zeemannetjes') construction. on new site more.
      With 'lingo' on this page is meant: a way to derive and serve extra meaning from (spoken) language. Usually by linking the first two letters of a pair of syllables of a word or 2 consecutive words. Some people, groups use this. So you can deliberately serve wrong information. Based on language construction and philosophy - in Dutch anyway. Same way reverse, phonetics, proverbiality or shape are used in language 'crypto'. )

      He who wants to hide makes himself small. Much attention to semantics, pirate and 'inbetween' languages on new website! Dutch is a beautifully developed so expressive and meaningfull and pirate language (the pirat's pirat is japanese ja-ne). A lóóng time ago an enthusiastic man on dutch tv said our language (dutch) was the root of most other languages globally! Well, I think he's right, sorta..I understand.
      I thought about the prefix 'Geo-' like geo-metry and geo-rganiseerd. I started to puzzle a bit - unavoidable at times. because of some people who use and see words as paths to truth (rücksichtslos wordplay, wordmake) - and then suddenly I saw Kroeg (cafe in dutch).   There is a lot of spirit in a cafe! It reminded me of a 'Baha' which is an audio tool to make people hear better and baja which could be a contraction from balm-yard which is Jamaican for 'a religious or magical spiritual' place.
      - I removed the link to the beautiful song 'Tassi' by Salif Keita cause video was interrupted many times.
      - Please use 'https' (secure) in browserbar when viewing this page. It's a better result.
      - Remote technology (RF-signals) has since long been used with insects, really important because of our crops pollination. Micro technology is used in many surprising ways with our little friends who are not doing so well these days by the way! Even in the flight of an insect, control is already possible by external muscle stimulation.
      What about us? Will we have remote table football with human players? The world is full of creeps who in no way have anything to do with other people's dignity. Got history behind us to prove it! Anyway, time to read about the guidelines of the ICNIRP inside the health report on (possibly) EM risks on the workspot
      - Don't forget to save your work! Just a general remark to people working on PC: Do not forget to save your work frequently! Serious, I lost more than a few hard-disks in only a couple of years, not just files.
      - It would be so nice to write something for kids. Wouldn't it be fantastic to make a creative Fam Knots' series and work out these mad sketches wíth a serious tone in it ..Lamplight , clean table and lét it rain!

      - Have a lot of studying and work in front of me to do and this year a few important letters to write! You know, évery Monday I am ' plan-fresh ' about the things I want to do with someone but the Sundays we meet I am just 'zzzzzz' too tired, can't say a thing. Just no memory left. "Ev'rybody is tired", "ééééverybody is tired.."

      Some phone addicts touch their pocket-life 3000 times a day; distracted always , distracted anywhere.
      Other people are distracted in more serious ways: at times they can hear distant but wild church bells even at night! Presuming that this is a healthy person we are possibly talking sound from your surroundings including traffic and -electric- noise(the fridge may sound like your breathing, a pillow cracks in your ears), biting your molars, imagination, mind molesters re-playing weird noise and/or psycho-acoustic effects, pattern recognition is part of this. But when you're already stressed-out and anxious, this just could be the angsty last drop you know.
      Some ways of sound usage are:
      lp- replayed lowlevel (underaware) sound fragments -- distracted, absentmindedness, what's bugging me.
      br- aggresive sounds loudness kicking starting slamming -- shrink, shudder, annoyance.
      om- low and lower (subsonic) waves super like from bass, engines or created low noise waves. -- sick, dizzy and shaky.
      Except noise, targets may also fear hard 'overhearing' -anywhere. Try not to swear all the time on the street before organised snakes 'lie the truth' make a wrong phone call and say they've heard you (amped listening!) loudly.This could can be used as an argument on a given moment saying you're unaware of your own behavior leaving a defendant surprized between true and lie.
      I asked a friend of mine who makes his own sound samples of interesting noise in the street standing in a bicycle tunnel or near a crowded park, to work out some weird tunes with *spooky sounds. *Gossip and whisper are official tactics don't be mistaken; the can ruin people. Those 'pst pst come over' whisperers are sneaky, some of 'm got a narcissistic commanding problem, those are creepy which make 'em altogether all too often creepy sneaky little scumbags.

      I go to a place not many people know, where I've seen giant sunflowers the size of plates.   向日葵   OER as we say over here; from the days of the stone-age and the naked-ape. Beautiful and amazing.
      Feeling small for a moment in a peaceful harmonious world without people trying to steal your energy and autonomy. Just a happy carbon.
      I don't think I'll be officially living in Europe for another two more years.

      - The name of my sailing boat for a voyage around the world will be Fangtooth. It is a sweet creature, a lone angel swimming the oceans at a depth of 5 km or 15000 ft! Here is another 'arty' Fangtooth.   It is a piece of a plant 'Crown of thorns' made by a mouse (Taco) who always climbs in my lidcactus a plant of over 60 yrs old that, right now as we speak has a strange tall stem 5-6ft that reaches my sealing, unbelievable but true! - the climbing has been made impossible.
      But now he likes to jump from my tiger chair with a long jump! on my table and eat banana!
      (earlier news written before) It is almost time to celebrate the MOON-landing and Apollo missions. What a feast that will be! I said a while ago to make a small astronaut/kosmonaut page. So I tell myself to do this later this year. And for Taco who not only climbs my cactus tree but also finds it interesting to watch what I'm doing on PC.
      Water cress. SR Legacy 168407 NDB Number: 112-03. Watercress for the Moon. Watercress for the desert. Watercress for the ocean ,on waste and coming from your pencil : I bought a bag full of cress seeds - cheap, healthy and tasteful and enough for a month! 'In front of us a big fish. Next to us a big fish. Behind us a few very large fish. On the right a pub.'
      -What was first: the egg or the chicken? Well obviously the chicken but what did the animal look like..? I could prolong my flying lesson and I'm very happy with that.
      Box of eggs. link.
      You can put a bowl filled with some water in your garden for the little birds (鳥) so they can drink and poodle a bit!

      - I don't use social-media websites. But I want to checkout WeChat: video talks, shop stuff and shake function to find new friends! Use your old Android 2.1 mobile or iOS 4.3 to log in if you plan on just using it with pc internet. Update: no, I don't.
      - little random music fragments on REASON reason player
      - See if you can read out loud and fast the name of the colors that you see. click text to show/hide.
      It's about reflexes, there's very much strength in an association ('cloud' of -sub-conscious references, the spiderweb)
      classic from Wehnstehn (Stroop 1935)

      - only during ice-skating marathons on nature-ice national tv mentions a tiny little about the people who after world-war II went to Canada with cities like Toronto and Quebec. How are they? Who were they? We hardly learn anything. Have they dissolved in the great outdoors or should I say : was it good for our country that they left? Plenty skating competitions each year but the most famous one the big Elfstedentocht or 'eleven-cities-tour' of some 120 miles (200km) through the north of the Netherlands is very unique due to required weather and ice-condition that made the last one was held in 1997. It's legendary!

      Every year though we have anóther special day: commemoration day. The national day we commemorate all war casualties. Yesterday evening I was seriously thinkin' about the war and important places in our country when I took a closer look to Arnhem. With assen (*axes) in the middle of this word I suddenly saw I could form harnassen and mens which means harnesses and man/human. Jee, but Arnhem was the place of Ma Garden! That was a drama with gun downed parachutists! That's remarkable to say the least. Many think it was a case of betrayal with a high royal involved. The ongoing controversy concerns Prince Consort Bernhard whose worn carnation we may be able to morph from carnation to carnazi.(reina)
      Ofcourse dragon face Maartje van Weegen, certified royal family nutfan and royal-reporter couldnt disagree more in a tv program that came to this discussion which she lost. There is a book, named King Kong, about this vague war chapter that deals with the subject and the "suicide attack on king kong" alias of 'Christiaan Lindemans' the suspected spy who gave the information. Btw all three before mentioned names again ring a personal bell.
      This year '20 it is 75 years ago.
      I made a little text, a poem about the war, a fragment.   Valschermen.   You can read it here. It's called 'de veldslag'.
      The mind might digest information but the truth can be hard to swallow, though unheard last words are even more sad.
      I hope the 4-may commemoration stays quiet. No depreciation by indignation for our national spirit.
      - The little text above is made from synonyms of the word wrinkle.
      Update: It was very quiet due to circumstances. For the 75th commemoration a sad happening. On the other hand we have only to remember and learn (still), no liberty to 'celebrate'. They're making stowed pulse.

      (For the own archive: *axes. Some present -work- things fell together, crossed my mind. I was thinking past days about conversion, transposition and reversal mechanisms for instance the 'front door' in my 'Russian poem' I originally wrote as a swing door)
      I have to do some international writing and figure out how to fill a gift box for someone. I already have a watch (時計 tokei, the living movement we're in. memory makes up the future) and comic book. I'll work it out. A watch is a cool kinda psychological item. It reflects 'itself'. A process that 'makes' way without actually moving forward itself. Hang weights on the crane pointers and time is made relatively heavier and slower. Watch out you'll live shorter!   The moment you draw a line you've created two-ity or opposition. One can say time has direction, depends on form so indicates movement; from there its easy: its not really about how long you live, but how múch you live :) Dread, Aint bad to slow down anyway, you know? Think and count 1-2-3 before you rashly do something n make mistakes. Little points can improve your behavior. Something else matey, have u ever heard you grannie say : "time goes fast"? Believe her! Cuz when you're dead, nobody fuckin' cares.
      Before end of 2025 I've built my own google-search: super(b) basic but with a few very handy offline&shopping&rsfeed new way of advertising and mobile functionalities. It is interactive and uses -the ideas of- ping/peer and peap technology. Mostly written in C++. Very handy to create protected personal hub.

      Rogi Wieg '63 - '15. Writer and Poet. He was also a Musician. "get me out of there if it happens again.." (after 2nd depression asking his friends to save him incase falling into another one again") Died from suicide pill on prescription. How-is-this-possible? are-you-frickin nuts !! The last couple of hours read like a thriller with friends messaging to facebook: "A drama is happening!" Totally bizar. If I read keywords as: "too hurried and too obsessed" , "formlessness" and 'not liking to work on his work', I can't help it, Questions pop-up you know. This should never have happened. The guy was 'fucking stoned'.
      A snowflake is filled with the image of Rogi Wieg. It's an eye, a water drop tear on the outside of a subway window through which it looks at the poet himself.
      Rogi 'couldn't do it no-more'? The muse's unbearable lightness had to work outside him: drama itself had to write his last poem? Man, people should investigate this and by-the way: I don't think an addiction (a dictator, leader) is a disease. A pushed through opinion from a wrong club. It's about different matters anyway. Same old story. Cold Turkey.
      Kick the corrupt moles and pill-pushing nitwits with their molesting prescriptions to Siberia. Maybe they're short of some chemical balance over there! Tomato-soup atom nitwits.
      I hope he wasn't bothered by handling mindfuckers around him crawling inside his poetic-behavioral skin. Slavery has been replaced by playing with lives regardless of anything. What do you do when you 'leap' to ones death? Some say you wake up seconds from the end into reality. It's such a tragic story and one of too many. To die in the absence of your brilliant friends the unspoken words, unplayed notes, or worse that weren't written down not even on a fuckin scrap.. Did he make people jealous? Very sad story..

      I saw Remco Campert reading his beautiful 'summer-ice and love' poem named Lamento on television. Remco almost 90 years old now. A great sadness came over me as he was reading the lines in controlled emotion. Because the poem is so celebrating so fresh and full of love in its momentum! The unspeakable and metaphors. (where was the true reflection..?) And then a few days later it came to me as : this was the moment he once wrote about, this wás Lamento! And only a poet can think of doing it this way. I like to see things this way, that is.
      ..Somtimes you know there are a few people that by their work or what they taught you can make you a better person. That little extra power by the seed of their inspiration shapes you, will always be there in your motivation and work. So right spot to say thank you for being here! That's it. Tomorow I'll see a duck swimming in its pond again. First I see his beak and then his ass and then another day has passed. You know. It will go on. We will go on.

      Then later the same day as I was thinking of time, moments falling together, collapsing I thought back of Rogi Wieg. And it wasn't a happy thought. Rogi Wieg was poetry and not many people may know this. He wrote a poem called 'Snowflake', it's 25 pages long and has great lines. Some call it a classic. Suppose Rogi also made a statement like only a true poet can? Stretching out his suicide into a long moment. Waiting? The last on video I've seen he sits in a bathrobe with a playboy alike logo. Hopeless and helpless. Suppose Rogi had suffered from the same mind controllers this page tells about, with the same Ol' nick and scumbags practices, knowing these scumbags roam also the artists world and play these mental games with ownership of a victims self and work: a victims life (koppie-rights). Telling him his poetic words were not his own but were buzzed to him. Dazed, desperate and in shock, he must have taken note of this fact but not knowing what to do! Because either people would think he was crazy or it would be a confession that his work wasn't authentic: either way it would mean his life and work was worthless. And then I realized something else: what about his two friends who also committed suicide?
      Did they pay the most definite prize a friend can pay out of friendship and loyalty? Have they perhaps got to know what was going on?
      btw feelings of loyalty and unworthiness can be limitless evoked and *abused.
      * Hére on this page loyalty mostly means super commitment often based on milked-out binding, obligations and dependencies towards its grandiose representatives: the group, God or self and their 'higher' destructive, corrupted goals.
      Though, like organizing, loyalty belongs to the best of qualities "loyalty on one side can be called and used as stiffheaded power and hate to the self-appointed picture of 'the enemy on the other side'." Forced loyalty is about manipulated (self) values, believes, plight, faithfulness and integrity, in a subjected relationship to God, Group (pseudo-family) and/or oneself , their higher goals and better self. Misleading and abuse is always on the lure. loyalty is a church. loyalty (to yourself) can be very stubborn, something one can (be learnt to) believe you always must be. Than how far will you stretch it? For you can be your own cult and God a 'DJ'. God is cult.
      Effecting behavior and convinced to accept 'greater' meaning in mal-information, dogmas and 'deeper' truths, ideologically religious magically symbolically while the mindpictures of sacrifice, destiny and heroism (the girl and the knight) are unrewarded and unfulfilled expectations named required perseverance.
      You got situation and you got fate. Fate is when you do nothing about a situation..

      Korte hoogstraat jazz. Next to a modernistic shopping space, high rise flats, a colonial style historic museum and a tea garden, is another building, visible and not visible, with its entrance at the side in a small street; it's the Deutsche Bank. I went inside a while ago and took some photo's inside the bank with permission. (more on new website..)
      I say this cause a new book's been published about the corruption and affairs concerning the Deutsche Bank. I wonder if it also talks about the at least- 40 deaths and suicides -between early 2013 end 2014- of bankers, managers and ceo's some with big financial portfolios of large corporate clients often related to DB. I doubt these figures in this profession segment still reflect normal suicide rates. A renowned person has said or maybe warned 2013 would be a year of a certain outcome. (this shoúld 've been the total psy-op control 'lockheed'. and ev'rything that comes with it big or small) but he couldn't have meant all of this. I know that fear of a démasqué can be so sickening that it can effect in personal collapse. inbetween things : fear for the consequences of (personal) shamefull and discrediting maybe criminal information on the street by mean suggestibility and 'anonymouse' reminders can be so big that factual blackmail is not neccesary. The 'listening ears' make people walk with invisible back-push into the right direction. Sometimes one can say, the victim sold his or her soul to the 'cookie chocolate cheese factory' and a hugh pile of trouble and illegal stuff is about to build up on a road ev-ery-time a little more closer to nowhere. I feel sorry for those victims who must feel a 'universal' kind of logic; the depth is approaching them faster and faster.
      (threat of) Blackmail is very often tactically used, it is really important. in eigen schuld springen - don't harm yourself. Don't ever!!
      But why would anyone give an interview and half a year later commit suicide and take his wife and daughter with him? (ABN) And what about that other banking guy falling on his back from third floor of his banking quarters? As he is dying on the street two shades walk up to the victim, check him than slowly walk away.
      Left can be right and 'one' can be changed to 'none' let me say it this way: suicide is the 'perfect murder'.

      add note/22
      A while back in the heart of the city, darkblue evening, I saw a ladder from the quay ending down on orange pontoons near a street bridge. I walked right over the pontoons on the water straight under the old bridge to the other side and climbed on a bigger pontoon with hugh Ferrari red containers. Damn, like biscuits in dark tea, I stood on orange ice floes between towering bank buildings, the crazy money mills like in the winter picture on this page.
      I googled for the old bridge but the only thing I learned was that once there was a big shop with the name Gerzon. Is that remarkable?

      I made a little tune with Rogi in my mind. It's called 'run away'.
      It's about a friend who didn't work to his desire(s) out of doubts, disappointment, loss and fear (can be callable, retrievable and transmittable. often suppressed, can make compliant, sits and waits for redemption ) and therefore tried to identify himself with the opposite. That lie didn't work. He died. He ran away in the wrong direction.
      An important element of fear (like loss, pain, guilt, 'the thing' (the unknown)) is phobias -the fear for 'nothing'- with often 'irrational' magnified views and worries for self or others having an enormous limiting and harmful impact on peoples lives. The same goes for repetition devil compulsion. If you have serious social-phobia or street fear you won't become a millionaire if can make money anyway.
      Disappointment can be a big breaker and motivation downer. Watch out cause it kills your drive and reason. (cult) Victims still being unaware of psychological harassment and manipulations around them may think the disappointments of failures and quitting ,the doubts & fears are 'the walk of life' while their actually being framed. Disappointment and hopelessness (despondency) however even in good circumstances can start young. You're never too old to work for your dream. Don't look only left to memories. Look ahead and right and picture yourself your goal like you maybe once did.

       Brainwash is indoctrination with simplified doctrines changing one's thinking, beliefs and behavior to where the individual identity converts to a new radical (group) self. 'I become we' and 'old friend becomes enemy'. Brainwash often makes anextreme black or white mindset done by a hate stylist.
      The more an individual fell victim to the influence of subdue covert! brainwash and destructive mind programming the harder it can be to fight the conditioned barriers and inner resistance to start making good work for himself because self manifest of development, esteem and attention were likely forbidden or superseded and broken.

      There is an official psychological word for the controlled, organised way to make someones life impossible, unlived, 'kept under thumb and insignificant', a looser.. That's generally 'the feel' that I mean when I mention on this page "break" or breaking someone (see shout-list). This Kaltstellung system of 'kill' and failure is known as model of "social defeat." Trying to frustrate and hold-back self-trust and respect, willpower, rest and self-peace, love, drive and anything that means or does something good to your well-being, life plan and dignity. This can lead to a scattered mind and a life of neglect, disorientation (where was I..?), withdrawal (apathy), confusion marks and suicide. Victims may encounter a bombardment of many (little) wrongs, pains, fears and failure (humiliation). Enough to make make people kinda dizzy and hang up on life and self-esteem. The humiliation is often learned, mashed in and about defectnesses and short-comings; the sucker named imperfection. Makes and increases complexes . Makes susceptible towards manipulation to desired behaviors, part of control techniques to condition and promptly influence behavior. Often used are the known reproaches about "ugly", "being dumb","wrong","guilty" and genus. Lots of 'payed' retards sell crap to just hurt others. You're cool, smart, unique and beautiful! Stay that way. Dont make yourself down. (although now and then I jump behind the couch to hide for my girlfriend that I'm sobbing..)
      Sneaks use guilt; remind you to the filthy ruler. Guilt blocks thinking; can be used to force choice, avoid choice, make wrong decisions; can screw someones life. Don't let it happen.
      Moral responsibility for guilt can be fleed, taken, avoided or played back(blaming the victim).

      Away with bad routines and nearsightedness. Cheers attention and cooperation! (ain't that just love)
      I used this fact for the chapter: 'habitat and venom'. City planning, density idea, loop of violence. Bullets cost lives, but iron is recyclable and can be recovered. Only pain is compellingly real in a world full of violence and especially deception.Even the 17th century given crap of the '7 beauties' is just drawable. Or they come with aging. Drooly monsters. (Thou get your slicky gloves off of our little maiden Mary!)


      "..Chaos is a generous word to describe Congo, a failed state, the size of Western Europe where government is of the cronies, by the cronies, for the cronies."
      Research teams from around the world ar testing across Latin America, South Asia, and Africa the effectiveness of urban violence reduction strategies on issues like:  . Urban land disputes. One of the most important issues.
       . Breakdown of family and community-ties
       . State-community work programs
       . Social: exclusion, no-access, knowledge gaps and poverty.
      Will the 'New Urban Agenda' be looking into -what is causing this reality or just consider its effects?   -- fine quality T-shirt (link)--   You can order it. We have a list of naughty/happy texts on T-shirts and umbrella's. All Big letters on even underground. All colors possible.. Email for info! Order and neatness are by-the-way important living factors balance and proportion, bring quietness, function and often a good view. With knowledge you have prosperity. Harmony is a melodious and precious chord!

      A bit about persuation.
      'Some are brainwashed to adore Bigbrother the rest of humanity to fear that thing..' You're drawn, lured away from yourself and learned to smile about your suppression; that 'polarization, that's part of your underbelly too. Id say: listen to the iceberg under water cause you only hear 1/9 of the alarm and nothing when you're occupied in any which way or addiction whatsoever. Listen to that little voice cause it's whats left of the real call, hidden away. Just don't forget to think 'n use your mind because one can be fooled with intuitivity. Now let's hope it ain't made of 'plastic'! (this was a referral to a remark about the plastic pieces mist in our oceans )
      People basically believe what they hear and especially believe what they want to believe..
      There are common persuasion techniques that can strengthen your arguments or increase receptivity to them. Made part of a good picture presented to them and telling them what they want to hear, makes people believers and easier to persuade, one can let 'spectators' fool themselves on basis of given convincing assumptions; their ówn imagination will fill in the gaps, tie any loose ends,make up their own answers, Meaning even from gibberish, form other assumptions towards a probable (pro-babbel) preferred outcome even along unsuspected ways having no feet in being realistic. Convincing ideas towards gain or loss create 'autofill' so they buy 'it'..
      More (un)common arguments fit the array of persuasion like: pre-knowledge, id, emotion (like in a relationship playing: pleasing-commitment or love avoiding/scarcity),increase attractiveness by magnification aspects, mindbehavior triks as suggestion, more information manipulation (or any title on Cheap Trick's live album 'at Budokan'), reason, intimidation-threatning, trance, priming, conditions, safety, trend etc. Or just ask..
       In preceeding text **I just say persuation expressable solely in terms and degree in satisfaction of confidence and certainty -namely convincion by : assumption, proof and expectation- about the persuasive arguments on which basicaly a choice is made.
      For people are important: equality -getting even-, growth (strength, closeness) and bond with self / 'seller' / the group (trust) against the best possible conditions in the best possible convincions!

      Everything fits the above but you can look at and describe a persuation process in other ways for example looking at important elements of persuation in a commercial proces (product buyer seller) as there are : liking, commitment, scarcity, reciprocity. Or look at the most important 'words of theory' marketing terms of convincion some of them being for instance: You, reason, free(!) new and extra. Or, I favor this one, describe the persuation-convince thing in
      ethos, pathos and logos that I would describe as: Can it? Do I want it? Can I use it?
      The bigger meaning and status the stronger ties there are with potentially (a growing group of) people up to a point that someone can be influential even can become desirable. Power however is a shortcut: it don't need equal human and kind relationships. When not used by the right hands Power is used to walk over and abuse people, just takes what it wants and becomes selfish because: Power corrupts absolute and absolute Power corrupts absolutely.
      These marketing persuation 'laws' can be easily translated to normal manipulation and persuation situations. For example scarcity or temporary price offer is comparable to time pressure urging people to make a quick, impulsive decision, while idea of authority is comparable to someone who tries to make the other feel less and make himself the idea of superior.

      **was just playing Jim, since people on TV sway others last names without title so easily I felt makin this paragraph a little more dreaded I can also say:' a present viewpoint or transfer of validity, about a concept according to the meaningfullness by its expression." Where I prefer to use transfer instead of a possible reciproke. Never mind: nucleus of things still being rather empty.

      "..Fi mi modest ooman gyal hav
      lakka likkle crissmuss tree
      yeye dem lakka boobies
      cheeks as fi mi bapps batty"
      Natty dread, oct '19

      Of course, persuasion also takes place in the game of seduction after the first pick up line..
      Sweet seduction or mean Persuasion? Watch out with tóó much :
      . nice words and promises
      . stud not really interested, not listening. Listening is very important. theres where recognition and possible helping starts. (if not stupid /corrupt)
      . getting dreamy
      . cheesy slimeballs : slick, mimick, swooning you are so "special and uniq"
      . overheat focus on erogenous zones and sex
      . 'quick 'n' pushy' (intimicy, suggesting bond, touchy behavior)
      . guilt talk (jerkin about 'given word', returning a favor)
      . rhetorics that can only answered by "yes" (self-assent, reason. lettingdrive)
      . questions about likes, dislikes ever nevers and needs (or already know the answers!)
      . emotional trance.. becoming careless
      . appeal to open-mindedness, exceeding limits ("don't cry!", don't do childish!", "you'r a mommies little girl..?", "that's normal!" , "everyone does.!.")
      . bossy, daddy, leader, guru, authority, and God pretenders with 'must be' and 'Gods will' arguments
      . dope and booz and overwhelming
      . 'it's fun' and 'lets do crazy'
      . into seducers domain or a new environment, out of comfort Zone (alone)
      . probability and assumed benefit
      . threat and coercion or just underbelly feel and warning
      Don't give yourself away. Say no, start screaming, blast the perp.

      Just to be sure, the Bigbrother I talk about is a mean one: a fascistic, corrupt self-interest system that dis-respects and manipulates life, 'truths' and rights (systems). But honestly, did we know a good one so far? The intuitive underbelly 'feel' is important cause 'in the thinking is not all the knowing' but I think it'd be wise to stand with two feet on practical soil and not only listen to God, 'feel' and 'magic connection' but use your wonderful mind as a basic. It's not until you start things that back wind starts blowing. Only when you believe in magic and fairy tales, the gold lies everywhere.
      About Bigbrother: God is a trillionaire and Bigbrother are their nazi's. The whole darn bunch of walking and doing along (corporate) psychos. Well, quite a few of them.

      I must think of the old brave big brothers that must be resqued from all the bullfight arenas. What a shame! That's Europe.. What have they been wanting to do about that disgusting cowardly horrible act ?? It is wrong shocking false and horrendous. Fuck you!

      The new website separates wheat from chaff in terms of facts. Like brainwashing is controversial but think about it: making a turn for an enemy COULD already be seen as changed behavior and believe me, things can be made wáy more difficult and complex. But things can be very simple and subtile, yet give very meaningful information which than can turned against someone like when your subconscious gestures for "no" or for "good" are known, than infact one can be (indirectly) questioned, 'beamed' to watch and find out about you. As over-looked as the scale of corruption or reasonless victimhood is, just is the fact that one may look in the mirror but one does not see one's own behavior.

      Victims, under stress from the effects of coercive indoctrination thrown in an emotional swamp are forced to overthink; question their conscience and possibly re-run memories that should be left alone. To their horror they can find they're facing problems they didn't know existed; how can you get afraid to think? How can everything made out of order and doubtful? Ask a pow..
      Sensory provoked re-thinking or over-thinking is extremely tiring and nuts making for a (unwitting) victim, when he or she is continiously externally exposed to unwanted or confronting 'thoughts'. Where we truly see this happening because of buzz(covert voicing) the situation is straightout alarming and a serious mental assault. I forgot to mention below that I can't understand some people feel good sentiment for dictator Gen. Franco with the middle name of 'Hermenegildo' fascist and nazi vazal another dubious ball who traded his countrie's soul for the school of control and infiltration. Another famous fascist ofcourse was soldier, cultleader and conductor Hitler with his famous tootbrush moustache, a hairy dirt filter straight from the square mold. In nazi context Hitler was a jew (∞ dirt). The Nazis are a cult with leader symbolism and claiming people's lives before, after work and during sleep..
      The fascist swastica symbol is the same ┍ angle 4 times circulair flipped and turned over 90 degrees. Like the sails of a mill they all go into the same direction! Multiply them and you have a net. Shift top and bottom from eachother along the x-axis and you build a wall. Even a cube. It's the best thinkable symbol for the totalistic ideology. That we are in. In selfish and wrong (if there's any other) totalitarianism the solution will be the solution.
      We already see (governmental) totalitarian traits like injustice, brutality and violence, obligatory loyalty, opinionated orchestrations, bulldozing of our privacy, loss of anonymity to analysis. And we still see collective punishment wich is nothing but a shameful crime. Nazi's did that. 'The eye' craves that: man from own will and choice imprisons himself, is compliant without objection, as free as a robot..(link) The picture of our so-called freedom and choice, autonomy and entertainment turns out to be the state's steel mask of almighty control & surveillance to disguised singularity.

      The criteria that determine who is eligible for extensive monitoring by authorities, follow-up research and possibly rogue treatment and persecution as a result, including possible exposure to colored profiling, severe violation of privacy and (administrative) errors I will mention later in a surveillance chapter that deals with the important how and why and making of victims by fraudulent designation : 'selectors and pseudo selectors', falling within the much larger scope of psychological oppression and harassment which may include a government or its consent.
      It touches crucial , legal and ethical conflicts on pressing and broader social issues and speculative markets beyond stratification and discrimination.

      The keys 'right and divide' are calculated and issued by 'owners': the vestzak hor-loges, our 'time-keepers', who are more concerned with their self-interest and nepotism than with the idea of just society.
      What would a politics, that hardly deliver motions or get them approved, want to change? Is there a society? I repeat: is there a society based on reasonableness? 300 owners (average 4.5 Dutch street), have 1/3 of all the land. About half of this belongs to their big friend Staatskluisbosbeheer, not a nature manager but a nature projectionist, developer and smart exploiter. What remains are snippets for millions of small homeowners and farmers.
      My fictional state Weeliestan knows neither these kinds of figures nor crying people who have been struck by the mad unreasonableness of their 'own' government. In this 'manifest' there is absolutely no place for bad practices with man and animal, like there is no space for rashness, accumulation of life, private ownership of mad amounts of land is impossible just like billions of capital. Wheeliestan welcomes all kinds of trees except trees of inter woven monopolies. Every monopoly is inspected and verified against the admissible. Which simply makes monopolies and their market hijacking and dumping practices impossible. There is however an officialdom with kindly involved crafted civil servants and smooth working software..

      In our social contraction model, which runs parallel to the self-interest of a few, you see more and more simplistic black-and-white thinking and adjusted-set people, duos (whitnesses), teams and practices that focus on the loose individual and in terms of stubbornness, prejudice and bias, compare very well with the widely used cultic 'enemy-image' that is reinforced by groupthink. You see it in many forms of totalitarian psychological bonding, in (wrong) hard or very strict security and corporate culture/protocols, but also in cults and wrong regimes, in coercion, (reli-inspired) leader groups. It is useful where you do not want to use humanity, nuance, insight, prudence and reason, but where an order must be followed and carried out. Categorical, systematic, demonization, repetitive, systematic and disruption are terms you will come across in this context.
      Man only seems very individual, if you turn the viewer back you see all rows and collections in seperate time-boxes, periods. Overal dis, dat en -doos (zen, sjees).


         (which - dore)

      De NACHTWACHT (het schilderij. the painting. Schuttersstuk   -ken. )
      held-haftige geweldheftigheid. Snelle helden. Los gaan.
      Conjugation to corp: corruption   corrupted   corpse.
      They're basically a bunch of suckers. Candy color-suckerballs. In modern time they'd likely be connected to those groups and movements that work for bigbrother putting as complete as possible our law-, care-, education-, consumer- , media and demo-cratic systems as well as honoust living in their back pockets.
      In the life of Rembrandt you also find many nr 9's (see elsewhere on page) like his age (63). Nightwatch medieval scary moon face.
      The Big-eye (pronounce) in the back row tops a pyramid shaped group of people. It's watching you. Like bigbrother's eye on the Dollar bill.
      We (my country) also have an eye; it is the Binnenhof the parliament in The Hague lying in a 'dimple' of gravy. There is also a tiny 'island', a spot, in 'the eye'. It's popularly named 'netjus' (neatly) but it's off course a 'vuiltje' (a bit of dirt) The water in the pond comes from the dunes. Dunes are also waves.
      Remarkable is I had two friends : one named Iris , other one with a spot in her eye. Nope, it's no coincidence.
      Mokum is another name for Capital Amsterdam and comes from Jewish immigrants (+/- 1600) for moqum means town in Hebrew. You can also make it Japanese origin. Using Moku meaning 'eye and tree/wood' and mu (mandarin Chinese actually). Jiddish is not the original Jewish language. It is 'Bar Mitzvah with a frankfurter' coming fom the Indo-European language line not the African. Around the time of first Jewish immigrants the Netherlands also had the first record deal with Japan and Amsterdam inner-city is build in rings, like an eye! Meue or 目上 means superior literally top-eye. It probably all goes to the same: Place for business and the girl (sex).

      I'm somewhere between Seville and Tripoli. It's already dusk. Outside, smells of exotic food and barbecue. A friend took me to his family for a fast day. So much liveliness, warm-heartedness and interesting time! I feel very honored.
      We spoke about life and politics and enjoyed good food afterwards!
      Back home over at the house of my friend where I stay for a few weeks, we came to talk about criminal immunity.
      He came back with a picture of the Nachtwacht -the famous Dutch painting from (team, werf) Rembrandt- on a page in an old Spanish newspaper.
      Vulgarity. Apetite for debauchery and the clawing for power and lust. The painting shows the symbolism of power and man, subtle not explicit.
      Platvloersheid. De trek naar losbandigheid en het klauwen naar macht en wellust. De rem brandt.
      They all came together on the most important painting of the West.
      It is a powerful painting that impressed me as a child. The age-old story about elite (power and loot) over people: compliance, division , load and breakdown. With the resources of the elite among others being: alliances, violence and psychology (fooling with little devils and little angels (women), meaning, standing and false promises). That's how they win supporters for their clubs and keep people under. The painting shows a guild of volunteer guards, a paramilitary gang, random figures. Which is a good resemblance with other forms of organized action against an opponent of the system, big or small.

      The night watch shows a picture of power and classical symbolism. (a conversion)
      In the foreground 2 men in dark and white. Men with goatee beards  ⌂. The captain and lieutenant; they seem to step out of the painting (boundary).
      But the lieutenant with nice boots has a top hat like a smoking chimney and over his waist is a shadow of 'the black hand'!
      And the captain..   it seems as though he is holding his cuff!
      The shooter on the left fills his rifle but seems to be rowing ahead in the spirit of good and evil,
      The firing musketeer with the helmet full of acorn leaves is the personification of the musketry. It's a devil!
      And the girl, according to the museum , is called the 'mascot' is this a surprise..?
      Δ   Do you see the Big-eye? The face with the eye in the back row at the gate's door is a 'watching' sneaky peeper.
      Nice to see that English and Dutch overlap and complement each other so beautifully.
      From this visual language, the pidgin is a pirate!

      In a corrupt country, many people are -often unintentionally- 'complicit' and working for the bad companies or government of that system. Bigbrother licks good ánd bad till the love is over and also has mány specific collecting clubs such as the above organized volunteer 'militias' (in many other corrupt - 'church & spiritual- organizations, work-groups, sects, bad cells, inner circles, networks, orders, local politics and officials and all kinds of other social bubbles, connections and pions) particularly consisting of: charlatans, (troubled) naive men & women and seekers but also ordinary people who are extracted from the own superstitious short-sighted people. There are simply already many obedient and tame listening workers who don't dare asking questions ,expressing their doubts, but sometimes -on top of all- they are (unaware) victims of psychological manipulation and unaware of the fact that they're extra-judicially being used for the elites somewhere, somehow.
      All can be rang from above to start watching and start 'finding clues', to persecute or to look away and to hinder. (personal) obstacles,whistleblowers and opponents to the system are unwanted because it's theirs. The system contoling the mass is theirs it's their wharf, it's their farm.
      They are part of the first ring belt to protect, run for and serve the elites and organize, whether professionally or on orders from 'bosses', the rest of the people, both the public and the individual with (criminal) 'idleness', data administration, assignments and 'sanctioning'(frustration). The veins run all the way from top along the hawks and sign-posts that are anywhere to the misery at the fringe of society and the very selvage in the down side of life.
      Theme of every power structure is expansion and compliance to any price by every bribery means.
      Leaders of associations or doctrine groups as well as the bigbrothers & elites who handout orders to them on 'a wink and a handshake' can be very bad and wrong. Folks anywhere should tell eachother and higher ranks to mind their own fucking business. Don't be stupid. Don't participate in *rumours and vague practices towards basically unknown individuals. Dont join (half) criminal or frusty games in the direction of what will generally be normal and innocent people. These corrupted bigbrothers, authorit-arian(ies) people and elites can all together be very wrong, seriously mistaken and/or very stupid *decreeers!! Leave these doctrinal no-good leader groups. Go follow a meaningfull course that really brings you 'a-head'..!   [language. *'behest' ('beest') giver]
      The m/f 'collectables & connectables' hoods & groups are full of organized and gathering klingons, hangers-on, cowards(like those trappers, anglers and 'sports' fishermen; dumb imbeciles, realy big cowards and giant assholes, quarter 'em! at fucking least!), hypocrites, streetmuffs (nsb), big mouths, shadows, bad 'radios', slandering dumbos, idiots, slijkzwammen, heksenboter, system pawns and psychos tasked to frustrate other people and finding other petty thieves to help'em widdat.. All together there bunches of people that hurt and spoil life and tome of innocent others. Especially all those cult/group related, directed, under (self) coercion and group pressure into max-overdrive brainwashed 'mallotenkolders' (moralknights) who knowingly and wittingly impose mental terror on others, on-and-on manipulate(covert/buzz), spy, intimidate, frustrate, bend the truth to their will, straighten all and every crooked argument so they have an excuse for their sickening extra-judicial bullshit and tormenting practices.. are huge assholes. Totaly deceited and fucked over the lives of others. But now we will know everything that's the difference; for what have you done to the dreams of children.
      Bigbrother is a pusher. Swooning and intoxicating. With dirt of the system and dirt for the system. A dirty system. Louting everywhere for their swags. The Groups I mention on this page use clever dogmas for their 'collectables'. As a part of the crooked i-community, being part of / used by crooked intelligence being part of crooked bigbrother. Power still slingshots the weak and targets without bonuspoints. All has been tried to keep me from credit. Tricked slandered me till I looked like Lunaria. And so much time-slurp.. Darn.. I got much to considder. I write about bad things and create my page 'despite not because of'. Regarding my situation, the government shows murderous modesty. I write about the endless systematic mental terror for some time now but nothing happens. Sorry to say this again but I'm totally dissapointed in the integrity. The trouble is, the bullshit and intimidation not only started young, I'm afraid it won't go away..

      We discussed the characteristics of corrupt governments and ditto dictatorial regimes, sects, Nazis and especially cults and other (reli) doctrinal groups. All the same system. Just like corporations and individuals are all organisations that can be manipulated, deceited taken-over (goal) and their ID stolen or altered becausere the are about lationships continuation engagement. Their psychology with an enemy image, violence preaching, glorification and rationalization of one's own philosophy with false arguments and often pseudo knowledge, not developing. The lie reigns. Surrogate, pseudo , meta- and substitution.
      All these 'break and build' groups work with operative psychology and look for more or less influence and control on their members and the targets they are set on. Certainly when it comes to stopping and breaking, the practices are very -sectarian- similar to each other.
      Take the Stasi. Their operative psychological work consisted of systematically breaking strategic targets. To spread fear and to make a fundamental uncertainty of existence for targets (people). Their methods were / are covert and illegal. They were designed to be silent and hard to point at. Nuisance, gossip and escalation, scare tactics, ridicule, harassment of privacy and lies are very functional, calculated and ESSENTIAL.
      Objectives are co-operation, -silent- manipulation (behavorial change is functionality change, up to a point where its -undue and subconscious- adoption and alteration can become severely emergent ) and social shutdown on different levels by means of attacking moral, mental and physical health. Add manipulation of information and you got BITE: the mind and behavior control model of a greater psychological strategic warfare. It is this I refer to when I mention things like psychological harassment (towards my family) and Zersetzung. All the trouble still continues.
      People don't stand a chance let alone when they are rather (unnoticed) socially isolated as a result. Knowledge and staying cool helps.
      Believing the stories: the Stasi have driven people to suicide. I repeat that in psychological environments people are willing to kill for their leader. The world is completely dirty: with some groups it's much more than stopping someone but about far-reaching influence and control over members / victims And bigbrother knows. For he is King of the eyes in the land of the blind.
      Corruption affects everyone but also important : How do you expect a victim to properly explain what happens when he is dealing with subtle psychological state terror at top level..?

      You want to protect people from the wrong channels where they are stamped early as an unnamed object and disposable waste. The color of the system of degradation and decay is called corruption that turn young lives into business gifts.
      You've got to face it, social reality's battleground has two sides to the spectrum of social problems; downstairs is also up. Otherwise one keeps on chasing the facts. Sweep the desert. Crime at the top and life's flip-side are interconnected and no longer random or accidental for a long time now. Acute and long-term problems require immediate action, clear knowledge and a livable prospect and good intensions éverywhere.. Nothing is rooted in the skies. It's just as with any other system: the bowels of the Earth need a brain.

         Left: emotions | right: work and result. (Power)
      In a nice world one would do a little under average and another a little over; in the many sides there would would be balance. Some people live highly on emotions where others live on self-instruct. While I wouldn't want to be a 'rigid machine' only, yet emotions off course can stir up group moral and undermine heavily work and good results. 'Power' knows this for long. But the wagon wheel gone mad. 'Right' has imposed his will on 'left'.
      Let's say I believe you got 'too much much and too much little' you know. People have come to believe in status. Not seeing that they have become part of the full-force 'engine' that is especially for the protective right side. Because only - on the other side - to the right, the boundaries are determined by heaven and one's own imagination. While it's above all the people that push and pull that wagon.
      Children can already make choices that will have a major impact on their lives later on. A choice between magic or wisdom, dreamer or doer. The great trick of seeing something immaterial turn into something material may always be believed by that person. It may remain sneaky in the background asking for fulfillment.
      Well.. conjuring brings you results but in a different way. In particular, it is of course an illusion that can make and keep people a dreamy child and a non-pragmatist.
      I think there is no second time around and there is no heaven. There is however a place where they do exist. You know where? In words. The magic of words. You can leave it at that or make things come true!!  Live with reason.

      btw learning to see what is actually not also stimulates the idea of redemption and condonation which can make dealing in person with a situation requiring attention less relevant. It's simply starting from zero denying the ongoing problem; redemption is there every new day again avoiding responsibility in the future. Framework *rules of obedieance , behavior wariness and salvation can be pseudo self-evident but supportive serve as masking pers. avoidance of a (self) responsibility.

      People feeling confident don't hesitate closing the door behind them you know: shutter speed: clean, ready, go. Deal with problems and get happier!
      Rituals and addictions are in line. Some people use short rituals like jump, clap, speakin words to try to start new day, phase or new life with a clean slate. Watch out and don't hang in this behavior if you can't find your 'momentum', your happy feel or the idea that the routine went flawless itself. It might drive you nuts and by the way what in fact is happening is that you are learning yourself the wrong things and a bad mood. Try to cut down on these repetitive traits and look for real change step by step better,learn from your misstakes. Maybe you got to learn you may make a mistake and 'you can't have éverything done, finished and behind you in one time'. That's called progression.

      Mood is very important. Emotions. And they can be influenced! It can make you do impossible, or forever stop doing something that wás possible.. Giving yourself a good mood with something as music can make a fantastic sunny change! Mood is balloon wind, you have to be alert to see the change and not let dreary wearied moods become a habit. Things felt as carelesly, ugly, boring getting washed with innocence and endearment if you look a lil better ..When something can be seen in such a different light then doesn't this mean its 'truth' has changed?
      Bad mood can underlay all you see and feel, centers on lower or higher irritation or problem, while good mood is open to happy associations. Many people enhance their mood in the direction of their mood. But you can actively chánge your mood and drive your áctions into a better direction. Everyting are value vectors, arrows either pointin' good or bad way. Stay on the good sides because many crumbs make a bunch.
      Best way to resolve structural bad mood is make a plan and belief in improvement more success next time and/or actively treat the problem, nót with dope, meds and stuff. We can't always win, we fail. Drinking away problems is also a véry bad choice. Especially when addicted and not realising you spend your days as a nutcase factually speaking more nonsense than sense, it might hit you by surprise: on full autopilot and lack of correction, discipline, challenge and meaning.
      By-the-way 5 and % (beer) are both on the same keyboard key. So much for associations. I'm goin for a beer now; had a shit day..    The world is beautiful I don't care everything sucks.
      Beer in my language is written as bier. Kinda remarkable cuz we know that people on bier are dead. 5% hmm.. guess when you're a mummy you won't be needing your senses anylonger.
      There are some degrees of being "stuck off the realness". Like when you're all day long addict, socially isolated and you're always looking forward to your escape into fantasy land. Dont do it. You are fooling yourself. get back. wake up. come to live. love n respect are only in reality. Mindpower ..and get organised!

      I can only encourage those who slowly got lonely neglected their senses, stuck in a though-behavior lockdown and the routine of a pointless compass. Sink up! Wake up! Defreeze , give urself and your flickering conscious the chance to revitalise memory, yourself and step by step jump the flow you perhaps forgot about. Be your own Third Man. Emotions can make all! the difference, give you strength where you first felt weak or reluctance and put a smile on your face like it 'should'. Listen to your old tune 'n' develop spirit, don't be ghost!Also, Believes and emotions are strong drivers that can surpass rationality , meaning someone in a naive belief and emotion can be more easily persuaded to overcome certain emotional moral and practical objections. People álso doctors can say unwise things and I have experienced the devastating results of underestimation and disbelief. let me say this: a recognized real problem don't need a different mindset, they need wise consideration and a practical solution.

      Words are often abused for lets say spiritual or emotional fraude. In my language 'word' (woord) sounds like 'becomes' (wordt)    and the word for article in my language 'lidwoord' (lid is also male genital) sounds like 'lid worden' which translates as becoming a member or to join. I guess it makes it easier to attach truth to the promesse and to be naive.   Language is absolutely meaningful and important for psychology, it weren't these nlp windscreen wipers on self-suggestion finding this out. It's even important in dynamic Lorenz mathmatics that I'm workin on right now.
      Let's say language is a tool to simplify meaning, memory and construction of context. I prefer REASON because it inquires ground and nature of context. Also with spoken language you can hear someone's inner-self right? What would be left of free man if some jerk can prevent or forbid people to take in outside information? Learn good stuff, think different or even to thínk about things at all.. You get idiots,
      that's what you get.

      I sat on a small wooden chair. Next to me a window and the silent street in the evening. I heard some voices coming from the family in the living room below. I stared outside..

      ...The 'divide and rule' policies over collective immaterial & material riches , resources and their availability on the motherboard : manipulation, (health) control over and spinning of the legal, information, money, 'means' and believe systems; the roots and limbs of your society and all major aspects of life.
      It simply means bigmouths' fumbling and messing about with the lives of all creatures. It means fumbling and messing about with people and their primary social institutions as - reclaimed and controling - stakeholder of these institutions and herein a mutual honoust common part of an open and hopefully happy future.
      The apps and plugins-like temporarily organisations ánd the main ('eternal')institutions of bigworld have no problem with working on an authoritarian web, everywhere putting their footprints in a 'social' construction of an a-social fascistic reality. Democracy -in my country- comes from after WWII. True democracy with voting-rights(obligation) for all people starts even later almost everywhere. That sounds fragile. What would a new primary institution look like? Doe you now? What could it mean in our creation (organizational) system of information, languages and realities?
      Organised constructions are related blocks, aspects and functions within a hiearchy of order. Systems can be build designed and altered. ..


      Bigbrother controls manipulates and corrupts society and communicates its (crooked) human wishes and human trickery not only along official ways but also through its secular, non-official channels to pull the strings behind the scenes and exert influence on (economic) organizations, politics and society.

      ..and to this end has, in addition to the treadmill structure of life and 'live and work' culture, the media, the looking away government, the crime and deprived urban areas and subordinated neighbourhoods, also *organized groups such as the : masons, sects, cults, churches, institutes and (authoritative) organizations that have their eyes and ears in common places in our society being present as: professionals, board, volunteers, informers, actors, hawks and watch-guards, controlled patsies and every other conceivable role in schools (density), (growing) associations, politics, government, institutions, security, help & care, clubs, social hubs, internet, anyplace else people gather, companies and neighbourhood and busy with: open or covertly influencing and manipulating groups, individuals, proposals and consult; part of the general psychological-social suppression; winning votes; (money) norms & values; creating and analyzing networks, people and their ways; recommending people; granting and issueing; enticements; psychological(individual & public level) control practices; extrajudicial frustration activities and (micro)terror, strategic political overtakings, organised gossip and smear campaigns; psy games & controllers, building and exchange of information and contacts; looking for kids and people to operate in / outside the twilight zone and knowing how to find and who to connect to ultimately fool everyone with the wrong choices ..thus serving the corruption, enriching the elites and leaving the people subjugated, divided and fed the green cookie of entertainment, work, death, numbness, sex, deception and intimidation.
      It waves (~) from top to bottom.
      That's how, on instigation from the top, comes the: injustice, criminality problemacy, debatable norms values and trends, moralistic schoolbooks and basic education, the class justice, conflicts of interest, organizational misery, hidden tyranny, orders to monitor and frustrate people, informers watching and shielding folks, minor sex scandals, wrong practitioners,
      the public confused, the masses slowed down, the people limited and consuming themselves, the poor kept short and predictable, the 'mistake' locked up, opponent thwarted, crime tolerated, the corruption maintained, cults sustained and the rich enriched to continue their looting of resources abroad and everyone brainwashed to stop and prevent, -with people 'using and helping' each-other to that point.., -insight and resistance against age-old injustice and bad practices because they mess too much with honor and love, conscience and temporality, irreversibility and irreparability of our only life.

      Intelligence is a cult. The intelligence 'community' is a cult because of the secrecy, martial law and place outside the system, enemy vision, oaths and diplomatic moral idleness(part of every foreign affairs) and controversy. Anything above also fits in the 'intelligence community'.
      Society is a cult too. The lower and middle class are actually constructions with relative poverty, debts, backwardness, vulnerability   -a good source for obedient trouble-   that create their own circles. From the bubbles of the working class come a lot of night sisters, wannabe's, prostitution, crime, addictions, other trouble, our night children and the night asylum voor bad work and industry to serve. ..it all adds to the repository of tools for control. I sometimes like to see the bubbles from society's top and bottom as tuning pegs on the head of a guitar.
      Society with its imposed morals, punishments and monitored bubbles and people is decided for, owned and brainwashed. A product and victim of the whole corrupt system and of itself. Part of another shell, second world, missed out on the 'ark' since a long time. ** Basically, Bigbrother ('daddy') sees everything and in the end he wants us all to become puppets under the beatings and pens of its wings.

      Residential environments of targets are frustrated by 'actors' in any normal role one can find within a residence, while innocent people get locked up, meeting throughout the process only corrupt people looking the other way. Victims on the list to be intimidated and confused(taken out), meet organised pretenders (anonymous to locals, barely aware of details) in many forms: sending off weird behaviors and reactions; people feigning freight, dupe and escalation all the way up to weirdos from the local variety being dressed up in black as mr. death slowly advancing. Not once for 10 seconds but regularly for a while. (Next I do not assume over-stressed view on people though even in a true situation, it will most likely play part.)
      Also 'introduced' can be: look-a-likes, magical figures (eccentric people/vagrants who can be seen as wizards, time travelers, aliens, duelists, mystics and rest of fantasy genre) and the idea from growing suspicion-scenarios that family, friends and others are replaced by doppelgängers. That ain't true however, they can be opinionated and behave contra a victims story which is a desperate lonely feel.
      This can be the drop for people with a ticket to exit and existantial fear and only just and maybe suddenly have started to doubt their self, life and memory as an effect of the psychological harassment. (typically very bad state manouvres in repressive regions as well as in indicative planned economies like in the West by state and/or groups). This can concern people 'destined' for much bullshit and after destined to be rendered taken out, harmless and silenced like a McDonald's Burger. Too many innocent lives disappear through the corruption's meatgrinder. Nowhere victims can find anywhere a reasonable listening ear or recognition; a f..k^&*n' shame. But it's changing. People who will simply always deny stories of people are simply leaving those people in the dark and cold. Time to open up eyes. The game is mean, the road is rough. There is no happy society.
        mathematician L.E Brouwer saw 'only the will of one party to dominate the other' and 'a desire to crush the will of that other person.' '..In the beginning of everything two-ity is preceded by nothing.'   (Quisling. From E.M Barth )
      The NSDAP flag was a most basic fundamental symbol of movement, of the ant-workers but as part of the -still- hierarchical society in a seedless unjust rewarding segment of the total of labour classes in a cheating class society.
      Orders ,as group of people, are not all bad or not bad at all! Some very kind and intelligent, some suck especially those with a militairy and hierarchical lead and command structure and with dubieus tasks -to say the very least- towards people and fellow citizens.

      -- De Vreesch vlag (the fear flag)

      I have seen the group photo of a famous order (S&B). Important men in a row and the guy in the middle bends over the elements of a pirate flag like a bird.
      He looks like Robert Vaughn (Voeg an, Napoleon Solo) from tv-series 'the man from U.N.C.L.E.', (also with McCallum - The Invisible Man) reminds me of knight Ivanhoe too. (with Roger Moore. 'Knight' is appealing because it represents all noble archetype traits)
      I find it kinda sad that people of stature can be related to such a symbol that usually commits, preaches and instills fear.
      A pity because fear is a scale from yuck and manic to panic and shock ; it trades spontaneity for avoidance and freedom for staying home.
      It marks life and has an unsuspected big influence on your capacities and possibilities, rather unkind associates I'd say.
      Besides all this it makes you predictable. This can be main reason or a side-effect from any (psychological) harassment

      The symbolism on the 'three to two' photo, that pirate flag with crossed lines and scull, goes back to Farao Achnaton, pirate ships and Prussian army; exciting!
      In a more broader vision it's again the determination about sex and power by sex and power.
      I know an old English joke, a sentence about a train stopping at the station for a period of time, using only two's.
      No I won't explain that one, is secret I'm afraid.😃
      Did you know comets are in fact giant snowballs of rock-dust gas and ice with tails a million miles long and winter on Uranus takes as long as 21 years?

      People may have secrets, must have secrets, think that's healthy. Others who are looking to misuse this private knowledge may get hanged upside down for a week in the screaming forest.

      In de complexen douwen en er dan een ander uit vouwen.
      Early on and from bad intentions one can forcefully structure and distort emotions and behavior of people and children. It's perfectly understandable why a known psychiatrist called severe fear (which grabs and takes possession) techniques, mental rape and if anger can be power than fear..
      On the other website I'll talk more about this, about serious bad trauma based programs. Associative confrontational trauma. Poking your inner shell. Important pillar of spookhouse psychology's dreadful 'games'. Deep stuffed with fear, blockages, difficulty -plexes, tilt, behavior control and way more. Re-vitalizing trauma and building bi-directional associations, smear as much trauma and representations of horribleness through your daily life; placing sweet memories next to dirt, kinda literally. These details go behind the scope of this page and besides that; you want to keep your food inside. it's real total mindfuck. Requires brutal violation and invasion of private knowledge and privacy.
      On the next 'mindyou' website much more about this; how these processes are build , break living to dirt and can run out of mental (and fysical) control for a victim. And some tips.

      *Groups movements etc are (self) inflicting and contaminating. Putting heavy demand on people's time to increase influence and involvement because time spent compels and binds more while throwing guilt and punishment among society.
      Some groups eagerly look for people and young children with certain 'qualities' these individuals are set for more intense psychological trouble and bothering.
      Caligula's corrupted Rome always needs more obsessed 'satellites' invading 'n' taking over your life, cold hearts, sex and perversion and many trapped powerless weakened victims.
      People under their influence can be enticed to develop and pass on weird ideas, abuse and fears onto others and their own children who are trained to be silent. People and kids can be played with different scare techniques
      Information on abuse cases is collected as 'generational genetics' possibly listed for continuation of deceit , (child) abuse and 'submissive' jobs in the future.
      ** Especially the central european eagle as a bird-spider of Organization and Power that since long makes Earth a ®trading company, clamping the maps, with their agents, *influential 'ambassadors' ; overwhelment of intimidation, tiredness and false beliefs to make the people co-ops to their own suppression and wallet of the elitist occupier.

      It's quiet a suprise: the world is still class and slavery, psychological suppression and manipulation via religion and media and the makeability of product human; the free thinking man who wants to organize truth must be neutralized. Like everything else. The owners and their elites use the moral given to the Followers and Believers from their many unity, cult, religious movements and other people collect and connect organisations with/and -information- networks (assets) and filthy crumbs.
      What you gonna do with these people inside your bank? With people you can mobilize? Minds that docile follow the rules, loyally keep word and obediently to leaders and group do as they're told! ..You will use them to: check off sins and bother or kill these people, play them against each other and themselves, to screw them and get other corrupt things done. You would want legs to walk for you and to open up for you.

      Many cult -alike- groups are front-end covers for sex- abuse, over-sexing, brainwashing and (white collar) crime with coercive control over submissive members; the Jehova's is a tolerated criminal, sex, pedophile and incestuous organisation and you got more of those where adults and their kids covertly in or via a cult or alike group of members get fooled, driven nuts, kept 'stupid', shaped and brainwashed to desired submissive attitudes and roles, sexual abuse, orientation and exploitation.
      To what extend elites and their friends can put a personal claim on these people, go (let) mis-use them under false pretense? For themselves, the public or as a fish farm of society's 'anger' and corruption as a whole? Adults and kids 'arranged for', 'in the making' (programmed) or a persuasion (prepare) route. 'Someone's daughter' promised, early pre-ordered and lend out. Adults and little kids as targets of (AND/OR) psychological doctrine & constraint, molding or harassment will have had to face a lot of arranged threatening of value and self-integrity, Excessive *OCD, disappointment and wrong experiences.

      Their metaphysical frills and things like sacrificing, communications (telepathic nonsense) and pseudo intellect demand a picture of the psychological (and medical) warfare weirdness of all these groups to better see the effect and their intentions on our society. In fact your first ideas about the pillars under your reality are already wrong and your voice is a little cross valid for four years while politics themselves have their victims of all the arranged and organized litter that tricks people from top to 'service bottom'.

      Social-emotional poverty, lack of warmth and affection must create a cold and lonely insecurity. An obedient, scared, caught off guard, stone dead-obligated or lonely woman or girl can become an easy prey for persuasive and demanding statussharks with means and corrupted minds, abusing trust and position, enforcing theirselves onto them or offering a bit of 'daylight' for some exchange (sex). Kinda Tupperware® porn. A social pyramidal construction behind a Christian front that allows some to have a bunch of (unwitting) separate sexual relationship trailers to go Home visit. Cults unlearn self-guidance. Folks ,females, become ever compliant subordinate 'sweethearts'. A lot of people will only think they're happy. With happy reasons but no reason to be happy. Code word: denial. Many normal situations of freedom & happiness will often mean guilt to group/rule.

      *The official Yale dictionary learns us:" Jehova can mean 'Yer House Waaife'. Because Jehova actually is the Hebrew יְהֹוָה Yəhōwā. 'Waai' in the dutch language (related to German and Yiddisch) means blow. Even more clear it is when looking to the original name of the cult 'Millennium Dawn'. Applying linguistic 'lingo' here will make MiDa or simply: maid. Well maybe a submissive maid-servant to sex, that is."
      Conscience, identity and alibi are important pillars for personality. I am used to and like it this way; that people say hello as themselves, identify firstly with themselves not with a God or a group and why: because that's cult. Especially when voilence is easily triggered to support faith cause that just makes no sense, that sucks and we already have to see our morning news.
      Movement and behavior: left right ahead back. Choises to make, rules to break.
      Rita, Rita, Meter maid. Shoot we can play more, Rita and alien is elitarian!      adios!
      alles tussen hand en voeten.

      Bigbrother uses operatives. The more crooked a nation the more class difference, the more he wants to 'do and play', the more control, the more informers who have more informers that know more people and still call it democracy. You is hooked on and unaware that you don't live in a free society but in an economy. Reality is told in such a way you don't understand this. A plot economy runs on control, conflict and overkill. Designed by ring worms for 0-G on the Big Sur Plus. Everywhere is corruption, deceit and victims and still there're people who refuse to see the unbelievable badness, that we are fooled, that a very wrong Bigbrother is a heartless murderer who likes to screw over and brutally claiming the lives of people and animals, and that they are possibly helping him with this.
      They used to call escaping to freedom a disorder and it's not gonna get any better in the future ; it shows the lunacy that authorities and people are capable of.
      'Thinking' people or those being a victim as effect of the many bad practices around can be confiscated, kaltgestelld and declared mad - no proof you are, no proof you ain't. people can be made nuts
      Mean, selfish systems don't want attention; they want to do & play and they want yoú to look to something else.
      Until everybody sees whats going on people are shells in a suppressed suspected 'society' of black sheep within an elitist, corrupted, friends and favors politics, filled with invisibles, bruised lees and jackie chantables. 'Little people'.

      "There is too much spin, in everything, in a forced reality. Shadow and shade play in language, in images, even the media are part of the mal-information and suppression campaign. Privacy and gossip are deliberately under-estimated and can simply ruin socially arrest someone to the desired level. Exited people can be organized round victims to evoke escalation by frustration to fuck 'em over to the lie of a corrupted mental disease that is nothing but a sick joke from the 'language & suppression department' so they can dope and restrict these people and have them locked-up in plain sight in a related inner circle next to a regular institution that will never check if their neighbour is working according to the rules or that they're nitwits on orders punishing certain people. The disorder is in society not in the people.
      People underestimate the premeditation , pre-calculatedness in and of our society; the roman corruption -by all the mini-caesars, the protectorate networks -that can stir up the groups and ,the idea bad stuff only happens to other people, the idea they -with the help of true social justice can escape (official) organized trouble and moral complot and all other bureaucratic means including the 'mentaly disorder' label that is NOTHING ELSE than a full functioning ultra strong and effective way for centuries to date, to ruin and disarm opponents and throw innocent people into the living ficking gallows.
      A lot of art, propaganda and programs have taught us to always and immediately declare and leave alone everything and everyone with that word as condowned and not to be taken serious.

      It is when I think of the voiceless, the suppressed, friends and family that I fear and scorn an elitist' near spellbound power which through influence and loyalty despite her guilt and complexes, is so big she can just show off and exercise her misdeeds and crimes on and on.

      One last note here
      Our increasingly complex world is run psychologically clever. Including irrational bones for the moralist dogs and having people cross against eachother. Check 'm off (afvinken)
      The cult of totalist society creates its own 'forgotten' places, the backward class ghetto's for the social weak and migrants with an invisible fence around it, filled with penury and shortages, met with hatred and seen as excess. 'Forgotten' means 'go figure it out..' In these neighborhoods wayless kids flee hopelessness and frustration, are being recruited for Jihad or get wind-up in gang life ,join the wrong respect-race, a speeddrive of machismo, fastcash and deathride with too many ending up in self-destruction. 'Cuz the youths want to fly but don't fantasize how to come down. You know.
      Love is normal treatment. A (mandatory, due) job gives underground and perspective. Together with a listening ear, a little help and clarity; it can keep kids from bad to worse.
      Underprivileged in Hindu language : ಹಿಂದುಳಿದವರು.
      Uncheck in Japanese : チェックを外す . remarkable.

      Recently Bukovsky died, a Russian dissident ,later neurophysiologist, who informed the world about corrupt punitive psychiatry, people being locked up in camps, (mental) institutions round the 80's. But it is alive today as it always was.
      Sects, Jehova's and especially churches (collections, crimineel bunker) they're all sponsored. Fuckin Scientology (SEA org ~ the big 5 personality traits make OCEAN. save the turtles somewhere else.) screws over people and have their own broadcast , bitcoin is state in state. Churches often get money from government, tax-deductible gifts with or without multinational-bank named Vatican (recently 200 million plus for London real-estate- is that positive or negative?).

      In the West young kids and naive people think the world is all right, incidentally mean, unscrupulous and drama but they are top down mislead and overfed the occupying pictures of choice, of sad-ness & suc-cess (-ities) in a world that is mostly on survival and waiting for liberation.
      We are all in the bus of the mind-fuck society. 'Coop' with it! Stuck between doubts and daydreaming away from 'now'.
      Your freedom of mind is an illusion from TV and your mainstream live-work environment. The moment you lash out funded criticism against the 'system' it breaks and BB pops up.
      The moment you show face, claim a piece of the cake, think further, want to reveal, ask questions, seek true justice assholes will invade your space.
      At a foreign wedding a stranger may join the dance, we would chase him away.. We have lost free and own rhythm and heartbeat and we're going backwards.
      Elites' visible ties of slavery my be gone but the abuse, humiliation and games still go on. People can be silenced on a wink and handshake taken away from their own home and self-determination. Stunned. What actually happened? Too many inner circles with weak people and hypocrites who look the other way, who don't ask and play the bullshit along ; this must be stopped.
      Fear forces, promise entices. They've known that for a long time.
      For everyone there is an angstgegner, intimidation, worries and illusions; the stress that shrinks your time. Serious targeted and psychological attacked victims on government level can take into account that when they move to a poorer neighbourhood, their new environment in terms of people and situation is or will be modeled with their own angstgegners, 'swearings' and anti-images.
      The actual nitrogen(stikstof) crisis is the invisible hand round our throat." Shit never sells out : the poop-fart movement: Omo Warhola ®. Andy and Omo are washing detergents in my country.

      Against the (poor) people stand the owners of this world, the cheats of BIG-, top-elites and the major companies, as of old the unlawful plunderers and exploiters of Earth capital, who owe their growing richness to: extraprinted money; fraude and cheat money; blood money; exploitation money ; dirty money; black money; grant money; your daily money; moneymakesmoney (x) and taxes. (+++)
      I dare to dispute that the proceeds of raw materials for the most part may still continue to fall into the hands of the barons ,the privatized companies of burrowing looters their rich investors and shareholders.
      "Apathy ain't the same as withdrawal in disgust." (REM) The money system en crazy differences in payment. The cookie box of Power; the gaps and money loops. Wages and prices (monopoly trees, accountancy, banks. 'fraudes' and fraudes). Accountancy btw makes use of another nlp: 'natural language processing' to abstract meaning and emotion from company reports and statements in auditing. This character here    Chinese/Japanese for buying, looks like my mothers bank that's cool.   See here ordinairy numbers (link)

      world plunder and corruption,
      bio dominance submission, mind and organic control (brainmapping projects, reality levels, gnome projects) over lives without power and participating voice.
      justice and police violations
      population eugenics
      (medical) experimentation and violation of its ethics.   please define experimentation. (link)
      war and torture
      coups d'état
      intolerable way we treat animals
      extinction & disappearances
      phosphor and burnbombs. That defoliated forests and people like the gel from hell napsalm. It leaves nothing of your beliefs when you have no skin left. It must 've rained raisorblades as the sound of tons of poison wooshhed over the treetops in the jungle in the dark of day.
      sex abuse laws
      misleading information
      forced sterilizations.

      How big are bigbrother's elitist's and government's bad and heartless practices to grab what they want preferably in clean 'white' suit? How bad are community and people duped, played, experimented with, hurt, frustrated, paired, arranged and families ruined? Heterosis. The giant powerplay game of lust, wishes and supremacy can be realized better every day cause of the tools, tech and people networks. It is no "accidental mistake", "we did not know", "forgotten" or "crossing of information", it's corruption. Blind corruption sacrifices, is negligent. This is your bigbrother ..and you still want to join vague clubs or spread rumors? Life is a lie ruled by mean monsters, a big mess, everybody's lives influenced but many people only dare to see the normal picture as confirmation of their comfortable ideas mind-locked on track over false standards and illusions, blinders as big as plates. You're nuts. Naive. Éverywhere there is trouble   trouble   trouble.  

      "Ordnung ist das halbe leben" but what does she look like? Who controls her and how big is she?
      How to prevent it from elitist power abuse and prison-state? From logical harm and networks with enough people to 'punish' every small 'bigmouth' mistake against the system?
      From square carrots and your day cut up in barcode?

      Uit korupsie komen vlinders
      People hide behind sunglasses, connect a tree from one forest to a tree from another forest. People in fear and stress trying to solve questions and gain knowledge about society and 'deeper truths..'
      It is primarily a lack of sight and insight of the contours and dimensions of the 'ghost of control' that keeps the situation. I have not heard of any trusted informative programs. It's a Lack of knowledge. Because it's made this way. Consciously. Because Corruption ís the organisation. And it is corruption that makes truly meaningful initiatives don't get a reasonable chance. The drives behind our society were pretty unclear; angst and lack of information about the 'spook'. It is about time to take the rag off it and clean up things. Its contours are beginning to show.
      Those of ourselves too. But we need móre people who criticize the 'normality' of reality. Of people standing up. Recognition! Invisibly or hidden under false acquisitions both good people as critical thinking are eliminated..
      "the moment you allow yourself to form an opinion, dare to think critacally the world may seem a bit uglier cause things, shapes, people cease automaticaly to be well shaped, harmonic or best solution just because they come from someone else, from the outside. That works liberating! Other people reside in the opposite. Will-less-ly everything is automatically better and best, the moment 'it' is 'bigger' then they are.."
      I have a good book lying on a table in my room.
      Sunglasses protect you from sunlight but at home, you don't see a thing bro!

         Gloria in excelsis denim
          why so many..
         unbearable lies and beatings.

      Hey you could always go to Delhi, movies only 35 rupee (less than half a dollar) to forget daily life & dream away..
      Climb over the fence and ride for free!
        Ain't nothing like the real thing
        But there ain't nothing like the real thing
        Oh magnificent splendour..

       e n g
          u r
           l o



        ergens tussen Sevilla en Tripoli.

      ..ik sprong die warme, zoet geurige avond de grote helling op. Boven gekomen herkende ik het meisje van die middag. Het was Nadia!
      Haar lange donkere haar, haar houding, in een tel was ik de wereld rond wachtend op een perron, winkeldief in Parijs.
      Ik zei iets, voelde me onzeker, 't werd koud, ik had nog tijdelijk m'n leven kunnen redden maar ze gaf me een duw en ik vergat te vallen, zij liep weg en vergat zich om te draaien.

      "De dood is slechts een groot gemis, onze hemel is de herhaling" zei Wepsicola naast me.
      Met wat goedkope whisky allebei nog een paar rizzla was het nacht geworden.
      We stonden dronken op de top van de donkere stille heuvel, silhouetten, keken uit over de stad.
      Beneden kwamen overdag dure wijven uit hun Masserati's met minstens drie dure shoppers.
      Nu was er een lang lint van autolampen en strepen licht. Af en toe stapte er iemand in.
      ik krabte aan mn blaffer. In de verte reed de metro vlak voor ie de tunnel in ging.
      Ergens beneden klonk een harde knal, een meisje lachte, veel getoeter. Nachtwachters.
      ..over Wepsicola. (spuitend bruisend verfrissend sissend Wepsicola Raak! Aaaah..

      夜の 子

        Je kunt op zoveel manieren niet meer leven
        nog even en we zijn hier nooit geweest
        de eeuwigheid in haar ogen alsmaar het ogenblik verlatend
        auto's beneden bewogen stil uit beeld   voorbij de lijst   weg uit mij
        er is niets dat blijft.

         Song ain't nothing like   (audio)

      Most people are not confronted and questioned about their past, actions and self; they have a rather unquestioned inner-look, found a way to deal with themselves and adapted in their way to the flow of life. But.. You is Lego. One can be chopped up to pieces and some pro's are very good at it. With superviced monitoring (to watch and inform, pro's & unwitting x-'s) and BITE aka behavior, information, thoughts and emotional control, being very important because: a *corrupt world needs maneuverable and controllable folks - for the dirty works. These mind-gamers and people screw-ups -almost always with no legal background - should report themselves to the police. Their victims can be day-in-day-out tormented and struggle not to fall from their pedestal. The real you is tricked with disappointments: you become another you: self-stolen, heart kicked out and pushed to embrace fantasy and lie for 'real' life.

      Disappointment can be used to break a person in a surprise & fall twice trick: on despair follows good news that turns out a failure again. So now you feel truly sunk and bad or maybe worse, you keep hanging on with false hope like you did in that doubtfull moment with half shadow. Too long. Heartbreak or any other heavy emotional loss can seem impossible to deal with. A too big a focus can lie on 'all what's left from the happy memory' projected and represented for instance by an animal friend becoming more important than life. You don't want to lose that friend. People should guard themselves for the emotional blow out in case this happens and with animals it will one day happen. Remember that the love would have always wanted you to percevere. Just thought it'd be good saying this.
      Sects often claim the truth for they operate in the filth and imitation zones but they are just plain criminals working for Bigbrother. A great lot of appeal is being made to them both as perpetrator & victim, they are often close to misery and corruption and so they just know a little sooner and better than average how rotten the control society and practices are.

      Every man can be broken. Ask prisoners of war, of fascism or tight hierarchic unity groups: it's the same mind-fuck. Disgusting privacy mashing schooling practices must stop. They see you sex, know your self-promises and maybe all on watchie-wa (peeking monitoring) and sneaky schooling and instruct. They know all. Schooling bytheway looks like schule(german school) and shule jiddish for house of prayer and synagogue. And while you're at it, check out the company parties for fully controllable 'sweetheart' programmed 'droids' at your service. Submission and compliance may have started early. Those people need rescued. Their controllers kicked from first (they need to see prison).
      Arrest these 'hit men' of bigbrother's pillarisation! A wall between servitude and prompt obedience and submission. Remember.
      (With sneaky I mostly mean:' manipulation and influencing of mind & behavior using practices that (may) include monitoring, hidden people and -as always- the sub-conscious.)
      (With groups I mostly mean organised groups practicing the above, that harass people to ways of compliance, destroy or frustrate them -tire & slow down, impair mobility- , often related to elites and government which is often the same and mostly always part of the general suppression. I simply oppose to groups making bad networks. Other than that: Groups & people are very important, plain people should build trusted networks; it's the way to independence)

      Bigbrother - owner of all, trouble big & small- with official and regular (media) pawns in our society and institutionalized legalized injustice starts to behave 'more and more' like a sect disrespecting its civilians. Every man's little hero inside of him is scratched. Community Power an illusion. Progression -that's how they called it- subtle turned back and surveillance is just another word for monitoring and having people spying on each other. You are the dick in 010 big data. The 'one-in-fifty' control-state is near meaning 1/40 informers, 1 camera /10 people (famcam), and goodbehavior credits. Bigbro is there in unmanned shops and unmanned subway trains, it's already there, the future has long started. This page is an underestimation. If you want twisted reality: go see a hollywood movie or visit your local supermarket. No jokes. Disgusting privacy mashing schooling practices must stop. Will Bigbrother do so? on his own command? Will the monster be 'compliant'?
      On top of ruined biotope, murderous disrespect and drowning in sunny palm-oil is a numbed society with everybody stopping everybody. Wingless, holding each other down. The fascist trick: only the unity is a whole, the 'you' is to smithereens. Everybody is a box with ears. Everyone on sewing lessons. People want a proud flag. Most folks don't want to be weightless and without reference. Not when you want to get somewhere, in time..

      Wherever on this page,
      - in relation to (advanced) psychology and in our context preformat, deformat, support(ed), recruit and select, influence, manipulate , opinionate, information, compliance and control tactics and thóse organistions that are toúched by the preceded and-or seek to influence, and contribute to (ethical and Moral) issues and policies -
      I mention *groups, organisations, cults and other doors, one can in fact mostly read :
      sects; cults; orders like masons (implicit -not explicit- acceptance of the constitution, signing order-constitution unbelievable.. own rule over law. Taking it to work? Followers committed to auth-oath accept it all mindlessly ) relations and professional guilds; the elites; communication departments incl all media; society itself; movements; churches; other secret societies; -royal- knights orders; ** unions (movements cult, crime and malpolitics aligned); think-tanks; intelligence; agencies; governing bodies; from sectarian mileus (or alike) arisen spirited and cultured/organised companies; (moral) leader groups, weird student, militant weerstandsbewegung clubs, resiliences (paramilitary and extra-judicial 'action' oriented/usable (mufs) on orders, paramilitant (children), 'feelers' and naieve suckers for 'royalty and elites'. Infact every group here mentioned is potentially severely teached to 'show their dingdong', follow orders and do what's told against innocent social targets incase of hotshots and excellencies pointing at someone, let alone royals and high elites and/or their personal secretaries/representatives); scouting(leaders, followers and hipsters);
      post-academic teaching; temporarily organizations; main institutions incl LAW care & finance systems suffer from corruption, bias and detrimental deluvated norms in criminal ways..

      [ Human Potential Groups firstly the LGATS which are typically cult on 'speed' training Programs. Consequential deceptive actions. In-vivo brute indoctrination, low self-reflecting and mirroring ("ashole", "coffin") and effusive praise are used to test-train-screen you. New outlook and attitude change is next, effecting in you (be)coming the pathological wetdream of hard management : 'a slave driver'. Business is tough! Suitable for 'anyone who likes to take it out on someone', obedient leaders and psychopathic CEO's A-holes. The trainers are heartless scumbags. The blind ride makes the follower, lovejoy the believer but it won't take long. The very best natural response one can get from this fraud is a healthy depression. Don't join this FB crap. Q- Why? A- so what? Important elements in these programs are: Jargon, Self-hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic programming and Visualization for the strong touch.
      It might work but sure can be very harmfull as well. LGAT is an important missing link : it's a clear example of cult into business and can make controlled connection (bi) between worker and the boss director-y. It tells us that slavery is still well around too.
      Further more client -healing/teaching/therapy/personal/growth & wellness groups and trainers can also act as fronts for what they realy are or grow into: cults in which members become dependent victims, of manipulation, of (sexual) undesirable behaviour, abuse and discreditive submission. One day one of these sucker clouds will gather and enter politics. They did..?
       - Psychologist Singer mentions a diet club in reality a cult that had her members drown in self-hypnosis and hyperventilation, hand over their salary, move to an isolated place while "lectures and demonstrations of how to speak in voices and hear in voices" were carried out. Although somewhat agreeing with APA's refusal it's sad APA didn't honour in some way the straight forward DIMPAC report about mind-groups and their deceptive use of indirect persuasion and control, knowing so much lives are hurt, so much happening in society!
      Critical (clinical) psychologist Singer's truths about the obligating mind of modelable calibratable Man, his secret corridors and, as far as I'm concerned, hornydream of PowerAbuse and total control, was and is a long finger against the sub-establishment floating on Archimedes' power. They should have listened long ago. Great woman! I would even say Excellent!!
      Regarding its influence and importantcy I oughtta give it more space and will do so on the next website. 'Cults in our midst' must be a good book. But much more important: very true! A statue fór Singer! And agáinst the virus of cult, human heyena's and mutants on their way back. Singer got into a legal dispute over a misunderstanding with Lamdmark which she said to be a "controversial new age training course". I once shortly read about them and to my opinion they simply used coercive persuasion by undue influence and improper pressure. Singer later issued a tiny statement saying 'she didn't consider Landmark training a cult' ofcourse she had to add: but they are sure fuckin gasholes. ]

      ..political- youth associations (generation next, easter sticks) and added to the foregoing: all left hp/pk's as opportune anonomous buckleheads & campinas, 'wolves', dumbos and losers being loyal to loyalty; schools & media; social hubs; rotary; advisory boards; work groups; shelters; -pre- politics; (semi) government (companies); (privat , anything) surveillance and security and (their respective) policy developing agencies & bureaus;
      Also mentioning umbrella orgs, all clinker joints between them and every other global inline, international connected organisation(people subordinated to the purpose and essence of a (spiritual) hierarchical(autocratic board) organization and or its leader(s); places with teachings like lodges, cults, and clubs using these bad mental practices especially those whose teachings and practices involve submissive coercive doctrines & rules, oaths and vows, (vague) symbol-ism, altar religion magic, psychological dependence, contact, and a top-down initiation hierarchy or : 'belief, obediance and the book', but also: contradictions, unclear knowledge and learning(s), manipulated binding, coercive persuasion, unwanted intimacy, deception, duty of confidentiality;
      ..As well as many bad practice organisations, clubs or companies with an ear to lend, and the whole corrupted field of chess pieces, pions, footons singletons and story story knights, contacts of all sorts and other (unaware) people cooperating (wittingly or not of the double agenda) on which bigbrother (*elite, ..vita 'cabana') has more or less directer influence and can make an appeal to subsequently bother, move & control, obstruct, harass, kill or to incite people to suicide. With the end of a (cover-up) life it's end of story.
      Inc: the wise advisor, inspirational introducee and the 'lovely company'.

      * Pointed heads without differentiation! In main inw/outw, adm/fys and ABG(α, β, γ) activities, orientation, terrain and structure. Group loyalty likes to imitate/create 'family'. Whether (real) family, club, industrial organisation or P-monopolists because these ties are the strongest. They takes care of the organised corruption 'undertow' with injustice, manipulation channels, 'paramill', and criminality that takes people along, into which you can easily dump innocencent people; checking the lifelines of individual people and then put movement on these strings. The maelstrom you often seen in poorly written B-novels that doesn't make sense but makes you dizzy indeed.
      Double beliefs cán be double stupid and stubborn. How does greed disguise itself?The bigger pictures or : how do the (future) lay-outs of national Plan-economies look like in unavoidable understandable hierarchical-cone representations and how to adapt to their set-back mass regulation models by the corrupted institutions and organisations like in my region the 'orange' Cone (the big Org. Handshake network, under umbrella of-). Maybe I put it all in a relational database.
      A royal slide image virtualy on top, but it's about the real bigbrothers : the global Firm's pro-states and end-states and our knowledge of structures and practices hereof. Because fear in the people is a bad advisor. This enemy in many guises must be made recognizable, exposed, cut from a wall, dismantled and sent away. Will not right away make a World based upon love, but it'll go better than before.   On the new website!

      -Open doors example:
      Concrete institutes are 'established' organizations with great authority that want to influence people and society through their ideas and (behavior)rules in questions about good and bad, right and wrong.
      So it is that religious and reformed foundations are members of, and participate in -schools and organizations for bio-medical and cultural ethics, to think advice and decide along in important moral issues. - One of such renowned institutes is located in the same place where JW have their main office (in NL). Which reminds me in a strange way of the fact that I need a new cellcard and an agenda.. Wrinkleless Believers from the age of aquarius are crowding tv. Religion and believers are crowding education, media even political parties in my country as elsewhere and as always rattling fuel for bad conflicts -to come- faster than an M-61. Violence is a doctrine, death its cult.
      - Directed influence on leading people (boss, star, chairman or any other human- doublebinder) can be subtile or hard. With a leader u have his group; with a star you have his fans public etc. A frontman can be drawn into another 'bubble' like sect church group, then get severely influenced so soon the integrity of their club, party or business is at stake. This can get really worse with crazy stuff happening, strange decisions and so forth.

      In my opininion focus as breadth are both good. Signing up to a new club can bring along the feelings of warmth and destiny of 'being enthousiastic', that people crave and can easily surrender to, while infact they might only contributing to mapping, bothering and profiling of self and society. If life changes into interference, dependence and ruination one could perhaps consider joining a cook club, hottub, golfclub or other friendly collectors, who study together, repair, practise their hobbies or do something that makes sense. The world is full of mean bottlenecks and reservoir dogs with drain down.
      - As of Jan 2020 the almost only reporting-point for the kind of possible harassment (in NL) coming from groups this page is all about has stopped.
      A 2014 political motion that supported more research towards the world of all these closed and secret groups didn't make it.
      Banks, schools, tax authorities (See modern tax building like a still from Blake's 7. ), child care, police departments, ministries,health care they are all listed as customers that followed a course or what from an organisation that facilitates mental trainings and whos director was a sect Leader who with her accomplices chased people into open group masturbation, humilation and psychosis. It's a simple fact that their names are on this organisations' website like one big smiling business card. Are they aware of this? Are they nuts? Would you perhaps go start do some fact checking? "now gently put your finger in", "change tempo..", "Sit in your Cunt!" (the Leader speaking.) Morph that troll into a rugbyball, for Christ sakes.  'Hotel cal-if-orn-ia. now put your hands up in the air.'  

      ..And when the bomb falls

      Then I lie in my neat suit
      Diplomas and my checks in pocket
      My policy and my vocabulary
      Underneath the city flats
      Next to you

      Let it drop 'cause
      It will come of it anyway
      And it doesn't matter if you run
      I have never known you
      I want to know who you are
      Want to know, who you are

      Doe Maar. (apr 25. Leve Doe maar

      When have uniforming and society 'improving' moral knights with their worked minds, changed into dumb paramilitaries whose given task and orders have turned into commutable Holy Missions, being able to rücksichtslos frustrate and molest people's lives and other (elite) 'threats..' ? For people whose thinking and work (norm/moral actions) are based on a mandatory attitude with utmost loyalty, in a magical and symbolic connection and understanding, to the 'divine or magisterial' and their group, docility, dependency and extreme behavior are lurking. People are willing to go too far. This applies to all thought-reform orders, cults and similar groups. The inhabitants of holes and channels, 'cleansers' for the honeycomb. Or how dangerous is it to have an opinion?
      **Especially in regions of social-economic overdue maintenance and development. From laborours, mingling corrupt 'security'/militia/gangs with leaders (into), local and central politics, to foreighn Gowners.
      Poverty, chaos even vulnerable streetkids being recruited by armed pro or contra militia and cults; battling the top-down corruption mirror needs more than the traditional solutions, exit plans, people & society re-order programs whilst regaining ownership of faith requires organized unity and willpower to clean up the mess, to set goals and doing good business, putting up the highest standards and demands towards self and others based on at least equality against the cult of greed and oppression that pale hypocrites try to sell as saints of salvation. Everywhere.
      People seek belonging, appreciation, course & safety in a society that doesn't quench people and condemn them to one another but let them flourish learn and 'build' in worthyness and freedom, for a common share in a better future.
      ( a joined future, no 'joint' future..)

      Infact anyone including MK victims can be plagued & bothered on 'orders', hearsay or own instigation (feeling 'called to do something'), by organized collectables aka all filth (in) social, leader and or reli groups out there. [see above]. Often groupnut foolish stubbornstupid, brown molded mess of choc'o'thingies that tickle, stick, prick and frustrate. The chippedchopped offspring/wave of 'all the same', bad 'knights' of bad 'kings' are the culpable accusers and suckers behind a tree following drama lessons.
      How will social responsibles and users of this extrajudicial bullshit that shoves many innocent people through the grinder, be able to look at themselves in the future..?
      Handy long arm for Bigbrother on a personal or broader class motivation are all these leader and collectables system-groups(see above) because you can drive the group by driving the leader. Faders on maximum. Groups are flywheels, The group-self(the I) uses group-pressure and can easily overrule a member's objection by the group's majority. People like to hide in these schools of fish where they can hide behind eachothers back.
      It's easier to frustrate a target with people from your group than showing criticism because asking 'makes you stand alone'. A group can exert its influence into a loyal active member's home and job as yet another 'agent's' or 'knight's' hub from where certain individuals can be troubled and disadvantaged for instance in the picture of a webshop owner who deliberately sends wrong stuff to a client. Thing is, why must people believe everything instead of checking if it's right and belongs to the same side as where they think they are doing it for? I seh Bigbrother, one or all of them, has with these groups a great instrument for extra-judicial measures and even more influence on any channels in our society.


      Square and Compasses is the single most identifiable ma-sonic symbol of Freemasonry. We know this symbol also from the former national emblem on the East Germany GDR (Dutch: DDR) unitary flag. Square and Compasses are 'appliances' to measure , calculate and set out. The Architect!

      Secretary for Women affairs was Mrs Ilse Lange. We also in my country have famous name like that; it's Ilse de Lange a female country and western singer. She's even famous in Nashville. The DDR mrs Lange worked for the highest political office known as the Central Committee (Zentralkomitee, ZK) although the true power was with the Politbureau.
      Lange is also the name I mention on this page related to the woman who was a big support to my grandfather and who worked for the archives in our capital city. (picture DDR from M. Deen. From RUG magazine.)

      "..if you know for how long I'll be dead, you understand that I don't have time right now.." Talking about quality of life of people, of behavior. The rules of a community can be so embedded with fear doom sin guilt etc that there is hardly spontaneity and freedom left; its strictness spirals down to the limits of livability. People are soaked and bring each other down in compliance.
      Mutual trust, understanding , positive yet realistic wise thinking and resilience make a healthy less cramped outlook and approach possible for both people and company.

      In general one sees there's a broad strategy of social stratification.
      Known for a long while is that certain groups divide members into personality (norms and values) types and classes, driver modules : thinker or feeler, intuitive or calculated, dependent or independent. Do you want to believe in the magic trick or find out how it works? etc etc.
      There are always people willing to do what someone tells 'em to, depends on how the question is asked or what promisses must be kept. Agents from orders and masons, nut religious people > especially nut (religious) sectarian people and other semi-automatic propellerheads, morally twisted overloaded or enlightened weirdo's go ahead to do stupid on orders. Whether it concerns troublemakers, critics, the Venom named Jealousy or anything. there is álways a false moral and a stupid believer around to think that someone's pleasure and applause, sex & success or bravoure must be payed of with misery; to set an example. To make someone a gray mouse, pride to pieces, nose to the ground compliance..
      (self-) challenges are an often used way to chase a person to bumps and scratches. (scrat-scratch) To where he doesn't want to be. Between the car-wash brushes, like a hedgehog. Because we all simple have to be discouraged and lifelessly tame. We must see the wrong examples; not the wrong wright! examples to follow. You know what I'm saying..

      "Sing, Fight, Cry, Praise, Laugh, Work" and Overcome yourself.     shaffy  (audio)

      People certainly under 'nasty conditions' tend to slow down, lose directness. Physical movement brings health and happy moments and inspiration along!
         I don't like 'movements..' but playing football, dancing, roll-over & jumping, walking etc. are good movements from youth! Don't unlearn them too quickly. Joy!

      I read about our politics here:
      De Tweede Kamer (The House of Representatives) is a company? that's kinda funny! They are registered at the chambers of commerce.
      And "power of the King in the government increasingly limited since 1848 ?" nah, that's just to prevent him from doing something that he should but don't want to.
      You don't have to feel sorry;There is 'The council of state'. The council of state must be heard about all bills and general administrative orders, as well as agreements with other foreighn powers. She is also the highest general administrative judge in the country. We're talking law disputes between citizens or a company and the government like zoning plans, permits, subsidies. The chairman of this council is the King! He (the org King carries the crown) also appoints the members for this council for life which makes me think of the supreme court and court of appeals judges. We now have the longest-serving prime minister(Rutte) ever who was a fellow-student of the king. It was chief intelligence (the Netherlands) Doctors van Leeuwen who said: "it's not all about power, it's about influence". Well.. so ain't that just a bit fooling around? Withdrawal of unnecessary 'veto' you call curtailment of power, while on the other hand you have very important influence via diction as well as being judge. That is nothing but distraction from strategic allocation.
      The council of state has always been a royal/elitarian thing. The dutch version is about 400 years old. From a time that politics could hardly be called politics cause civillians had nothing to do with it. By the way many European countries also had a Geheime Raad' or 'secret council'. This circle informed and advised the royalty and King on certain matters and legislation, while it also acted as the Ministry of Justice and Police.. The Kings' bunch of confidants!

      Mob.Maffia.Nazis. That whole royal steps is bogus. That lot and their friends are stealers, infiltrators and occupiers. Hunt the hunters. It's imbecile and totally corrupt what this country has to put up with from that same crap. They, áll of them, should have been chased out of 'the country' long ago. Again. If top-elites can go on with dirty practices towards people, animals and information, than a country is corrupt. Culttic. With people learned to accept wrongs as norms , not to ask questions , unaware of the realisation that they are powerless and police chasing the wrong crux. By Jove!Blake!   Mortimer?Mortimer!   Blake..?

      Wat vind jij 'r van Toedeledoki? "te veel bevliegingen en te weinig bevlogen!"

      It'd be interesting to see how the elitarian protectorate (post academic groups, orders, friends and all other groups) is in/directly influencing or present at politics. (see Belgium)
      I gonna check if there's still visa required for Damascus. Life goes on. It's a beautiful country and the hotels are open..

        *These things take time. After a stressy day, there is You and you're supposed to sit on your couch with your head
      somewhere in the middle - on your crotch because that is 'where it belongs' -   to make chew and swallow gestures while watching tv and yur all set.
      Yep, everywhere's the big fall-over movement and maybe you've been told about it once but hey, only one time ain't enough to learn it! Daz it!
      Don't watch tv much but enjoy watching old 'Third rock from the sun' shows after sports outside in the park near tech campus until late tonight!

      It can get worse. Such as with my family and a total psychological Zersetzung. Still.
      Oh man, the mind..
      Anything is possible; you can have somebody talk bad about someone they love in like no time. The spotless mind. A (maybe 'whispered') fake image for an idea or attitude can get pimped up into a 'holy id' where people hang on to for 30 yrs spiraling down on autopilot cause they don't evaluate, and only *think they think. Untouchables..

      "fear depends on safety. That's why you make them dependent."
      "dependency and anger (fueled by emotions and abstinence) are controlled missiles."
      "doggone stubborness can keep people stick happily on the wrong side."
      "Safety is a door against trouble, certainty checks if it's closed." (They're both relative values. Post-certaintity doesn't limitate while pre-safetyness can enprison. non-safety too..)
      "a functioning safety(*repeated motion) is reliability and reliability makes you feel calm and relaxed" (important for 'trance')
      Trance's rest and *repetition gives little more options than thoughtlessness or to focus on your simple (physical) movement, explore it, let it carry you away (becoming it, identification, surrender).(See the importantness of a psychological idleness)
      Trance (in a cultic context) is a dissociative state with reality as opposed to a normal broader perception hereof. General awareness has decreased(relaxation), there is a strong focus on self (trance) or on something outside yourself (hypnosis) the latter, in which energy levels infact can be higher as normal(extacy). Trance states effectively contribute to subconscious learning(acceptance), installment of (spiritual) bonding and fulfillment.
      If you are in some kind of disagreement with your spouse try this:
      True and real: teacher is all, teacher is all, leader is right, leader is right!

      Sects, cults, masons,churches, movements other 'connection' denominations, schisms and the likes.Sects. You think about the front-door of a shop to get bug spray. That's already 'a trick'.
      The word comes from Secta this means: beaten path, path of followers. A sect is a Self-growing control and indoctrination machine. They find out about you. Personality modelling, memory and (state of) mind tinkers. Break and fool nlp with a bad twist. Small and 'big' egos abused. Soft & blind-spots. Misleading through supreme beings, false truths and prophecies.Keeping you away from your own self, reality, freedom (money) and your time of life. Fools gold with time spoiled and healthy values thrown away. Narrowed (self) consciousness. Tricked into obedience and compliance. Modular and C.
      Psychologically based on (sub-conscious) suppression, *repeat (overlearning, schooling, trance shanty), tiring re-thinking, questioning your life capabilities and reality, embedded **(self)guilt faults and fears (mania & phobia), -forced- self-exposure of weaknes and guild in group confessions (often in many groups present) , isolation (break from old life), stamp & change (conf. to new self and beliefs >> ) the group/cult is all and group dependency (group is now 'part of' self_id. conditioned is the idea that emotional relationships and ID : meaning, belonging, destiny, love, the micro-societies' doctrines, salvation, whombe, guidance, all will be lost in the outside world), internalization, brainwash (and) loyalty(je woord wat je eet), prohibition of independent thinking and even thinking(unthinking) willess, learned dissociation (de-association. PersNote: ' association-stop, situ/reality-'phobia' '), repudiation and loss of autonomy, false believes and fake 'love', apathy,loyalty and surrender (for safety love and salvation, econ. persuation law), lack of knowledge, naivety, disorientation, apathy, unarmed self-confidence against the brainwash of inability, unquestioned leader/mission knowledge and focus yet undermining of own life, incredible irritating amount of one-sided stupidness and cemented **stubbornness and a doctrine filled with outside enemies paranoia, pseudo logic and rhetoric. For (new) listening servants, slaves, terrorists and anything in between.
      Exhaustion and freeing reformation, possibly portraid as finding, liberation or rebirth of deeper truth and/in self. (mental rape.  - leaders' influence that subjects to physical and mental exhaustion, group hypnose self-rejection and blind following. Pushing people -through the wake of matching language actions and emotions ,unawarely overwhelmed, urging and coersively persuading them to exceed their own boundaries. -  fysical -group- rape).

      ..I split the often heard 'purity' in two: Cult-self. cult- purity is abstract. there's nothing left but to give yourself as total surrender and be fully known (confessions), inline with dogmas and obeying, serving to leaders and group. Self. personal- wish for purity. (quick) point to handling negativity and forgiveness, starting with clean slate: no 'nerves' and mistakes in memory and inline with self-rules obeying serving to new self and future. (vulnerability scare for). Purity like phobia and dillemma is a non-stop routineous repeating killer of time and effort. Purity is and perfection cán be ,though there's basicaly nothing against that I'd say. For some reason I know quite some folks that get rid of that drool thing, that white blob inside a hard boiled egg. All in all people can (will) feel like an empty *shell: narrowing of consciousness, desensitization, hazy relation with reality and self (neglect). Where am i, where was I, what did I want? Don't hand in the keys of your life, get back behind the wheel.!

      * In-shell that's the worst part. I mean: withdrawn, hiding in yourself and unrecognized by others, no-initiative 'n' reacting on reflex. It's living in your own numbed world with people as moving shades, talking shells.
      Some time ago I made a wild drawing of a feminin robo face with red hair I named it 'ReadyGirl' and gave it to a friend, I'm the only one who may call her that way.   I met her in a coffee bar - nice guy good music - where we came to speak of it she said it something like this way: "it's being locked. Living with a 'wrong' inner in confining and leveled agreements with a surrogate-self often hiding behind the still image of some alter-ego, separate from yourself, susceptible for a lot of crap and maybe already always listening to it.. Then after her first coffee and cigarette (she's an artist) she said it this way which is the same: "I wasn't feeling, I wasn't thinking. I was only listening, reacting. I was disappointed, got scared, felt dull, small and hopeless, became withdrawn. Street anxiety and hyperventilation you know.. Living in 'my' own world, everything a trouble , everything later and not a trace of magic : I had to clean up a lot of yesterday's. And how who to be.   My life didn't go right and wrongly choose to live in denial about it all..
      I went to the shop in 'zombie state' with a skin as thick as an elephant. Shielding to feel untouched. Nothing came out of me; I didn't dare and didn't care.
      Faster than yesterday I had to get my life back, kick the habit.." A friend of mine calls this JezusChristSuperStarfighter. Because it can go as far as feeling you're like on a danger mission. Standard picture of being prepared, practised routines and trying to be emotionless.

      Johnnie G. and Melissa Black aim to pose cool with their 'out of this world' look but hopefully realise: When things can't touch you anymore,
      you can no longer be touched by things. ..Can come as a surprise, yeah I know, I know.
      She uses cigarette tubes. I see many. Too many empty shells around. Is that why she still recieves SHELL's Vensters magazine from the old 'inhabitants'? No joke, kinda worried.

      Purity R*CKS! ..Yes and no.
      Purity is a tiring wish and demand. The more unspoiled and intact a product or soldier and cleaner the features and qualities of behavior,mind,body (doknowbe) like: loyalty, innocence, originality, strength & knowledge, integrity, beauty the more honor and quality value probably for owners. Moreover, it just don't exist, not for humans though some of these creatures can be adorable sweet.
      Purity is ofcourse an absolutism and a divider. I consider 2 simple statements:-uncertainty too is based on truth and magic needs no rationality.
      Nothing is sure, we can attach superior value quality, characteristic and skill to person or object and we like to believe our control, awareness, wholeness and responsibilletitty +(some magic) as the cause of the one we are and wish to be.
      We think from the qualities we have, comes e.g. protective vigilance. For bad happened in other people's lives we find a rational bordered explanation that will never apply to us. The shield against missery holds until something proves it is an illusion.
      External interference can threaten the beliefs including these grandiose ones such as cleanliness, immortality(wish is father to the thought), divine, special, chosen, elite corps, being a king or queen , legendaric etc. Also memory is full of selfprotective/survival and pure(clear) fundamental rule.

      Purity is complete division from all that is unwanted.Opposites produce the coercive mental ditch for the mind and behavior. Maximale apply not only qualities but also values themselves, things are good ÓR bad and the latter punishable for failure of shortcomming.
      A guru or the unknown manipulating power on the other side of your walls can also use:idea of mind-reading (installing presence maybe aliens or spirits but nót as human knowledge of behavior) and signals to exert extra (unconscious) schooling and guiding influence on a victim and as a way to correction.People are afraid to even think outside of what is allowed. The cult means all, the truth, good, safety, way, love by means of obediance; the doctrine (dogtrain) must be obeyed. Ofcourse faults and impurity can be blamed, fear enforced, while impurities narrow margins cause dilemma of choice as every bit of weakness both mentally as physical is meant and used to mold the slave.
      Purity is a logical turn around: - x - = +
      so anything negative from an enemy against the 'good cult' will be axplained as a proof of being right or: 'when the bad guys say we're bad, it means we are good' and whats good needs not to be questioned. Besides this, 'what a fool believes is what he sees'. Also goes: what is made to be always seen by him, he will believe.
      Unwitting individuals are victims but often I see members of obedient organizations also as victims.

      The obediance disguised as doctrine or holy rule, besides to be obeyed deliberately vague and though searched for knowledge not understood demands surrender for wisdom and truthwich will mean overtime a victim has the old 'wrong' self overwashed with the ' purity' of a new identity's drastic often irrational mindset and view on things. Purity is a strong tool throughout cult life. It is -think of Liftons title 'demand for purity'- a cross; it continiously breaks, changes and reverts values good and bad, old and new. I hope people can break free and return to a more or less autonomous self and existence.

      Looking through the window, looking to your heart.
      when your head is full of self-comment, criticism, imperfection and dissatisfaction, you stop thinking give up on things.Remedy: be creative, craft and make something of your own.
      Just some tiny things but of your own. Then after 1 year make something simple, an easy figure but.. do it neatly and.. finish it! :) You'll be proud of yourself. This time we dont choose for the run but for the sun side! now that sounds silly brother! :) pon me heart sah, this time we let anger and fear down cuz it'll be raining enough. With a little patience you can do more than you think! Also important: persistency, because it won't happen all by itself! You can achieve a lot and people can help. Now the world is a little bit more yours :)

      change and values  
      The idea of thought-reform, brainwash is not abstract at all looking at learning processes, persuation tactics and communication theory. On quick cultic change a couple of quick notes:

      -  cult will use all conditions and tricks to hook people up
      -  "nowhere", "don't care", "nothing", "nobody" and "don't know" are empty values. Good persuation can fill them up
      -  you can make one side stand out more by making its opposite look more bad
      -  'leaders' take responsibility and initiative while people in cult/events may seem succeptible for change to begin with realizing that: normally people don't like to see their beliefs questioned let alone in brute ways and for no reason
      -  cult places/trainings will show much use of proverbial and suggestive language and elements
      - aware and unaware emotions & thoughts, tasks, beliefs, moods, (effects of) mental processes and memories can be internally connected, mixed up, changed or imitated. See # @ below in paragraph.
      - psychological reinforcement towards change: conditioning, awareness, (side)motivation, deception, building up consecutive **emotional states more or less like supporting Information (bias) that is hold and remembered (as arguments or 'facts') , will support and reinforce (+/-) *memory, beliefs and behavior. All the information and your sub-conscious ways of dealing (inline selection,comparing, processing ) that information ..all adds up. You can motivate and persuade invisibly push people in-the-back to change or believe whatever in tricky and much deceptive ways.
      Exercises and trainings also use : visualization; sensitization; contract signed compliance and obligation to shut up; consecutive emotional reinforcement; susceptibility by fatigue, relaxation and confusion (install,pump the language); rrepetition; intensity; associations and extreme emotions first to harass then to build you up like (music, love, swearing, sick-silly-shame-stupid-bad-guilty roleplays and questions like 'what do you want?' till you say "nothing" to name something.) Dissatisfaction with your own makes it easier to leave the old-self and accept new values. The wow feel at the end of a cultic big-group training is the result of an intense staged emotional trip to a shared euphoric wow experience, a changed state and imprinted believes. A natural high is excited by whats called 'stress/release' ..First break 'em, strip 'm from any self-esteem left ("ashole!", "failure!") then a change: love and praise for the other half of the trainingtime and one is 'reborn'. Not with wisdom but by lovebomb. The temporary brainwashed are now success 'believers' in an exstatic mood but the weight of any valuable learned content alone doesn't justify it as reason for how they feel.
      It can well be that cult and cultic events use m/f actors as well as one-way communication 'vibes'.

      * impacts promptness and priority of memory to related topic.
      ** auto-subjective reaction/expression (a personal 'truth') that can be memorized, shared, compared for meaning and authenticity (probability and durability)
      Some type of cultic military courses using severe mind-play to shapeshift folks are forbidden in some countries; These trainings are however well suited to recruit new cattle for the movement, for people wanting to become twisted gifenteek floormanagers or those who seek to divorce. Some of them will say "..thought I was successfull but I was nut." I guess invincibility must come with responsibility and a heart after all.
      I made a pic about 'conversion', about changing values with some example words.

      D. Bowie - 'I wish I could swim. Like endorphins, like endorphins can swim.'
      G. Isaacs - 'It is all false pretence..'

      Above showed a little bit how (subconscious) raised levels of emotion, awareness and things, support the willingnes with which by a trainer brought truths, claims, new insights are felt and believed much stronger and in a more motivated and intenser way. For instance at rough trainings and sessions at personal development, leadership and awareness courses.
      Their coat of arms' yields the motto: between you and success is your wrong and limiting beliefs, the old you. They shock you. They future learn you: inprint, replace, avoid, denial. Make you a blind stubborn believer and dozer. They change your mindset, views and priorities for yourself towards success. From now on you'll be the maximum result and growth seeking fury self-manager trying to survive his hopeless slow 'n unprofessional surroundings, family inc., eliminating anything contra goal and productive. The new you mindset runs in overdrive after what he felt and believes to expect : gaining results, success, self-esteem, leadership capacities experiencing the wow trip  -again.
      The title growth mentality is a backup that deals with failures and criticism. Maybe good for the controlable obedient 'addicted managers' idea of identity. To a level, that approach might work but you wouldn't have had to hand out your personality and emotions for the insight and likely -deceptive- outcome.

      Bytheway I've lost my snicker. Has anybody seen my snicker and my crossbike my skatebord and my doggie, anyways , im sad as hell..

      Movere is Latin for move. Add emotion and you've got motivation. right?

      Something like so:
      a) repetition   -is the learners
      b)  needs obligation money pride feel fear god phobia love   -is the drives   (to -always- do or don't , motivation) x (*human values gone = machine). One can bring this kind of down to MICE : ego, ideology, money, compromise. These are [real] agents motivations.
      c) language + visualisation   -is the 'liars'   (especially with a+b, goals)

      - learned knowledge (knowledge, experience) determines priority hierarchy (also contains a bit of morality)
      -  values under b) often needs inner & outer for completeness. You can check if one is too big or maybe too small in respect to what you're doing The word values can be spelled phonetic as *valjews. You see what happens.
      -  values can be good or bad. I used love and money for clarity. Emotions good or bad hidden or big an clear are not always handy. Nil can be very workative , no distraction or: zero is 'something' too. ゼロも何か
      -  it makes sense to consider honoustly! (the reasons to) your behavior there where you know it has big impact on your life and well being. For instance doing stupid and losing cash ain't important or basic, it is no need while actually it is very important.
      -  simple # 'Emotion play'. Connect emotions, make better or worse. Someones' voluntary intent to 'take it easy for a while' can deliberately be provoked in a way his behavior feels as 'walking away' and so totaly ruin the rest a person needs. Contra psychology. Nlp uses ao self-imagination as 'the third person' to borrow labels for focus, to 'learn'(install) or change (a view). We all do, to a degree.
      -  lastly: @ 'Memory play'. I often say you(memory) are your language. memories (language) and task can get mixed-up as in 'did the right thing but with wrong item'.

      -  I like to say that the data of our memory of memories regardless of comparison, relating and recognition is made of languages and number(ratio,pattern) and that every little thing (calls for) is infact a palette of emotions :)
      With language I mean ,besides language all sensory input. I reject metaphysics but I like to compare our mind(meaning) with its intern works, to that of a sense. For example when a love fantasy gives you that tingly feeling -link Concept visualization(form) is very important. Form is(has) emotion. emotion is(has) form.
      I simply name sensory-input emotion. Language is shareable emotion as it were information-carrying emotion; with (sub) meaning from association to a common referential framework like a stickerwall. When you go to a sculpture looking at it, touching its texture what you do is you are in fact listening to what it has got to say. (exc). Also an lanaguage example is Morsecode in lightflashes or vibrations.
      Watch it.. you don't listen only to the wind, intuition or emotions right!? You want need to think especially when it comes down to making important decisions let alone when it's about precision, orientation and giving direction to your life! Besides that doing normal is crazy enough in our world that is.
      Emotions are contagious, they can catch fire. They easily run & spread though people and groups. From this I think voicing handlers must be very busy 'method acting' fanatically trying to bring over the mood and emotion they want into their victims, to play 'their puppets'.

      ..Returning to my own home and the manipulation stronghold of the lives of my family.
      "With fear for (threat of) ongoing intimidation and false beliefs (lies lies lies) they wanted to keep me under, suppress my being and truths and trade them for theirs and the nonsenseplay around me and my fam which is typically strategy of a goverments intell/cult rule."
      A nightmare. Victims who are 'counter-organized' all their lives, having their lives and minds altered, shocked and broken instead of being able to develop themselves freely, as many other people can: left alone, pretty anonomous, aware and at most in natural headwinds and if all goes well with tailwind! The criminals on this page will have to justify their actions, with thoughts as loud and clear that they seem coming from the outside, just like so often happened to their scared victims by these perpetrators in the panic of a designed drama; the same word with which they falsely accuse a victim to justify their filthy actions.

      Whatever expensive suit is behind somebodies set-up to screw-up: In a serious! situation of psychological warfare and control a target/victims' world is deliberately played upside-down until they no longer belief people. Until they believe nothing anymore. No longer even believe themselves.
      You have become an enemy of the state, in total dispair and with a million questions..
      Awareness must grow, privileging seperation and corruption must go. Get victims out of the Trust game, give people back their lives.

      Yesterday was fuckin' freezin. I was outside and on my way early. The accelerated heartbeat was well around.
      The electric aura of a happy gazing girl was given a vaccine shot, lipstick distraction of our world in the cold war.
      I saw that oldtimer, the coral red Volvo again, it stood in the street like a fat sparkling kiss on a black & white postcard. Today with my drawings on a life-threatening bicycle I must go through the city once more. Next to a gallery is a shop where I want to buy an american cedar wood music-box '..and I think to myself, what a wonderful wuld.'
      Where the rich live like a dream and the poor dream of a life. And they ask you to enjoy it only after your death. Even in the slums everybody has TV because they ain't all that sure about heaven.

      ..Later more about all the reasons to narrowed consciousness, self and emotional repression as well as moods, roles and even alters, withóut or withín what is called dissociative identity (alters, (mono) alternative identity) with important types such as the vulnerable child-alter, drama, agressive and promiscuous roles/alters. Including (youth) trauma and social fears and their clear or silent effects on confidence scales and behavior.
      People are altricial birds. If an important element of upbringing like protection, care, warmth, trust is missing or has changed into its counterpart like violence or cold neglect, problems can become something lasting and emotional troublesome to deal with. The mind starts making tricks.
      You would always want someone to be able to deal with emotional -unprocessed- problems in a healthy way, not afraid, to work them out from a whole self. Trauma over trauma: some of us can't even talk because they are indoctrinated, told to shut up or fear by themselves the consequences when they start talking. The world is big. We're only human. There're still a lot of good people around. And everybody can -learn to- overcome their troubles and become even stronger or better. Where there's a will there's a way!

      People easily speak for and (lie) to themselves because truths are often on a deeper thinking level; and can be very different from how they are.
      Finding your way in life it is very useful to Think and evaluate, to name things and to be 'alert' cause many people who became victims of bullshit thought "That these things only happen to other people." Besides that, don't keep yourself away from life and try anyway.
      In general people can get very surprised about what they once believed or indifferently accepted dealing with something differently than expected. People can be tied to the invisible strings of these groups other than free will alone, get scared finding out people and things ain't so kind as they thought they were but won't find out until they leave their 'second family'.

      Cults and alike groups want to rule over their members. Time and space consuming and always in the mind; the group is all, is total. People are learned to appreciation and trust and are conditioned up to a level where the group is no part of a members' life but someones' life is part of the cult. Fully claimed. As a new extension not as a developing individual. The common general goals are also, almost always, not healthy, not a motive to stay. As I said elsewhere you can also throw a cult inside a single man. With the same bad effects. Cults or bad groups being too dominant and demanding if not intimacy sharks may hide as something sounding more sympathetic; a small friends club, intimate religious circle, yoga , fitness relax or hobby groups, spots with emotional flux like music schools and all their unethical slippy pushy pers. trainers & coaches next to you. Fundamentals also in psychology are scalable. 0Oo.

      "it's love, don't think about it, just accept it."
      Stopthinking and hammering language on defects and wrongs can make adults like helpless and depended kids. They're owned. total power is gained over them. With or without rituals. Things can go even more out of hand: mashing people with self-guilt: 'self' makes the sin endless and unsolvable while people are humiliated to their last bone. Ugly people. Weak people. Nothing is left of them. A woman is now named: "Anal-cranial inversion." She's probably a victim of severe sexual assault. People moving on the floor. Degraded to a bunch of water lilies livin' like beggars on the ground willing to let any dignity down the drain, prepared to pay loyalty and do áll to regain emotional belonging and peace of mind. I know the cliches. I know myself of a guy who cleaned the bathroom with his toothbrush. It's true. Painfully.

      You and the Sect or Cult in short:
      being found
      optimized encounter, love bombing, opened and love (towards group)
      building of bond, faith, fear and dependencies. brainwashed group-self
      angry aversion closed (towards outside world)
      locked in.
      ..In between there is lots of singing (learning), convincing (convince changing), working and loving(binding) but also: confusing -meaning also (social) dissorientation-, breaking, praising etc to stimulate -self- brainwashing the doctrinal views .
      They mess up the +'s and -'s of someone's personality. Can also happen outside a group.

      The forming layers, paths and decisions are known as * 'logical levels'. You're partly result of them. They're a way of questioning yourself to take a look at (your) functioning and actions or status towards any objectives. In fact you name the .steps in the building and .logic of any .process. Semantically shown as an interrogative sentence with: subject, the main auxiliary verbs (do, can, be, have, want) and interrogative pronouns. It's like the how's and who's in 'How does the lamp shine' or 'What can make the bell ring'. Or in a absolute path like: it is cold > house > bigger house > God
      where God could mean total power or guaranteed happiness. It's quick info and examining set, usable as reference and can be as complete an outline as part or even the whole of a process or yourself as bigger organisation. Believing is a process too.

      -Where there's a will there's a way-
      In out around extension transmission engagement production are important words for a process. * Everything 'is' a process. All movement preferably with head (begin), tail (end) and functioning well.
      How can we relate this to a sect?
      You look to their objectives and compare this with how things would 'normally' go and than you see that they catalyze processes. They're pressurizing, reducing time. Force commitment
      So they put someone in what is and will be a very dependent group-relationship, marriage or new family alike from which by-the-way escape is no (easy) emotional option as it were. Blind and no self responsibility. Frustration and leading of energy and time happens to members and by orders on targets.
      Generally speaking if people -individual targets- must be stopped or frustrated, instigated by or with the help of organized groups by-means-of indoctrination, intimidation and opposition, then what happens is that processes of time life and work are ruined. Processes of normal flow and those that should lead to good result. Good and desirable processes follow the rules of expansion and behavior and simply only work good the right way, a perpetrator would want to reverse processes or accelerate them in to mistakes for annulment, annihilation, at least obstruction and delay and then 'hide and mask' this to make what's wrong seem like own mistake, bad luck and vis majeure or in a greater sense even normal. Organised people , * a dirty majority, preferably you want to have the fault communicated by those who believe in it, anonymity, sourcelessness , are always handy for "the job and the lie." Pre, during and post a period that can be a lifetime of organized anti-cooperation and manipulation, possibly to the very end. It goes for the serious manipulated individual as it goes for the less manipulated masses thumbed down in rules and regulation and every social issue. In the psychological mal-practices on this page, majority(opposing target/'whitness') and sourcelessness (devilswork) are véry important. Sure sourcelessness and 'ammo-nymity' are great tools to make a target shouting at 'the foo's that are onlyin his head'. You can lock this person up,label him ,kill his story and most like- but not always!- his big honoust mouth.
      The same way God is used to drive people, the picture of the guru-leader the pseudo-God (image of everything) can be used. You just put it between the followers and the objective to create the same para- noia/militia, oath and loaylty based full commitment. Many bigger cults, lodges and churches listen to daft impeccable Bigbrother or its courier delegates. Very handy double roles and tools. Handy in every many ways from street to discrete (important) positions.

      in a project where we connect environment with urban city life and artificial intelligence we sometimes say: it's not who you are, but what you gonna do.    Also can be heard: "you don't excist, but nobody is stopping you from being yourself."
      Our Language by the way, is a sort of JQuery. In Japanese or Chinese single characters can be true conceptual little blocks!
      For some of us doing a fine job only after school the time of unwanted pushy back rubs, neck gasps, colliders begins. Time will sort that out. You may be, as you are. If you can behave a líttle. But I know, though the way may be clear the road is rough. You've only got a few 'immortal' years left after your last school right..?

      [ audio over text! ]

      black and gold, blue and yellow
      blue and yellow, black and gold.

      can't belief this is real
      you're beautiful and close to me
      so sweet beautiful always the best of you
      my wish alive, a dream come true
      a shining star so wonderful
      we'll always be
      show for all to see
      that loving you
      is not a lie

      oeh, I love the love cause I know it's you
      I step around with pride and joy, my shining sun, my precious love
      I'm so happy to have learned
      oeh, to know the love I love is yoóúú
      ohh your smile, to touch your tender sweet round sho-oul-déérs..

      very early poesie (poetry).

      ** You have to be stubborn to break your own stubbornness as with phobia scare. You would want to add at least multiplied one time its negative self(quality) with its negative value. To go through it, you see. Watch out and always thínk and start wórking your healthy goals!
      Concerning stubborness: group, Jesus and female intuition is almost as bad as: group, young and complacency. The're both very manipulative and prone to control. These people use bias to attack you (the enemy) as a person, not your arguments. And they probably can't anyway. They often represent a majority, you is often alone and just by yourself.
        * about learning and behavior:
      Influence/manipulation of mind & behavior can be a little abstract but I already spoke about 'making a turn' for something bad like an enemy or something good maybe a nice smile is influencing, manipulating behavior!

      Behavior comes from (subconscious) learning from: Believes   Emotions   Learning (BEL)
      You have all sorts of learning and one can say a lot about it! Important things are: recognition, importance, volunteerly, undue, memory logic(consequences), senses, subconscious, automatic.

      -Everyday at 11pm you look outside for the red sports car ;even when it doesn't show up anymore!
      -You remember the exceptional big tree on your way to work.
      -The chanting class of a sect/cult members. The repetitive singing makes people learn the rules. Maintaining the situation,distracts and time passing while doctrines and (pseudo) truths sink in.
      -* A test showed a teacher started to teach from the left side of class-room cause more smiling to him. He wasn't aware.
      * Pavlov's dog Learned he got his favorite meatballs after a simple bell signal! We see it doesn't have to be so substantial. The input can be subconscious and tiny to make an appeal to your inner reward system and influence mind ánd behavior.
      The more you have put in (traits, routines, preferences, believes-values)   the more you have influenced and determined someones mind and behavior; when information and (econ) milieu (a.o.) are filtered you can begin to speak of controlling group or person. BITE is here about external mind-control. Influenze, manipulation and preferably functioning control of the minds' thoughts, emotions, information and the important behavior. There are even more steering ingredients. External values to influence choice decision and behavior like health, energy and the pillar of money which greatly impacts your practical possibilities cuz it puts limitations on what you CAN do. (bambie= my BITE -baite- version) bite'm back!

      With learning you can change behavior! stamping: word, routines and vision:
      in a good way- with dangerous active work.
      in a bad way- training para-military and terrorists. (the worst way)
      in fact you can have an (unaware) person set to go visit a shop each Tuesday around noon buying a sausage : this person's behavior was manipulated.
      Also tie-proof 'things' like presence and strength of (mutual) faith and respect can be rubbed in. Like loyalty for example can become or made made reflexive and forced unconditionally set to always proof itself. This way, it likely won't make you happy, while anger can be power..

      Collecting data is nothing else than pattern recognition. it is used to know you/us and predict your/our 'movement' of behavior. Ehh, at least that is..
      -Personal note: I like to say learning/BEL a little cooler like: it's soft/hard input based on rules of hierarchy forming a behavioral set of logic. ----   ** About self-guilt (see above):
      - self-guilt is an unpaid bill to yourself that can be difficult to close-of.
      - the judgement makes 'powerless' and punishable.
      - it occupies the mind and can be about (unproven) violation, crime or sin.
      - inside some subjugating ring group or at home, in case of being talked into a 'sense of guilt', endlessly worrying about what the 'bill' looks like, can drive one nuts as well. Some (semi) religious measures are extrajudicial -punishment and (therefore) punishable themselves.
        Fading away is bad, forgetting is worse.
      if a filthy manipulator can place guilt into someone, he can also pretend self-punishment and expiation to make things even feel worse.
      In places filled with mental (fear) subjugation, obediance, (anonomous) control and guilt:
      the psychology is a Destructive Schyzofrenic Mindfuck (Pablov)
      the floor scene is (Dostojevski) a Coercive Psychotic Back blow. (by Picasso)

      Control of reality ..serious deception is thrown both on the individual as on society. The De-construction, break, transformation, division
      are to one degree or another all terms one can see in mind as well as social-behavioral control. (Guernica, painting of picasso about the war)  Old Picasso was like a clown without make-up. An original and good painter though! Almost as good as Hill or Hanna & Barbera. (nót) Did he fully understand meaning and reality of guernica? Picasso refused to answer questions.. but hey, what's the point of war anyway?

      BUZZ (voicing)
      You don't need visible sects or people for this to suffer the same, bombarded with bad buzz and mediation and being frustrated in many aspects, the normal flow of life, mind relay, thinking and all your relations. You simply replace sect or cult for the person-self.

      With 'buzz' is meant to influence and or mimic your inner-voice communication. The hidden prompt, the whisper, handlers vomitorium, the invisible pointed hat counselor, sneaky whispering from behind the curtains in a Danny Kaye movie. Also, the subconscious is a 'void', you don't even need 'starwars' or technology for that. The moment it returns what is has heard, it's you, your own inner voice. You have repeated what you heard but of this you were not aware. The true obligatory element you need here is monitoring jerks.
      It's basically influencing (screwing over) thought, (subcounscious) mind and behavior and fooling (unsuspecting) people with their (inner) believes and values, moods, reflexes, intuition, spontaneity and any extra-ordinary or spiritual bond that serves people as legitimate guidance. The subconscious and inner-communication are of course important incentive calls in our behavior.

      Buzz pretends to be your innervoice and thus can pretend to be Gods voice. Also you can be fooled and take it for your own imagination, self-suggestion or something you've randomly heared; the mind/ears frequently scan their surroundings. Inner is about Trust and coercion can arise from a functional proven need..
      Another name popping up in 'the circuit' is synthetic telepathy. like to use a hyphen here to synth-etic, because it's mostly sf crap. Also "whispering bush" is heard while I prefer more 'agent' clandestine communication. (acc or simply 'voice or voicing')

      Incitement and mean assumptions can create emotional reactions of upset and escalation. Surely too if the motive and reason to its respons wasnt self-thought but buzz. Hell of fooling and emotional fraude. Simple evoking emotional heat and missery alone or between others and all on false grounds.
      Bad comments insults and deprecation are not nice to hear. Imagine how damaging it is to involuntarily expose people to negative painful memories tearing old wounds open of sadness, shame and trauma to crack people from the inside out. Of course with buzz it is also not difficult to manipulate and LOAD unwitting people their behaviors full with deeper subconcious associations to fear and sorrow. You can chirp cognition this way. Use the word coffee and chance is that person a little later subconsciously starts thinking about drinking some coffee. You can intentionally load unaware peoples 'half-aware' minds with all sorts of 'reminders' that can influence peoples thinking, emotions and behavior in a good and of course in a bad intended way and seriously hurt & stress people out, according to 'longitude' and intensity, especially when it concerns professional psychological breaking and attackers start (indirect) associative three cushion play to influence and direct(manipulate) someone's -state of- mind e.g. coppled choise and behavior. Meta communication (body language) is another simple trick to set a victim subconsciously in confusion and on the wrong foot using for instance: body gestures, an approach, signs like a suggestive('come') arm when crossing the road and a (deliberate) unclear situation (car!). It makes you walk the wrong way, buy the wrong thing or scare you, kill you in a bad move in a wrong situation. You DO NOT need hostile cults and governments securitat for this to occure but it'll sure help. Buzz helps to magnify and influence self-image and expectations but at the same time creates beliefs, condition and fears( failure) against it with all kinds of self-oppressive effects as result. Against the whole idea of a normal stimulated and lived life. In the most intense way it'll be cóntra, cóntra, cóntra your life; cóntra évery positive momentum. Buzz is -in our case- meant as negative and damaging as hell anyway.
      Giving pseudo memory and intelligence as pseudo insight based on a superficial information flow, shortlogic and afterspeak, and both false confirmation as maintained distracted self-suggestion.
      People can be brainwashed automatic and solemn respect for all things intellect or the man behind its 'intelligence'. Depreciate themselves, not look beyond and not ask any 'stupid' questions.
      Every day you see how people can be put into shorter or permanent coercion and foolishness. But they all have the opportunity without (covert) unwanted personal interference to, in natural rest, make healty considerations and in natural flow to truthfully reflect, emphasize or refute their ideas. Separate from the manipulations to and from one's sphere of life and *belief system and thereby one's goals and resulting life itself. Always breaking without giving 'outvoiced' victims the opportunity to stockpile faith and self-confidence on which to persevere and build, overcome failure and difficulty, motivate and develop themselves. On the other hand, the imprinted fear, distrust, inability, ugliness and worthlessness always taken in, day after day. A worried pounding heart of doubts and anxious expectations. And then finally have victims told to bugger off. Country.. oh country..
      (*in his pages context of manipulation an un-calloused beliefsystem is first learned or made susceptible to become a beliefsystem that easier takes on irrational, external assumptions and work(able) truths.

      In Japanese, the word for 'asking' is the same as 'listening'. A nice argument that supports
      that there is nothing indifferent about 'buzz'. That it is more about unconscious coercion and occupation than a choice.

      From a person who supposes to be free but is unwittingly subjected to the influence of others, who is guaranteed manipulable and controllable up to mind and behavior, self-autonomy has been taken away, doings, choises and life are taken over and decided. In such situation there's no normal self-determination. This person has become a possession, a slave. A possibly transferable as well. The longer abusive puppetplay lasts, the more you talk menticide and kidnap of *manipulated people mentally worked into blind followers. *I mean mind-control way beyond the influence and effect span of 'normal' manipulations. Ground of the deceit is, there ain't no reference showing the already irrational brain the floor state of its trusted situation and thinking is compromized, manipulated. No visible clue or 'monsters' as indication to carefully considder or stay away from what came up in the mind.
      The invisible manipulators who mentally and emotionally terrorize their victims and use trauma/fear to core control mind and behavior are psychopaths, hangman, massochists, torment-organists who can push their targets towards compulsion, psychosis and suicide.

      -Besides the buzz you can have sneaky NLP signaling by manipulators that can be send to unaware victims creating subconcious attraction and/or repulsion round things and your once happy idea of something..By making your nerves smile or shake.
      Done with subtle or external but very well aimed and (subconsciously) percievable signaling like threat and warning signals (i.e. * bad noise, sound or comnds like "No!") which can make people intuitively react, load , project them onto the 'pic' and change feelings they have about 'that' what they were thinking of. Turn positive feelings into negative or reversed (on this page result and intention will always be damaging to a victim of manipulation one way or another). 'Underbelly' motavative feeling of rejection, prohibition and antipathy towards something can build up. Your positive truths, beliefs and intensions are under frontal cross fire; it is not as much about actual truth or lie. Or it must be to be used against you like when anonymous manipulators provoke and play the autofill nerd (they're 'next to Google' for information) and shame & blame game with private knowledge through your walls. What must this be for victims not understanding whats goin on? What are they thinking? And again I ask why these criminal manipulators, these walkalongs of 'terrorists' don't get arrested. Authorities should have cleaned up bad groups, they should have matched their conscience with their responsibility. What good is a healthy Earth when your home is surrounded by idiots?
      Victims may keep themselves away even from what they like or love because as they think they're the only source of why they're looking differently to things, feeling different about them or experience having doubts that layed hidden, whilst not having a clue that their minds were over time emotionally played upon and their thoughts and feelings about things were subconsciously colored and fed with in this case negative emotions. A false belief is also a belief and once it got a label, memory creates a bias that might not be challenged. Psychology wise the windows of: reflection, trust and -self are very important when it comes to proper decision taking.
      This conditioning can go on for years, net meaning that victims can be fooled and with that can fool themselves for years. That this happens to us, that this can happen to people, in their own homes, frustrated, live schooled thrown in a conditioning of (mental) conflict..! Immensely bizarre and sad. Is my government deaf and blind ? Can they read? - What happened (s) to my family is beyond emotional comprehension. Haw can it be that while people know this can continue?

      .. (unwitting) Victims can be provoked(questioned) to talk about anything they think. What you are going to do you often talk (far) before and is already visible in behavior. Perps (manipulators) can all use that. Peeping-tom the (almost) sectarian monitoring and peeping takes away your freedom and privacy and is potentially very dangerous. Security consists to a large extent of being able to guard (sensible information about & within ) your privacy. You are 'visible' thus physically vulnerable there where you are or will be in situation, conditions, behavior(*evrthing from one's likes to decisions and tiny rhythms) and communication (intentions) if you cannot shield these parameters at your own home and head. How hard is it to know that someone you love is so screwed up this way and that it happens even 'live'. Incredibly bizarre. More on other website.

      Apart from a victims' own imagination(self-suggestion) and knowledge of behaviour/preferences of a victim, buzz can be used to trick a victim into believing mind and thoughts can be predicted and read. It is infact what I call a random incidental false positive test because the hint as well as keywords were buzzed to the victim. The moment he asks 'what am I thinking about' the covert manipulators and attackers can answer or will at least have clues. Total fear and panic can break out in a victim who now thinks he has nowhere to hide and is up to his core visible for anyone. On top of the sinister evil idea of a voice from unknown assaulters popping up in his head (basically sound). I repeat this can set off to absolute panic! Epecially when the individual is under this kind of a first time psychological operational attack (Orion) in combination with sudden and totally weird attention from their surroundings and not knowing why and who the attackers are. Very very traumatic.
      Covert communication in a setting of computer safety means "any communication channel that can be exploited by a process to transfer information in a manner that violates the systems security policy." Buzz intentionally influences, damages possibly destructs: thinking and thought processes, general processing, memory (or makes false memory), neurological, physical and psychological, self-control, self-regulation and judgement, trust, inner security and alarm system.
      Our inner voice -words and pics are both language- can good be seen in young children known as 'private speech' spoken to oneself for (self) communication, thinking/learning, self-guidance, and regulation of behavior with its core function that will remain to operate as such when it has turned to inner speech.
      When aware of manipulators they can give off the idea of a mind read game which is scary though it is all memory ('whisper') and knowledge from dirty s/pioneering (also active humiliation). We ,only humans, live a daily behaviour and vocabulary personal but rather common with limited repertoire and in simple patterns. Standard words and gestures , often testifying about what we're thinking. Points of engagement are quickly known. The psychology can be good, mindreading is fake. The variables accent and intention they can't guess either, just like tone, melody, a sequence or rhythm of what you think. This may give you a sense of autonomy but won't however change your horrible situation with buzzing manipulators or frustrators which is not at all a joke but real home terror -and they should know this. We live in times of brainwave to language '*decoding' from *motor-cortex to moving vocalmuscles during speech(intent) We live in micro era, everything the tiniest cold/warm leaves traces, has an effect, has characteristics, moves and is (remote) measurable with very sensitive radio and electro-chemical recorders and detectors and with pre-data referencable. To measure is to read this way so let me say this : a) be careful with your information and b) nobody not even with electrodes right on your head can get a decent broader -contextual- refined meaning out of your thoughts álone to filter out sentences for example.
      c) anyhow, language prediction is knowledge or familiarity with mind, life, situation (context) and the way he or she writes about it (e.g. grammar, word choice, adverbs) from that context. "It's a skill that can be developed through practice.." So.. what's the situation when this happens by people that you don't know..!
      d) try chewing gum: it uses speech muscles (tongue throath etc), makes smack sounds and you don't speak. Or take a hard sour-candy.
      ..also magnetic headphones with radio round nape, different workplace/desk view, signal jammers and scrambled eggs.
      e) go bribe people to get all information on the subject.
      Talk to your uncle if he is the mayor for a firing squad or talk to a spy shop owner. Those guys will believe you, have every possible gear and maybe answers. Get proof or find you was wrong and seen to much ScoobyDoo. Strong advise: be calm stay friends with everythin!! Don't do what can be used against you by law. Won't help your story. Get things clear think and plan yourself through the day. Do not not communicate with terrorists. Gain knowledge and belief true justice will prevail.
      I'd say don't let that stop you from doing or saying what they 'predicted' you were to do or say so they'll understand a little sooner that things will turn out bad them. Still..

      A bit about sounds (and spy bugs)
      There are many ways of communication and an endless way of dealing with the information. Encoders, dead-drops, passive bugs waiting for a beam, interceptors, masks, tracers, laser, receivers, bugs(covert listening devices) and highspeedData transmitters using rp/dirty pulse audio masking(you can't find 'em, you can't lock 'em) and spy-radio to name something. Spy radio is as real as your nose. Very real. It is not a fantasy of complottists. Gladio is real just like spy-radio is real. The Dutch until the eighties made movies with abominable hair-raising sound quality while at the same time the Dutch Radar lab worked on wires like the srt-91 by CIA request in a secret research project codenamed Easy Chair and put them inside an arm-chair of the sovjet embassey in The Hague. They invented a new standard with these remotely powered and pulse modulated secret listening devices. Modern technology has reached such a level ,read optics, that infact a piza or bag of burritos can deliver information from your room.
      Bugs usually are used in room and all kinds of objects from pottery, fishing gear, coconuts, creditcards, folding bicycles to walls. Delivering covert sound inc. human voice(buzz) to a target means you wanna think about : the outside, open windows, balcony, hidden in room , air ducts, CV, inside walls or working through it. A floor is also a wall and often used because there is a stretching reflective inbetween layer in it that gets sound unsuspectedly close to a target. More on a different secret website later.. :)

      [  These days I hear more as usual "BeK houwe" which means 'shut your mouth'. With sound you talk standing-waves and frequency uses the terms node and antinode in dutch you say 'Knoop and Buik. That's probably the reason for the double-binder remark 'cause it points both at my big stress belly as to the fact that some don't like what I write.. if some frustration filled (government) BB bigshot sends his group armies of obedient swaggers towards an innocent man and his family, they are faced with a standing wave of extrajudicial bullshit, the amplified amplitude as resonance.  ] They can be groundtones or rootchords as well.

      The buzz I mention on this page is deadly but simple. In science the real magic is happening, with neuro monitoring for example. Catching your (potentials). Read about the brain(map), brainwaves, decoding and imaging techniques like with EEG MRI & invasive ECOG(implant) ,neurology and brain-tool/computer interface including 'special' communication on the pages of HORIZON Europe. This is Europe's leading scientific funding and research project with a near 100 billion budget. Organizations from all important countries join this initiative. The Ukraine has (of all) recently -nov 2021- become a member and participates with I belief 300 organisations. Half of them on 'private for profit' base is that remarkable? I dunno.. I hope for peace as quick as yesterday anyway. Check this link to dive in European Research. Attention please: this is a link to the 2020 edition. Im filing for a research fund myself.

      Where can you hide to protect an unspoiled conscience other than a safesound bunker?
      Noise, smearing annoying talking and commenting are already bad. Tiring up to debiliating Buzz with its lasting behavioral manipulation, breaking and schooling of mind and situation set-up that I mention here, are non-other than completely horrific covert practices by bastards- addressing your mind, 'imitating' your innervoice the instrument that represents your (alarm) calls and formulating of thoughts. They and their bosses are kidnappers. Once more, what comes to mind can't always simply be set aside or you keep denying yourself and what might be important from memory. And you can't always be alert. Nor can you álways 'call' yourself to know for sure it's you who's doing the talking instead of some covert whistler. Must you even check your own reflexes? You can't always be alert. Or awake, awaiting in defence and continuous nervous stress! Buzz/ss is one of those things in a normal situation that can overrule the (wish of) free will. Because it happens unconsciously, it can tempt you to (hypnotic) behavior or thoughts, for example when you are trying to fall asleep. 'Think about that dilemma..' On the next website more about the recognition and learnable solutions to some terrible dilemma's. And my government is still busy looking away?

      Sound is a fantastic complex thing. It's fully integrated and will be more into our lives within society and battles have been won by it. Buzz or voice can be explained-ofcourse. Its why's and how's can be -particularly explained looking to it from a sound-technical, auditory and emotional (ways of listening way) point-of-view. One surely understands this can feed the mind 'underbelly' and supersticions and can drive unwitting people crazy; The mind is 'involuntarily, inescapable learning,conditioned and exposed to 'the bullshit it's fed' by all the mental hammering and etching or asI know the (covert) manipulators say it: 'beating up inside'.
      These aliens are digging grinding born assholes. Conscientiously unscrupulous. Slowly strangling people and their lives. Teaches victims wrong ideas and feelings and instills fears like for the outside world. Subtly intimidates or brutely.The kind of people who do not want to learn and improve themselves but bring down the other. It largely explains my anger and swearing on this page.
      And there is the side of the stripes.. the authorities and law enforcement officers who should be on the side of the victim in a non-discriminatory manner; who should be arresting perpetrators instead of helping to declare their victims crazy; should have closed the doors of all that makes this unbelievable bullshitting with people, by clients -regardless of who and (futility) of reason- and their schooling and/or frustrating co-ops and followers, possible and keeps it going.

      Buzz totaly fits a premeditated concept of kaltstellung; manipulation of people, conditioned minds to arranged monitored and humiliating puppet situations; álways attacking good mood thought intent and progression of any kind. Attempts to let and make anything good disappear out of sight and memory; load insecurity, nervousness ,flashing personal trauma scenes and continuously load set a shadow in his mind, and mentally prepare a victim for possible upset and conflict, arguments, the dark hand of fight and conflict. Even without buzz like in a socio-political thriller from **Pollack or Costa-Gavras, unaware victims under a mental attack already stressed, over-alert and susceptible to their surroundings can be indirectly adressed by spoken out and heard imperatives that will fill up their temporary memory and RAM and have a (subconscious) effect on their mind and behavior later in time, maybe in yet another fixed short situation, to, for example, make victims do and regret a wrong action or forget important things which in turn adds to their level of stress. No weird flutes, no abacadabra but fully explainable. In the victims of this page there is good chance over-alertness is also provoked by attackers cause they know what it will create in behavior of a victim. It will cause extra sensitization and stress. Simply in pychological words: conditioning and reflex.
      Very very bad practices that makes healthy people bungle. Year after year. What do you think will do this to a human system..? When will the authorities understand the intense seriousness? Fruit flies and oceans, they both breath and they both need rest to recover.

      ** Some of the best 'paranoid' thrillers were initially dismissed as fantastical genre pieces by critics, seen as little more than popcorn entertainment. I cite The Atlantic further:"But even the most outlandish of these works have a grain of truth to them. Their deep suspicion of the apparatus of power stemmed from real scandals."(..)
      There is a lot of information available which shows conclusively that: cults, groups and their contacts in the periphery can be consciously involved in monitoring and overt/covert, possibly via buzz/voice, manipulation, checking (spying) and frustrating members and targets outside the member group as a possible part of the daily work of the cult.

      Buzz is very good imaginable as the picture of the 'His Masters Voice' label on your granddad's records where a doggie sits next to an old gramophone and big horn with the sound(voice) of his Master. The dog listens faithfull to what he recognizes as his master and will, if he does as is told, be(have) like a slave or copy of his master. (in music-recording you speak of original master/mother tape and 'slaves' or copies). This fits the concept of 'an army of me' or of marketing where 'the copies' are learnt to desire what the manufacturer 'desires'. Copies in whatever kind of loser or severe manipulator/victim setting can be made like the id (or its false pretension..!) of a leader with the same likes and dislikes and convictions, as the same important combination of auxiliary verbs and nouns, brainwashed to the highest level of shared and emotional-feel to support 'the belief'. If very bad control and manipulation practices go on for long people/victims can live a total false life as a bleak reminiscence of themselves. People who obey their false inner rudder, brainwashed into a ways of thinking and behavior making them immediate controlable like a puppet are by their invisible controllers, handlers, buzzers or Spocks(as I call 'm) whatever you name these manipulating God and/or victim-self impersonating monsters, named: auto's, sleepers or simply 'the dead'. Unfortunately our brain doesn't at all only work on the food of logic, reason, awareness and voluntariness when making its choices, decisions or aquiring knowledge.
      Some people masturbate on the holy brain, extra intelligence and the creepy neuron neural-network stuff. Influenced (Sectarian) souls big and little can suffer from these false intelligence slopes. Let me roughly put it this way, The West is sick. Its progression is turning against us. In every cosmic thinkable orgasmic way. We're burried alive under white paint, bars and marketing folders.
      vieuws can be stamped,brainwashed because nothing is sure and me is only nearly perfect. Ik ben de kleine blonde dood.

      Buzz is also about conditionings like 'promoting/punishment of your impulsivity' as part of a conditioning; the 'assets schooling' simply only requires to make pavlos' first inciting source stimuli hidden or clandestine, to cause the reaction behavior, besides the general influencing of emotion and beliefs. Buzz manipulates, wounds and kills. It destroys relations and relationships can keep things separate. You don't understand your dualisme, your countermovement; you bécome your own anti-movement and implode by addiction. It's a bad messenger and can make victims sickening question all of themselves and what they understand. On and on. Not all buzzers are nlp-nazis or handlers but as bad (buss) frustrators. literally or figuratively, they both can potentially be 'second-hand mouth'. On the next website much more inc unsuspected roles of psychologically trained professionals and groups' elders and near pensionistas in this mentally scripting criminal offense towards mostle unaware (very young included) targets. It brings on, alters, erases, revaluates and misleads : (unnameable) feelings, emotions, beliefs, development of thoughts. If not have been bothered victims would have made other diciscions in their un-influenced own self. Or less adrift, not tied to conflicting emotions. I'm not only talking spoiled lovers. I mean damaged and hurted important relationships with family, parents, friends and not the least yourself. I like to think a bush-man or native indian doesn't question the road of life ,how things have gone because he trusts and knows the world around him. 'Cause a tree, mountaintop or wild salmon don't usually come to speak to you sneaky while you're taking a sip of breath smoking your pipe and no evil third party's got you in focus playing for instinct..
      "Conscience has a 'voiced' voice as instrument; how do you think it does express importance?

      A manipulator may rejoice himself anticipating on, having pre-knowledge of- and taking in account the circumstances of a coming situation to load an unwitting person bad ideas aimed to bring disadvantage and to harm this person. Manipulators can load an unwitting kid, a suggestion, an intention, a self-promise which conditions them; whisper in they should stay home or blow in to try do risky! ..so they'll jump by mistake in the dark hole of an elevator shaft and fall down a 110 ft.

      Buzz -ofcourse- adds to the palet of schooling and suppression people. It supports the conflict, restriction and change of behavior (-inf- language, thought, emotion) within a victim and thus.. for example, it can help to make someone restrict his language which will conflict someone's normal ways and routines including start and close-off processess (thought, behavior). At the same time a reminder can be buzzed with the language or word a victim 'may' not use but -   (may not say by 'own' restriction. Maybe because the victim has (been given) the idea to project a sense of casualness, preventing him to use own language, showing off (information as e.g. weakness ) and 'give too much away of himself' to surrounding handlers ór himself, keeping things for a 'better' moment or like 'tougher' situation.)   - what will never-the-less increase the nagging feel of being not ready, being unfinished and experiencing more stress.
      With buzz You can set up and send believers out with envy, focus and fixation to show loyalty to any leader to live by and obey the (divine) mores and carry out the predetermined sanctions on violations of the norms & values of the doctrine ór according to themselves, to make fore-tell, scare and daunty stories come true. Also with buzz the 'inner knower' within you can be deceived and as such consciously let a person, in confidence of himself and self-guide, make wrong dramatic choices and actions regarding to everything one is dear to: friends, self and future, slowly but surely. Handling manipulators flip over the spacial reflexive function of your mind while the stress throws down body and brain.
      In 'the same chapter' you'll find general distraction and interruption buzz .exe (like stand, walk, observe, focus, 'what is..?', a dissociation, a disapproving comment/'thought', faults or wrong considerations ), that conflicts/gets someone out of focus, thought or concentration. Whisper the (schooled) trigger keywords and in no time you got somebody insideout to hush down sad silence or fired up in at outburst for his inner honorary coat of arms ready -at-all-cost. Also you'll see attempts to let a victim make his own information less readible (on impulse) by spontaneous, reactive buzz that, for example, makes him start using (tóó much) funny, weird language, figure of speech, and especially over-complication, retorics (looking pro,interesting) or too concise text thus making it hard for literally anyone including the writer self to make something of sense out of it afterwards, even if it originates from true and reasonable text indeed.

      With dissociation I mean the process or state of disconnexion from a meaning or yor conscious. The latter is about deeper learning' by consciousness that hooks off due to monotony, which means that information is installed more openly, directly at a deeper level. For example teachings and shanty provide relax but at the same time the filling and brainwash information. Is handy..
      - May I invite young women who study TM to use me as their cushion and hop up and down on me to train their levitation skills -

      The moment someone has learned to intuitively listen to a fake innervoice and obey it, you have infact -I hate these kind of comparisons, an instructable robot: triggerable 'auto', role puppet on a string or silent matter on a rod : keeping back & forth sideways. Too many wrong whispers and light makes you take wrong turns & choices. You can let somebody repeatedly on the impulse of a command spontaneously make a wrong move, step left, raise an arm and cause a little incident and they come up by themselves with the reason for their subconscious uncareful behavior : thoughtlessness, carelessness, unfeeling, hurry, awareness(trouble pain) self-control, irritation, hidden anger, a sign, weakness, indifference, substitution, feelless, untouchable, not existing/there whatever as to what happened. Subsequently, the same incautious (primed) behavior and thought of reason can become a proof game and plain attitude. The bumps clashes and conflicts can be part of a bigger map of mind-behavior entrainment and harassment. Ultimately one can 'program', build, change and influence person, mindset and believes.
      Along plural associative conditioning people can be programmed into a wide mindset of loss, dissed self-respect and damaging behavior filled with unnecessary little incidents, scratches, dirt, carelessness, flaws, imperfection, learned helplessness, distrust, external locus of drive & control , bad self-esteem, fail phobia and damage to themselves and surroundings. This ofcourse can also start intuitively. Also evr'body knows those unwanted thought-mistakes when you are wrongly doing what you were -subconscious- thinkin about, sometimes exactly. When this comes from stress you're bound to make more preoccupied distracted mistakes. Language is behavior. Identify yourself with okayness, trying, learning. Do clean up problems and fill your mind with sunshine!

        - People can (or be set n learned to) play with their language and actions. Make and use it and things as silent confession as a substitute, metaphor, incantations to (not) deal with problems. Putting unprocessed doubts and dilemmas as 'scratches' in -selfconflict and objects as 'een mede-deling'. A call for attention, zelf-bevestiging or a statement(al), to confront/distract, feeling pain and share it,release it.. Its a bad learn loop. Unsuccessfully trying to neglect and get rid of the underlying fact that a bad: situation, behavior or problem is too big, habitual or is still unsolved.
      People maybe are (made) incapable to ground their life and start-taking-care-of their problems.
      Also wrong attitude towards language may cause people to read all kinds of secondary irrational meanings in normal text and find it asks, commands!, incites. Ofcourse this is very scary. The mind will bend it till it sees something bad evil disaster or any other biased outcome. The own imagination is an often used and sourceless tool. btw, that you're still alive is no proof that being led in mind & behavior by superstitions and wrong use of -own- language works and prevent you from future problems , will solve those persistant (emotional) problems that are seemingly not easily processed or will bring you positively forward anyway.-
      People subdued to most severe and disgusting manipulations won't evaluate, let alone they're aware of things, will only think it's their memory or lack of attention and stubbornly repeat the mistakes again and again, anyway. You don't need scary manipulations for all this but it will surely almost try to make things-feelings-(self)images look differnt or worse as buzz often intends to.
      This way(s) you can condition someone's behavior to be (extra) careless and increase chance on accidents, failure and further decline. Especially in an overlooked situation this will guaranteed eventually and repeatedly cause 'household' problems. You can buzz any instruction causing anything in an unaware provoked moment to happen. You can create in someone shorter or 'ingraved' weird reactions remarks attitudes, desensitization and behavior. But buzz goes further. Repeating is learning. To put it short, you can repeatedly attack and alter a victims norms, believes and the values they hold on them and when you keep in mind that it's all about the result of behavior one can mold and school, overtly and covertly, someone -all the way- to become a spiritual focused, confused or obsessed home made terrorist. And there will be no other clue and source but himself.
      Buzz keeps people on its subconscious leashes. Buzz's fairy communication provoke an action in one person and verbally whisper meaning in the other person, thereby deliberately causing conflict, very unwanted thoughts with associations (guilt, incest, misfortune) and moments of shameful misunderstandings. This is done deliberately by frustrators or 'handling' manipulators.

      "..6 am early morning you are recovering, you're overthinking the otherday and day to come and then you hear
      swearing. That is, nów I knów this!"
      How often, how long have I been hearing those silent curses, reproaches that sow doubt in your mind and cut lines. Incase of buzz: have Ialways thought it was me while It wasn't? How many people have participated over the years, (how badly) has monotonous distorting signal/noise been used and to what extent was it automated? These are important questions that must be and will be answered. Because for how long has been tried to disturb, hinder and destroy the lives of my family and others in this way alone? That autof(u)ill. Thoughtless and violent conditioning by these practices. How those depicting bastards have had people mentally grind themselves to pieces. Perhaps also those who put handles and strings on others turning people into playable figures? In heartless treacherous humiliating ways. Turn yourself in. At the real police!
      Stress and confusion from daily associative leads became just wordplay for the suckers to play, in & with the lives of unwitting victims/targets. Rigging put on their life, pictures sketched in advance and always a false lead. The invasion and guidance of immer present psychological Zersetzung can make people empty rolling 8's. Echt en 'ech' (marriage and real) are taken away and given is all that rhymes on pech en slecht (distress and bad), literally & figurally.
      Trust is a flow. There's effect and cause and theres still the 'buzz' : about my eyelids and physical condition. "he will want to use it to enter into a relationship.." This feels like control like they call off love and everything, on beforehand. Like you are a POW and in your own house caught and being discussed, simply dicided for.. Monsters on monsters orders. Because this ís about mental kidnappers and terrorists. A Zersetsung of intellectual kidnap, diversion of mind, ongoing deception and deceit to control and silence my family. One big organised Kaltstellung. We, I, facing situations where only time consuming randomness works albeit for the own rest of mind, with no help and Zero privacy. Where was, where ís.. the rule of law in my country??
        Mentioning psychological suppression broader more general, it's the *Julius Ceasar's nephew, in groups, individuals and regions, all adopted by Ari *Confusion, conflict and division. While the suppressed should work together.

      The implications of all this are both disastrous as tremendous important hence I will surely come back to its aspects on the new website for this kind of trouble is : the cold dirty burning slap in your face that makes you lose the battle, your wife and your best friends.
      ..All part of mindyou called 'radio off'. influencing mind. The terror by these truly terrorists of continuing judging and possibly overruling of self-communication. For it is, may be important, maybe warning signs..
      Imposing, screwing the self chosen, own natural path -mind, life, future, and past- of man who wánts to be the cause of himself! His own tide and waves.
      Of course this is a bit of an illusion. You feel it when you go to the supermarket or when something, someone you love is gone; the warmth, the thankfullness. Because the responsibility for that causation does not longer come from the trusted wholeness of himself but henceforth will be that of a broken heart. -I know these moments of goodbye. Indeed it is that when someone dies you die a bit too. Emptyness in a frame. You carry a hole through which your own life leaks away. It's insurmountable , it's actually already over. - Eerst weet je dat er geen dood is, dan weet je dat er geen weg is.

      When an assailant or 'handler' tries to manipulate someone by addressing the subconscious, the person might involuntarily react by reflex. *potato slicing trick- where a victim cuts his finger by 'spontaneously' bending the potato peeler blade inward changing the angle and 'accidentally' cuts his finger. This way you have also tongue and lip bite and life-threatening involuntary swallowing(choking).
      I'm sure that here and there certain people in their jobs and used to buzz covertly refer to, or use euphemisms to point at persons that were informed or were communicated to, while they mean buzz. Maybe these people began to think it's normal or something religious or spiritual.

      -- Both religion as a strong traditional cultural belief in the living world of ghosts and spirits are of course small though potential chances on mental faul play and fraude around inner trust. Including palmreaders, autowriters and foretellers. Be a little carefull.--.
      Assuming a situation of bad deceit and (inner)voice : how many kids(and parents) find it normal to surrender intimacy privacy and their concerns or to be talking to their surrounding indoor fairy, 'little'friend', Queenie, angel, 'spirit', fake Jezus, little trolls, coercive home goblins whatever? ..Listening to them? (there are websites learning you to communicate with Jezus) and maybe be put in the direction of hurtful and wrong choises, actions for themselves or towards other people, albeit by obediance and loyalty to theirselves? Some will try to suppress it, others develop a habitual faithful relationship with 'the voice', get addicted to it, to a lie.
      How many families do silly things? Play Santa's hand and still believe in him at the same time? People are very good actors also to themselves. People ca be very absolute, fully belief a lie as truth and behave accordingly and many personalities are very capable of believing both truth as lie as long as the emotion or situation allows for. In a broader sense Manipulation of information can play part of this to support and maintain the credibility.
      Some people don't -have to- care about the truth or earlier versions; they have the judges and public in their pockets.

      ..People make little lies and follies. In the light of romance you fool yourself with yourself, butterflies and some crazyness are okay: they're yours! What if it ain't? ..If it's about fundamental choices and the influence by covert 'dice' scumbags is constant?
      ..True taunting don't take just one moment, but its cumulative release can be fired in the haze of a deadly flashback, an explosion of violence. Violence and its weapons don't take away fear, it brings fatal- accidents, kharma, stigma and status in and outside a group, it's commonly speaking: "no solution." However..
      Where a person or nation is threatened in its existence, presented by definition as inferior and condemned by the other to a humiliating life of both injustice and inferior -treatment, -appreciation and -opportunity this constitutes such a murderous oppression that I do not rule out that violence is necessary to liberate oneself, I do not rule out at all that this deserves my support.

      "The 'buzz' hardly asks any questions; hurting, commanding, distractive,intimidating things it simply boldly states. Mingling with context and flow of your thinking, trying to disguise itself as such.."

      Victims of covert schooling and manipulation may be enticed by (psy-op) handlers to learn thinking on two tracks at the same time. Not wise cause one still do things after each other and it obscures source in the question of id and root of communication.
      This kind of core manipulation in an intensive overtaking, mashing way belongs to the most serious of crime. The control tower (your mind, thinking) has been hijacked and is being controlled, obstructed and misled. How are you going to let all processes -in just your own natural, unharmed and normal way- run smoothly and safely land an airplane?
      Buzz can by calling repetitive and (disguised as) self-questionnaire/discussion fear or thought-torment force confessions, individually or within a family, that will create severe vulnerability in and between people. If even something as light as color unsuspectedly influences perceptions such as the taste of food, then the effects of this mean way of manipulation are absolute dramatic.

      Buzz can be a strange anti-voice on all you initialy like! Supported by monitoring(peeping) and nlp (its schooling friend) that uses stimuli, emotional signals to create responsive (thought) behavior: external signals (from handlers) that are consciously or unconsciously! experienced as by victims as :
      -approving and stimulating (plus, yes! go!) or experienced as -disapproving and prohibitiory, threat or risky (negative no!stop! signals like: 'booh!'; scare & reprimand and exiter noises, banging, ticking swearing (pretending -rush of- angryness and resentment); pain; also doubts and self-undermining comments and 'thoughts') feelings and reactions towards their self, ideas and intentions. Effecting in intuitive learned maybe reflexive, reluctance and withdrawal to real (or evoked) 'thoughts' and corresponding associations, ideas, perspectives (mind) and behavior. A victim has 'changed' thoughts about something.
      Punative signals and buzz can occur for example on sexual stimuli (like tv) to create de-sexualization, void harshness and stress factors in a victim. Ongoing external punative signals (overtime brainwash, schooled learning) can cause a victims innocent ideas of for example love and women now to be associated as negative and off or 'no go'.
      Although all of it seems irrational, the idea or 'underbelly feel' is simple too washed and stamped in. It became automatic attached reaction, attitude in mind and maybe behavior: it has become a belief and you don't question your beliefs..
      Be healthy, alert and always Think when it is about the big things and decisions.
      You're doing incredibly stupid and stubborn for years and all the time it's a bit exceptional infact it actually makes no sense and to be honoust it never felt right.   .."but one day I'll be rewarded, and it will make up for the time it will make up for all the time.." In reality the victim (we assume real external manipulations) will eventually be dealt the 'loser card'.

      Assuming the 'buzz' is real. (most likely not happening to you!)
      Without social or any psycho-social context some effects and possible active signs are:
       - always reporting to yourself; realizing you're always filled with thoughts (language keeps popping up); thinking vividly or formulating 'comes easy' (information can be pretty clear, prompt, concise syntax, served on a '2nd track'); Thoughts are (instant) emotional (guilt, likes, penance) distractive, weird, irrelevant (crypto nazis. crypto keeps it a confusing game. search for meaning or how to fit things in) 'pushy' thoughts; incapable of silencing thoughts; different construction of thought-film by influence from extern signals on thinking and behavior; face/body expressions/reactions don't match typical (personal) behaviour for thinking during remembering, imagining. For example trying remembering sound one would do with eyes on ear-height L to R. Based on start-end orientation and place (height) of senses like skin, mouth, ears etc); humming to suppress upcoming alien 'thoughts'; feeling of being 'in the center' or feeling a 'presence'; starting to think of the outside as scary and hostile, imagining conflict scenes and aggressive dialogue; developing heavy: stubbornness, obsession, depression and extravert compulsive traits (showing and acting/playing. YouToBe. Using different names and birthdates); personality change; (too)low self-esteem and disregard for one's own abilities (common on this page); sensitization conditioning(reflex) causing restrictive and avoidance behaviors; too much homely nutty behavior and littlemonsterfunnyfaces; tendency to blurt out; always listening -not thinking! to outside signs and oneself (what comes up) for decision taking (maybe one can remember the idea(instruction) to start this. (fear, suppressing thoughts/emotions, haste, fatigue, thoughtlessness/intuition and addiction make extra susceptible to external influence and grip on you; the higher your integrity and self-involvement the more bad control and buzz is noticeable);
      [  glitch : temporary attention error that abruptly takes someone out of the flow of the moment and throws them into internalization, often in a frozen pose.Can simply come from being lost in thoughts or 'public transport stare', thoughtlessness, but also come from an (external) signal or 'keyword' that associates with a sensitive subject that calls for compulsive thoughts and responsive behaviors consisting of, for example, prompt (accustomed) listening, spiritual surrender, visualization or word, action, and memory routines (and their internalization) by which, for example, one tries to stop the obsessive thought, temporarily increase self-confidence and control before returning to the previous role & situation. Extra: Not blinking or 'freezing' can be part of the compulsive act. In addition to compulsive acts, there are often other problems: addiction, fear, insecurity. Compulsion potentially makes a ritual action obligatory or unstoppable regardless of situation and perplexed reactions. Between compulsive performing a ritual and wanting to go back to the old situation, you see hesitations (or because you can barely restrain yourself from cursing back at a -known- cheeky ('ghost') voice/jerk). You stop compulsions by thinking rationally so that you no longer need these suggestive stopgaps: first you can make 'em shorter!  ]
      dychotic listening (ways of listening. may be contradictional: you can't continuesly follow or understand 2 signal/language sources at the same time; If you want to get an idea of sound around you, don't listen 'in yourself' but to the far dimensions of your space like walls n windows, you don't have haircells and two ears for nothing;
      Voice in head -dont mean normal inner-voice here (people subconsiously repeat what they've heard and listening close or distracted to a sound or voice from further away can give the idea it 'popped-up' in your head. No spirits. No aliens. Just a matter of focus (see 2 signal). Other emotions or what you (used to ) know about a sound also colors the perception or your idea of what you hear.
      Identification with the tricky 'voice in head' experience is also due to your focus on the voice which apparently without volume and visible source abruptly reaches your head (ears); according to your mind's simplest explanation and convictions it can be anything from your inner voice to a beamed spritual expression. Trained people btw can indicate direction by listening 'next to' the sound knowing that there is distance and an external (influencing) source. Often well balanced pointed amplification is used to bypass noise that would reveal an external source. Sound is holy.. no need to say that covert manipulators condition people ón and wíth voice/sound, sound characteristics and parameters to with this further (covertly) manipulate and control peoples (emotional) mind and behavior(s). Throwing star: I am afraid BigBrother is mean enough to use the same instruments against its citizens.

      [  ..while leaving out hallucinations, physiology, damage/age(like mother and son hearing differences), sound frequency and psychoacoustic effects like Tartini and other factors for differences in hearing related to your pattern and sound recognition/orientation, as well as our ears' inter-personal resonance (amplification) please note here that I'm talking threshold values of just audible sound because of the inner voice illusion.
      Two examples of resonance and standing wave:
       - on guitar hit the fifth (fat E) like when tuning, then carefully touch the next string (A), you feel it resonates. A flageolet is a single flute kind of high overtone sound without a root tone. I play some notes on my old rattlebox and then 4 flageolets. ..Mouse over this text to hear a flageolet. guitar sounds like a broken umbrella, sorry.
       - these high waves you ride with your Barracuda surfboard are standing waves; ]

      compulsive induction of muscle tension, delay or hesitation in body movements; compulsive thoughts and (little) behaviors (what's questioned by a compulsive thought searches answer in compulsive behavior(s). Handlers buzz may also lead to compulsive, ignoring odd behaviors, alone or in conversation, like weirdy repeats, poses, or -spontane neglect- looking away and further detachment behavior); loud audible thoughts (not possible, thoughts themselves ain't airwaves); start to rejoice fantasizing see next; -sudden decision to- start the behavior of: talking, explaining, dialoque and thinking outloud; start talking weird voice or blabber maybe developing (curse) words and accents (..the scenario that an unwitting mind is bothered, traumatized and must process só many hurting 'thoughts' and idiot considerations year after year -by the sáme voice and maybe coming from someone around like neighbours-, comes straight from Bigbrothers' tormentors and slackers 'hell 'n horror' handbook. Recommendation: start tracing these life ruining cells! ); dissociated fragmented speak (after the buzz repeating words,short sentences. bad memory of it); slips and stuttering (think that's very serious!); frequently 'sailing away' in dubio and scares, super or duper, sex, fantasy; mouth sounds (all from dissociative interfering thought' input);
       ..attention when youve learned to listen to the outside and external signals as base for choises you make; caution if one has become accustomed to listening to an invisible voice if that voice is recognizable as a voice, or is very clever smart(correct answers afterwards), conducts a conversation (Q&A) and/or can be heard (Possibly! mind the fakers who know and use your private -self-chat or inspirational moments.);
      stop or compulsive (interrupt or instruct) thoughts; irrational 'self-instructions'; tendency for overdoing and/or daring (to extremities); tiresome repeat and re-doing; often having remarkable (impossible to know) knowledge, foretellings and -in this way- being intuitively on-line with someone in a way just tóó good to be true; delusions(not emph. visually); (sudden) move and bump errors; fake smart and talking after (young kids); coercive impulsivity (right away doing what comes up); general distraction and distracted behavior(frequently standing up not knowing why or what you have to do, start searching..); being distracted ao by the nature of the information (speed, complexity, or content like threats); showing typical signs of (subconscious, emo) listening behavior like surprise laughter, nodding and answering; chosen knight or discovered(the réal king/queen feel(I'm being prepared., ready for it!, 'it's still a secret!);
      re-thinking(provoked over-thinking by 'voiced-replay' of painful things. No corner or activity in your home is left to relax or hide from unexpected and stubborn troubling 'thoughts' that keep coming to your mind and which you seemingly cannot forget or repress; ..can coercively make you moody, can eventually drive you nuts);
      one may be 'asked' (by covert manipulator or handler) to 'sit and talk' (create 'conversation', compliance and influence, staring); one can be 'asked' to start do and think everything on feeling, intuition, fast like a wise jedi (playing chess without thinking, unthinking can become an adult character trait); living in word and fantasy not in reason and practise; developing fantastic believes and ideas of 'knowing'; obedience to thyself; waiting; lifted mood (swings, fake mania); addictions are not rare(susceptibility, weakener,stopper); issues of short volatile memory; absence and unawareness; feeling in a shell automated, alienated.

      "Results may vary.." Depending on intensity one can say in an extreme situation that "God is your conscience, but your believes and behaviour belong to somebody else.."
      On the new website 'in the make' about attack psychology much more about this complex chapter that -especially for victims- up till today drives an honoust case & court system defenceless and still without precedent. If there is such a court left. (passionate lawyers who dedicate themselves to hopeless people vs screwing up doubles in a parttime bird suit with law as a mass product. Jail churn. Skim of future). Also please realise that a wrong belief in (the nature of) 'buzz' in relation to someones personal values, can make it not involuntarily but still under coercion. Buzz can absolutely be regarded with nlp which is exactly what it is but with sound or any +/- néxt to label and language.
      Simply for example: a shock/scare (the punishment) sound on a (buzzed) 'thought' which subconsciously etches and learns a negative reaction and rejection coppled to the thought. Animalistic nerve training. Shrink any unwitting individual to a huddled nervous wreck or what's left of it if it keeps on goin on. Buzz alone ofcourse can already in various ways lead to very serious upsetment and chaos and dissociation. Very serious crime-trouble that can happen day in day out, year after year! The horror! The complete horror by heartless vazals bastards, literally and figurally killers. Chasing people to confusion fear and compulsive neurosis. Stirring in the darkhand from the outside into minds and lives of ordinary people. Victims of violence of psychological harrasment have an extra hear, a sense for peril they watch the shadows of body language, posture, voice, hand and eye. How far in time do victims will have to go back to find back roots of their selves before their mind, fate and life were manipulated to pieces, stolen away, and abused. Terror. Existing terror.

      * i use MO because on an inbetween level of the personal timevaluetask order, keywords start with 'mo'. Ol' desires, needs and necessities hiding in the looming depths of the chanting lake. A submodel, infact nothing but the needs hierarchy 'in the mix' (explaining its order variations and choise) with (converted)consumption-theory and its conditions (i/o).
      This page mainly deals with extensive psychological assaults ,from the outside, to the suppression, silencing or bringing down of the 'messenger's *MO system(trv like mo-tivation, もしもし), whereas these 'targets and victim's can be political dissidents to individual subversives and other innocent UNWITTING people under many reasons. Intense mental sabotage will have pass-on effect on the families of these especially unwitting victims possibly resulting in a switched parent-kid care and emotional support relation (parentification). Kids take on simply impossible (traumatizing) tasks and responsibilities. Because parent(s)
      -by the sum of countless (covert) sneaky -anonomous- psy-op practices aiming to shock nerves and resistance (like in a police interrogation all senses auditory, visual, feelings to break a suspect.)-
      for instance develop mental and physical complaints that will hinder functioning as a full parent like: alcoholism, anxiety disorders, depression, hyperventilation, stress & heart and relationship problems.
      There is destructive influencing of behavior and well-being from negative stimuli without being able to point to anything wich will eat your quiet heart out. The sub-conscious abdomen notices, hears and feels the infinite number of bad practices like: (indirect) intimidation, prepared discussion (practised counter-arguments), haggling, the tone, nagging, scare and neg. overwhelming, verbal abuse and stupid command (imperative), debilization, infantilization and created dissapointment(big motivation killer like weakness and sickness or hopelessness and without will no case or life) in which anyone known or unknown can play part. Unsuspectingly and ignorant of the sneaky (covert) but directed and organized psychological influence to which they fall prey. Sitting in their narrowed shell, limited in cut off and restrained behavior and free thinking, up their nerves and stressed cause sustained fear kicks back, but it can be worse: some live behind a real but metaphorical bow tie (strikje) and after years are still under control and manipulated. Like a heap of loose sand, shaped and strangled in its own hourglass. and so.. what about my family dear authorities? Many people who have had to deal with organized (covert) psychological harassment will always remain less or more broken. Too much turmoil in their little quiet family web.<>

      Victims can be indoctrinated by frequently used (figurative) terms such as the word 'red', which (in my language) also associates with things 'indecent and wrong' , then fill in what is singing around in their head according to their own idea. For example, they fixate on 'not being in the red'. A destructive manipulator hopes that without effords even more wrong considerations and choices will roll out by what is spooking the mind of a target. Persuasive words can be sprayed around a victim for instance by actors, provoked friends or covert manipulators(buzz). Organized and heavy psychological suppression will consist of a victims environment filled with staging , 'the mean heads', a)instability, fear and unpredictability- which increases the 'fundamental insecurity'.
      a) Disastrous values for child development. Especially if the source that provides love, resilience and common sense is also small and vulnerable. Severe uncertainty is, even with proof of being right, easily talked into the idea that she is not. Learned helplesness. Also as an adult. That's -in a short way- called external attribution. There you have your guidance by others somwhere, somhow! But what does the leash look like and what is its purpose? It's not about the wingleader over at KFC.. But concerns the 'chinese' inner/outside locus, the motivs for, and strength of self-trust to form and make your own opinions and choices. You can find this in man and in people. You can álso see it is nót there anymore, neither in man nor in a nation. Hey, though somewhat half on page here, but I just made an important circle kinda!

      The messiah.
      Rather people are needed who say 'yes and amen' to status and the big bosses than those who question truth with fair critique. -The lie reigns. Surrogate, pseudo and substitution promises, keeps satisfied, makes unity and takes everybody on a ride to maintain the oiled corruption smoothly. ..Hey, who's walking across the street in the twilight zone around the station with a stiff condencer mic, a bag and a little child by the hand? Is it a clergyman? No, it's a pseudo clergyman with coloured glasses looking like Jim Jones and the question is: does he sincerely sell religion or is he talking 'space travel..'
      They, like all of us, must disappear into the dark. That's why the total psychology of 'imaginary and surrender' is very important. Fear and scare..
      Afraid 'electric sheep' must be dreaming of people being   asleep.

      The transformer substations
      All the beautiful progression² can not disguise societies continual kill and death blow behind twinkling lights and happy smiles from the-happy-people. Years ago, boys from TUDelft explained it in our primary schoolyard: the graph paper, control grid full of patches of organized groups and hubs: to control, rearrange, model or frustrate structures and people. Mind yourself people should say to those who stir them up against others. Before they turn from good observant fellow citizen unwittingly into a helper of ignoble eilites with unhealthy intentions.
      The front-'preachers' who really ruin people with sickening psycho-ops need to be caught quickly before they and their information-threads are dissolved in the haze of oblivion. Living souls are mislead and waisted in extra-judical trash cans; we should re-order the structural basic blocks of Powar. Anyway eversince everything is decorated in a para)military fashion ,there is the canonization of group(leader) superior and majority ánd a lot of top/collected downside bullshit floating around.

      This page is about movement, movements and groups and victims with an element that is first to be hurt last to stop, the heart. It is for and about children, thumb suckers, dreamers, egoists, ticket machines and world leaders. Buzz is android hell. Voice or Buzz (as I call it) sure helps to make shaky 'engines'. Kids and older who are deformed and pre-molded will share some same experiences. The vicious short collar, maybe partial, maybe a (kids)hell. As long as it takes, one should always fail and refuse to consider something insane and bad behavior as normal. One may try to deny it, think it away or try to ignore it, one could even in more threatning situations fall prey to cognitive dissonance in which people fully comply and adapt their behavior to an agressor, maybe 'join' the wrong side and eventually even forget about everything. I'd say never to forget. The best solution is to get assholes punished and get your rights, preferably with the help of justice. May the force be with you.
      Remarkable is that one can make in a little crooked way the word 'frustration' (frustradtie) out of the nationalities of my former partners. The rad/ard connection is here on the accound of a girlfriend with German Austrian all kinds of roots.
      Soon after this relation there was buzz mentioning there was 15 years of trouble laying ahead of me. Ofcourse now I know how this works I also know I wasn't wrong. Important to tell here is whether it concerns kings or beggars, they are simply all nr 1465 in the queue of (in) direct frustrators and frustration around me and my family that had already begun in the days of my grandparents. Of course how more higher ranked the people that -order to- mean trouble, the more that person can claim and has entrance to all kinds of groups and club-life to mean and enable extra trouble even maybe a tree of trouble also effecting more people than just my family. That's an extra lil worrie I got.
      Bad business is all around and how will corruption clean up corruption? You can also win a TV show with it. After all, although the core of human mind is addressed, it is still about ways of communicating information. And hell is only other people.
      More about every possible sound (or perceived as such) wave later..! inc the 'choral reef', the banshees of (sound) technology -with things like patrns & res(Q) - , and an example of people unaware of the influence on them as puppets in a hidden play. Explained.
        See here drumming monster (link)
      ..I hope no-one is hindered or fooled when in serious considerations with himself or in some other spiritual contact, whether true or untrue, by bad people from a third party.

      The mirror of you. People do not suspect how they are distorted, seek no harm in the known but ordinary need not be normal, nor even logic. And vice versa.
      After all, one can ask to what extent the State, the various parties within the government are directly involved with these practices, are political administrators aware of them and, if so, what does this say about the position and motivation of the respective parties?

      How far do real mean practices go back? Serious psychological suppression thus mind-control must be older than the Korean war. Because the spirit is thé weapon and what did all happen during the stasi period in East Germany? Are things like: manipulation, schooling and submission by silent and hearable buzz ; covert swearing through the walls provoking victims amidtst their home members to sow conflicts; monitoring and 'recording' a victim's mistake by forgetfulness then stress him on his way to make the effects of misunderstanding and scare bigger or commenting on physical complaints, pointing at threatning symptoms, terminal stadia and cancers so you get dead nernous and shaky for two weeks.. maybe amongst practices still classified? The spirit is the sécret weapon, especially when you can trap it inside a little box.
      nb:  "Spirit.." bunches of imagers and crypto's can see a 'r' and 't'. Playing with and making of imagery (Beeldvorming, manipulation) uses language, associations, truth, reality and manipulated cooperation are deeply rooted in certain environments and all come together in aware and unaware functions of suppression.

      It's not as much the "the nature of psychological compulsion" (Huxley) as well as that there are people who are applying undue psychological coersion to our fellow man.
      I'll say it again: that poisonous virus must be read their rights with screaming sirens.

      - A short tv-moment of ice speedway! It has been ages since I've seen this! How come? And where is the sound of the kick against the football?
      - Couple of days before the weekend I already heard of stopped / hacked NWO servers. I didn't hear this in the media. Ain't that a remarkable coincidence?
      - "Pittsburgh plane dangerously sliding off of runway near canyon." isn't that just a ditch? I dunno any canyons or steep ravines over there..!
      - Over at the NOS -news broadcaster- worked a modest and kind news-anchor, a man with an affable smile named Harmen Siezen, a name that remarkably sounds like 'harm and seizure'. <:)

      - I came up with a question for myself. Googling around I found someone else had asked the same question on Reddit. The question was:
       How fast would I have to flap my arms in order to fly?  88% Upvoted

       -Answer (on Reddit) :
      "I agree with the current top comment, and think such questions in this sub
      should be taken for what their indended purpose is: figuring out the
      ridiculous values needed. We all know humans can't fly, so there is no need
      to point this out." (this answer is theoretically wrong by the way)
      News can be deliberately overseen, kept out by the press ,hidden, veiled. 'ThePress' is owned by wealthy men who have every motive to be dishonest on certain important topics..' 'A genuinely unfashionable opinion is hardly if ever given a fair hearing'. In his preface to animal farm he says: "at any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed that all right-thinking people will accept without question." (..) Particular fashions will not last, views will change. He (Orwell for those who were guessing) then asks: "but what use would that be in itself? To exchange one orthodoxy for another isn't necessarily an advance. The enemy is the gramophone mind, whether one agrees or not with the record that is being played at the moment."

      The susceptibility of susceptibility.
      When you're dead tired you become 'auto' that's for sure. Never mind if you feel good bad fresh or sick, spiritual uplifted or anything when you decide only to feel you infact block rational thinking and leave it all to your subconscious. Some people have sessions inwich they 'open up for recieving' whatever, making their susceptibility very susceptibel for influences from the outside. In our context, you wouldn't want that.
      Mind you, there's another religion that can make people -extra- susceptible while feeling, sensing or opening up for the Divine's hot breath. Because
      what God is in religious meaning to human as a believer
      the Muse is in creative inspiration to a human as an artist. God in my Dutch language is God or de Heer(lord) which in german language means Army. Cross language philosofy encloses wonderful ways of approach to meaning. Geradeaus!
      Victims may -when aware- occasionly hear the 'boarding' perpetrators. instructions may start with an instruct request in a formal way like "We would like you to.." Taking into consideration the potential impact this subject is -understandibly- difficult. Yet something that mimics internal comm. won't look as something dressed in bright green with red & white stripes all over and a purple hat. By the way some groups and sects practice this with Low Voice. There are however many levels of 'professionalism'.
      Horny, haunted, honey voices, 'horned' voices, low voices.. I had a classmate who always spoke in a weird voice and said he was family to kings.. Wonder if that voice was used to fool kids and grown-ups one way or another. They're also used in buzz for all kinds of manipulative and adversive purposes.

      Assuming a real victim, who's starting to get a notion of the personal aimed outside manipulations. This person may have to face challenge and accept so many difficulties that he may stop being aware of what's going on and fall back to his old reality, thinking it was a mistake or joke; which indeed is tried victims, coming to awareness instead of being a sleepy victim, to make believe.
      People got to face corrupt authorities being Not on Yóur side , even more of the same bad practices and running ahead for corrupt psychiatric labels, they become aware of the mainstream false society and meanwhile even family and friends are thrown into distrust and don't believe you! You loose your job, house, trust, friends and the only thing left is running off in your car. The story about alienation, the plot and injustice never ends for some. Like a Constant Spring they will always continue to react and tell what is happening around them! But doubts and skepticism can make a 'nut' with urgency, an 'urgent' nutcase..
      Many people by the first glimpse of these possible consequences fall back in denial. Although challenge is especially part of youth their learning and experience process maybe as the new proud feathers on the headdress of their selfmanifest.
      Denial and lie to make and carry a more comfortable truth is only human. Even a new perception of your mainstream society and truths behind its invisible walls can isolate you from friends and socialities which is enough for people to return to their old views ánd life. It's the same story: you begin to forget what you once thought until 'you forget that you have forgotten'.

      Be careful everybody. Don't let yourself talk into stupid things. It can be cooler to say no anyway. Leadership in this world is as much wanted as ,in many ways, abused.

      You can change, shape re-arrange believes and behavior. Mass crowd group a cult or one man visible or invisible all with same techniques. You can put 'the cult' inside the man. Believes, needs and conditions : You see a cult moves the existential pillars so they (the cult) become most important to a member/victim. Here we are back at Vroon's list in which he mentions organized groups the morphine for man. But isn't your superego-guru and religion dope as well?
      Please take notice there're 7 billion ordinary people basically doing fine. Yóu are probably not someone being under some kind of organized psychological harassment. Though there are -many- exceptions to the rule.

      People may change, remarkable things pop-up especially seen afterwards in their attitude, habits and words. Friends may slide away under your fingers. Break contact.
      Innocent folks finding out they have bad people (handlers, wrong minders ) around them sneaky manipulating and controlling their lives to an unknown extend ,which by it self is enough to become really angry, may be driven nuts indeed.. Behavior filled with push, stop and go and internal conflicts is alienated from itself and probably sucked into a broken life. Far from whats called natural and hearts desire.
      Steering of behavior will in order to have changes almost always cause inner conflicts, confusing and a lot of ** emotional dualism. The awareness of voice and mentioning this in combination with these bad effects can lead to a false comparison with mental problems while we are talking the lowest of crime.
      Sects use the susceptibility of guilt to make their targets or victims believe any harassment is somewhat deserved which is totally disgusting.
      How big is the difference between rich and poor? It is not only the difference between the 'haves and the have nots', it's the stone-old gap between the 'know and not-know' classes! What basic knowledge and 'tricks' do they have and share in these circles where anyway academic knowledge enters first to profit from. To gain the goods and sweets? If so, than how much and in which ways do the elites abuse their positions (for their own kids) towards people especially those families under rules of compliance in sects and the likes. One can easily scare and force obedience on penalty of doom and hell or paint some false promises for a favor.
      In general: ..Some people have young learned compliance , others have young learned to behave like class assholes ,talking to loud for their ego with bad mentality. Respectless scorns that like to walk over people. Using people. Chase'm through through the ditches, along the dikes!
      It's about time for a political banner into the cold soil of our grounds, to no longer listen to nor take bribe from malicious perverts wasting a poor man's yearly wages in a day.

      Don't think all these corruption and fool tricks are new. Don Quixote (1605) is about the noble knight who escapes in fantasy because he sees the bubbles and harsh truth so well. The 'fool' is the one who sees things right. Ponlos en lanzas! The donkey is a casio.

        ** Emotions according to 1) the Wheeliestan dictionary and 2) as well as how I mean them on this page

      An emotion is :
      1- a feeling of excitement of the mind. Which relative to importance and relationship with the subject causes expressions and reactions of that feeling in thinking and behavior.
      in other words, the extent to which input or one idea encourages the development of thinking and behavior. It's like a (primitive) representation.
      2- a surrender to a simplified feeling of excitement of the mind that relative to the identification with its subject has greater influence on thinking and behavior with which it gives (vital) expression and direction to its feelings. It's like a (primitive) reaction and representation. they are the outcome of what loads + and - to the system of mind and its feelings, with pretty contrastive effects. On what I said before.
      Without the flow of emotions you don't have drive only obligation.
          ..They're drivin' ya, they're kickin' ya, They're tellin' ya!!

        Identification basically means you found a 'new friend' but it can also be an induced soap (lick) path like from a feel of nature to natural to bare-foots to sex. There's noting wrong with that unless maybe five yrs later you find yourself in a room with a fat guy in a Hawaiian shirt telling you to raise your pretty naked butt for the next photo shoot. Always watch out. Know what you want, maybe better: knowing when yóu think things go too far! - "Natural" is a basket you can fill with everything : old, slimeball, spiritual connection, alien, false , ugly, ugly old handicaped but rich, "nice of ugliness", object, way to old. It's natural.. , it's a bypass! If your brainwashed enough you'd even consider Jet-fighter pilot Rocksushi's blue imitation All Stars made of genuine plastic natural ! -
      A) Indirect focus on sex and obliging roles may use something as simple as foods (milk, marrow) and all other kinds of (hidden) proverbiality and allusiveness, suggestive associations and triggers towards these future roles and orientations.
      Where theres a will there's a way (and own language) and people have their intuitive ways to use it and pseudo deal with and substitute for inner conflict, problems that need real thinking or approach.
      Buzz, servitude, compliance and big open-mindedness in any way guided and focused to wrong examples and then experiences. These can be positive identifiers for someone but in reality serve to switch tracks, an in-between stop to a distracted and as likely hurtful intended goal or objective that people/victims maybe shouldn't have considered (doing) in the first place anyway. I repeat that you can make anything from anyone. That's exactly what many people do not want to know because it makes vulnerable. But the world ain't sweet. It's filthy pink, mad and with a lot of tricksters for as many as purposes.

      Little note about:
      Manipulations (priming, schooling ao little abc's) towards easier behaviors, sets and roles. (see A below)
      Priming is about respons/motivation. Priming is a subconscious reaction to associative stimuli that reinforces our minds to new stimuli. Conditioning is about learning/inhibition. Classical conditioning - associates stimulus and reaction > operant conditioning - associates behavior and its consequence. I say so, they associate : effect of stimuli to response > consequence of a behavior to stimuli.
      Priming often uses same category same modality. Priming (p-riming) in marketing : filling your mind. Pairing emotions, associations, make you more receptive, decisive to the main ad object. Ads in totality like to see your neutrality converted to a 'need' to have. Priming process, as subconscious drive infact happens all the time. Life is marketing. Associations, task/short-memory , Emotions are also important drives of hidden and impulsive decision makers. And then ofcourse there is the Autonome Perry Fereri system that makes your heart beat fortunately not on a decision level but pretty subconscious it ís.

      - Covert influence a victim and his mind will follow.
      Manipulations and primed/schooled language (the brainwash) will effect thoughts, your choise of information, your behavior, grow a conditioned mind with ao: truths, preferences, pre-ocupations, little schemas, habits and (unconscious) associations and other reinforcement as a prisma away or towards aimed or (co)related things, social sets, supporting (new) convictions & beliefs, likes and behaviors. Such a manipulated mindset 'invites' itself easier to (do) the wrong things. So it's about beliefs, emotions, (subconscious) associations and relations as infact > your motivation (drive ) > supports a new belief > behavior.
      Greater probability is greater acceptance and plausibility. Collect everything that undermines or supports this. For example: problems don't come alone, they're likely associated (related) so if manipulators raise more doubts and shortcommings on top of a problem they suggest a relation. In this case plausibility and acceptance are bigger because there already is a problem indeed. The ground for acceptance by a victim is bigger. You can expand this to a persons' capacities and imagine what happens to self-trust when this lasts.  The same way a club with all different shirts (id, uniformity) does not associate with teamwork block.
      Maybe you get a bit of an idea of how over time scratch by scratch, mean people can mind-manipulate and (co-op) contra-organise a person
      (certainly when this individual is surrounded by manipulators/frustrators and being intensly worked against )
      from behavior control, to wrong environment examples and people, hidden 'back-push' and buzz, wrong choises and deception, from false beliefs, addictions, intimidation and phobia - all reinforcements by themselves- to being a played and ruined person stuck at home or at the down/lie side, detached from mobility, position and normal life. And it even doesn't have to show.
      I often use this BT simple model:
      convictions(experience knowledge facts ) , emotions(not- trusted strong proud fun comforting loving attention satisfying good alike) , (unconscious) relations and associations <> information > make motivation (inner drive) to supporting(or not) an existing/new belief (assumption in theory - memory) << *BiTE (I makeit a reflexion here) >> behavior (practical assumption - experience)

      "There is something I call objectification. I mean someone has (long) learned to identify with, nut focus on and **calm relax (trance) with an 'object' and forget about anything else. Easier persuasive state. In which it is about: the nature of the 'object', triggers, synchronicity, (order of) states and patterns, sleepy dreamy mindless, threats by circumstances or given word promises (manipulations by themselves) , sounds and senses, surrender, touch texture and surface." The surface..
      ** "Just" is often 'ad-just'. In the persuasion and manipulation psychology in relation to the above, hidden triggers and motivations are important for behavior in making someone do what this person believes is important, feels good, safe and comforting (oblivious carelessness flow: read numbed), while in fact a manipulative/user party is served to their liking. Ain't that just like compliance? Making things happen, getting things a little closer.. (that otherwise wouldn't?)

      Inuit of niet inuit, dat is de vraag.

      Roxsushi's universe.

      *Zelfbewustzijn als een knipperend sein, een treinsspoorsein. Ons heelal van conflict en verval is een heelal van ruimte en getal. Geen maten zonder tijd, geen tijd zonder maten. Met enige fantasie lijkt dit karater 目 op een stoplicht. Het is het Japanse woord voor oog of 'me'. Sein oder nicht sein, das ist im frage. Alleen is erg eenzaam als iedereen er is, maar niemand je begrijpt.
      More about follow .exe behavior on other website. Later.
      inuit (eskimo) is a contraction of 'in' and 'uit' in eng. 'in' and 'out'.
      Emptyness or no emptyness; that wasn't the question.

      A supposed very sad situation from (sub-conscious) control practices exists when people, especially isolated or made lonely, sink in themselves, become their own company. talking to themselves, dream and joke their lives away while at the same time their thinking and emotions are obscured, manipulated and (over)ruled, almost owned by monitoring psychological tricksters and manipulators.
      Victims may have learned to trust and listen to their inner heart's feelings seeing and favoring it as the way of thinking and main ground for any considerations while the basis on which they 'think' and act out is external information communicated in a way that they are fooled to believe it is a result coming from their own 'conscious' thinking.
      With all this people either get nowhere or end up in unneeded problems; a waste of precious time; overcoming unneeded problems doesn't count for progression and you simply got to get out of the comfort zone just to get anywhere at all. Don't choose dreaming, try getting close to them. Don't waste time, like when you've got the ball out of the water, it is time to go home..
      It is vital to understand as soon as possible how big the problem is with people under severe psychological monitoring and control; what games are being played, preventing those people to disappear as chess pieces , as supporting actors of their own life on somebody else's 'stage'.
      On a new website much more about this all. Including life and official examples in many forms.
      Regimental mashing and thought reform can turn people into fundamental murderous nuts and militants (or make even worse) and you can have them set to behave accordingly up to murder and suicide. Like frustrating someone to a point of   -falsely labeled-   disability =('dead'). On outside orders for outside interests. The psychiatry around this all will often be inner-circle and corrupt.
      People can be given the idea they're in 'a game', than a victim's mind starts searching, thinking, comes up with an answer in the form of a challenge and starts doing stupid; he has become the executor testamentary of his own whirligig and broken leg. Now you can be labeled just the same under criteria of being a danger to yourself and that's what they want: nothingness preferably decline or compliance.

      Potential disorder is often coupled to being a "threat" (lengty definition & lies) to self and/or surroundings causec it makes reason for (dirty) HealthCare attention and trouble, that's why it's often heard - care, aid workers, police, intermediars, greengrocer, supervision: they all saw something remarkable, they all felt 'afraid' and they are all corrupted, one way or another. The same (corrupt) with lines of popping-up information from organised malice towards care-workers full of gossip, dissent and mal-information. Are super-secret-agents-knights ('soldiers' can be a bunch of locals, neighbours anyone) part of these lines? Whom do they talk to? Are these people objective, neutral, are they part of some weird group?
      Ther're many social constructs for state and elite that turn their 'collectables' into brownshirtannoyance; people in lasting 'group-tasks' watching, spying and annoying targets and mess around. Some almost autonomous, for years long and as close as your neigbour. Reasons can be as shallow as jealousy. Haters can be set-up or by nature living in jailousy. They're bananas, pine fruits!

      Everywhere patches and groups that organize their collectables and co-ops around aimed people. The false witnesses of an organised majority against the unwitting individual, the premeditated word against word. They want to have all kinds of pre-knowledge (situation, person prediction knowhow ) and use it to give targeted people the feeling of being in sight or controlled and to have them with rumors or on orders harassed and annoyed in many ways by serfs on crusade (kruis tocht) from the nitwit at your cash desk to old vixens standing in a corner witnessing set up crap.
      That bunch loves glue. They like to catch and collect false & evoked complaints towards their stalkd targets , stick (fon. choke in Dutch) all papers together; falling leaves for review by yet another bad element at the wrong side of the fence. Everywhere ís the organised mess of collaborating falsehoods and deceit that multiplies itself as a machine, a virus.
      Washing their hands in innocence, hiding behind the trusted cover of belief, group, aptness to forget and higher orders. Although there must be many okay folks thinkin' belonging to one of those psycholizing groups contributes to the whole of society the net result is mean for many innocent people and by no means they are dog soldiers. Shoot those prepared cheating and lying criminal spoilers of people and society to bigbrothers paramilitairy helmet: the moon. True soldiers don't measure the enemy by his power, but by their own goodness.

      The part of mental health care that is a fraudulent tool and leg of the corrupt spider, no longer needs separate channels, hubs, public-bodies and institutions based on incompetence and group compliance policies that, takes care of 'the picture' on the outside and settles with people along the channels on the inside because the whole industry is rotten and corrupt. The image of absolute dysfunction is the element of man. Take Biesheuvel's(writer) insane asylum with healthy patients and in charge the réal crazy people. A corruption that makes wrong good and false true isn't much different.
      Corruption is when the machinations and favoritism of the system allow a situation where a victim of mental violence can be imprisoned and declared insane.
      - ..btw, a sane person can say the radio swears because it simply really does but there're many more reasons like sound pattern recognition and it being an effect of influence by coercive and undue conditioning, that got nothing to do with inherent schizophrenia. In certain (lasting) situations one doesn't hear with the same ears and see with the same eyes as usual- The true gravity of the meaning of 'conditioning' lies in the word itself, in Dutch very good visible: condition-ering.

      Sometimes the group as a whole is totally nut ánd distinctive in its 'mission'. Which can be very dangerous.
      Sects especially cults are destructive. You can set people to focus beyond reason. The total problem is very present and much bigger than most people realize.
      Another worry is institutes hurting the personal inherency of body and privacy and with this rudely violating the personal rights (in my country) within the constitution. Some of these institutes (thought reform centers) use and practice back-dated models of psychology and redundant view on worldly reality and they have private owners. like prisons. unbelievable. You mean I can follow class and start a prison..? Nuts.
      On a solid wall was written society; it was a stage curtain and lies on the floor;
      The real walls are for the owners, we may have the clouds.

      Religion is internal authoritative by a God who is abstract which is an easy keyhole to manipulate people with. It can mean you lose ownership to full extent of your life. You've bin jacked out of it! I get nervous when I hear people tell in, a public 'promise', to some encouraging tv-host, nodding yes in advance, that they took Him on as the Lord and *savior of their lives, fully trust and follow Him, Jeebus.. they have revoked their own fate and surrendered to some vague irrational authority. Always throughout time many people have said they were the nearest of representatives of Gods will with many do's and don'ts off-course often laying in the direction of what the leaders suited best. And what is -truly- the underground meaning of liberated(liberated church)? That you know about the guilt game and now can screw your naive sheep disciples? The times are changing revolutionary. It's serious. Dna, Gnome and brain-mapping projects deserve the highest attention concerning mass control in relation to people's independence, own will and literal freedom.

      In a global design model of social control by manipulation tactics from anything between chess with people's soft-spots to the plunder and abuse of body & mind, lack of knowledge is just as important.
      What happened to the service, where's the people..? Big Sam Alone getting back what he handed out from behind his tap. An outline of life in a bar with friends Norm, Mailman Cliff and psychiatrist Frasier. It was a great tv-series, it was a confession, to its 'witnesses', the viewers at home. Cheers! Norm and value in my language is norm en waarde(waard means innkeeper
      Spoiled norms and values. Some folks are battling their compulsive neurosis to level and re-ensure their ego and only than think about the actual work. Tiring (cultural) self-suppression. This self-censorship, suppression can end up (and put) into in the smallest of your gestures thus behavior. Carry yourself and your culture in your heart. Smile & the world smiles with ya -yourself included, is a true adage.   But what I want to say here is that the grain of salt with which we have taken important things au sérieux, is a world full of murder, injustice and class justice. Too much 'replay' and too many signals you have to digest. You is possessed, stressed out, doped by overkill and amused to death, which is all the same, and it won't change a damn thing.  
      I don't mind there's another mega sports event, or singing contest invented for, every month. I just can't be a superfan like their nutty dads and sisters who are so involved. You gotta pick your own friends and be wise. Come as you are.

      A ball of socks pulled back around itself; the smaller evil has become bigger than the big evil of which it is part of. People in a sect can be scared to death. And fear can take weird jumps. The group is at the same time end of time and hell preacher as it is its savior.
      These Forts of superstition, unhealthy stubbornness and principal lies are mental trick factories, psychological weakeners for committed obedient even submissive servants (most people don't have a clue, neither about the psychological play that's going on) for purposes of corruption and crime, deception and pretense, cover-ups, untertainment and maintenance(s).
      For instance a cult-group can advocate to people including their members to prostitute themselves for Jesus. Before you say: this is impossible, a lot of people do not even know what is the meaning of 'to believe'.

      "Don't tell anyone he is in a sect, cause he will deny it."   Often used to deny anything having to do with sects and (psychological) malpractices are people from sects themselves. Or any other inner-circle in influenced environment. For a corrupted opinion you 'draw' someone with an 'inborn' aversion about what must be judged simply because it raises tiring questions about this persons beliefs and creates false, trend, habit and motivation. In-build aversion is an important force anyway and can be cleverly used and play against someone who needs worser negative treatment and judgement by a discriminating biased examiner; happening in many trials.
      Sects and cults (in my country there is no clear distinction) and other people control groups are harmful and destructive. They help fooling everything and everyone for the holy purpose: to pleasure- and keeping Bigbrother, his many friends and in-laws sexy and happy. Why don't these lizard-lovers go scuba-diving inside crocodile lake or one of those other twenty trillion islands roun' Cuba?
      All these groups are part of Bigbrothers suck-up and control strategy. When you are part of it you will have another meaning than you think. You know this song from Talking Heads with these lines: the same as it e-ver was! Water flowing underground..
      Hey wait a sec.. didn't I want all days summer as a kid? Man, I got work to do! 
      Motorcycle emptiness
      I want to paraphrase Jigoro Kano: "There are many schools doing quite different things but share the name 'Jujutsu', whereas others do the same thing using a different name."
      Bigbrother with its power, multi-networks and girdles of suppression, lies and economic model is a religion too. So, concerning the religious part 'they' don't really lie (typical for these truth jugglers) but net it won't help you a bit. It's a dead end. Get your kids and leave that criminal and disappointing mess.

      Main institutions as society are not run by a common non discriminating righteous system and law enforcement giving prospect of 'equal rich opportunities'. But '-'political'-' agendas need: lies, exceptions, attitudes and own truths to mask 'faults' and corruption. Big Brother(Ω) influences people and politics through existing backrooms and channels. Pre-conditioned vision and moral of behavior towards policies and procedures and society is even better. This asks a question about semi-government and independent structures with influence in and on party politics (our vote) and culture, like how neutral and citizen population friendly are pre-governmental trainee programs, with their 'ambitious flexible' wunderkids, like: business operations, supervision, policy and performance and the people herein educated and trained? Politics as we simply 'know' it, is a system full of covers and valves of measure and control, but, mind you after the elections the experts and officials at the ministries are still there.. What about ministers without portfolio -in my country and elswhere- like the minister for primary and secondary education and media, for medical care and minister for legal protection? Hey, I'm just wondering where all pork-barrel and mis-calculated construction billions did go to!
      Good politics stay in control, won't become just ceremonial party fanfare, will demand to stay on top of the information and watch out for euro-fascists parties with a photovoltaic conversion of 'sunshine truths' into too much current blown through the hallways. Buh (but in cockney), politrics seem more than once as a powerless unwitting child, a fooled victim. The political arena & theater in which essentials can infact be side issues, like a powerless playball of the supper-class that leads all 'mess and harm-done' to responsibles without true responsibility, incase things heat up too much, questions asked and cases must be closed. My position is a particular one surrounded by cheap, remote and shine of the iron drawers and chique secretairs that would prefer to stop a simple bastard from coming first with 'news' that could only come from the agencies of the 'polit buro' ; they don't like mischief they can't claim.

      To describe suppression and corruption or its resulting social missery and decline, I use the word mess. Because mess means disorder, damage, misconduct, chaos etc coming from a problem.
      Everything comes in two-ity, this means problems don't come alone, they point at another. Then what do I mean with 'a problem'?

      On this page with problem or mess is meant a real resulting problem from :
      - no or bad logic/knowledge
      - disfunctionality
      - (unlawful) restriction/condition.

      neg. factors related to worsened problem solving(solution / agent) like :
      - time running out
      - bad/no coordination or agent (E and memory inc.)
      - solution causing (the same) inner, outer (root) problems
      - irrational mind
      - laughing to death

      Unfortunately, there are people who create problems and want to keep them going, forever. That is denying aid, sabotage ,from positions of power. I kindly refer these living 'problems' to a volcano or garbage belt.
      What makes the world go by..
      Computation or behavior or banana: Everything is relative but not everything is family. Conflicts are relational problems. Interrelated and interacting relations or values are shown in diverse flow diagrams for example ER and ERD diagrams which can give an interesting image maybe first glance at what a very basic Logical Data Structure is. You'll see 'begin and end' of processess in a map of interdependent relations, how logic 'parallels' with language, building blocks within the relational hierarchy of a system; with crow foots!
      These charts are good to learn about relations, visualize structure and understand and trace a (potential) problem. Thinking about things you can ask yourself.. a Question! like 'what's actualy a conflict or logic' and when? Sadly enough I cannot go deeper into this, it will have to wait for the other website cause I am still at the airport where I lost my doggie Benji.
         ..If you can.

      key relations & side toes

      The elites are supported and protected by several rings or, say, belts, the last of which is the social classes of normal people that mind their own business themselves. The closer you get, the more people from the many kinds of different 'houses' that can be instructed, will be strong committed and obedient in a way that they'll never risk their position to stand up in the name of justice to support, save and understand the opposite side or truth. In the name of social division and distraction they help everybody pointing and accusing others (big and small 'enemies') of what they have made, payed and caused themselves even more, áre themselves : from various locations and (shadow-hand, leader & pulpit) groups organised: stupid-corrupt, frustrating, unscrupulous, fanatic loyal (forced), depressing, subjecting, possibly brainwashed, criminal, 'penalizing' moral knights..of all kinds. Manipulatore frustators robots drilling holes. Bunches of lower porters for the FIRM and mainly big naieve fools. Stop your bullshit! Where is my landing net?

      Groups can do great work, mean something. But not if they are submissioned zombies ,not if unprofessional people are organized and turned into some devoted and obedient 'moral knights', blind followers and missionairies or secret officers anything,
      that can be ordered to frustrate an individual for some anonymous elitarian hotshot's smaller or bigger agenda and not when they all, one by one, unwitting support the oppression agenda for all of us. You don't want to mash a bunch of early snowdrops. You don't want to rumour and hurt innocent lives. Frickin' scratches..
      These people, like their bosses using their networks, may inturn incite their contacts and others to join along. Victims exceptionally may suffer years long from being surrounded by a frustrating subjecting, watching and informing core of people that might be (in)directly involved with a kind of group as mentioned on this page. We know that the official collegue, (friend an possibly co-operate) of this (psychological) defiance of people was and is the 'Zersetzung' operations where every network's high/low connexxion contact, club of people and drop-outs were used to break a person, the victims' family included. Also for lies, non-existent or invalid reasons. Fuckin' scars..
      Nature fleeing the environment, victim of human nature.
      Man is so emotionally tricked that even facing the cold facts, he continues to support the wrong cause or remain stargazing silent. For centuries bigbrother with his (unwitting) followers -an army of him- bugger and oppress the world with leadership that doesn't represent but oppresses destroys and keeps unreachable.

      This picture can symbolically represent life from young 'couple' (left) to 'the tit' (right side of photo) . You don't see bigbrother; the 'guy' is absolute, so can be anywhere. Maybe he hides under the couch! It looks like a political correct and innocent photo ..but is it? what do you all see?

      "Whatever happened to all this season's losers of the year?
      Every time I got to thinking, where'd they disappear?
      When I woke up, mom and dad were rolling on the couch.
      Rolling numbers, rock and rolling, got my Kiss records out.
      Mommy's alright, daddy's alright, they just seem a little wei-eird.
      Surrender, surrender, but don't give yourself a-way-ay, aye, aye, awaáááááy.."
      text: Cheap Trick. at Budokan

      Wear out.
      Frustration as a way to kill resistance, energy and time of an individual. Someone who represents a danger to the system-corruption and their ranks. By sects, cults and other doctrine and obedience organisations and anyone else, senior or dropout they can persuade. All these orgs can have to smaller or bigger extent 'militant' elements under the excuse flag of religion or personal growth and social benevolence).
      Purposeful and calculated frustration of your senses (noise, odeur, confronting pics) , by (administrative) confusion, overloading, waste and damaging,frustration of your norms & values and any thinkable hinder & obstruction.

      Wherever I mention frustration on this page the whole palette form hidden keys to chaos is meant. Frustration can be made elementary; like frustration of breathing a.o. is nothing but disruption on a higher basic level and serious with possibly many deep corrosive effects. Simply always there, always on the lure.

      Júst in, júst out, just tóó and just like ..with frustration I also mean misleading language and the manipulation of data in presented information,accusations, charges or rapports.
        Information /situation monitoring ('data' stealing). Violating people's 'borders', space and expectations. Mood and ego break by patronizing, threats and 'placed' annoyances, emotional destabilization. Unwitting but possibly directed family members, youths and co-workers etc can all play part, Surround sound old iron Zersetzung. This means decomposition and breaking-down. Using everything and everyone in every way including someone's surroundings(neighbours,friends) to conflict and eventually control all aspects of someone's social life and calling on (their) people to do so. Often containing (temporarily) 'all-or-nothing' types of people. What a job! These groups are hierarchical structured in a command and exe atmosphere. This lot chases ease of mind and body-mind stress levels into the red. Mental shadow play on orders. Have you got 'day' left at the end of your stress? Watch your temper as the temps rise; things tend to swell as they heat up..
      It's a pity, losers need these losers and what a shame the practices of mental-neuro terrorists and their Group servants ain't fully wiped-out (yet).

      Many people look to (their) reality in simple ways. Lacking knowledge, understanding reality always as something simple and acting accordingly makes people walk behind the facts. Same with Public services, health care and Police too. For instance frustration and intimidation can be calculated and subtle, don't have to be visible or always there but set on crucial moments to have effect.
      Psychology can be like a machine spitting results out of its mold (mal). Especially science and academic thinking likes and challenges itself to this. Also with language and psychology one can look at it systematically, design probability, create 'automatic' and 'motor' with its behavioral functions and let go of these 'spiders' onto both individuals as well as communities.
      In addition to the mental suppression and frustration of victims whether political, extrajudicial, ideological (organized activism is considered very alertful) or as a victim of play and/or the elites and their arm groups (filled with anonomous selectables), I quicly want to mention; Harassment and annoyance in any form or argument may have a 'pinching mental touch' about it, may feel as clever and thought out (double binding, 'chess') and likely originates and come from planning and instructing organisors/supervisors while a victim's mind is stimulated to associate.
      Repeated non-contextual sentences and words in/directly addressed to target/victim may drive, incite unwitting confused targets/victims into the direction of sexual or other humiliating actions. As these people try to escape the strange trouble or (thought) sphere, they might irrationally explain what is communicated by co/vert frustrators and manipulators as: commands, instructs for any thinkable reason including showing good will to whatever, paying for 'guilt' or 'sins' and so kick themselves into 'the red' of their own mind and behavior.
      There are many levels of class of patricians, the elite but I tell you that only the real top-elites can escape false moral, false etiquette and eavesdropping while Robin Hood no exist. Only the Top-elites can be absolute, our absolutism comes from segregation and disconnection. A∀. Oor-anje.

      Very recently one could sign a petition, about the hazards of all kinds of high tec electronic weapons, EMP and em-radiation, to the commission of the EU. The EU self has written good and interesting rapports over these 'new tools' ; it's serious.
      I have a man on video telling that RC-transmitters are used to scare people to death, for money. That's serious too. Through the veins of networks stalkers are easily found and organized; people do what others say; they like sensation, to repudiate, especially towards alleged 'guiltyness'.With this, the more urgent, the more professional it gets.

      For a victim awakening, maybe after years of mental control and surrounded manipulation, can be more painful than sectarian unfreezing and be extremely scary and difficult. The moment a victim starts to realize -somehow- what's going on, the coordinated neuro gestapo may leave' their holes' because now more clear threats and intimidation are required tóó.   In professional coordinated psychological dimming, altering and traumatizing towards a victim and for the purpose of additional inheriting effects, these * handlers (and many other simpleton frusts, balcony and porch dicks) can be put around a victim as close as (in)direct neighbours.
      Victims at home - where you trust place and self the most can hear them yell: fail! fault! stuck! (monitoring. Stress up a victim who becomes even more desperate about a thought problem that he is in). A victim/target may hear fragments of deliberations, feeling lost in an unknown spotlight.
      A scared victim may realizes he's surrounded by manipulative people, these criminals may attempt to have him listen and behave politically correct in his own house.. Victims can get very scared with the situation, get mixed-up about how to behave and may get more afraid thinkin their behavior shows maybe some kind of bad psychological or criminal profile. In all cases: stay cool, think good , behave normal (which automatically includes adaption of the abnormality), don't forget your social live and care about your privacy and health! You can also try to write me in case of many question marks. Do not talk to these (state) cultics and terrorists and incase you're a son of the mayor, make a request to have them shot in the buttocks before any explanation. Right positions of victims still suck. Hope this as well as the credibility of these kind of victims change for the better soon to make it possible to take better and quicker action.. I plea to be more aware in the distraction and unawareness that we already are, victims however can become over-aware as they know/suspect trouble around them. Cramped and apologetic behavior regarding the feel of '3rd and judging eye' can occur. Please Do realize, esp in weak health, a quick compliance can be forced by addressing you in -known- vulnerable (emotional, unexpected, unprepared) moments. Few people make notes and try to learn/find out about their situation. You could consider make a notepad file with: Date, To do, Other, Things you notice (find a short name ) every new day. Save your work and make copies!

      Inner circles can be brought up with people being in-line with corrupted (elements in) health-care crying out crisis and hysteria, about someone's behavioral flaws in fact being incited stress by the (covert) bastards.
      Another word for deliberation is a 'get-together'. It describes these psychological tricksters who play bowling with their practices. Hit as much in once. But also play people or parties against each other. Stressing and confusing with double binders (dilemmas). A double binder is conflicting information. Simply said: one-to-many (and reversed) or conditional (hard-choice) relations that causes dilemmas. Like a wheel with a center and spokes as multiple appointments(the spokes) at the same time.(center)
      Hit and frustrate a target, stress impact on as many as possible levels of a victims life and situation. Organized harassment especially coming from psychological backgrounds is always about profiling, mapping out your behavior and agenda and abuse in a clever way. Organized cheat, deceive and disruption. They are mental breakdown think-tanks. In the most effective and preferably, invisible way, which makes a victim self-guilty and look stupid.

       A few quick guerrilla examples of frustration that can happen all-of-the-time in perhaps conditions of severe monitoring and over-stress are:
      - smearing and sticking associations. Makes you look with 'other eyes' to many (of your fav) things, behavior and activities. Contaminates,spoiling possibly everything like happy memories, ideas and things even daily road to home or work. It creates bad side-thoughts. Biesheuvels' (Dutch writer) white swan in the Garbage Truck. Something like this story closely happened to me. In the morning on a bridge. I tell that story later.
      - calling trauma and bad moments so you start to think getting back and about your moments of : shame, loss, defeat, guilt, sadness, failure etc. preferably around 6.am in the morning.
      - loading your mind (subtly) with bad stuff, staged play. Arranged and figured out little reminders, bad anchors and other organized 'twinges', so your thinking (RAM) is too occupied! It's a big risk for mistakes, accidents, forgetfulness and -important- mood swings! Because you kinda look to the wrong side of your eyes..
      One may see things are insignificant or a word as repeat is trivial however, repeatment is learning, but is it voluntarily? In just one stap one can get from futile to hell. In most hierarchical doctrine groups and the likes repeat, sound and information (truth and manipulation play) are fetishes. Because it is the psychological mechanization of control and frustration and its way of communicating it.
      Every single moment can be used to break a person in every way in every relation with everything. 'Down on every vector'. These * mental sado-terrorists know/see when you feel bad and straight away jump in it to cut deeper the wound; to decrease a victims' plus and magnify the negative. Until mad, dead or lamb. Whatever is required by a member(s) of bigbrother. People are not taken serious and more harmed than helped with going to the police and with this, perpetrators from psychological/strict, intelligence groups are often in-sync and trained to do whatever they must do ' full and fanatic ' for their cause. Happily fucking over people and not listening to reason. Like many others but especially people from controlled environments (i will follow) as sects, they are easily directed, nuts and ready to set something straight while not realizing they pull the wagon of higher corruption by command of a 'nono' up high. They are potentially very dangerous. Sick brigades playing own extra-judicial judge are not impossible but aren't even needed to chase a good man on some losers command totally to ruins, to chase out the you in you.
      There are rather a few less or more 'serious and thoroughly' argumented petitions you can sign in case you care for the birds and the bees and hate those small frantic 5G stereo sets dangling on a pole right in front of your home.


      Violence, war, trauma can emotionally disrupt family and children and have great impact on their lives later on. You can use or induce this deliberately in kids to affect adult life to get modelled (boet-zeer baar) individual behavior. One can repeatedly use shrink, break and deception to undermine normal ground-patterns of trust and replace them with bad -innner- harmfull relations, a path of deceit and confront to create weakspots and (masked) insecurity, getting (young) people on a wrong course and heading to suppressed and manipulated mind, judgement and choice , susceptible for influence, puppet & doll work maybe discretion demanding and way more decline on life's downside on top of smallness and submissibility in the 'sheep herd'. I sometimes call this 'Mr Falange' the horse of the scared, pounding heart because organised premeditated mind-programming making controllable people is a set-up using and filled with delusion and fear, complexes, mind-body equalizer of cognitive dissonance, the whole thing of changing/ruining moods - inner believes - behavior and tasks, submissiveness, Pandora's box of the subconscious and (over)compensation. Simply cause in my language 'falange' sounds a bit like some crucial emotions as: faalangst (performance anxiety) ; verlatingsangst (fear of abandonment) ; er van langs (beating) ; waan en angst(conceit and fear) and verlangen (desire).

      Important is to allow, permit yourself to be happy, to live, to have fun and relax and maybe to fail. Some of us don't have much self-value and confidence. That's a pitty cause there is no written law in the universe saying why one schould feel less. Even so, some people effectively remain alone simply, because they're too afraid to make a mistake. Let alone the excuse of anger for the self-exclusion one imposes on oneself, the celf-punishment that keeps your last consideration away from life and happiness. Don't let things as fear, guilt, shame and perfectionisme hold you back! Don't gasp, breath! Even in circumstances (like my family) with a very serious psychological Zersetzung of repression coming from political, organisational or cult groups with mashed in doubt(dualism) and disappointment where wrong language sinks in the mind and wrong 'learning' is unavoidable. That goes for anyone. Many people start overall adjusting. Have a plan and think (again). Screw it, Lets do it! Today!

      Sleeping (self)neglect and mental upset or stress alone are already pathways that can make you even quite suddenly feel loose control about -some aspects- of your life leading to known alert signs like: bad moods returning fear and doubts, hyperventilation and compulsive disorders. Social isolation, bad situation and learned helplessness (see above from psychological harassment) won't help things either. You'll have to be tough, face things, make a plan and work things out which can be hard but nothing is impossible. (See above )
      A lot of effort 's been put in the idea of the steerable unit called human. Control is everywhere tested and practiced in many [bad] ways and environments, just as there are psychologists in every company. Bad Bigbro wants You on his side and preferably by your own choice and without criticism. Controllable people to bypass reality;righteousness and irrationality are always handy for the bad work and dito autographs, still. You can create such people. people that fold reality to their own label ,submissive, maybe guided by a group or other spiritual 'tonality'. And they are clueless about the hand that rocks the cradle in their backs. It's handy, for researchers a very interesting scientific challenge and for some jerks a game that can last very long. Anger over a life seemingly drawn over someone else's fist. Playing with people.. 'puppets', 'autos'. The humiliation of a man's life with a stacked in will to become a BOT. That's murder and hijacking.
      Related to behavior control is of course the one that makes use of remote technologies. Remote neural monitoring and its feedback to a victim or target. That ain't hocus-pocus. People may remember the Truster software that listens to voice to find true or lie and pretty good! You got many tools like this that for instance read the tremor(vibrating ) in voice sound to predict all of this. For those people who have learned to lie, to see the word or fantasy rather than the facts it has no solution yet: what they believe is real.

      - People in /under influence of certain environments dealing with restriction and punishment of thought and behavior do under pressure of intimidations even talk differently. They have sometimes lost their own (free) way of expressing and talking. It's measured. Like their minds, the language is reformed! -

      Related to psychological attackers, cults etc you can often read a term coined as 'false rescuers', a new or maybe the same persistent troupe of organized psychological manipulators and mind-'trainers' who try to persuade you and (in)directly insinuate liberation, redemption or relief for your compliance. Especially for hurted people or those who have just emotionally wreckened escaped the psychological captivity of a cult environment: you do not want to give -again- your trust or become close with these (covert) 'kidnappers'. Psychological harassment and control of and over certain individuals does not always happen in plain sight. Manipulations and personality reform by filthy controllers and psycholingistic programming (buzzz) can potentially happen anywhere. It does not require an outside physical cultic environment. You are likely not one of them, yet many exceptions make a rule.
      More on another website..
      A. the sub/pre-conscious: early thinkfolds. dissoriental express. suppressed self-manifest we have the ism's and schism's and the diss's ;)

      Victims and targets of the practices and provocations of -hidden- organized harassment from organisations, movements and groups (on given orders) can especially when stressed-out become or make fault(s). As always it is about control; taking away independence, adding dependencies to cripple trust, (and progression of) self-responsibility and individuality. Being rich doesn't -per se- mean one controls ones life, there's just more & easier margin. Under subdue influence complaints vary from normal life and its problems of mind by frequency, intensity and intent. Without 'love' in the center and random throughout the various stages, some worklist words:
      Feelings over ratio; unstable home, unpredictability!, fear, neglect, pride and wholeness, lonelyness and (home)support, low self-esteem, unsure ('kant niet, 'durft niet, kmaak 'n fout, 'twordt nix, ze lachen me uit, ben lelijk. voor altijd afgewezen), confusion and its abuse, insecure and suspicion (exhausting, insecurity doesn't have to show. Can take such a big part of someone that he or she is afraid to take initiative or join), damaging your self new possessions and stuff (branding), óver-pleasing (afraid of: loosing friends criticism & problems. shielding for 'dark clouds' at the back of the head ), traits:extravert/introvert, discouragement of independence, forced fundamental uncertainty (lethargic, lack of initiative. nb: resillience and initiative are important. Against peer pressure too), dope addictions, sex & fetish, health and awareness, selfrespect and resilience, escapisme compensation and substitution, social isolation, avoidance, bullying, suggestibility, time waste, unfinishing, repeat and re-doing, self- aggression, self-pity, egotrippin', self- and thought suppression, fear of abandonment (opposite is very bad too: when you always always have to rely on a leader-savior, his replacer or someone else. In my own lang: je verlaten op iemand ), 'living forever', deception, lovebombers and scumbag loserboys, disappointment, unlovingness, anxiety, lack of awareness, abuse, Suzie & Risk factors, truth & reality spiel, questioning reality (ón and ón fooling the people you love with reality may add to their doubts, basic uncertainty and undermine their self-value. *borders of reality can become endless scenarios requiring diffrent behaviors), stress-disorder (self response-ability), responsibility avoidance of (Vera Lin), And then there's a baby(postpartum depression), compliance (call and come), disrupted or arrested development, feeling watched, fear (to lose) & phobias, OCD, NAS, compulsive re-experience, trauma, *status, stubbornness, speech proficient, bias, self-deceit, (inner)conflicts, mismatch of feelings, body-muscletension and breathing focus (chance on disruption scare and hyperventilation), obsession & compulsion, 'beauty' and 'perfection', super sensitives, young 'voluntary' hermits, friendship, joy and power of being you, self detachment, meaning and reason, messed up norms & values system, order and balance, unrealistic-disorganized-unpractical & limited (like no drivers license, poor heros can't play daddy too.), lovelessness, Loose. Dependent. Fragmentation. Erasing. Kid state.
      * (loss of honours fit the array of fear which can be a hard hitting, nagging and occupying emotion like guilt. Easily evoked or triggered.)

      Goals can be ruination and silence or co-operation (submission / compliance) and silence. They can lock a person up for a while with a false label in one of their inner-circle mental doggie-asylums. People than must prove they have been totally fucked over, frustrated and short-circuited.
      I am talking victims of, not about the smiley back-wind and love-bombed members and their ongoing self-delusion that always reaches the same station (for as long as it goes).

      Frustration is also (in)direct part of the sectarian (alike) engines read: of BigBrothers' corrupt department. Harder, better, stronger, faster and automatic. Repeat and return. The Machine rules. Max-results are always a challenge, a múst, thus also with BigBrother's cultural psychological 'reform-departments' and other moral-doctrine collect-connect nephews, even if this work means tearing apart people and families. They don't have a face right?
      Yea, I wrote the above worklist words on my "I'll heve the biggest company in the world" agenda and instantly it started to feel depressed. Balance is cool. Not only for the minds in emotional storms and the broken hearts but also these living individuals who are so often brainwashed with self-doom and wrong beliefs that they became time rippin' stubborn fools singing on their own selfdestruction of body and mind. There is a pill against getting drunk. There is one for every emotion. There is even a perceptual time-accelerating pill, but not sure if I'd want one..

      It sure is remarkable how people in certain jobs still under-estimate the power of self-respect. it can, no, it ís a difference between day and night
      and again I must say that others, trained people can abuse this. What will happen when you always feed someone doubts and fear instead of warmth, praise and accomplishment..?

      love and respect from de birdie and deh Rocksushi!

      Is this all there is?
      Selfrespect dealing with life and being your own friend are very important in an environment where people have the right friends, the right jobs,the right care, 'better' dope, a healthier scene, more backup, make the right choices, depressions are less existential and one don't have to beg for a compliment being as rare as a goldfish in the desert, but surely álso where psychological harrassment from any which source resulting in depressions , abuse , lovelessness and a drenching uncertainty bleaching everything till life fades away and the light collapses.

      Like(ing) yourself.
      Selfrespect is best felt when it's gone, seemingly.
      To the surrounding make-believe , beautiful images and the land of plenty but never enough, people can live in a sharp contrast.
      Love is a verb, to regaining self-image you have to lug every little grain while heavy (drug)addicts brainwashed themselves to self confirmed hopelessness, despondency and disability on a suicide track : you don't overcome but survive, beat the 'system' by dealing(coping) with your own , choose life and why not? 'Cause what more than lacking self-respect is the idea you're not worth it?
      With the right will and (clear mind) you can learn, break and fight, get your self back, find a normal life and even help others ultimately realizing that "you is the only one that can make you feel bad about yourself." You may like yourself, you may love yourself, you deserve yourself, you do not have to like everybody you do not have to feel guilty , you don't have to feel ashamed we're all the same and you can come close to what you want , screw the rest. Grab every chance.

      Good relationships with self and other lives, clarity, order, realistic view of life and time , taking responsibilty : what means glamour without it..?   -Getting organized is a cool game.-
      Matching feelings can perfectly go along with critical thinking. That also applies to the endless boundless youth, as for the 19-year-old girl with 2 born addicted babies.

      Behavioural psychology is everywhere. Bad amateurs and good pros and viceversa. Bigbrothers psychologists and teams (rootkits) are on every work floor, visible or covert. Recently I heard mentioning research and doctoral thesis about the modern psychologist teams everywhere looking to society. What is this 'new' phenomenon? "Who are these men" was one of the questions of the investigator. Neat bigbrother's lookin at things hidden in social-relevant words but was the research nót looking at the illegal part of it filled with callable groups, sects, (business) networks and the intelligence community..? Even more serious is what I heared on the radio: "politics don't know a thing about it.." (psychology).
      What happened to a few of us will slowly be the repression for all of us. (btw thought repression is mostly healthy mechanism but on this page considered especially a quality related to harmful behavior as well as in the meaning of power/people oppression)
      The Beatles' last album comes to mind: the zebra-crossing on Abbey Road : a walk over. Let's sink a sonk.

      Immense sneaky scumbag practices of (in-direct) personalized frustration and fear indoctrination aimed at people, like 'predictions' that can make a victim desperate, afraid and doubt every line to the near or far future, sure wreck happy family life and worse, because people are afraid or internally withdrawn by believed impediments, kill mutual trusted understanding and honest communication for it has killed the old common reality. Besides that "don't want to talk" feels bad, too scared or "can't talk" makes sick.
      -Also the longer and intense maintained the psychological pressure (by organized groups, sects or government people), the more someone can be fooled with all kinds of wrong views on things, stubbornly stick to an un-grounded idea up to a dramatic level and for a long time! People should understand this. 'Afterwards' - after this psychological play and manipulation - people can be left feeling devastatingly hurt with immense regret, despair and anger and a high "i can't believe that i believed that...!" or so to speak which makes it all very sad. - the shock of 'a different light'. Seeing things different and unsuspectedly correct.
      Under influence people can be put on a trail of fault ideas and may start question wrong things, their old and valid! truths. Often you'll find segregation and isolation of (people) relations one way or another.
      The dead ease of the obviousness in which a wrong decision is taken.. Especially in psychological manipulative environments people can be learnt 'haste' , (self-)obedience and living intuitivity which means more mistakes and a stubbornly sticking to a bias which when it means any difficulty or resistance is for instance automatically labeled a 'no'. Not always wise, not necessary and maybe working out wrong, but they have also learned not to think and reason. Personal focus on a few things helps to give the idea independency of life and mind has not in fact been 'totally' given away.

      For many reasons and effects people can fall prey to organized harassment; they get life out of you so you get nothing out of life.   Lock 'm up and have them learn about the number zero. They have a major problem honest counting.
      Do those collective *knobs (preferably purple cause it makes them worth over a 1000 Star Wars kudos and that ís my favorite movie.), these buttons and birdies on the same criminal string know that in fact théy are the exception?

      I've nearly lost all faith in a trusted government. I am very serious when I say that my mother and brother need protection.
      The stabs round my family in their unethical prisón must be known at certain levels for years.
      The organized psychological harassment -since I was a kid, since my parents were kids!- around us, intellectually kidnapped my family, thinking made impossible; day in day out an attempt to strategically frustrate people to nothingness, to 'keep under thumb' meant: life and memories bleached. Teared on the inside and -physical- memories erased, like in fact anything good, to keep our lives' manifest and legacy to a minimum and invisible in what -still- is a professional organised political campaign of sourceless and tactical deletion, depreciation and 'disempowerment' with as many as (blind) people in the tail of frustration as possible. The psychological surrounded mind & behavior manipulation attack was and is immense. Zersetzung straight on the bottom of an hourglass thrown upside-down over and again. Funny on a page with some good songs 'cause we're talking decomposition all the way. The 'zersetsung' organised assholes from every thinkable group around us. leeches on your skin peeping informing manipulating around your home. Lead shield round our existence trying to stop and alienate. Blocking good 'radiation' happy waves that would make us part of life and feel alive.
      My home situation means mind and thoughts are always talked to. They can be addressed like with 'unnoticeable in-ear headphones' on, any time of the day. Schooling and spontaneous interrogation, misleading and self-intimidation. Ongoing appeal -aware or unaware- to your thinking similar to a stressful continuous questioning. With disruption of your internal communication (breaking natural self-trust ) and more serious effects. And although I know about things now, still often unaware, unconsciously the mind 'sails' away on wrong stuff, false self-criticism and underbelly threats (stresse -zenuwe geven voorverwarming/ preheating). This leads to the most unimaginable: it's true that I can aspect intimidation's outside after I got them in several ways communicated to me inside the house because of what I'm intend to be doing or say in my own house! It is war. What has been going on already (at least) in the lives of my grandparents is out of this world.
      My fam my grandparents: falsified life with alienating moments through deceit and drama down to the smallest detail. They must have simply felt it: the unnatural behaviour, mismatched facial expressions and incorrect reactions of people.
      Can you imagine the terrible horror of always hearing - consciously and unconsciously - the voice of another in your existence! A voice and tone that deceives and offends you all your life!

      How can I work, study, breath in these situations? Could we? Have we ever? Who of the people causing our situation remain at a corrupt distance; look(ed) the other way? How corrupt is this havoc creating violence chasing victims to 'dog tongue' , indeed being a wet slap on your face right before breakfast? I am afraid -to find out people close to me and that I love haven't dared telling important things and still! That they kept hanging in an attitude by extern influence having effected their behavior, their relations, their life! Taken from social order, life made a viewing box , our personal privacy like of animals in a human ZOO, despised and violated. In an attempt to make things automatic slide from bad to worse like Muphry's law. With intervention (frustration) and over-regulation (control) like the logic of collapse.
      I hold the state partly responsible. For me there is no longer a future in my home country and it has always been just that. It's incredibly sad. I smell obfuscation, a very big slur with fine print. It is a giant sink-hole, a cover-up.
      No rest and rush destroys life and time sense. We're thrown in 'smog, free-radicals, beams and dust'. The non stop 'beamed' talkin and buzz goes on. I am very concerned about this for my family related to medical complaints like heart, skin and hearing. As kids in Delft there was already deprivation, sensory trickery and stop-thinking. It's mk from the very start. Like a Polaroid: shake it and keep blowing it in.. Trying to spoil everything from relationships to thought, feel good and effort, eyebrow to health to probably the curls in my hair in many, many ways. Potentially too healthy stubborn? I have significant and serious but plausible and well-founded questions concerning my family -not about me personally or directly- even about genes and almost seemingly reversed or mixed conspicuities in fysical features like body structure and color characteristics. It's a family Zersetzung!
      Relationships are broken, even the shallowest of understandings with shop employees or cashiers get spoiled or they get moved to another shop because: trust is a channel through which the truth or a story can be made plausible.

      'Operational procedures' drown my family in emptiness, weirdness and delay like open bridges, seek and repeat. In break, conflict and confusion. The filthy manipulative and misleading buzz that plays for God attempts to fill with self-doubt and kill all belief and optimism till the mind accepts it, in fact learns to believe it, surrenders and gives up.
      Why do you think top elite cares so much about intact blazon and honor? Because the mental peace that comes from this gives unhindered optimism, belief in one's self and in one's own abilities. They can make sure the environment supports this from day one. It's priceless if you can keep on feeling like 'clean' Superman.
      Dieser mentale Komfort wird nie wirklich abgewogen und berücksichtigt, und Sie verstehen auch die schwerwiegenden Sanktionen, die es immer gegeben hat, um die „echten“ Kratzer zu verhindern und zu bestrafen.  Or:
      That mental-emotional comfort is never really weighed and taken into account and you also understand the serious sanctions that have always been there to prevent and punish the 'real' scratches. In the ball game Superman must have the belief he can, the space to do, the power to get what he wants to take.

      Everybody likes to feel better than anybody else except some of those christian/civilian moral cunts that waving with their semi religious symbols or group orders and speaking of doom and vanity to save themselves and the rest of the civilization, will try to stop people with 'dangerous big mouths' (read enthousiast) while the elites say "thank you" because "there's only place for us." Almost the whole of my home country is below sea level. The citizens must stay in their pit. No wave will wash ashore to touch and play Big Brother's holy feet.

      My government accepts terror. Nobody has ever clearly said something or warned us. Totally crazy.
      It is unbelievable that there are people out there, around me commenting doing what they are doing to destroy my social life and happiness of love the moment I even speak of it. The break, foretell and threatening 'buzz' in my normal living house continues 24 hrs a day. Threatening the last space of absolute (self)trust, of my safety: my cave, my home and every inch in it. Making the space of my most important privacy a public one. And virtual threats don't exist as joke. The authoritative practices making hopelessness and aimed for (self)destruct, 'quitting' and impoverishment lead to many ironic 'too little too late's', something my grandfather (we all) in his/our total naivety would have called "a late-bloomer." (laatbloeier..) Old pics with some obtrusive colleagues show what's goin on: these ain't only colleagues but shadowers, watchguards. It is unbelievable all my family had to deal with; organized total psychological harassment, all with premeditation and over-seen. The stress, constant judgement and alertness of mind even makes time go much faster. Networks and groups can trigger many people from the community to fool along around targets; what if such an incited person ain't a tomato throwing kid but a pushed doctor feeling the urge ('informed' by people or his own masonic order) to punish a so called bad person? Irrational, faulty motivations and lies. How many idiots with half-Gods, weird believes, group tasks and crazy spare-time conclusions can one collect around a family or an individual target..? Mind you, let it be clear that 'things' were not meant to become clear to me, I wasn't supposed to find out all of this but I would still be banging my head against the wall about not having a clue of the grips of what was going on around me and us.

      I heard somebody is buzzed/whispered to not to take up contact. Bizarre. But wait a sec, is that the only thing or are we talking somebody whose life is -invisibly and unaware- manipulated to someone else's' pieces?
      - How much involved are groups and people following a given ground-plan, since day 1 (before my grandparents), trying to frustrate & cut off every happy working relation and frustrating: life & work, sexuality and friendships? I'm looking forward to many things, justice will prevail and we'll get where we wanna be. -
      The span of psychological disruptive and subversive practices from micro to confrontive is massive. This ís all together what political coercion means. This is what Meerloo (a Defense psychiatrist) named 'rape of the mind'. My government (Dutch) have done nothing, not a single warning while this must go back to early last century.
      How many false flags? How big is this cover up? There ain't a week going by or I hear new things and now I found out that a trusted person of my grandparents in fact worked over at the local government archives. I'll have to research and do a lot. With all I find out I can help other people. ..Because, having information on someone, knowing the + 's and - 's, the likes and fears , opens a magic box that can totally trick an individual!

      Bee Gees.  Op n klein kamertje.  Aan de overkant flats gemaakt van Luxaflex. Een hometrainer fietste door de stad.  Op het balkon een late vrijdagmiddag, buitengewoon grijs,  kwam vanuit n textballon n vogel na die riep: "niets wat je ziet is wat het is, iedereen die je ziet weet wie je bent." Ik dacht 'wat de fuck' en keek naar Valerie, d'r ging juist n lichtje bij r aan.
      Ze maakte een weids gebaar maar nog voor ik wat kon zeggen vloog ze van me weg en was ik weer alleen.  Feeling nowhere.  Nowhere at home.
      Zone urbaine sensible, 19e arr.

      You can't look in both eyes at the same time.

      I wrote it's pretty bad for a democratic constitutional state that claims to rely on authority and security for its citizens but has nothin in order except it's corruption. I believe we have lived in Gaza all our lives and I never expected to say this anyway. You can find the 'separation of powers' also in the production chain. The measured specialized tasks per 'workunit' (worker, individual) is called 'division of labor'. Increased efficiency in time results from: mental organization, work health and result (judgement).
      Also goes for the workunit. When you want to see people as the result of production (out) of :experience, know-how and work over a period of time, then you see oppression and serious frustration of an individual reflected! in the assessment of process factors such as conversive shortcomings in: quality, quantity and energy used. You can sabotage and trick all this, the divisions of labor, if you want to seriously damage the man. Error prevention and general improvement (development) will have been counteracted. Your Time-Life conveyor, your timeline and 'photo album' will have been destroyed. There will be no turning back.
      ..Production processes make waste, there's always dirty waste but ofcourse people must never been seen as logical damage as waste in a process that delivers others immoral amounts of wealth. However big or small the engine of system is.
      I want consiousness and clarity about bigbrother! The whereabouts of his intentions. The fm-am fam. of as some say the 'NWO' or UN or I prefer -for now- the WHO. In my countrie's language (NL: home to great technology inc. eagle nazi's Shell)
      Wereld Handels Organisatie (who) - The World Trait Organisation (WTO) part of bigbrothers' global Bill & Account, part of the UN. That bunch of social troopers with weird helmets on.
      The UN is politics, 'just' one of their outer fronts. An Expensive political organ to whitewash rules and oppr. agenda into actions, is head-located in Zurich just like OPEC or WHO and besides matters of believability, seem to fit "interpretation problems" and "doctrine of peacekeeping" (Encarta)

      On the new website I want to formulate a very careful opinion about a delicate subject as eugenics and its social (im)moral aspects and possible complications. Immunogenetics and mutagenesis (sudden hereditary changes by ionization, radiation, chemicals e.g.) related to environmental influences are also important topics herein. I have certain names in mind. People whose opinion I would really like to hear and appreciate if they'd want to share it. Maybe I can persuade some, it'll come back later. Also on the new website I want to produce -in time- an extensive medicine and drug list that can be very explaining and useful. Hefty manipulation and mal-information (both in content as presentation) from people and by media makes life like Alice in spooky land. Like I said, if we get beyond our invisible bars, 'shock em'!! ..
      ..Things are bad for you when you are -organised- surrounded by nuts, knights and cult, turning your day into noise. These cowards and traitors. Losers fuckin' losers. And always you seem to be they only one awake and wondering whats going on or why noBody noticed a goddamn thing. Bunches of false examples moral and norm. If this goes on for years, your talking slow brainwash. Oblige you to think about surviving frustration and shredded privacy instead of getting ahead and develop. Ruining people-time, destroying man-hours. These are terrorists, dumb wrong paramilitairy muff filth that causes deadly stress resulting in heartfailure and K(cancer) and all with premeditation. Breath in kid, relax. Breath out.
      Buzz is the most serious crime, a crime of subconscious guiding, misleading and mentally kidnapping victims to a false life, conditioning to dangerous moments and someone's sense of safety and privacy, values and genuinity mashed to its core. Behavior from a victims' mind stuck to an unknown tiller an invisible rudder and drive. If I get good news it'll cost me rumour and comments the least! How come? I say this is cold treason, war crime. I mean: deliberately attempting to confuse and drive mad, you read me well! That's premeditated homicide and where was my country! We have been premeditated thrown into an inescapable life full of headwind and intimidation. "Don't talk", "shut up", my family and I must have heard this day after day, thousands of times! Molded to forever ladds, little girls, from the very start!

      In my last home for over ten years I didn't have a day of normal full nightrest. Not at night not at day since the first day I moved in.
      ..Just pas six a.m and my place is already an 'audiospook'. It almost makes me laugh. 'They' have tried to break, falsify and cut my life since the very start of it in every Mány thinkable ways from the in- and outside and I wonder how severly they've 'worked' the outsideworld, cut of life channels and vains and how much I was kept from good contacts, love and business that I would have had without all this. I'm afraid the Zersetsung, the mess is immense. Very recently I started hearing loud heavy steps in the morning keeping me wake, I checked it oud: it was a weird man *(there you got your chameleon groups and knights) explaining that he worked out by walking the stairs several times up and down, at 6:40! These little things too you know, they are tiring.

      I consider this a full attack on my (our) life and health as it happened already to my grandparents before I was born. Will I survive finding out the harsh truth. serious questions take alone our Privacy my God! year after year living in an 'observation interrogation and 'treatment' space' for what we thought was our home. When I tighten my crotch and groin muscles, I hear a comment about it: under what aggravating and already gotten completely out of hand (shielded hands-off) (radio) surveillance are we actually?From grandparents to little children. This is completely insane and it's lasting for generations.I think about my family. And they are not the only ones I worry about! Right now I stay at another place : but the bullshit continues.
      I am afraid that for time to come I must fear intrusion, my health and privacy- How can I ever feel safe and assured about this again? Most little behavior and decisions go intuitive, subconscious and stress costs you mindpower but you can't always be alert, you'll fall over!
      What (has been and) is the part of authorities in all this? Sure this will stop, but unlikely with the help of my ówn government.

      Victims surrounded and attacked by (state/organization covered) hidden -out loud- buzz, unavoidable manipulation and frustrate monsters around the walls of their home can count on to be tested and played by such a heavy repertoire of Zersetzung psychology that tries to subdue a target to detraction and threat, shame and blame games, that Korean cold sweat can melt their tilting brains out. Though in a horrible situation and bothered by backed-up trauma inducing scribbling assholes that play their powerplay of emotional embarrassment and confront through the borders of your privacy, Id say to other victims: remember these assholes are far worse criminals, while nothing human is alien to people. Unbelievable as I speak, that concerning my family my own government is still deaf and blind after so long as I found out. They look away? Don't know? Prefer top-elite above normal folks? Just immensely insane. All in all I wonder if I can safely reason outloud actually. Where is my government? !!!?
      How the hell am I suppose to even feel save, as everyone else would in his own home, working, reasoning and thinking out loud about work related security issues or own creative works?
      It is just totally impossible to lead a normal life in every damn meaning of the word.!!!? The noises, nerve and bullshit gets your thinking in opposite direction, just keep on going. Always a signal that pushes people deep into their collars in a story that has been made continuously.
      let me state clear here that members of my family me included never joined a group or anything of that kind as mentioned under groups except for maybe a sportsclub and a subscription for the centeral library. That's it. There are infact no jokes on this page.

      Worried about:
      (indirect) related to behavior, though mostly about remote and bio-chemical trouble -read applied technologies leading to physical-medical complications as heart (things like :atrial fibrillation and Wolff-Parkinson-White-syndrome ALIKE complaints), STRESS, cancers, head(scalp irritations inflammation and pimples), hair problems, skin(back head - pains and itchiness), desensitisation of senses, prostate, eyesight, hot throats and dry mouths, nerve/muscle twitching, teeth(including thumbing, effects on dents and psychy of kids. The shame can be disastrous), boldness (stress and -learned- hairpulling over time can be reasons) , food meds and effects, hot flashes and heat rashs (known as: prickly heat and miliaria), feeling of not really sleeping and immediate wakeness like no-yawning, unusual pressure on 'sleepy eyes' while feeling awake; fysical balance problem(s) and tinnitus and more (as noise signal problems. This will be on nw website because of sound waves),
      overweight and skin fungus (medical term: tinea corporis) possibly caused indirectly by poor hygiene as a result of (induced) stress. Those micro-suckers eat your keratin and cause dermatological problems with flaky skin and head infections, such as nail fungus and hair loss problems. Some of these fuzzy monster mycoses got names like: Trichophyton, schönleini ,Microsporum audouinii, nannizia, it's almost cryptosarcasm. We got a funghi trickery, funghi Houdini and a Funghi clean slate!
      So a common word here is stress, I mean heavy negative stress. It can cause all kinds of (like vitamine, B B12) deficiencies. Possible sign(s): tired, feeling of muscle weakness, shortness of breath, palpitations, memory problems, menstrual pain, hair problems, urination problems, *bloated feeling stomach, *throat-voice hoarseness, dull limbs tips, eyesight problems and maybe all because of stress > *stomach acid problems. Common solutions: go see a doctor, change lifestyle (health and rest/sleep!). Buy a football lay him on the couch, leave him in plain sight, take extra vitamins and healthy drink/food! Be positive , give attention to your health and condition. It gives you back Energy.

      'Bureau: human and animal affairs. Department: abuse of power, inhuman & unanimal
      If corrupt ruthless Bigbrother can let a family 'die' and slowely tear apart (mine), they sure can organise and carry out humiliation. Global BigBrother is a known suspect of deliberate atrocities against innocent people. This may include the practices and medical technological means to -in a human rights infringin manner- facilitate and cause 'the need for a possibly humiliating medical examination' as a 'treatment' to shock and warn, punish and disrespect elements pertaining a certain 'risk' or 'insult' to (a) society or even eliminate them in extremes, by actually causing them to bé sick. I think a known, unneeded prostate examination just to 'get-to-the person' could be called 'rape' by state.
      Regardless of what I'm going to do, that small office with 2 photocopiers mentioned above..? That will be there!

      I will not mention the many ways you can harass a target with a remote sonic/em 'beam', that's for the other website. Yet I got pain-stroke sensations in feet knees crotch belly and eyes. All somthing to do ..with balls! Were these associations? Can I apply this? Pain plús? Pain with a question mark or pain with a meaning and an exclamation mark? Is this (being a target) cryptonazi pain..?

      De waarheid is een donkere god
      Die wrokkig in zijn grot zit

      Wij troosten elkaar elegant
      Zwierig en vluchtig twisten wij

      De waarheid houdt zich intussen onvindbaar
      Een grijze steen tussen de rotsen
      Wij, wij zijn hooguit een rookpluim
      Die niet, net niet meer, in het heden bestaat
      A. Docters van Leeuwen. former Chief secret service. (* currently AIVD)

      Photo of my good friend Spiderman. We listen music together.(link) Bigger picture of him.

      There's much conscious power dirt , around us and in the world with all their walk-along trottels, making some people's lives staged 3-D puppethouse stories, claiming people, ruining them and their results. Because the 'Eights'(00000-rei) committed anywhere social mismanagement, administrative misconduct, violence and abuse against life, unlawful appropriation of land, and resources and awareful causing irreversible damage to environment and health. In a world that becomes aware of the powerclass fooling and injustice , they, these criminals -all and respectively- got to stand trial and will have to bear the consequences of all their actions and power-abuse towards innocent people!

      That power 'dirt' the ubertrottel is the dos group of spoiled conceited horny supermajors and bigowners and all their friends that throughout the centuries stole fertile grounds, meanwhile sending their invulnerable metal scare faces towards the people, whether or not accompanied by a bailiff poking a writ of execution on your door, to scare the people, steal long Johns' belongings and lift up young Mary's skirts. And it's still like this. They must stop we can rebuild, make new rules, new registers and revise the books of law and history.
      I'll have to research and do a lot. With all I find out I can help other people.

      Last night we went out to the busy expensive theater district . Diagonally above it runs the train towards Central. We walked past the dark mirror of the city pond via a long street with a few restaurants back to the old center towards home. It was very warm outside, on the way I tried to listen to CMLE a great new punk band with a very long name. (Central-Mid-levels-Escalator) We were rather corny, someone was constantly moaning: "you know I'm just cold!"
      Our art basement is located at the end close to KlinkerstraBe. The Unker. Together we work, play and drink here. We walked inside. I met a guy who called himself Ronin, an artist and game-maker with glasses over his eyebrows (for his mind's eyes?) who was busy setting up graffiti over the dents in the wall caused by ramming with his bass guitar. I am ashamed because later I layed drunk with a girl in the wardrobe and could not stand up anymore and I do not know with who.
      Now I am sitting here again on a torn couch beneath my drawing on the wall of black rockband monsters waiting for a few guys who are getting red wine at the night shop. It is already 2.30 am as I write this:

      ..Wat's gebeurd? wah'gaawe doen?    (waz happenin'?)
      I repeat that the amount of joined efforts in manipulation, scare, frustration, social dope and acting to psychologically control an innocent unsuspecting mind, can create an overwhelming suggestibility.
      It can make people afraid and/or have them made susceptible to believe anything you want and live their false truths & images profoundly believing them year after year in self-delusion. These engraving 'wolves in sheep's clothing' that can have you (even in a flash) hooked on for life in an unquestioned way to a *better or more 'real' yóu, can turn out to be as big as sink holes of own 'Life and Time' and as small as someone else's petty need or agenda.
      And of course, you don't need state sect/group-bullshit for all of this but it shure helps to 'steer' & screw somebody totally over into a wrong direction/life. Preferably submissive, dependent and with low self-esteem. With much more lies, misunderstanding (no comprehension of whats happening) and breaking. An addiction is all of that. In many ways the drive of religious madness too is what fits their environment.
      Next time when you -lonely soul- fall on your knees, do it to : set fire to your guitar, like Jimmy, to go skateboarding in a funny way or to pave in your garden a pathway that is a healthy one.
      How well can you 'hide' people? Fake and re-route information and channels, I repeat how well can you 'hide' people?
      These are questions that have to be answered soon to get people out of hidden inner-circles because if in this corrupt world we lack one thing it is competent, professional and honest supervision - all at the same time. Playing with clock hands may be very familiar to them but pointing at abuse and corrupt situations especially within their own ranks can take forever..

          Believe in your self, your goals and keep thinking! - radical okay!

      Simply put:

      On this page we speak about bad influencing psychology looking and coming from the outside that is aimed at a person or has forced itself upon someone, basically:
      you can be *fooled and persuaded to wrong thinking and from there to wrong moves and behavior which can repeat itself or is stimulative maintained, provoked ('guarded') by bad 'set' surroundings. For victims it can take a lóóng time before having insight and view on what's going on as well as the willpower to correct bad things -if possible. These mean ways have a dramatic effect on the shape, course and quality of your life and time and its result. The manifest of yoúr life.
      Is-this-new? What? Are you nuts? Basic maths come from 2300 years ago, we live in the age of bad corrupts, nazi-nutheads, surveillance and information technology: it's worse than ever.
      * At its worst: unwittingly influencing of the mind by bad intended back 'whispering' (innervoice, influence behavior), filling your mind, occupying it.
      This goes especially for intuitive thinking people who've learned to always listen and *obey ,"do" their feelings since this can be worked on, manipulated by those who have direct access to and ways to mean & mimic (proxy) trusted and unsuspected input and leads (like innervoice) to influence people's mind, believes and behavior.
      * ob is also the name of a tampon and the two are pronounced the same in my language. Looks like a finger with a thread. it comes from 'ohne binde'.

      about general suppression and all its executive sources and working fuse box groups:
      I repeat that these are the major screw-ups of this world helping Bigbrother's egoistic elites & owners (People who take best of both worlds, from both sides of the fence) with the game of suppression screwing over and misleading individual persons, people and public, although many of those involved think they're doing something different.
      Those whose work is to apply modelling of behavior and thought reform on naive people within and outside their group and ranks are terrorists doing unbelievable harm to people putting an accent on ruining personal lives, evoke flattening brutalism and kicking kids and people to roles maintaining the global human farm and factory.
      These collectives all together is what makes -the fakeness- of the world. Umbrella of all. The false pretense on the other side of the fence. For its shine is not real. It is drama. And you may only contribute to it.
      Psycho-social moralizing gangs of thinkers who are actually engaged in demoralizing again. Time and everything reflects or you can't see it.
      Where's my De-moral-ore-an.    Back to the Future!

      It's a shame that psychological 'indoctrination and schooling' oriented sects, cults, organizations and other groups were not done with a loóóng time ago because they manipulate, reform their victims in disgusting ways. Flattening people, themselves included, for their bosses, obscure malicious practices, mislead people and let justice get run over. It's the same sauce of corruption using this that prevents it from dealing with it.
      Corruption is real. Cartels are real. This is real. And not speaking about it, means to constantly withdraw a hand and lifebuoys (reddingsboeien) that the help from useful information can be to victims and instead, leaving them in the dark.

      The Fourth amendment counts for everyone and should so everywhere.
      * occu-pied. (pied is foot in French. the accent is named acute.)

      There is a lot of mess, 'factories' make mess and they need mess , one must be faceless and shut up about the mess

      Victims of outside (psychological) harassment, and the reasons for this can be both as vulgar as they are plenty, meet mostly skepticism , can be kicked in a zersetzung center with a mental sticker on their heads and left clueless, frequently done so by healthcare disguised corrupted nitwits who could need a good talk themselves. Do they mistake schizophrenia with PTSD? Will you be asking "why would this happen to you?" to a discriminated, prosecuted victim of racism? fascism? Or class..!? For cryin' out loud: we have had books published about the 'art of torture!'. The 'use of abuse' is very known in certain holes. Society sucks for a lot a people.
      My worldview of a natural and reasonable society is shattered, just like the life picture of many people. I find the injustice and the never-ending impotence to solve misery and crime repelling. In our society, life has been relegated to utility and disposable waste. The Mexican people honor their deceased loved ones every year next to the tombstones with music and celebration and many emotions. We have Christmas. People prefer to avoid the subject and walk away from it but I'd say: life is part of death..
      Some people's honor have been so destroyed to pieces they feel less than being dead. Don't even think about it. You are important!

      My family has to deal with a lot of crap, misery and insecurity. Down on every vector. On and on. Slippery slide on anything prosperous, giving shoulder lift off to anything potentially negative. Bad fuell. Fuck it. It's all on a story board. A drawing board!
      I will go to an international court and I will not hesitate to demand the very highest penalties against organizations, 'families', institutions and all vassals who have played a role in this. Even after prison: 'heads will roll'.In the messing about with people: joking and humiliation join the game. Hidden irony, double binders and bad re-minders: as long as they can arrange something which hurts people more. Even ahead in time so people can find out about something remarkably ironic that in the light of their grieve adds to bitter taste of it and scares them once more.
      For instance, a small personal drama for me -turned out- to coincide in several ways with the date that a certain sports-club was founded (River plate). Talking about kicks after.. (na-trapje)  I repeat: I will go to an official international court-of-law. Whatever it takes.
      I know an older lady who is seriously injured by all the emotional mashing - throughout life. It's sad and incredible that I have to realize how I ask my questions. Before something gets 'pretty because of ugly' again but in a bad way.
      To be sure, I'll ask her if she's all-right with what we have agreed for. People are not alone. It's always the same with injustice:

      You are the only one that can make yourself feel stupid. Dont -make anyone- trivialize yourself and an urgent situation.
      When growing problems make you feel like shit unhappy inside , just pile 'em up, take one problem and put it on top of another to climb out of that well! Take action and work the problems!

      The political stronghold and serious psychological manipulative trouble - up to the inner-self- like it happens to my family, is another chapter to say the least but even without this, generally speaking I think it's very important you evaluate things regularly kinda. Are they still valid? if not: wake up, escape living on the 'forever' dreamline. Know what you want and go do it now! I kinda like the quality of stubborness but not when it's painfully pointless & damaging over and over again.
      You wouldn't want to live your life doing things that feel plain stupid or based on crazy stubbornness right? People are habit animals, can be real lazy and have 'too much on their minds' but hey what's the use in valuation, seeing a mistake, ..if you don't really change and let stupid things slide on?
       Somehow stuck or hanging on with a lot of like stupid ob -jection, -ey (addictions too) and -stacle in front of your mind's eyes? Check the 'word value' of your assumptions and beliefs. Are they still valid? People can recognize something in someone and fool themselves because the flag don't cover the load of the total picture; is your behavior serious towards what you want? You can fool yourself, or find a wrong excuse, and bé tricked with false examples and confirmations in ways you don't even realize you know!
      A wrong idea or assumption may live in a 'mindnote', a short line of maybe just three words for years and persist stubbornly but does it represent the true order of importance? Is a blockage still valid, relevant, is it one anyway? Even while you say something isn't important it can have much more effect and weight on your behavior and your life than you tell yourself to believe.

      People can live in denial, are excellent liars to themselves (which is also 'handy' and natural ) and can forget all about it. A belief can be a long lasting mistake sure. Positions, lifestyle can be 'freely' adopted as true as they keep themselves ánd are kept in their mind- and attention bubble and all the nice pics coming with it, providing for instant identity and imago, status, praise and self-importance telling them they've reached the top of the human needs hierarchy list with many accomplishments, self-realization or liberation in their world (view). Pretty addictive, "love and respect." With fame and ego game time can be crammed full as years go by on runner's high. Okay as long as side issues weren't as important as the main issues. Screw the beggars flow of life. I want the shortcut, the sideways, the jump-overs to success with bonus too..
      Actually, real life can be rather empty. Skeletons may be kind of conservative but they protect your ass for too much illusion, delusion and regretful doings. The looming dead-end wall of the illusion and diminishing possibilities, attention, chances and relevance leaves many stars, halfgods, gays and dreamers lonely and empty. There's nothing against being a little careful with things like open mindedness, 'someone else's fun' and (self)glorification. Too many asholes snitches going around with your info ready to 'wake you up' and plague your insecure mind with what's good and wise and above all.. your mistakes.
      Off course you can but it's very hard getting rid of the ghost in the back of your head. Down to Earth major Tom!  

      Psychology is much about associations. Which relates things like memory, moods, personification and labeling like all that is on the other side of the = sign for example with an important and strong kid/people indoctrinators like "clean", "soft", 'sweet and kind' schooled: elevator boys, candy girls and naughty little witches with rounded sharp hooked eye-brows. At your surface. Giveaways.   "Koet", "greet", "fanta-stick", "neukay", "right", "well-done", "very pleased with that","milk", "sow", "mallow",
      -brainwashed- fixation (sex, soldier, big shot/authority) can end up ,as an embedded subconsious drive, a preoccupation helping to shape someones'language and behavior. Here to serve you : "thank you for coming in today.."
      Associations play a big role in what, if and how we get to see -things in- our society.
      Especially under influence of psychological break, associations can cause panic. A victim can be 'locked up' in language, don't know how and what to say without touching a subject that he doesn't want mentioned or come to mind, maybe to avoid suspicion. That's because a victim don't know -to explain- that everything can be related to and seen as associated ..if necessary. Provided context makes clear what is meant or not. The opposite of this could be a 'double' bias. Where someone reads something that isn't meant and also use it with force for a wrong, untrue assumed argument.
      Our world consists of space (form) and number which means basic forms are very associative. Situations can be 'arranged' and memories created where the 'main event' contains something elementary, a simple shape. Such a memory can be stimulated since it is so associative by 'everything' someone else writes or says but (maybe) doesn't mean to bring up personally at all, not figuratively too.
      Where someone can always feel spoken to, somebody else dare to speak no-more. I write a little more on associations further on page.
      An association is sometimes very personal and therefore does not necessarily count for someone else. In quests about truth and meaning regarding alleged injustice, justice and penance (sanctions): don't trust rumours and own judges. Leave it to a fact-based, clarity seeking, right-weighing and speaking court.
      Correctness, health and reasonableness are not exclusively reserved for 'the norm'. Sometimes even the norm (like what the majority thinks about something) is wrong, stupid and criminal. I guess you cán be wrong and the world aínt always right either.
      Associations also concern personality since certain aspects of one's life relate to others like 'exuberance' usually fits 'extravert'. Put shortly, If I were to change you, I'd work on your mind, -like your beliefs- and your behavior system: pleasing, deleting, changing the dos and don't's, can and can'ts, minors- and majors-, loves and hates of your: doings, needs, wishes & plans (+/- self-esteem) over time, cause these are important strings and veins to you and your life that control it and determine how they potentially will look like ánd can inspire others.
      Bigbrothers hot breath. (My favorite band.)

      Meanwhile I wonder, I was raised the first years around a hairdressers shop. This and other points make me think if this was about fix(ation) and tamed long hairs.. Because I tell you, in the psychological warfare (zersetzung) around us, nóthing was and is a coincidence. The theory simply won't allow for 'half work'. I see a photo in my mind :"a girl named Party and a buoy named Trash-can." And I think again what the fuck can I do..? It's been so long ago.

      In my old Киргизстан travel backpack to the borders of Northern-China I found a little note to myself : "don't let innocent cramps, tinglings and vertigo tell you you are tired, old and arthritis, but experience the feelings like when you was a young kid, ever forward! Think, don't live in denial and don't believe half truths gotta tell things hard to yourself, present and clear, confirmation, like with awareness: 'to realize that you realize yourself' decisive in your language too.. ánd the more sure you are the less intimidated: because threats can overrule kind reason and good logic. It's not about good or wrong but being afraid or not."

        'Big Bear seen mauling hikers inside a log hut.' Use your mind and think wise with your UNCLE. (spy language for homebase! head)
        when your heart says yes but your mouth says no
        if your heart says stop but your mouth says go
        shouldn't you use your mind and think things over...

      For it is easy to pretend one. To hide in the dark and say Boo!
      I wrote a little piece a moment ago and would like to repeat it. (about meaning and fooling unaware people. standing in the dark, behind the totem pole, throwing scare in the village and play for God.
      ..I made a simple figurative sketch by layering a few fragments on each other from the last scene of Dad's army. It's about perspective and movement, should I say progression. The purpose of life. God is a comfortable dictator without enemies who only needs to Be. God has even put an end to his last enemy - the end of his personal time.
      Time along multiple paths already belongs to the allies of the ruling class.
      The only thing that might still bother him are the life insurances, of the failures.

      With my new website I want to give useful information to victims in obscured -critical- situations but also to convince and confront authorities so victims can go to understanding people and be believed- instead of being lost.

      In contact with a (network) environment where there is doctrine and sectarian influence, you often come across the key word 'movement'. Many people don't get it. Whole stories arise through worship on the one hand and on the other a cultural mystic mainly through ignorance.
      On this page I said that movement comes from the idea behind system and repetition; Energy! E= mc rocksushi2! Especially the machine-product industrialization that changed our world. Since then, we want to have hard & best results and everything (remote) controllable. Machines make objects, computers 'make' languages (information). That combination is very similar to ourselves. These days computers make their own kid(s) via machines.
      Everything is energy. Sex is also a repeat. James Brown! A man's 'result' comes because of an electric current derives from the warmth of his physical movement.
      Sex is a primal drive : always somehere in your mind. The process of sex lets itself describe in all common fundamental and opposite: forms, shapes and functions. That's why talk or language can easily made seem as if it was about sex. This can be provoked especially with proferbial , figural speech. The listener however can be blamed to have naughty thaughts or to have things misunderstood. Maybe exceedment in behavior.
      Sex is schizophrenic. Sex is an important means of corruption. Sex is also an industry run by losers.

      Since 1990, homophilia is no longer a mental illness in the list of WHO. It's not a fashion color either. Trends are tricks. Surprisingly homosexuality has been made legal since early 19th century in quite some regions worldwide.
      De Benedenlux Money (needs , escapism), coercion, self-punishment and flushing can be considerations to go into prostitution. Known parameters are social poverty and hopelessness. Very important is also factor of earlier sexual abuse, violence and related problems because this can make self-suppression and low-self-esteem which in turn makes it easier again to step into misery. It seems the door is always open. In many countries prostitution is officially prohibited. Here is a worldmap of legal prostitution. In Europe boys and girls can start working by the age of 18 which is absolute madness; almost every prostitute will encounter experiences of rude (sexual) humiliation and violence.

      I briefly told about the mysticism around the 'secrets' of life. But people actually already know them! It's what you think it is. Simply!
      I don't want people to spend years in vain searching for meaning. All human wishes are the same, but not his pranks. That's why it is mainly about this on the new website.
      I have good examples of language and little drawings that show what it's all about, that show the meaning of their reduced and expressed well-known forms and symbols of leadership and power.
      Except for that, read your old school books and the old book of proverbs & sayings and you can start building yourself!
      Insight in your world, simply put, don't need slow obscurities and misunderstood symbolism. ** You want basic schoolbooks, simple maths, a little mechanics and a psychology book. Get the idea. You will find this is the 'bottom floor', your world philosophy. And we are very happy about that! Learn, re-discover values, order of things, movement and shape, get into it! You'll find something else: that everything you learn in these books, the basics, is applicable to anything else from baseball shoe to love from Darwin to boolean economics. The most important question is the question about the 'most' important (in order); elementary, essentially of logics of a system , of all. Order and hierarchy! This page, about frustration, relates to this ofcourse finding that: just one hit can create multiple damage. Action is reaction. To Eat or to be eaten is Earths' motto. Life is all about conflict. Viva conflict!   With humans E-verything is exchange and pretence, rolès on a roll.

      What thorn of lovers spins at the arm of a little charmer, twist rounds wrists of petty thieves and still they'd not suspect a thing no, still they'd not suspect a thing.
      Hey, evr'thing got multiple sides, but when you find the truth, you just shouldn't forget it.

      On the new website about psychology I relate to a math website just like this but than about mathmatica in which I will show how logic is needed and how the logic of things can be broken but still be functional. For this we need dynamic variabals to connect to several realities at the same time. You need at least knowledge of boolean and process algebra for this but to say at least interesting. Lets go astro! Anyway make sure you got **these books (see above) first and maybe the last book will be better: your (family) photo album, for later!
      If you 'make it' maybe you become a bigbrother too.. Then you can start suppressing people and make them lose valuable time of life cause they search for holy truths among other things so You, can keep on doing and liking what you do.
      A man is a being of light but as infinitely heavy as his conscience.

      Some 'quests' are clear now. They want to collect and trap people and keep them searching for higher knowledge meaning standing luck and The Answer. So they don't think about what they really should be thinking about : their lives, a good plan and how to get rid of corruption and injustice. Instead they are kept searching for answers but won't find any and.. what was the question anyway?
      Like modern socialism contains too much screw and too little driver to fix things. Get a ladder! Hack the sealing! I dont really care u read addictive tabloids and have 3 royalty photo-albums filled with headache but be sure to have known your own family more than the royal famly when the last breath comes. Ask yourself a question: "what makes blood royal and special..?" 'Royal blood' don't exist.

      It's about time I spend some more time to certain arguments.

      I have a lot of (drawing) work to do and I've got myself moving boxes.
      So I leave this page as is.
      Friends may be bothered with false rumor and mal-information; please use your common sense as I know or knew you.
      Concerning this website and MindYou: pages and texts on them are my work.
      It ain't watch where you go. It's about awareness; where you are now and where you are going (and with who)
      In my humble opinion: If you can, you'd better inhale and live now instead of calculating yourself to still being young 'later', in the future, all-of-the-time.. "later", "tomorrow", "don't have the patience for it" is no good! cuz once you've took the efford to start learning or do somthing handy, you can use it forever; makes life easier!
      You can't be reflective and alert all of the time. Let alone be cool and make only happy memoires; even a moving full & rich life is short.
      Love (such a great feeling), smile!, make it, do it! and be happy! As the little 'knight' of your own life wíth your triumphs and failures. dare to live. Luck doesn't have to consume much (s)pace, it can be small yet big.You matter! You can do it! You can!

      clear mind & awareness!

      vestibular. Yy ticket nr is 13 digts

      This is the last txt on this page. I'm about to release Little Bear, and got a new butterfly net see if I can catch a little creature from a pond; a froggie or other tiny crawler to observe and then put it back where it belongs! btw: little bear isn't a nick name. All bears on this page are about bears nót about humans. I gonna buy KLM Tokyo-Narita airport ticket soon I hope, I bought Pumas and running shoes to start some jogging and get fitter. (upd: 6.30am doing it) and I bought a language -Kanji-漢字 frequency dictionary. Handy! First learn the words that are most spoken! I hope one day soon to be working on a motorcycle engine with T and J who comes from a hardworking family-company where a kid's initative is welcomed not punished . I owe this page a pic with a frog from nature close to my birth home. Where I recently stayed in a nice hotel and enjoyed a relaxed day.   nb: vanuit psychologisch oogpunt snap ik die vogelspotters wel, dr is wat raars aan de hand met die beesten; moet je maar goed kijken, gaan alle eendjes op tweetjes lijken.
      I was glad the hotel wasn't in one of these streets with those time-frozen modernistic architectonic cultic statements in an office park with shining sapphires on nameplates, dancing butterflies and the cores of your existence (CAP. C-constit, admin, psyche. System state ) which means that a bunch of shimmery top psychlogists, information analists and programmers ain't far-off. See here a wonderfull bumblebee in business district, flew in my hair!

      Maybe I think about it and try write something about zen, nature machine. Soon I'll take a 10 mile fantástic walk through the dunes to the sea looking for caterpillars, squirls, roebucks, deer (2, is doing just fine), little bear, firs and pine trees and maybe even a falcon. Than I can take photo of falcon with Rocksushi!
      Update: See here a few little photo's from dune walk: 1-  2-  3-  4  Walking off the last remains of over-weight.
      Before I get back to artificial intel and marine biology I gonna spend a lil time in the outdoors with a friend a tent and a bottle a whine leaving the ladies at home. According to him we that is, the world, is kind of cut up in dogs, frogs, horses and pigs. Hm.. got to think that one over. "and some fish!", he yells..
      Time is going fast. My ticket is waiting.

      I'll be staying in the same hotel next to the entrance to the Airport. Below is a sunny Plaza where you can sit and watch the planes go over and lots of happy people. I was there yesterday and saw outside in big fat letters standing on a hugh sliding advertisement billboard:   On Schiphol Ams. Going to Japan from there too.

      Today I already said goodbye to the river and I wonder If I will, 5 mnths away from now orso, will ever see it here again. There's nothing left to say for now. 🙂
      This will be ,under my naturalization status to be, the last summer in my country. Never ever would I've thought there would be organised trouble and 'political issues' involved in my family's and my situation. This includes rumours, intimidation, sedation & stupor, cognitive slowing, manipulation and lie propaganda. Be aware that I've no idea to what degree this affect(ed) others. I, for example, will never spread a sigh of rumor (self or by others) that it is prohibited or obligatory to contact me. That just don't exist. Please be so kind to take note of all this. Despites things, I feel a happy person. Undue influence is an information game that can play the heads of people around a victim too creating false confirmation layers and sowing bias in a way that its false assumptions are inline the moment the main subject tries to tell what is happening. For me instead of support it meant a lot~of~dirt and disbelief even from those standing close to me.

        Some folks are continuously working on one's own conviction to be able to rely firstly on one's beliefs not necessarily its content. In this case truth and reality ain't two things. Regardless of how you answer the questions rational or emotional.

      At last, nothing more will be added to this page, gotto wait till the other website! Time for a philosophical episode of playing tag, catch and hide & seek with Mighty Mike and his pals.To live is to move. Want to move abroad and don't need much with me. 私はすぐに戻ってきません。また ね!all life is living together. Have lots to do, till then. Adios!

      Around my temporarily home construction scaffolds are covered in plastic spiderwebs. Hopefully I can redeem a plane ticket. Me gotta gotoo.
      (Very last piece written /my/zoo 9-2- /2-6 3/17-8 > 9/8-6 20-7/28-6-2024. ZOO sold sole Tambam ff anw fmkvws. greetings Little bear! Anything a anything out deh. I and I Dread. 私たち。 Boun fi. )-------

      Piano Japino
      you don't know till you know, 'tyou were
      trapped, shaken, ragged out on a brim
      high waste chute with ripping sharp pins
      wasn't till near dead, they told 'em he'd never lived
      the larynx holds the apple in Trachea's bin.

      Last Wednesday (20-3-2019): The provincial states(NL) political elections and politicians were all about 'the heating of our climate'.
      Maybe because it made people test the weather with their coats off feeling nothing strange and actually waving the whole discussion away from important issues like energy and pollution. Just like the new winners who said 0.0007 degrees is nothing but that ain't right. There are many energies and many 'bad' processes can exist in a situation without (big) rise of the temperatures. Yes, you have very small amounts of energy like Micro-watts that are being used in atomic physics, COSM and cell biology. Micro-watt is big actually. Mother Earth sure has its problem places; radiation; extinction and gen mutation, bad changes and extremes in climate and local ecosystems by nitrogen emission and ammonia acidification; deforestation; (city)pollution and waste; (micro)dust; over-population (this holds the big backbone of angst for panic, the paranoia for resistance against the elites' powers & privileges and worries over distructive consequences for Mother Earth herself. This is the dragon behind town); plastic mist, sewage and toxines in aquatic ecosystems; nuclear solutions that I would never choose; pseudo-leadership and Deepwater Horizon still leaking after a blow-out just to name something. Anybody seen the warranty? The story of our mother planet is not per-sé written with a happy end. World's biggest disaster is Man. Western society has turned into a place of decadently low carat. A totalistic crystal.
      The FvD (Forum for Democracy, Bsc) is against 'political kartels' but being anti-climate is most definitely pró another one I can think off; the one that's causing all this anyway.
      Here is a photo of famous environmental physicist as himshelfThe actual political farmer movement is just half of a scam too much to get my vote. I simply see no primary or real interest in nature and animal welfare anyway. Wronglobby.

      You might not know but you are or will soon be aible to buy some pretty unique thing on this tiny website!
      The more you see it, the more you'll be(live) it!
      The only way next to health to make you really younger. And it works! We can now offer you a rejuvenation passport as a 'real-age' passpoort. Imagine what it would be like to go in age from 66yo to 34yo or 73yo to a fit 44yo. We can give you a passport that looks just as (but not identical to, official or resembling) your own passport, with the cover front from your own country and.. your ówn age. A fantastic moral support! A pass with the age you feel like or would like to use and show to introduce yourself. As the person you would like to be, you really are! Not 77yo but 14 years of age haha! Email us for more information.

      I bought fine lentils and peas the 'proteins of the desert' and this week good Jamaican food with special Jamaican spice mixture of chillies nutmeg allspice clove cinnamon. Caribbean mmmm nice!
      Tomorrow my T-shirt of Galan is ready. update 3-5-19. Yep finally got my t-shirt
      "A mi patria llego, como llego a más de 60 países del mundo el poder oscuro y criminal del narcotráfico y ha sido, ha sido, el nuevo liberalismo la única fuerza política que en Colombia se enfrento a ese adversario terrible de la sociedad, de la organización institucional!"
      I have a nice view of the pink blossom against a gray sky and the city. This is the last year in my house! I got my moving-boxes. Soon I go see what's left of the queens wasp nest that I used for a little poem. Color is a speed.

      nu dat ik t weet, wat weet ik?
      nu dat ik t weet, wat weet ik?
      vaag onscherp donker gesloten

      leugen sart de waarheid waarheid tart de leugen
      zag n manke koningin moe van t kleien
      zag n manke koningin moei van t lijmen
      iets wel weten maar toch ook weer niet, ze

      maakt de wereld zo klein dat ze op de tast kan leven
      maakt de wereld zo klein dat ze alles dichtbij heeft
      samen thuis samen uit
      samen thuis samen uit
      samen thuis samen uit
      samen uit

      Zu-zuwieder-entgegen-ausser-aus.   I 'found' a weird mp4 file. I don't know what it's used for but I can imagine where you cóuld use it for. More about this anyway on new website. who said something?
      A couple of years ago I wanted to write an old lady, friend of my grandparents and later important support for my grandfather. I carefully wanted to ask her if she would answer some questions. I wanted to ask her about my grandparents and family. Somehow my letter stayed at home. About one year later when I finally could bring myself to post it, I heard she passed away.
      Update: to my surprise I heard that she was raised not far from an ammunition depot and was not only an accountant but she worked as an archivist over at the city archives of our capital (Amsterdam).

      Hopefully your happy memories will always be there because like every seven years your body is renewed, like you have a new one. Well.. my workplace doesn't clean up itself so I'll better start doing something. Statistics say now.

      3*Rock on a sun.  a Typical response to the corona (the fluw) threat by this family. "Hello Anya, I was wondering if you could help me with this human obsession called Youth and why the cosmetics industry perpetuates to self-destructive behavior."   (Third rock from the sun)

      Wishes for this year : Lookin for a cheap motorcycle to work on and get my hands dirty, all little birds out of the cages and fishie on batteries: yeah! and a little rowing boat with 4pk orso.
      I wonder if those sect, flyer/cards you get in the street with a pic about people being saved by Jezus and soaked in love are actually all that harmless and innocent!! These 'armies of me' mean serious more trouble in an already immoral spoiled world where behavioral selections of victims for further (ab)use can come with: the victim was 'already touched by (God's) misfortunate fate'.

      To what extend do they encapsulate people and deform information, make'm home breeders shield 'em from the world? Nappers. I do not want to think of deliberate encroachment by nonsense loaded moral idiots who watch and guard the actions of innocent lives and literally call off a victim's future, sowing slander detraction narrowing life to zero.
      Carrying the riches to the rich and sing lower class to sleep while keeping it fun for ev'ryone . watch it: time is irreversible ..enjoy the movies!
      In a time where the manipulation levels related to sects and society are getting bigger and growing towards each other.

      "but they can also be 'normal' people or just company nutcases.."
      -The Care_Police or Care_'jehova's' ('caring' specific people into a mental label or rehab disquised as such)
      The loss of nuance (heed) makes they tar everything with the same brush (I often talk about generalizing /loss of nuance here , inc on the domcult file ) using shape en their history. Their clear searching 'in' from any kind of inspecting job' for reasons to blame the person and not having to listen to valid arguments plus not looking any further than surface are their biggest and obvious mistakes and that's why it seems theyre workin per bonus. Add to this the exclamation of 'big problem' (exaggeration and escalation) and by doing so taking away time and responsibily of someone to solve a problem, by himself. For victims this may mean quick wrong judgement, a dirty 'administrative' (health) slate and label, a lot of possible hassle and alltogether unnecessarily..

      I believe I am right to indicate zersetzung (and all on page) is not Zeitgeist but a returning wave of: 'paranoid' control and making harmless, the taking away of responsibility and space, criminalization and violence, how along sideways fascism is pushed and creeps into rules and attitude.

      - hierarchy organisatie met: bestuur en ordening op bezettings/oorlogs nivo met snelle doorvoer-communicatie en overal commandante vandaar dat alle vormen van georganiseerde orden en bepaalde reeds in aanleg militante groep culturen gewenst zijn en passen. (ik vergelijk graag de nazi vlag met mierenpoten , trotse kleine zwarte voetjes. Maar mieren zijn niet corrupt)
      - 'vervoer' propaganda an collections (massa(s) organisatie en binding) die opjutten, en verheerlijken naar irrationaliteit, droom , magie, intuitie en gekanaliseerde emotie . Gedachteloos, kritiekloze volgzaamheid met sturing van buitenaf, het zelfbedrog en het voorgehouden 'filmpje' kijken.
      Iedereen wat anders, allemaal t zelfde. Eenheid is eronder vaak verdeeldheid.
      Aanwijzing, toewijzing, terechtwijzing, verscholing van het leven en werk. Dit levert behoorlijk uitvergroot op : - een relatieve lagere werker als eenheidsonderdeel van een opgedrongen en onderdrukte rol binnen de machine en maatschappij waar pogingen tot opstand en foute voorbeeldsfuncties voortdurend strategisch en preventief worden gesaboteerd. United to be controled.
      - de grootste eigenaren zijn absoluut, zoveel als mogelijk buiten sociale wanorde en overlast, buiten de ratrace, rijker vrijer gezonder. En dat langer (!). Onrechtvaardige afspraken, *kansrijke condities. United to rule.
      Slachtoffers van zo'n maatschappij zijn vaak gecontroleerd 'zichtbaar of onzichtbaar' gemaakt en naar wens: veruineerd, 'ziek' of uitgelakt.
      All psy-organization (control) is ultimately what it is: the (self) removal of all useless 'noise'(kabaal), bad moves, the 'dirt and shit', the fa(e)ces. Fascism takes its name from fasces. Especially dirt, jewish or not, that was no friends and hindered by a moral backbone that wouldn't lend itself for a false position or street swatter to the nazi/nsb system was considered dirt, these could go asap. If jew meant 'bad, noise and dirt' then the muffs would be muffjews(moffenjoden) but on the otherside of the fence for a while.. Around the World-War or anno 2021, the theme is the same: religious and 'moral-knights' from bigbrothers cleaning and resistence Groups are crippling the 'inferior' and those who resist/deny the superior. The 'romeos' that hurt the precious ears & eyesight, wallet and competition of leaders and their helpers. Things on the   ínside of  people. Not only on the outside according to T4.
      Schopenhauer: "The fatherland of the Jews is the other jews."

      Unified actual fascism, appreciation, and justice in the face of global suppression psychology are more in-depth chapters on a following website, just like the WW2 fear-propaganda and the world-wars itself   (control of territory, movement and resources like oil and people ; the different kinds of 'jews' and infiltration (migrations 'agents') & reformings(programs) ,like language, of society. This concerns also other than jewish people, other countries and also post and pre-war period like the integrity of the major Turkish 'anti-arabic' social reformation )

      As years go bye the picture of WW will trade battle-war for social betrayal and strategic planning. With this the WW2 Jew cannot be traced back to one clear religious genealogical/geo denominator. Some of these black sheep(Seele-Piet) 'crooked' nails and other new or pseudo Jews are still fanatically searching for reason and the right to exist but flaws and failures and a common blueprint to which it must apply, even in its 'photo' negative, don't return a great treasure behind reality. Too often in the media all that remains is rhetoric about the self-lie.
      Guilt very much belongs to *Cult that consciously "takes a position in and through the contempt of others." This unmanageable (self-declared) form of almost monopolistic victimization makes others' feelings of guilt simply hopeless and reactionary.
      Hanna Arendt has already said everything about the Nazi sadists ("*profiteers in the camp") as well as the WW2 Jew for a shocking true understanding. It is inescapable.
      Was macht ein *profiteur mit schaden oder verschwendung wenn es noch brauch*bar ist. ..Und vielleicht in mehr inter-nationalen Gefangenenlagern..?
      Golvend, rustig, vruchtbaar, onschuldig. De aren! De halmen! Het riet!
      *Cults can mean both resistance as well as their (pseudo) 'statements' under groupcover. They can even be trendy.
      - many so called holocaust and war musea forget to make somtin clear; they should have a sign near the entrance with a pointing finger saying: the prosecution of the 'jews', was you.

      We were very much informed with the Israel and Palestinan (filistinian) conflicts but never got a clue about who and when and why. We know that Jiddish is not the original Jewish language , and broadly they are considered and looked upon (by me too) as victims throughout the times and of WW2, while I realise only recently, there is much contradictory information not only on the war but about the true identity of the Jews and Jewish question: dissimilarity between european and arabic jews , the older (19th century) migration wave/colony to Israel (raised in 1948) from Germany, the jews as the key name to name all the common 'enemies' of 'the axis' (in WW) but maybe also to hide behind, to mingle in, infiltrate, and create a German-European strategic state we now know as 'western station enclave' Israel, eversince its self-proclamation. (?) Everywhere is still many:'dubbel. foute. drop'.

      A renowned 2010 video straight off the White House lawn that went viral, captured 89 year old WH journalist Helen Thomas saying that the Jews should leave Israel and go back to Germany and 'Poland' ("..and everywhere else")
      Soon After "..the White House removed the plaque bearing her name from her front row seat in the briefing room; her name was removed from the tolerance award at her alma mater Wayne State University and her name was erased from the Society of Professional Journalists’ award as well." Jeebus what a shame. What a pity treatment for telling the sheer truth ..if, at least one understands the slippery generalization. From what Hannah Ahrend wrote one could draw the same conclusion in her brilliant Eichmann report 'banality of evil'. Black on white for everyone to read. I think we know who the worlds leading dominant controlers are, where from and how they create their servants throughout the ages but everybody was thinking of the future instead of the past and watching a new episode of Raiders of the lost Ark.

      - Helen Thomas wrote a book with co-author Craig Crawford, called 'Listen Up, Mr. President: Everything You Always Wanted Your President to Know and Do' (2009).
      -Unbelievable but true: Thomas resigned from the UPI after 57 years! with the news organization because.. UPI had been acquired by News World Communications Inc., an international media conglomerate founded and controlled by the Unification Church and its leader Sun Myung Moon (Moonies cult) from Korea with these spacey sunchild language symbols, who also owns The Washington Times and other news media! The moon, our yellow smiley that changes shapes and states, the lunar phases and libration more officially. Is this all allowed? No riots? Must Chicago readers all believe in KungFu messiah now? First theres the Moonies then there's StarWars seems plausible. no idea what a society wants with this bullshit on a university campus. ArdK side of the moon.
      Help do something useful with our universe! Join and contribute to Nasa as real researcher!  Citizen science.

      "Whatever goes ahead, the lie gets there first"

      They've put two juxtaposed worlds on top of eachother.. In a world of ruthless imperialism scourging with its supremacy, rewriting our lives, claiming the stories.
      The Israelis had to endure a lot from the palestinians according to the news on television but wait a sec.. what happened to all the Palestinian land? Why is Israel big? Excessive gardening? So we've heard about filthy actions from the Palestinian PLO and Arafat but Israel was involved in bloody militant attacks too, like on the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Chatila. How does an enemy look like and when does he begin to become one? Just days before the TT attacks something else 'flew' around. It flew around between the top black leather executive seats of the sandy concrete jungles and it was named: 'The Event'.   Later more. inc kijken door n neergestort plafond door de spleten van mn vloer naar de winkel beneden. In english -inc looking through a crashed ceiling through the cracks in my floor to the shop below.
      More on coming website.   火曜日 日。

          Wars must stop but suppressors must come to reason.    
      I wish for every region and its original and cultural (powerless) heirs no plundering or dishonoust influence but, when desired, sovereignty and autonomy. Based on humanness, not beast on Ferrari.
      For me, this closes the fascism and "Judaism" paragraph for here. Javascript void ..
      - intermezzo -
      To keep a society honoust, fair policymakers also should maybe be more timely aware of what 'the colleagues' are doing respectively as well as what happens to them and if everything is all-right ..recognizing each other. Being unrecognizable can be explained as a form of miscommunication.

      The Jehova's, the likes(e.g. cults, orders) and anyone else they can stir up.
      This freestate under claiming, punishing violent rules rejects: national anthems, military service ,voting and the flag. (we tóld ya!) A global bunch of 'pumpjacks' and choughs into position -everywhere- ready to work serve lie and spy for all the other global bigbrothers.
      They preach 'end times' and 'end of the world' which in fact is nothing but the biggest form of un-thinking I know.
      It's a psychological led cult, a people control cult, a criminal organization filled with start faults, pedophilia, bad channels and cover-ups and all under protection. Their disrespecting rules and policies make it possible for their bosses to hide behind and for 'Jehova's' to go-on where others would have stopped (for instance national pride) which are handy additions when needed to immoral illegal extra-judicial excuses and deeds or, the icing on the trouble cake and not coincidental; it has all been figured out. Sucker criminals. Brainwashers. A directed and bound aberration. Living the evocative elicitive doctrines of servitude and emotional repercussion. Javascript Froid. Suppliers of ever subordinate obedient housemaids and servants m/f for all sorts of 'cleaning' jobs on every level. This is an example of a group that should have been wiped out 150 years ago. The police should make a clear social map of what is happening at the bottom of society and isn't being a witness underneath 'rescuing' and searching for people not all about profiling, talking eachother after (*like many circles of structured and hierarchical scales or groups forming organised (af)front, fake blabla -truth claiming-, opinionating and bad example), 's/pioneering' (Actively proclaiming is also 'shanty' and binding) , information gathering and both declaring and preparing a victim family or woot to be for further suppression and paths of -criminal- submissive trouble? There are many ways and kinds of people that socially spy, collect, rapport. With or without an aim on specific targets. Using information against you. Ready to have unsuspected self-reliant people in unsuspected situations ready for a molestful long-winded and tricky sequel. Leave the people get the Copula.

      Targets en slachtoffers van (politiek) geregiseerde georganiseerde langdurige intimidatie en frustratie hebben ernstig last van groepen en bewegingen die in opdracht/of hiertoe aangezet leven en werk van deze targets frustreren en er als de kippen bij zijn om elk positieve kiem te smoren en fouten te benadrukken. Er zijn ook tal van sociale (verkapte) orde, inspectie en toezicht duos & teams die hieraan bijdragen door op (informant) aanwijzing en externe aansporing elke aanleiding te gebruiken met extra intolerante and bevooroordeelde foute ogen te gaan kijken en escalatie gaan rapporteren. Vo met type I and type II errors. Ik heb het hier over in een uit-gecommentarieerd klad-textje genaamd administratieve waarheid. Ik wil zeggen water is in vele opzichten als geluidsoverlast, t glijdt overal tussendoor.
      In t kort:
      Zij: norm, relaties leggen, uitvergroten, rondzingen en verspreiden.
      Kan uitlopen in gedoe, achtelijk conclusies en labels.
      Jij: stress, depresief, mental disorder, verlies van autonomie en controle over je leven. Als slachtoffer van n immer potentiele aanwezige schaakspel van vooropgezetheid en dubbele agenda en frustraties moet men uitkijken. ook met kwaadheid en alle valse ellende over zichzelf af te roepen.

      Op de nwe website veel (huishoudelije) voorbeelden, waar targets op moeten letten omdat ze als aangrijpingspunt dienen en aanleiding kunnen geven voor vervolg ellende, heel veel gedoe en tijdverlies kunnen verooroorzaken.Water can also be used to indicate something else; piss and pee.

      Up and around, before during and after sect-cult environments people are often associated with: withdrawal, neglect, social misery, insecurity and abuse. Truth and reality can become something to play with, a tendency to) fanatically train visualization to see (believe) things, concepts different, literally: looking at one thing, but trying to see something else. Making things unwisely true, non-existent (easy denial) or neutralizing (believing two opposite sides). Avoiding reality for living in imaginary and future. Identity spiel of high 'acting' level may occur. Things are just too, too much..   Just as black/white thinking, machine language. It's also a mechanism of behavior.
      Psychologizing doctrine & symbol groups use praise (learning honouring), dependence and scare tactics on all kinds of people on many levels. People and kids can be played and made susceptible with spooky deep voice techniques (anonymous, God/authority voice) Despite the people in it, at the end of the line they are part of the girdle, the belt that helps (obeys) Bigbrother. Mislead information: what they steal (peek eaves monitor) here, pops up there.. They help re-arrange, shredder and 'schizophrenize' people and society. *Weaken. It's about weakening. Nót about being awake or truth. (weaken/awake: see the similarity of the misunderstanding in language while we're talking worlds apart?) Indeed it's about the end of civilization cause who cares about moral then? it's a universal scam. It's filth-church. An 'army of me' with the same chassis N°. Their bosses -as always- think differently in fact normal again. They are just tools. Shadow copies.
      Personally, I'd like to compare the cult of Jehova with the religion of 'Deva', the religious name for Godly or divine, with the educated higher members as elders and the lower classes (cult members) as the caste whose main task is the study of the Veda and of 'sacrificial' science, meant here as euphemism and metaphor for distraction submission and obediance in what the world is really about: the balls of power and sex. Actually the balls of power, sex and the mistake. For us.
      (just as the ratrace, lack of privacy & silence, good housing and the chance to escape the mess. Because elite's absolutenes is being above the law and many settlements anywhere while ours is about being uprooted)
      Euphemism and metaphor are part of information manipilation and code of how members talk to eachoter and how they play and confuse victims.

      When you 'lingo' (cult related language and wordplay) in 'pirate' Dutch you will easily find pseudo directives that, much used keywords and names are ironic derivatives from the object of sex. Regardless of the above there are concrete facts to legitimately consider jehovas and other leader groups ultimately as victim reservoirs and offender shelters (parents keeping quiet, own confession-courts -damagiging sexual abuse victims probably even further), incriminating information collectioners and as a cult of 'co-agents', (indirectly) involved in, structural (covertly) promoting and schooling to- (domestic) submission, abuse and sexual acts' ,hiding behind the public front of a devout servant church. In quite some dirt groups they can learn their victims to feel guilty.
      Balanced & right on track is good for you. Some people however, those who know how to use behavior, search for the deep scars in others. They know how to use anger and they know what to use those souls for who, since early on were told to shut up and feel less. The scars of incompleteness, estranging, fundamental uncertainty in victims of violence, (inherited) sexual assault and abuse. What has been broken bends more easily. And in our plastic society everything without a reason can be used. You can however even after perpetuated thorn and compliance, get better and come out of it stronger.

      The elders 'elswhere' (latin for alibi) are the leaders of the Jehovas like many other groups filled with the familiar sly, sham , obligatory calculated moral and policies, unity preach and on the spot (language) symbolism. When you're all the same you're fuckin only peoples' inside. There is incrowd abuse and old boy's degrading attitude towards women. Typical brotherhood in which you'll meet open or hidden emotional blackmail, nasty extra-judicial practices and the naked knees of the castle's battlements.
      These kinda people(their leaders Δ) ain't all about home made jam and long checkered skirts over at the sexton's secretariat. They fit the pre-philosophy of a true watchtower: kampguards, information and barbed wire. Hideouts for hide-behinds. Sexsect. Shelter to complexes, false beliefs and lies.
      A group with disguised problems as child abuse, sex and privacy nut? Yep, it's a cult.

      ..I wondered at times about the word and name of Hall because in my language hall is not known and as lastname it's not even in the top 1000 but remarkably enough the name pops up in diffrent ways on and off around me. Just too good to be true. The name has been communicated regularly the last years; never knew what I had to think of it. I met it in my contacts on social websites, the nameplates of neighbours,(official) publications, even over at the optician to name a few, just beyond natural. I've learned that Jehovas call their church often Kingdom Hall (in Dutch too) and so I wonder if Jehovas were just nr 1043 in the comet-tail of bullshit and everything else of obstruction, anti-cooperation and psychologization around my family. There's however a bigger denominator. The word 'hall' probably leads to the form (and function)! of another more important conversion of the word muf. Hand warmers show as a block (a hall) on a track. And a locking, binding and shutting, 'maggi' block (struikelblok, kroonsteentje, kabelbinder) is also called a muff, a nickname in the war for the occupier, so here the circle is round again. These are all known important elements and 'revelations' in the handbook of suppression.

      ('Spooktram' buzz. removed causeway. Finally a chance to greet a friend I've never met. Hope 'can' Collin is doing fine.)
      ps: Here was a picture of an object (luggage/suitcase tag) I found on the street which I removed to prevent it from possible false pretensive use.

      You can use your personality to explore the senses! life! and the world!
      Don't let others use your personality to control you and make you a gray lifeless blob!
      MeanWhile people especially those folks for any kinda reason under -hidden- watch and all their ins and outs being checked, should as said before, have their things neat. On top of many peoples natural behavior to avoid cold facts,bad news and check admin. obligations , tunnels of distraction and escalation can be build to support any corrupted case which ultimately will mean that carelessness and a-professionality will effect in false social proof, unpaid bills and running expenses. call it block,call it calculated sabotage. Get your things straight!. Wisdom and feelings are most wonderfull things but to cut things really short, emotions are elastic, logic brings you ahead.

      Gentleness with kindness is strength
      Subservientness and hardness are not self-evidently true nor necessary attributes to do what's right.
      De norm: "ja, t gebeurt daar ook", "iedereen doet 't", "volkomen normaal", "tis nou eenmaal zo", "hou toch op da's gewoon zo.."
      The norm:"yes, it happens there too", "everyone does it", "completely normal", "it's just like that", "stop it, that's just how it is.."
      Everywhere the space for a healthy functioning conscious diminishes.
      Said it before : it's not only about not getting answers on the questions we have
      It's also about not having answers because questions were never asked.
      This maybe is a mini plea for nuance and non-meddlesome humaness. You can't go forward while looking a little more after eachother but wouldn't that just be a great improvement? Grace comes from carefulness, not from speed.

      Telling our dreams, enjoying the scene, asking for salt, tasting the wine, pointing the way, singing breathing smiling : beautiful and important. 
      Anatomia del Lips, mouth and Perioral Region. Voglio mangiare gli spaghetti con questa bella ragazza. Senza mani.

      Respect yourself, work yourself. Accepting yourself don't meant u can not spice-up and try to improve yourself.

      ..As long as you let the smallest imperfection be more important than the whole of you, the beauty pushers win. They advertise you'll miss out on acceptance, love, happiness, feed your insecurity, make you feel insufficient and incomplete and give you opportunities to frustrate yourself lifelong towards 'The Ideal'.. But you haven't failed yourself. Leave this to the army of replaceable pictures from the same transformed nobodies.
      Seeing Benji my puppy dog and my girlfriend, I see: a crushing honesty. I don't see imperfection -hate that word- and I couldn't care less about what they are in the eyes of others. Everything that was necessary to make her who she is, may have been necessary for the moment to have us meet each other. What do I care about a different image? It's a beautiful picture! Thanks to, not despite..
      There is so much sweetness around that deserves your love, attention and appreciation that sometimes maybe it's a shame to be ashamed for something anyway. Satisfied people enjoy more time ánd don't pull their hairs out like sad parrots do..
      Go get the moon Benjí! (ain't the moon, that's my All Star)

      I felt sick. Man, I felt as if I had been sitting in a quiet hot tram and dusty sunlight pours in and suddenly you are wholly reminded of death and the grave and you think there isn't much day left. Oh my God, rut to old-age and then the end is near!
      My life controlled by: corrupted powers, malicious schemes, guiding deceit, discriminated equality, heartless administrations, subjugating technocration, usury moneysystems, intimidating violence, invalidating health, deficient welfare-states, humaness missing, rules broken, losers calculated and there is no God. For my lost friends there's only a large field full of spinach.
      When you're depressed you feel like your all alone right? That you have no meaning and nobody gives a fuck not before, during or after pill pain med shock tears sadness bumps or hurt whatever. You miss out on the facts and answers about yourself and your future, and all the time I'm afraid I won't make it, afraid I can't and then what..? Will-I-Be happy? They say, to be successful on the long run you gotta work and try, try and try and you get close to where/what you wanna be. Think that's right! Hell, my ego might be in a depression, not me! Besides this, it ain't how wealthy you are or how important, it's about to "contribute on your own level."
      About terms of endearment.
      I took my bicycle to the long water where I have been happy a few times. I imagined I was some kind of mental clone of some blurp identity from maybe ages ago with similar ideas that would have left a message somewhere for me to read. I picked up the very first thing I saw: it was a little black stone. Maybe I found the one I was looking for: the 'Rocksushi' boulder!  There was no message on it. Maybe it was a meteorite. I took it with me thinking: you have to unscramble things until the miracle remains! I hurried home cuz I promised a friend to join basketball round 7pm.

      -Meanwhile, I have to write some damn good letters about my future and abroad to some important people.
      I must move. The future is full but uncertain.

      PS: Later that evening I sat in my room and remembered the stone. Ofcourse I didn't aspect a message. Outside was a starry night. I snapped on a desk light.
      It was just a small flint stone with countless lines, nothing more to it. One short moment a spot, cross scratched like a Van Halen guitar seemed to read: 'R9'.

      Doctrine groups inherent create organised talking-after, copying. This strengthens bond teachings but also is about imposing pressure, escalation, semi-correctness, lies, supported by a 'majority' behind an opinion or opinion to influence specific others. Organized blabla and talking each-other after (parotting,repeating) each other coming from same background information line is enough to blow someone's innocent life to heart-attack and smithereens. The Jehovas speak of 'slave followers' and the Ecumenical counsel decides faith ánd moral officially forcing the people 'submission of mind and will'. Especially the cult alike doctrine and leader groups are almost fetish like about information and communication and fooling people.
      I believe in NY there is an apartment complex that has the people checking their mail about ten minutes before the mailman arrives on common whispers, what's that supposed to mean? Synthetic telepathy? Is He living on the top floor..?
      Society is a pinball machine. A stressed place with many mind-deforming clubs cults and church alike groups making people idiots who are making more cloaked idiots and tolerated organised suckers from any group or movement bothering normal and possibly totally unaware folks . Our western world is filled with profiling, peeping information personal data and the abuse of all this, informers and snitches -the internet is a giant hub for finding and starting (sexual) assault, plus social media, as modern confession, reverend and judge, is profiling- snitches and sharks on the lookout fooling people with open eyes and possibly but consciously arranging pairing, assigning kids and grown-ups with the wrong friends and examples for potential roles, trouble and conflict. People trick dim fool cripple conflict obstacle overrun abuse creep and fuck each other out. Because they can't see any further then their little wise nose.
      with 'open eyes' I do not mean a (traumatic) stare of detachement.


      be clean and get 'a clean' and have people doing what you what them to..

      For the people the religious constitution is the dogma,the rules from the lumen gents of the ecumenic council - the doctrine of faith, moral and trust. Everyone must obey, council and rules are infallible and written down in canons. if you don't follow you are punished. The very first councils were assigned not by churchmen but by the emperors. teachings are based on tradition and sacred knowledge or is it a new lodge? Submission of mind and will must be shown to the ecumenical council or the authentic magisterium. Magister means teacher but sounds like: magician or majesty or magistrate.

      From the original text their doctrine means:
      adore, humble, recognize, open up, surrender, give yourself, obligingness, wish thinking, short comings fear, guilt, uncontaminated, glorification, infallibility and all other -isms and -schisms that make you 'bow in ragged cloths' before the gods and kings. (read: the leader(s), authority, elites and all the mind recognizes as such)
      The dulia and latria comes down to the same old theme : the rulers seek power and sex and the free freedom to en-live it by a master and servant model wherein both people in groups as in general are tricked, deceited and declared into following and obedience. Controlling and fooling the believer with internalized: pre-serving the dogma and out: a behavior of surrender and compliance which is typically victim behavior within an abusive framework of obey and compliance. Poetry don't fill a stomach but I know, not of stardust but trust is made my base chute.
      'Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely'.
      Religion is a cult.
      "Especially strict doctrine groups and communities often already are an exception if not objection on society, answering to an (emotional) need for certain people. Feelings and qualities or lack hereof and religious moral are good for 'unity and praise' but also to keep themselves and others under. An excuse for modesty, not to question wrongdoings and to compliance. But how many people are living at home in weird understanding of privacy or where social and personal issues, even words are not dared to be spoken of out loud"? I got some ideas for a humane task force. People must be silent and gray. The nuance is only for Bigbrother.. And a lot of delusions by which he leaves man to his fate.
      It's a tragedy that within a community adult people can fall into a situation of acting under caustic coercive control or an attitude in which they are afraid to say what they wish to say and instead settle for the tiniest announcement on their part maybe for years thinkin' messages or communication is clear and maybe all because of fear for anyone or any entity. Inside their own home! Where are the lads! Where are the guns of justice!

      The Bible is since long kidnapped as another means of suppression and bad intent towards people for own interest. I don't believe in a suppressor God and a heaven starting from a poor man's humiliation or as the rich man's continuation.Heaven is a glimpse of consolidation maybe fulfillment in the reality of life,a form of happiness one can learn to recognize.
      In my manifest a heaven don't exist but comes from a shared look in the future, the laws of Earth and nature and a flowing back to what was after the colors of life between the 'diamond doors' of the two thresholds of infinities of null-time. Because man-made heaven invites to kill, is a cover-up for injustice and avoids taking responsibility for improvement of yourself and the generations.

      Within a relationship of dependence, compliance and obedience there is a good chance of cheating trust and abuse because dogmas lack frame of reference or a step-by-step plan and without light in the dark, the temptation with sacred or 'deeper level' knowledge is great and it remains very easy to blame someone and make them feel guilty by pointing to so-called shortcomings, questioning loyalty. Which in turn makes someone pay back, play nice and want to step closer.. don't get fooled. Taking someone (females) out of the own old surroundings is a way to make someone nervy and susceptible for new things and ideas, from God to fake love 'n' glitter. It can also serve as (possibly later erroneous) confirmation of belief/trust in whatever company they are with.

      A video clip is in fact also diving into a new world, with often shitty moral and creating 'lots of stars in the eyes'; here it starts, the fakeness.
      Talking loyalty is often talking patronage. Look it up. (patroon in eng. patron means bullet in my language)
      ps: sure I know, what's more kind than an own hand-made gift you pop out for a friend? Yet I know someone who often deliberately was made to feel he owed others and felt creatively discouraged throughout his life, by these indifferently beautiful arte-facts for "a good place on your wall" and stories.
      -Note rocksushi: what did those dots do there?
      Something that looks like something else isn't necessarily the same; also alikenesses(overlaps too on this page) can be (unintended) false examplary pretend false functions and make bad appeal to people susceptible to seek hidden/second meaning and action in language. Think also: information manipulation, 'form follows function', associations etc.
      Some people have learned to see language, a situation, whatever as divine expressions from their God or 'Alex'-entity and will use whatever it is that comes to mind as an excuse to react or bother you, if that is 'what's asked for' and serves them or their (group's) purposes, "..God punishes immediately!"
      This way, but also in a sneaky and deliberately way, language and text(like metaphorical, biblical, teachings) are used to create false pretence and lies and moreover can falsely be explained for example as a 'prove', some kind of permission or obligation, to cheat manipulate and mislead respecting people or force them to do things that they maybe don't want. There is much religious , magical and doctrinal deception. Too much quantum physics, phase and moral anyway to believe in pre-destination. For spooky moral though, look-up jiko bukken. Ghosts can save you lots of money..!
      "He commands it!, "God wants you to", "you must prove to God", "you must do it", "God doesn't mind!", "it's destiny", "see, He says it's good!" (or not) I say it so: Only your school books are obligatory and it is wise to stick to the law, in general.

      Illusions are also a kind of alikenesses. Illusion is a process that deceptively influences interpretation of reality and thereby possibly influences thinking, behavior and choice. Illusions give one (negative) difference from reality or no difference from reality like one high expectation after one promise while nothing happens, no outcome. You can test illusions, for example, by changing your logic, speed/place or using other senses. If nothing comes, nothing changes, if you feel no difference, then the reality of that certain illusion is unworkable anyway; the idea of the illusion is itself an illusion. Doppler effect, passing 'stationary' trains, wind-silence of hot air balloon, a mirage a false example (incl. a result of practise or training), but also dream, belief, bias, lie, error and our brain itself are examples of this 'add factor'. Illusions are often used to cheat on peope's trust because illusions are deceptions. See them through as quick as possible.

      People can be learned a psychology that controls how they deal with reality like:
      - to manipulate and make-up information to see it as existent fact and objectivated (new) reality.
      - to trust and obey their group-language.
      But language is bendable and so is truth and there are many tricks to make a false claim seem true and vice versa. You don't need nuances to choose a side, but maybe when it comes to the right one.. Alikenesses are often used as a valid similarity, for instance, to suggest and substantiate an assumption (in our context often a false one), and small resemblances are easily found or made up in thought and language. Function follows form is a known saying many people think. They can make, false, confirmation and create wrong associations. Foreground becomes background.
      pink becomes red.
      millimeter becomes kilometer.
      figuratively becomes literal.
      All to manipulate the truth, to straighten out what's crooked, not to think further, to lie (to yourself), to confuse and to avoid responsible attitude. Bigbrother's hygienas also need figurative air to justify doing dirty works!


      PI. old/unremoved notes : mind and behavior: Memory and Associations.

      In a message one can purposefully put clues (associations) that are hardly identifiable yet speaking enough to subconsciously occupie and play the mind; questioning it to search and find anything out there ,some sense or meaning. Yellow, curved, eat primes the association towards banana. But I don't mean it so clear. I talk about when you keep thinking about something and you don't know why. Because the 'link' is an unaware one, applies to a deeper level in the subconscious.

      - a good way to understand about the important cognitive 'associations' and conditional reflexes, except for Pavlov's reflex, is knowing the basic of simple electric diagrams, switches to alter states. It's easy!
      - believes and yourself are made out of associations and emotions!
      - representations can again be priming towards another maybe more meaningful 'target' association.
      - feelings about things can change, their 'truths' (meaning) can have emotional and conditional values - These changes can be learned or taken on unaware.
      - a strong association or memory can be placed as a (hidden) attention drawing accent, that highlights its 'context' , like it makes you remember what was before or after in language or an event that would otherwise have remained unnoticed.

      BigBrother and manipulators: They would prefer everything to be a peremptory pointing association down to all letters of a word. Associations both stretching to the past as priming a path to the future, through variable but purposeful channels, a magnetic coercive track through which one moves as in a drawing of Sant'Elia.
       I already mentioned my grandparents house, even my parents wedding, as an explanatory 'dictionary of suppression' full of 'confessions' (partly real) and resemblances pointing to the surrounding zersetzung (and as we now know groups symbolism), around my unknowing family which are nothing but 'semantic associations' and underbelly.

      Simple implications (notes):
        Sensitive people can be potentially quickly influenced in attitude(meaning /emotion) and usage towards a representational subject(s), when a new experience gives of a dirty or nice association that reminds to the representational subject(s) and this way maybe unaware, influences its feel and meaning. Like a dirty or sad red-green picture can (temporarily) influence how you feel about and look upon your favorite red-green sweater (the representational subject). So before you realise it, you kind of stick a mental label from a fresh experience /impression onto things alike.
      Ofcourse new important 'objects' can also influence an association. Associations can change depending on what has been (temporarily,newly) learned and be changed overnight like nasty normally means 'not nice' until Nasty is the name of your new sweet friend.
      Alike word-images and word-sounds such as one's own name (always near you, often called) can produce strong unconscious associations (drive, attraction) in line with the same or different meaning
      An example of learning and association is a shortlink quick-fix psychology method/therapy like nlp using strong inner-visualisation. They use for example the association of a garbage can, or anything else semantically related to 'getting rid of problems', first fast questions to locate the problem and then learn-suggest telling a client to virtually throw the specific problem away in the can, so he can use the linguistic label (mem) to see the 'former' trauma, problem or anything as 'thrown away' and not existing any longer. Flashwash that can work good, can work bad. Works for smaller things learned or already seen as such.
        Dissemination of opinion by 'hidden' and complementary (time-released) associative propaganda. Propaganda is persuasion & associations; you buy the painted picture(s). You buy(vote) the leader and you buy(money) the new pan on the market.
      Associations can be followed by a learned automatic response. And this (subconscious) learned reaction can evolve to a reflex (wich is uncontrolled) or become an array of conscious learning and dealing.
      'doggie's conditional reflex; Doggie hears bell which brings up a connected idea of getting lots of juicy meatfood.
      There are many diffult names for types of learning like the one we all know: rote learning which is nothing but memorization by repetition, stampíngg!
      Conditional reflex and operant -learning is by the experiences of cause and effect. Memory recognises a priming signal and its associations and recalls either what will unconditionally happen (outside action, resulting in pain) after a sensoric signal, or after its own voluntary reaction on new conditional stimuli. So, in an example this means either the reflex of directly touched by fire, or learning that the association of a certain invitation to a party, sucks cause the parties weren't cool in the past.

      So it is all about (specific, directional) avoid or go, about associations good or bad, about predictable consequence, about (loops of) 'current and switches' even about my *little bear inside his cage drawing things back-in cause he wants to get out or in human language, this is why people stay home and avoid to go out or go into the city because they've learned to associate it with possible presence of -somekinda- negative difficulty; an emotion or trouble. In terms of this page this is likely more about fear and threat conditioning than possitive forwarding conditioning. Think also the 're-programming' of (cult) victims being totally! fear/guilt indoctrinated and having impossible dilemma with devastating schooled beliefs and behavior for instance. Darn**%^^ Dille(burg) and Emma weren't that a king and a queen of the past in Holland? They could use a little diversion..
      Conditional actions are decided by un conditional conditions. U got a pill against the moon?
      *Little Bear is to be released with a cool GPS tracker back into nature very soon.

      Doggie has learned to associate food with hearing the Bell.
      Doggie already starts showing dribbling behavior on sound of bell (first signal) without the need of the second signal (the presentation of food) itself.
      Only the first signal was needed to evoke into having the expectations ánd the same now conditioned response, coupled reflexive actions and consecutive behavior.
      With the help of successively presented (rewarding) positive s(t)imuli (sensory impulses such as: a signal, picture, words or smell) and someone's experiences, ideas & behavior, -subconscious- reflexes and expectations (association or appeal) you can 'teach' and drive someone to (new) thought behavior -and (natural) reflexes, or check the spontanious reactions in someone's natural reflexive behavior for personality check.
      You can also use (punative) negative stimuli on someone's (thought) expression, reflexes or expectations to stop, even 'prevent' him from (starting) certain (thinking and) behavior in the future. These reflexes are part of (sensory) conditioning proces or 'learned consequence'. Other reflexes also come from instinct and autonomous reaction wich in a way are also from conditioning albeit biological.
      Especially using nlp and buzz in a monitored situation you can provoke neg (punative) signals from the inside out in people/targets. Load them with their own typical 'painful' and nervous behavioral traits & gestures (that they'd display in the case of real doubt or nervous situation) : scratch, pinch, biting, hair pulling, hand on throat, on chest, in face, overbreathing, overlistening etc. Now they subconsciously condition themselves to a nervous or negative feel and idea and will often pair this to something they were ,primed to, thinking about, the situation or self(mood feeling nervous, defensive). Because sómething is alerting, their underbelly is telling them. But it comes from their own behavior! The people are doing it to themselves. Left alone they would not have felt reason to feel (more) nervy or bad or different, have their imagination search for clues and find a wrong reason. One feed victims a manipulative terrorizing loop.

      You can simply and directly apply the psychology of pseudo punishment and reward and evoke behavior in someone by handing out random negetive dizzy making headache giving comments of distrust, discontent , disapointment, failure, etc. People are nice, they will want to make it up, play nice and that. Jerks play with this and subsequently after the downgrading be kind and praise certain behavior(possitive reinforcement) and/or stop giving possitive comments which can make people wanna be even more kind. It's kind of mini-lovebombing. A (totalitarian) appreciation play. Ofcourse the +'s and -'s values, what we all and individually like or dislike and how much, pretty much makes up the knowledge about our behaviour.

      So, you can alter someones thinking and attitude towards something when that someone is subconsciously learned with- for this matter, covert 'punishing' signals wich makes the subject of their thoughts gets associated with (vague) feelings of 'dislike' or 'no good' by these same signals and so for example creates avoiding or opposite behavior as a reaction. It most likely supports other fooling attempts to manipulate someone into doing something stupid, on the wrong side, into the wrong direction, for himself.
      Negative state, feelings, evoked by wrong emotions, words and associations can be linked and projected onto objects, persons or a direction and conditioned in such a way that in terms of manipulations, for example, an original positive view or intentions change to aversion to avoidance. Manipulation is essential and very real in our world; overt and covert. With buzz you can even (try) change someones thinking and behavior from-the-inside-out. In a way everything and everyone is manipulable. However intentions from rocksolid willpower, oaths, proofs , existential needs and strong emotions like true love are kind a difficult to break and manipulate even if 200 social actors play along in the talk-over scam. These things are often so strong and present that they are a constant proof of endorsement and confirmation of themselves.
      One can either build up or break down (change) goal association an image. One can fill the 'fan' that wants to build up a (new) image, or break down an old image (memory, its meaning) with (partial) associations.

      Punishment and reward are also important on the long term! Like during upbringing and together with (innate) habits, beliefs and (formation and use of) own language, determine who you are.
      Moreover language can at the same time be very personal as it can be separate from- any one form of (self)reflection, conscious or voluntariness, familiarity, rational consideration or from a language (instruction) assumed intention and it's good and right processing which can lead to remarkable behavior even in a normal and healthy person.

      Associations bring emotion, help, learning, roll out memories. You can also disconnect ,turn 'a switch' to a state of mere instruction like when you need do to 'auto' work or then when you need no emotions to get in the way. Some have floated away from themselves forever, opportune and disconnected
      Sure you can imagine many situations bad or pro in which you (want to) freeze but generally speaking in utouched situations, cherish your emotions, 'cause they're unmistakenly yours the only other thing 'real' is your name.
      An association to a memory can ofcourse mean nothing special to many but resemble specific hell & sadnes for another. You can play with this and 'silently' provoke reactions in an unaware target. At the same time, 'everything rhymes', everything can indirectly remind you to something else, so watch out before you start blaming someone of intentionally making you in a sneaky subtle way see bad hints and reminders to deleberately annoy you or upset you. ..What is nice to one person is ugly to another. Manipulators can use this knowledge of attraction and repulsion in someone's likes to create direction, 'go' or restriction in someones behavior which is important in control and manipulation of a victims behavior. An anchor (in nlp) is a mental grip(houvast). A strong memory to an Emotional feel attached to an Object, person or moment. You can use these markers for the good to stimulate yourself; inner visualising these moments to get a good feel extra mental drive and power. Many people do intuitively.There are many good people but this page is about psychological abuse.So you can also use anchors to falsely gain trust and to abuse it and trick others like 'the stranger who wipes your tears'. The combined feeling of intimacy, the empathic gesture, the sense of feeling and emotions make a strong feel and memory which are projected onto the special 'helper' person but when it is a trickster the solace and comfort were nothing but comforting lies. Before you know it some sweety in her flood of emo will be paying gratitude to her close 'rescuer' in a slightly different way and to the very wrong person.. There are a lot of lone wolves, predator asholes who overwhelme and force themselves up to weak insecure sheep; hyperventilating young mothers you know, vague (older)strangers who all of a sudden are in the livingroom for coffee and want something from mother, the kids or whatever. Tip one: cal your bros, police, sportschool and husband and tell about the creep. If he already did something bad: don't call the police..
      Associations can be relative and subconciously appeal to a different state and phase and only by then their underlying associative meaning or 'load' becomes clear. Also there are associations with a false resemblence (deliberate very alike words sounds symbols pictures but having the same reminding effect.

      Lastely this page is about suppression psychology. Influencing a person's (quality of) life by controling their thinking and behavior. The manipulation, in this paragraph, of the use-ability and content of the very important,
      Memory: thought processess, prevent memory(recognition ao) and learning (good and bad)
      Beliefs: altered personality('new bourne'), choices and behavior (obediance or/and ruins). Builing up confusion make first memory layers (filled up) of direct confusion and uncertainty for victims. making every direction a potential threat.
      Your memory can be diminished by things like: stress! (dopamine leak), bad eyesight, interupts, monotonomy, medicines(emo killers ), no time, unhealthy(food), complexity, removal or use other event/association(spoilers), changed meaning or need for learning (no-importance)
      Wrong meanings can be learned, our beliefs changed and based solely upon something wrong, emotion or irrational. What can follow is mixed-up behavior and identity (id).
      can one as easily make a appropriate hierarchy of memory as of emotion and I-theory? more on new website.

      >  --- In below paragraph:
      -bell would be refered to as: 'information', 'source', 'link to', or the source that is 'priming'.
      -food to as: 'association', inner representation (in memory) or 'representation' .

      Deliberate presented perceptual information (like: speech/visual/event/feel/text), consists of and carries associations telling something about what you see as a whole, related to the information about/in itself.
      This way more common associations, arising from information, its respective elements and (subjective) characteristics, are priming to new associations by meaning, modality form/sort or any other (emotional, recogizable) relation variable, reminder, similarity (like its inverse), a pattern or derivation. In or outside the informations' (usual) frame of reference.
      information can have 'masked' priming (the signal, or what triggers off an association or link): the link is only 'visible' to the subconscious, originates from unclear stimuli, masked in an unexpected unusual source or in a (semantically) rearanged derivated form (for example it subconsciously refers to temp. memory or uses the letters that names or describes the object-information itself), while its association imposes itself to you without being aware of what its originating source is.
      In this pages' context, the priming will be deliberately masked but recognizable enough to ring a bell somewhere in the mind pressing and triggering it to search ROM/RAM and logic for a clue ,something to recognize, but hence the masked referers, the association is too invisible, empty or unrelated to deliver something, thus the priming aims to confuse and question more instead of finding a connection like an associating picture or something in memory. And stress makes thinking, slow. ---  <

      ..Learning or conditioning by awarding and punishing stimuli I call polarising conditioning for now. Persuation and polarising conditioning (for example stop or continue nagging to obey) are also used to learn a child victim listen to invisible 'queenie' or 'fairy' : a manipulating instructing handlers voice that a mind obeys or at least listens to and can become (seriously,false) guiding and conflicting (buzz).   Conflicting because it wants a target to do something, to think, say, léarn! something, which is often not naturally in line with own behavior, thoughts and current ways. Overtime you can seriously transform and injure a child's or grown-up's mind and behavior and life.

      -   I'd be careful to call Darwin a complot   -

      ..Look at the roots of social underclasses violence and crime, look at corruption with, in its wake, racial division and intent misconduct inside the justice system including very bad amount of cleared offences, police brutality and the drama of singular and group exoneration..
      "*Exonerations can be grouped in any number of ways. What we mean by a 'group exoneration' is very specific: The exoneration of a group of innocent defendants who were deliberately framed and convicted of crimes as a result of a large-scale pattern of police perjury and corruption.."
      Ufo's are a complot. Talking about people who talk about ufo's can be a complot too..   Get wise.   Can I deduct my ufo from taxes and let the people pay for it? Leeches! Mississippi goddam.


      PII. notes : mind and behavior: Memory and Associations.
      (a little more functional. See Mem. and Ass. note/paragrph above) Few a words about psychology methods such as nlp that make use of, among other things, subconscious influencing. Because of its emphasis on language, form, psyche and preparation, they lend themselves to sectarian practices, quick fix methods, mental mannerisms, wrong influence and charlatans. At the same time she shows that other parts than the 'inside' of the Psyche are also important.
      In 'that' psychology are important language, memory and world view . You can influence worldview memory and yourself. What is important comes into your memory. When meaning changes, language changes. you are your memory.
      A few words of interest herein are memory, storage, calling/access (language); structure and ordering, collections and relations (language); 'reality, world and self-image description and communication (language); instruction and self-internalization (language); influence (language). Internalization can be seen as submodality for behavioral action bypassing reality.
      Change the above terms in to their counter parts and you got this page's theme which comes down to 'breaking of relations'.

      A stimulus is a sensory impulse (emotion). pl: stimuli. You can relate a stimulus to what you experience, think.
      - some memory language - load/learn patterns (action reaction)
       first stimulus expect a second
        first stimulus loads state
         second stimulus changes meaning to first. An example:
      emotional influence or 'steering' (incuding covert, subtle, subconscious stimuli,sounds and language) :
      When a first stimulus is followed by a second, which loads a positive or negative emotion to the preceeding stimulus as part of its new association, may the (personal) topic came from a thought, a picture, conversation or by any other external emotional stimuli, it can change its emotional meaning and therefore influence thinking, behavior and actions in the future; a feel about something has been (unawarely) evoked, changed, inhibited, encouraged or countered, along somebodys (a manipulator's) objective.
      The psychology sows and imbeds e.g. words, concepts, states unaware (see below); its subtle (sub/preconscious) influence can draw lure a person along 'sourceless' paths (cause the victim constructs the path) into new thought directions, kick people right in or off their own, and 'coerce' views and decisions where wrong choises are wrong actions and judgements preclude.

      A few words about malicious hidden influence

      a psychology with hidden manipulation uses every 'vector', every sneaky word and signal experienced as a good or bad emotion, everything that can -bewust en onbewust- influence and 'push' you. visible and invisible voicing, sending, signaling, 'communicating' manipulators, frustrators, horny and scare makers, influencing unaware victims on top of vererything else that's going on.
      in our context often used with monitoring (serves a looking at someones first stimulus(Topic), knowing what to aim at).

      - Topic : from conversation and situation that gets a victim thinking and associating about it. Manipulator(A) takes part in situation and this way knows what plays through someones mind. Knows when to relaese emo infl and accentuating language , signal(+/-) or interrupts.
      - Topic : from victim's self and surrounding self-talk that gets a victim thinking and associating about it. Manipulator(A) is covert. (privat) situation is monitored and A this way knows when and what plays through someones mind, knows when to relaese emo infl and accentuating language , signal(+/-) or interrupts.
      - (subconscious) Positive signals : felt as supporting-good()-nice-forward to : praise, positive remarks, applause, sexy sounds, cheer, laughter; can attach a good 'feel': go!, confidence and filled up about what u are thinking about.
      - (subconscious) Negative signals : felt as antipathy-bad()-ugly-away from : condemnation, bad remarks, scare, noise(wall bangs, doors, scratch, chairs, bouncing 'marble'(shrinking space/time), swearing; can attach a bad feel: stop!, doubts, forgetting about what u are thinking about.

      Control the thought patterns..!
      Persuation decorates the 'thinkroom' in emotions, senses and language; using hidden manipulative influence in and with: questions, answers, hidden meaning, aroused emotions & feelings, created states, fulfilled needs, master role, senses, suggestions, perceptual lies, proverb, alikenesses & other associations (primers: paths, sets, clouds), easy accents in memory (storing and calling), visualizing, repeatment, language formulating and commands to some of this hidden in questions.
      "imagine us candy colored lace", lifted her mood, got her carried away and made sweetie chew her date (she shouldn't have).

      "seh.. did you know that infact reality stands still?"
      "ik wil de oorzaak zijn van mijn eigen gevolg.."
      Mistrall Chewinggum..

      ..first word, one syllable, sounds like..

      Our thinking is a fiery game. Before it has come out of the drawer-atelier of our mind-factory and has acquired form and meaning it looks -I thought so- like a painting of Miró: emptiness, look, time, coming together, falling apart, arrival, error, confusion, lines, disappearing, senses, track, relations, stations.. As if the painter instinctively wanted to represent the thinking process and in a way painted himself. Don't many artists try to get to an essence of things, maybe of himself? I often say colour is so important because form(shape) is. Think form define problem define solution apply solution.
      Even more black cats here.

      ..Bite is an abbreviation that sums up the most important cognitive components of mind. You can layer it across society and divide it in segments to describe our society in terms of main activity and purpose. The Global top psychology departments use everyone and all networks to channel and maintain power (suppression and corruption) for many a corporated and private agenda : for the public via media and regulations. For individuals like -possible- dissidents or use-objects there are other practices and reasons for closer attention. Everyone is touched by BITE, you too. You (mostly of the category 'the public') is watched, listened into, mislead and seduced. BITE!

      Bite is about control and it sais:
      It's more than a list. it is what it is about and loosely translatable to control and steering of : moving space (conditions)
      information and communication space -all forms of. Both misleading and leading
      individuality or existential space (reason & conditional. a smaller logic).
      experience space.

      The idea of community has transformed in a mean class society of filtering, select and application ,like in a nuts factory, with one living next to a tennis court and the other dancing on a pole grabbing dope to forget it. On the MAC page I briefly mention "distinction of values."'The pluses at the pluses and the minuses at the minuses'.
      For the best and clear results or, you just confuse and mix them to have interference ,confusing and bad results. Except when this is meant deliberately off course. It's in everything. Like organized groups and sects with their own people or do when they need to frustrate a target/ outside person for some time.
      Strong people will meet childish treatment, older people will be makin feeling unsexy, clever people will be made unsure, nice big eyes will meet rubbish,big mouths will meet bigger, people in leadership & follow groups go about in a way of togetherness that it creates a feel near partnership and fame; because of all the tralala and praise and smile like a local popstar for each other. Me a little bit more popstar than you but I love you: also a form of group-dependency. ..   -ER   -EST    -MOST

      Corrupted groups, sects and people use corrupted and asynchronic information. They will use (subtle) deceit and suggestibility to misrepresent the facts and hide (bad) stuff about what has happened or what is to come. Dictatorial regimes never mind truth and lies and being blunt so except for these, what you can meet in corrupted communication is things like:
      - logic: it doesn't flow and inconsistencies
      - confusing relations: mixing-up causality, cause and relations.
      - People not listening. Strongly related to false and shrinking -see this list- normatives. Including no or mal-practice and scoring points over truth or wisdom.These people are also known as Supplementary components aka lengthening pieces.
      - inadmissibility: absence of proof doesn't mean proof of absence
      - ad hominem: a legal maxim meaning, the person is considered and attacked, not the arguments.
      - ab initio: from the start on bad. Which can mean that an earlier made mistake is invisible in present information.
      - locus delicti using wrong place, form and time. Also walking ahead on false facts hoping to prove them right later by a foreseeable change of (provokement to) situation
      - lies: Lies misrepresent the whole or aspect(s) of a truth. Lies have an effect on behavior. Lies hide the truth for the better or the worse like mistakes or corruption. Lies are often calculated.
      - visible lie: can make you indifferent and a disbeliever towards truths and information ..or mayby you indeed noticed it right.
      - magnify: enlargement and/or reduction of parts of information to make it seem more/less important. Also: bad use of generalizations and simplifications.
      Attitudes of people (streber obedient cautious) can allow for unwanted relative magnification of a problem and implications. Magnification works good with self-deception, to turn things around.
      - one-dimensional: Wrong and one-dimensional perspectives often in a naive rhetoric rut. Its extreme is doublespeak (euphemisms) inversions of meaning like: big becomes small, ugly is nice, bad is good, captivity is freedom etc. Much of this list fits here.
      - leaving out: leaving out information which also creates false assumptions. the glass ain't half empty ('cause there's a full crate next to it..)
      - contradiction: can confuse. Can pretend direction while leaving both ends open. Repeated confusion, contradiction: pins you down, makes you sick(and sicker) begs for relief, for a lead and ultimately to be led.
      - manipulations by trance state talk, personal visualizations and hidden commands
      - given word & commitment games, guilt blame and shame talk
      - bias: stubbornness and stupidity. Using the first clue to prove your argument. Also because of being loyal to a side that represents the opposite of a -valid- argument which also is stubborn and stupid. Fits those who only want to see their own right or always believe they are either by nature or on orders.
      - Turn arounds, (wrong and dumb) assumptions presented as true and factual. Using unproven presumptions as proof. Stop-talk using unanswerable clinches and clichés
      A Corrupted assumption becomes the pseudo proof for a wrong equation resulting in bad conclusions and consequences, not seldomly carried out by someone who on the basis of his authority can make these lies plausible ..preferably before a judge.
      - 4d. You can cut information, change place and time can make wrong assumptions.
      - false imperative: provoking people to take side (disagree) against someone's arguments by an alleged suggestion that these arguments oppose their side. Effecting in people taking a opposite stand towards and speak contradictionary to their own views
      - straw man: lower class is easier to attack , stereotyping
      - intimidation.
      - bad 'statistics': bad statistics, moment measure and wrong counting (ratio) there are several normals, norms and averages anyway.
      - no falsifiability or, statements and conditions don't work other way round.
      - assholes: main stream jerks trying to inform and convince people -against the truth- about lies, false believes and arguments while using them.

      - preparation of information: fineprint, priming, whitespaces, word-image, missing important information 'after the fold' in a letter etc. This is human behavior. We can use paper behavior too. Just firmly fold open a book a few time on lets say page 64 and close the magazine. Next time the book will fall open on that same page making people see what you want them to see by 'coincidence'..
      - information overload: talking someone nuts, confused or lock of. (Then y/n answer question)
      - pseudo science. Incorrect and falsely scientific. A lot of pseudo,semi and imperfect almost facts and truths or lies (almost top is not top!). Make belief' by use of (pseudo) scientific or professional jargon and rethoric.
      - persuation technique: see the 'list' of marketing persuation. Know your public and clients, all is eco-nomy.
      - 'sounds like': delibirately caused mishearings. A funny and famous example of a phonetic misunderstanding comes from Roberto Benigni in the movie 'Down by Law'. From behind prison bars and in a jerky, hesitant language he says: "I scream, you scream, we all scream for icecream" where many people looking at the movie infact heared "I scream" again instead of "icecream", because of the wrong emphasis people thought it was just a nut phrase coming from a nut clown. But Begnini spoke the truth. Also cut & paste words, syllables or lay wrong accent to get mis-meaning by deformation of the language.
      - saying sorry: quickly admitting mistakes and offering excuses makes an opponent more lenient about what's next: many assumptions, no answers, no clarity. Occurs when things need to be explained that can't be explained but nevertheless happened. Often includes suggestions about some kind of failure of others instead of one's own shortcomings. Fits complacent lazy lions and cultic leaders. Ce'st tout!
      - abnorm: intended abnormalities to have emotional impact or out of its (own) order.
      - false flag: inner/outer information do not match or conflict. Information used and presented in such way that its meaning is contrary to what it sais. Intended to surprise, ridicule, deceive or damage its receiving subject(s) .Pritty high on irony. Like 'nice door!' painted on (what was) a nice door or 'love' written on a bomb.
      - substitution: self-cheat that tells you you're dealing with somthing while it's's something else. In behavior it's often a: connection between: being concerned with a subject that is the associative(figurative, similarity match) derivative alternative of another meaning or impulse, through which the attention and satisfaction from one, possibly (subconsciously) associates and emotionally concerns the other aspect, which subsequently does not receive any real attention.
      Delusive Example [dutch lang] : rij plantjes > voortplanten > ('pseudo') kinderen = geen echte kinderen. You also got other 'don't touch this' variations. Onze afstandsbediening doet t nooit: inhouden!, inhouden!, inhouden..! (conditioning)

      - modus tollens:Set theory. bad falsifiability or statements (propositions) and conditions don't work other way round. Possibly culminating in a main and side issues 'statement' like:
      Is there a little craziness in the normalness or a little bit of normality in the craziness? (about behavior) It also contributes to simple but sneaky continuation mistakes of comparison by using wrong order or hiearchy. Logic can be important for truth-finding. hope to be able to tell more later .
      MT is the abbreviation of modus tollens and also the initials of me and my brother. We also lived in a street with that same name. In my language it means spinning..
      Craziness by the way is as abstract and multi as the idea of 'God' anyway. Simply because everything is possible. *Lability ánd reason and no proofs. You can't be wrong! So you can infinitely stretch this label and put a healthy someone off-side. Corrupt networks; they love it..
      Anything above, the whole list is infact what humor is. Humor is hurting somewhere. Crazy people can be hurt too. Besides that, what's crazy actually?
      Also, be aware that secret knowledge is not the ultimate form of knowledge. Secret knowledge shuts out plain common sense. "you'll become like a moron. You'll become incapable of learning from most people in the world (..) Because of the blind faith in the value of your narrow and often incorrect secret information" - (quote from: 'Intelligence Studies')

      About this page one can hear things like:
      1) "he writes wartaal" (nonsense) or
      2) "he only generally tells the truth."  These are infact examples of information fraud I mention above that 'lie the truth' and put people on the wrong foot. Wartaal just refers to 'war' in my texts and the second example is also 'right' because indeed I write some poetry too, so not éverything is true. Which infact would be a false statement, if you get it..
      By the way, you don't want to know what Í am getting to hear about my page.

      In professional psychological breaking messing with communication and information is trés important. Eliminating and estranging. With the help of groups and locals, individual targets can be upset beyond fundamental uncertainty that their believe system is shocked in such a serious way assuming even the most normal, simplest facts and evidence without emergent doubts becomes an almost impossible burden and thing to do. We must ensure that our mind and behavior based on information within and outside of us doesn't become a station that belongs to someone else. As a controlled and usable piece in a destination plan full of unpaid bills.
      Information manipulation represents information and events in a differnt way, so the list is simply applicable to the suggestible stage because what else besides storylines is theatre and the movies more than lighting (illumination) and enlargement?

      Without any further explaining : you can run some serious scary neural 'feedback' loops on people that'll worsen things. 

      On my way outside I was thinking:' you build your world around her, you build your world around you'. When you get to live in another situation, known existing 'pillars' of memory that support that inner world are gone, like when you get to live in a new country and everything is still unrelated which can feel very empty and alone. You carry inside a bigger reality that needs new anchors. ..A little later that afternoon near the Hostel a wanking Santa stood next to a crooked christmas tree on the windowsill of a lit livingroom where a lazy guy in t-shirt was lying on the couch. I whistled Bowie's 'Golden years, gold whop whop whop', as I walked past 2 guys cursing at my back. Earlier that day I'd seen something in the street. It got me to contemplate for a while when I came back home, I felt quite happy so I made some silly smileys (link)

      chewing-gum heart stuck on a brick
      chewing-gum heart stuck on a tile
      bit of gum stuck to the sides
      crushed torned lonely broken   left right
      chewing gum stuck to the side q)
      my chewing gum heart stuck on the street
      stuck on stone.

      q)hervonden vriend kijkt vaarwel
      hou vast mn beeld en wat rest

      Everything is make-able.
      in the strange animal shop everything is neatly in stock: luck, gold price, exchange rate, oil supply, sex, possession, genes, missed opportunities, reality, identity, complexes
      Everything must cost.

      I sometimes joke : if believing is only about Gods purity without human warmth and awareness of a symbolic 'outside' reference but with the sole emphasis of an unquestioning assumption even forge-able: 'do as I say, not as I do' which sounds as a duplicate 'God', nót as a better you, than better you could have believed in yourself from the start anyway.
      It's like I said *above a little earlier: (for) some 'Gods' don't need cause, they just want obedience.
      I see them as a Bridge between religion and formal human leader worship thus like a cult and all cults cheat. And what does one want with a database full of incriminating statements? That keeps bugging: No glow of a sharing but bonded to a conscious fraud and hazy intentions.
      It's all people catch, baggie with string anyway, this cover-up and soul asylum that don't listen to court orders makes 60 million a year in Xanadu alone.

      Sects and similar doctrine groups: Opinionating, smear campaigning, trauma makers on every level in our society. In many people who somewhere, somehow are under in-direct influence of sectarian 'psycholizing (contacts) you can find shared vocabulary   -that sometimes seem inappropriate, not fitting that person-   like : sex-ism, fright, rudeness, shaming, downtalk and degrading, pseudo and (false) wów!, dirt-talk, negative approach and ridicule (humor and 'wired' humor). Actions and paths to hurt, experiment and wrong abnormality can be masked and labeled as 'humor'.
      They all repeat the main view thus talking after each other. Obedience of instructions through their (official, social, semi-government as well) organization.
      Incorrect statements, policies and practices will be defended with stubbornness, bias (using the first found argument to 'proove' a prejudice or statement, possibly leading to a wrong picture of things and rejecting the truth. They b/w obtused ,esp. when instructed to be blunt or to find something, often have problems understanding half words and nuance as well ), or just looking the other way.
      How many elites teach themselves and their children a pack of simple rules to psychologically wrap someone in whether it is to intimidate (often by imposing a servant feel on someone) or to seduce to whatever. (collecting 'likes') The class struggle demands to keep up, not to dumbify. The elites and the privileged vs the helot-workers has always been the stratification and segregation between knowledge and dumbing down.
      There is no freedom of choice, there is no freedom of liberty, there is no freedom to do what you want and there's no freedom of speech. Cause one must not cause offense of disturbance to the order. It's realy so that limitations on speech and thought ruin every other freedom. Therefore:
      I claim the rights for my friends, anybody else and me to speak.
      Do I have permission, do I have permission? Yes!
      to be,to live,to go,to do,to speak,to think,to feel as I am and as I want it. Goddammit!!
      What we do have is fairy tale characters like Robin Hood and 'the strange case of Dr. Jekyll ("freedom of speech") and Mr. Hyde(..but bear the consequenses...)'.
      Media information, thus truth and 'norm', is fabricated and controled (like in cults), so dissent can easily be set aside as complot thinking. The rich elites have power, rule, tools, people, attention, tricks, connexions and knowledge; how much is the rich man's truth different from the poor man's? Literally..

      Within the limits of reasonableness, law and no damage done;
      there shouldn't be a daily situation where our own thinking and use of language are determined, distorted and censored first off with indoctrination (an-sich) by or a dependence and blind following of (-random- information in) language.
      or if this tendency that limits own & normal behavior and freedom of speech is triggered by: a scary and compelling moralizing group view demanding compliance under threat of sanctions or any other unauthorized moron(s).
      Language can be used to falsely confirm people with their wrong bias. Also people often use biases to fool themselves. Grasping the first clue or pseudo argument that seemingly proves their thinking is right. Especially in combination with religion, people can be influenced or give themselves weird ideas when they are learned or have developed themselves the idea that all language intrinsically contains absolute truth, tasks, has or hides in-build true meaning, is divine and should be followed after. Can create guided fundamentalism. What -dangers- can one (self) put in a 'void'? Intentional bad examples in any form keep people in their decisive wrong assumptions and are used in many ways. Evr'thing is an assumption and self biases come in many forms, very known is the 'if it can, than it's true' lie to yourself and also 'what I can think of as only imagination, is not true.'
      Boss in own head. Travel light and clear!

      ..So I think it's good to view and work reality and yourself With language not from it, as language being a anonomous external commander. Here is a nice example of what it means using guiding thread and biased assumption to beat around the bush..(I head te scary kings walk vid here)
      Tonight I will without any weird restraints freely read, understand and write in my old sea and land adventurers cookbook that will get me informed, learning , entertained , challenged and even inspired, in a positive way!

      I now know that in recent years I have had to deal with incredible shunning. From one day to the next.
      -  Shunning means neglected, devaluated (up to hated and avoided) like one would avoid poison. People your old friends, everybody is looking away ,there is no understanding left.. When you're surrounded by premeditated biased insulting treatment and almost silly neglect your surroundings turn into strange camp not a home. It also appeals to our innate fear of separation it's a curse, a ban and, can I guess, If ordered be applicable on- and thrown out over just anybody.
      Often used by control groups, sects etc. Devastating for someone who is -unaware of things- (something with my hair?? old?) and surrounded by or even worse, dumped in a community of these folks on a 'wire' and suddenly finds so much neglect in his surroundings.   -
      ..People also disappeared from view. Unbelievable. We must have been thrown into a very large circle in an attempt to 'keep us under'. But much more serious is :
      What happens in and outside these walk-along environments and abusive circles when we talk about terrified and easily influenced parents and their children?

      Information is a weapon.
      I have deep concerns about what is happening (to people) behind the doors of the worlds of closed environments with all its colors and possibly secret oaths and under which flag (see above) this sails. I am also worried over how we deal with information, how she is used and how she is understood by the populace. Many other people share these concerns and one of them was President Kennedy of the United States of America:
      "Every newspaper now asks itself, with respect to every story: 'Is it news?' All I suggest is that you add the question: 'Is it in the interest of national security?' And I hope that every group in America --unions and businessmen and public officials at every level-- will ask the same question of their endeavors, and subject their actions to the same exacting tests."
      "And it means, finally, that government at all levels, must meet its obligation to provide you with the fullest possible information outside the narrowest limits of national security--and we intend to do it."
      Read the fill famous ANPA speech via this page
      By the way A very nice 'complot' concerns another great man and president of the United States of America: Franklin D. Roosevelt. Not many people in Europe know that the 'President of WWII" spent his last 20 years inside a wheelchair left permanently paralyzed from the waist down, something they tried to hide from the general public as "great care was taken to prevent any portrayal in the press.."

      The world is running from natural and real, towards total control and virtual, fragmented society and social segments that need to be viewed, chopped up in selectables, filled with hidden and sad creatures our animal friends , ready state zombies and crash test dummies and all on a pre- prescription.
      Please be kind to one another and consider this extravaganza: Our world is in fact heaven and our lives do have an end.

      A good sportive friend of mine took up the plan to go to his work on bicycle instead of by car; 20km/12miles and back! What do you see in the eyes of people who are tired, I mean tired , tired like hell? You see no mind. That's why sects abuse it. Worn-out but satisfied.. compliance. I hope he wasn't talked into a little child attitude with stiff little baby fingers. neihbouring guys in swimming swimsuits and surf posters on their walls buzzing paradise island the moment he gets home from work.
      Serious: exhaustion, illness, fear, pain, depression, under drug influence, immobility and being crippled are bit like paralysis, a state in which you (temporarily) come to nothing or are severely limited in your normal doings. They could bring you to te poly (polyclinic) too.
        The (poor) anonymous worker deserves to be healthier, richer and smarter. People get old too early.
      Being stuck in the prison that bias is, of his own stubborn pré-assumptions. This is all about commitment bro !!
         btw: Please let me remind you of : bad groups can frustrate certain people's relations in low ways . "Even if there were family matters requiring contact, this certainly would be kept to a minimum." It's the truth and it's happening. Principal policy. So.. people should be careful leaving their family and friends esp. without a good reason and dito explaining.

      Do you know you can watch your tv through a hole as small as a needle? Take a needle and prick a hole in a piece of paper. You can still see right through it and watch tv!   Form follows function, mostly.
      How pleasant it is to see a beautiful appearance: a feminine woman with a nice hairstyle in a black African dress with golden trim. Beautiful.
      Is this the "to 'nurture and butts' converted persons group?" (famous nature and birds biologist ).   No, but I bought a landing net to explore nature and little crawling thingies in the waters around my house and elsewhere. Fine for a drizzling Sunday morning with coffee thermos! Recently I called some emergency services to have them look at what I thought sounded like an injured seagull in acute distress. But they need an 'exact location' and they dont go out for a wounded seagul anyway. I wonder: does the receptionist listen to God?
      Today, busy, I worked all my official administrative stuff with Digid (nl) very handy when you got all your passwords at hand ánd I got my on a bow and string for an Urhu, maybe one day I'll learn to play this instrument.
      Unfortunately right after delivery I found it on my stairs folded like a bow tie. It was broken. Be sure what you do time has no scruples and regret is fire.
      People can be sick dissapointed or envious because of any kind of lack or misfortune, get jealous of others, start blaming them, make them frustration object and guilty and vent out their anger onto them. A normal person can have 'too much' for those who feel they have too less and guess what, it can all be used. The monster they seek they are themselves. That's your info profiling. Complex and envy can be guided as a stubborn and bitter punitive projectile. Jealousy is fire too. And a big commercial economic drive.

      Something different: we have taken on the challenge to sell hoodies, caps, underwear that give more protection against A, B and some radio waves. They are made of and or protected with metal foils like alu-foil, prepared textile and fabric and special paint. This sounds like a joke but wrab your cell (phone) or remote (-c) in foil and it will not work. It won't pass a signal. Did you know many big companies also take superstitions into account? Hey it can only do good and that's right! Very neatly hidden behind soft fabric so you don't see or feel a thing. You can already order. More visual information later. Since it's early day we can now only deliver neutral colored clothing accessoires. E-mail for more info.

      I have to work and study hard!! Gonna buy some small gifts for a friend.
      Good technology is beautiful. But especially how people use it can quickly return another side of it. : " (..) the energy deposition can produce damage in the vascular system, with blood flow and increasing loss of vascular relaxation responses. "Yes, it's going to be a kind and interesting weekend.
      Februari 26- Bill Hicks and 20 june- Lobke. (krypto-lingo and ?'s.. ) I will talk about this on new website. Bill Hicks on a roller coaster: "it's a rite! It's just a rite!". Off course it's a ride.
      Wrote a nice reggae tune: 'echtwelnietjanee' en 'gedoe maar gewoon'. Maybe next month I put a simple guitar play on a page.

      It's pretty late. Earlier this evening, I heard an interesting conversation between three people: Paul, Fransz and Maria and another man. I dunno the name of the man. They were laughing cause he had made a joke with their initials :
        P from Power,
        F from Function,
        M from Machine.
      He said he was a big company architect and a volunteer pastor for a small community.
      He had a friendly face and wore a tight suit. He seemed clever and down to earth. They sat right behind me so I could easily hear what they were talking about before they all got out at the second stop.
      I thought about what I'd just heard the man say.
      Fransz had asked him : why church always use people to keep others dumb as sheep?
      He answered that rules were not invented to please God but as a blind spot "to prevent people from thinking about what others might be enjoying elsewhere.."
      Damn I thought, he's right. Knowing the enemy is learning to think as one.
      At the top they don't care about you I said as I turned around.
      No, the man said,   but Jesus loves you   and they laughed.
      From : were I you. 2019. For MindZoo.
      "What you can't criticize rules you."    Alfred O. Foretell -1548
      I gonna try to patent this louzy sentence and then release it back into the public domain.

      -  LOVE and bedrock principles. Halfway page. Gotta believe something! With love remains the feel of involvement.  watch the swallows. -
      When you want to have people to believe anything you need a quality that is only limited by the believers imagination. Magic is such a thing. Or (secret) science, hidden inner powers, unknown powers at-your-side or a God They can overcome normal life, rationality and logic. Like you can always put God before something else. Qualities of absolute power are age-old concepts for deception and deceit because absolute power will corrupt absolutely and God is absolute.

      There will come a time when politics and government will be filled with honest good people with a heart for their work who stand for their country and people no longer be lectured, no longer be fooled or led by,
      - but deal with all the vague, invisible, extra-judiciale inhumane criminal practices of -, a wrong elite with all their big and small 'security groups'(orders, militia), bb's corrupted 'intelligence community'. Just like the real army, then informed on all lines and filled with the same righteous people will know which side to point their canons to.
      So that we can all realise a more just society for áll of us and we and they can fix fundamental wrongdoings: abuse of power and psychological warfare in which people are used as play and boxing ball, (devil) puppet or scapegoat and sometimes all at once. !@8*%&*^*!!
      I don't want my kids, in an already generations long lasting playing and messing about with lives and well-being by groups, militia, from language and superstition, 'royal' traditions, unknown measures and other strange unsuspected reasons, to be so badly hurt that somehow they endup in a schooling-path to terrorism. Is my country against or wíth terrorists?

      ..The pumped in moral or as I named it the MORA moral (mora is a hot snack manufacturer) is nothing but a stick to keep everybody short and mow of the exceptions. Pump it in that moral with all its fears, guilt and threats pump it round inside every group cause every 'church' is an amplifier (de versterk kerk) At the top they smile about it, don't give a damn about your divine moral they just want more of *you. An honoust law system would not need extra judicial *moral Polizei, moralistic cemented minds. who watch guard and judge people in a community. Some of them maybe will find out their moralistic witch hunts on innocent people originated from vanity, dubious motifs and maybe fear itself were based on nothing and didn't make them a knight or whatever at all. It served nothing but the interest of a few instead of own people or God. And there is no thank you. They were an extension of Bigbrothers story. Sinfulness as a kind of 'unthinking' to keep people and each other blind and stay away from the 'gold pot'. The third hand in what it is all about since Jesus, missionaries and battles anyway: Plunder and Deceit also known as power and balls.

      For the story of our world filled with yealous pent-up self-respectless elites seeking a target, chattering academics for first edition , leaders who are learnt sacrafice 'for a bigger interest..', envy, disgust, selfishness and an oppression psychology with word-juggling, you don't need a complex equation with scientific evidence and expensive reasoning : it's all in Tarzan!   Tarzan, King of the jungle or a little diff'rent,
      (Tarzan) Ardzan : Jingle of the Kun.
      Now all you gotto do is look up 'Kun' (in Japanese)

      I do not longer attach truth to these stories we know from below the 20th century about badbad people and their public treatment and punishment. I think this could very well be people who's struggle for truth and life was rewarded with mad injustice ultimately ending up in having ,even centuries later, their names still being tainted and falsely connected to crimes undone.

      youth - what has suppression to do with canoeing?
      Prof Dread - one moves, kicks, beats, controls, make things go round..
      youth - ?
      Prof. Dread - but it seems as if you sit still.

      Tomorrow it is Sunday. After my morning walk to the shop I make a good soup with champignons. Do you know these thin plastic vegetable boxes with mushrooms? Half the country can't get the lid back on such a thing.
      The solution is simply not to take the whole thing off at once but to release just one corner of the lid so your hand can grab something. The covers -at least here- are glued (no small buttons) and not sharp as you might think. It's almost always possible to close a little box again.     see one of them here.

      I stumbled upon a writer I did not know. In 2015 Dutch poet Rogi Wieg ended his life. (on prescription which I think is an outrageous shame even if it was for the blackest, most melancholic depression) Shortly after this 2 other (poetry) writers : Joost Zwagerman and Wim Brands (the latter being also a host of a literary tv-program ) committed suicide. Tomorrow a short poem I made with Rogi in it. -see commnt.
      Challenges, teasing disguised as.., jokes, moods, being under influence are potentially bridges to wrong actions.

      With an agenda though you make orderly use of the potential of time. Potential itself is the creating universe of matter, spirit and with that 'relativitime'. (timedilation, creation and reflection) Next website more, allow me the 'joke'. The universe is the womb of All.. like Pacman, peanutbutter-jelly flavoured crunchy burritos and the unicycle.
      So.. I bought an agenda. Awareness, order and time-management are crucial. The (t) is not always meant as time on this page but sure belongs to every proces on this page. I ofcourse have no problems at all with things like group system structure order(clearity), community and organisation just not those with organised bad practices towards others. More 'agenda': calculating probability of detectable electrons, wrote a few lines on 'the picture before reality: magic lantern', fundamental attribution error : cleaning the house and kitchen. Found nice tree fruits great idea for a belt!
      The magic lantern, hearing scary stories, looking at scary pictures with scary angry heads. The magic lantern (slide projector) can indoctrinate toddlers with life size scary pictures of unpredictable witches and scary heads -being the changing angry big human heads of the future. It sows and instills insecurity , primary fears and their identification. Without comfort and loving arms a toddler will not become stronger but rather scared. Obligatory viewing of scary creepy things conditions a spiral of fear and dissociative restricted behaviors and lead to a suppressed, and emotionally damaged life. At worst this can be (unwitting to parents) part of a behavior-mind control program(MK).

      Short note on MK(ultra). Mind Kontrolle. Mind Control. Shaping, control, usability personality-behavior of child-grownup are objectives. Forever Movable butterflies but with dark corners like french fries created for all kinds of illicit roles and positions in our society. Acrobats that come with a touch manual and a self-maintaining mindset that keeps them who they are, often -deep under their shell- unhappy, conflicted, ungrown and kinda disoriented. Objectives may further include kaltstellung or revenge in order to hush & silence people or to deteriorate a family. Let me be clear that I do not refer to any excusively government, state oriented experimentation, cia or POW interrogation or whatever bogus explanation in that direction; however psychological damaging it all is. Drugs are always handy to weaken a mind so in the end it's half cover-up names for bb elite's illegal, perverted practises and goals over individual lives and minds. Often you read the softening word 'illegal'; murder is 'illegal' too just as manipultions that rape the mind. On new website more details about the deadly scare and obedient program. Possibly starting at babies age. Not only scary witches and heads, anything that can stifle and stuff up a toddler or kid with fear will do, even learning a kid looking at adult hands , a subconscious indoctrination attributes fear, command, respect ,making & doing outside onesself.
      MK makes, organizes (a kids) life, in a life of hurt [enforced trauma] and learned spiritual escapism [fleeing into fantasy, repression and denial]. You can expand these mood corners to 'new' personalities. Putting diffrent 'shelters' on that land. Mindcontrol and voicingor buzz (fairy friend, fake conscience etc) will help draw and install even better the 'build-map' of traits, norms and values of this 'domain' and path to submission and dire straits.
      -Heavy fear conditioning; mental disruption; forced exposure to information,imagery and actions that release negative, destructive emotions , which indoctrinate with fundamental fear, uncertainty, inferiority. Subconscious mind-behavior control with old-fashioned punishment/reward and corresponding docile insecure behaviors plus lack of self-respect and self-esteem : Difficulty making choices, entering into and overcoming relations and problems and daring to move and to undertake (crippled kids/adults with restrictions, androids with a secret).

      Few keys:
      Confusion and panic; sadness and lovelessness (missing love warmth and support); aloneness & abandonment (feeling/being lost); cruel violence (possibly intended to be later understood and felt as - (sexual) humiliation and weakness); both praise as downing ,infantilisation and circumstantial shunning; irrationality and magic dependence (reli and spiritual); voice techniques (confirming console dating and likely misguidance); heavy (self)guilt blame and shame,. The MK program makes obsessed nuts, sugar eating nymphs and all kinds of Dan Coopers. It's not only the mind/behavior modification, control and persona/modus conditioning but also the aspects of Human Rights and the genetic reinforcement within psych-social behaviors that raises urgent questions, is obscure and gives the psychological scene its shady sunglasses.

      ..More wishes for this year: if it was up to me, every single Lab Animal out of the laboratories, a happy Earth and all the books I need for free, my fav. comics complete inc.

      "..until you"    (rocksushi )
      "In his best-known books, Public Opinion (1922) and The Phantom Public (1925), Lippmann argued that most individuals lacked the capacity, time, and motivation to follow and analyze news of the many complex policy questions that troubled society. Nor did they often directly experience most social problems, or have direct access to expert insights.”    (about Lippmann, journalist and writer )
      Seeing a cool art exhibition or nature is good way to de-stress.
      Here is the pigeon from the poem 'Damascus'. In the rain. (   met duivenschalen.)
      These lines belonged to BASE- jumping. Letting go and jumping into the opposite of controlling your situation a moment before.

      Today I bought a decorative fishing net for the kitchen and a very cheap small world receiver. No television for me but an interesting interview or exciting documentary & news near the radio! Yesterday there was a good item on the rather mindless mechanisms behind appearance and appareil of life (forms) and their evolution. Wonderful, I liked it.
      Also checking out a couple of outdoor communicators like the MR-HH125, SPOT Gen3 (cheapest) and InReach. Iridium satellite technology that can save your ass. For all explorers! You can rent any of those as well. For less remote areas: Tracking you husband/wife or suitcase or both can be done with very cheap solutions like a sim-card tracker or with a cheap 'around-the-house' bluetooth tag.
      If you like stalking your neighbour, (we strongly oppose to this) you can get object-motion scanners of different types that can see through a wall and these days even stuff for your smartphone. Stuff like this based on different radio technologies existed in the (construction) industry long for the public label. You can also build a little movement-detecting 'radar' yourself with just a few components and read out data and you won't have to hack a microwave for that. Will probably do so on the new website. Technology becomes more and more intrusive. Some people should understand this most urgently.
      Gadgets are cool but dare to buy what you need, works good and fine; possibly saves you money! What would happen if we'd see attached spirit and soul into things and consider waste as pain?
      "we are just beyond Walvischstaart on our way to Cape Farewell.." but first I got to make it to the train and then spend some time to my navigation (papers) course ;)   Bye!

      I know a guy named Trampoline like the U2 song. He followed his heart but used his mind and is happy.He got active , resilient, set goals and used the worded emotions that motivated him, nót those stopping him. He choose for concrete bricks and know-how not for waiting and magic alone. He left behind 'only living in words' and shook off bad routines, especially those 'new', 'ready' and 'feeling incomplete' things. He stopped pretense and excuse, accepted imperfection, worked his fears and no longer avoided life. A Plaster for the sun.  'Cause, when you always feel afraid you're falling short, not meeting expectations or think your 'not good enough', when trust is gone or needs to be obtained 'again n again..' selfguidance is joyless and your ability to equal love broken. Outkast: Heya! (long version)   Outkast & love haters
      When something's too small you might look over it; when it's big it's probably a habbit
      I got a comment with over 2000 words! You're a class or what? So I just wanna say Thank you so much for your effort and kind words!

      Along a large deserted shopping square not far from a cafe and a small 2-track rail station, I spoke with a nice girl about vague and (de)forming network groups around self and family.
      She told me that there was a lot of sectarian psychological chattering coming from outside town and weird unity 'talk' had started to sing around, talking-after itself, around her tóó. The same flattening influences en opinions had gotten to, connected her entire district. Much more than before it seemed like the city had become one big sticky sect itself! She had heard of that psychology-friends stamp and stories about sneaky practices. We had a great conversation. She recently sent me a letter. I translated a piece of it from Spanish into Dutch.   (about: stress, zeitgeist, 'hurryhurry' that gets you nowhere & sect. bad ('buzz') practice )

      "Vlug. Haast. Aangespoord en opgejaagd! op volle toeren klooie. teveel onaf en zelden mooie . Altijd alles snèl. Foute momenten niet vergeten en goeie niet opslaan weetjewel. De grond ingeboord en naar de klote."

      Are you always needless hurried say, too fast and too quick in everything? Are you forgetting yourself? Or wórking on yourself? Warning: blindness and self-deception may have no expiration date. People can fool themselves for life and end up with bad excuses.
      Hurry hurry often means bad excuse, failures and more future annoying problems. How can you learn, think, reflect or gain insight in a hurry..? There is also too 'slow' Stiff attitude, delay, cancel or denial. In our pages' context, people can even be made insecure, wrong stubborn and conditioned to a way of thinking leading to repetition of (self) _conflict, damage and disfunctionality: alway starting over again. The approach to a problem: acknowledgement, thinking and dealing can be a problem itself. 'Slow goes faster' a saying goes, it brings more awareness & better time spent, better anyway than conflicts as a pastime.

      By the way especially with the people/victims on this page whose minds are so affected and occupied with problems, dubio, tension stress and forgetfulness itself, always searching for things is unfortunately very common. Although there is nothing wrong with- and know quite a few sociable slobs including myself, rest, positive attitude and order! are always important ingredients to improve your life including curing problems ,with help if necessarily and to kick bad habits.
      Je stuk dagdromen.. ..maar ja zoeken is vaak ook essentieel, functioneel, actief en bewust.
      Beter dan zitten wachten.. -dromen.. -staren.. -bijkomen.
      Overal is de twilight-zone , voortdurend zien we sterretjes. Het schijnt woorden doen er toe, beter worden niet.

      I'd met Nana before. She hung against the bar beatle pony, freckles, squinting like a panda, irresistible. She had a guy with a limp called SprintPolio 'cause he rode a Kawasaki Ninja and used to tune his motorcycle by drilling out the fuckin cylinders out of his new motor block. She automatically offered me something but I had just stopped after the last one. Zákazsportu was a trending spot, easy going, good housebeer, crowded with students and salarymen. Big feelers were painted behind the small stage. We chatted some more 'howithwho'for a while. She held my hand shortly when I said goodbye not long after. I glitched a moment as I stepped outside. I felt sad and alone: no idea where my near future is going or how things will end..
      On my way to a cab wearing just a Stones shirt and NM jacket that I'd found in my basement earlier I decided to sit down, something came to mind for a moment.. If you want life ,I thought, you gotta get out of the mainstream. In the gully cattle run after ideal, the rich send their runners with business cards or lower themselves briefly: what's bad gives way, what's desired offers itself. If you want out you meet rejection and always hear "no!", "do not!" shouted by the rest of the 'cult'. Those who manage to climb onto the quay and don't accept the offer to suck something for some extra tailwind usually end up quickly back into the current again. Some are lucky, manage to find a way through unscathed. Somewhere a door swung open, think I heard 'knowing you knowing me'. Yeah I figured, it's the content nót about the me-me-melody. I got up 'n' walked straight ahead.
      In the flat, dark water, the stubby bows of the boats lay like dogs' heads, no, like bosoms side by side, looking out high above the quay by the well-raised waterlevel, the sloping gangplanks pointing steeply to deck. An impressive but silent spectacle under the wide starry sky yet, another queen will forever hold the moon. I knew I was going home to leave it.

      I am a little twelve. save a life and leave a
      Be my strip and I'll keep holding on
      I'll be your strength, you keep holding on.

      I got little pink flowers in my peach blush-tree!   ピンクの花. 2019. It's beautiful I make pictures soon!  The little lines of text were written down on a big table somewhere.
      Holding tight, letting go and carry on. My friend Sahib a desert-time soldier told me: To accept the facts or deal with it someway, maybe learn things ain't a problem anyway, cuz otherwise things might get like an obsession you know, ending up in a denial game. Bending your world again'n'again.. Unwise.
      Nachtschade. Recovery needs rest.

      If what you do is really important and private you do not use a public computer or a case that even once in a while uses and connects to telephone and/or internet and always be careful with LANs and vpn. Important information is decoded and on cards. You may use 'safemode + network' and good anti-virus again. Be disciplined with refreshing, renewing(back-ups) both system as information. Very important!
      To find possible hacks and intruders: check your task and log files. Check rootkits, key and event logs (logs>security> logon> check details. on CMD (admin)use: NBTSTAT and arp -a for some connections. You may see if the NMap/Wireshark software is good for you! You can have custombuild computers lean and clean with not an single bit of extras and without a gate to connect with. But Id still do all te tests and checks.

      Early sept '20 functionality of my wordpress ,trusted webhost-interface and php version were all gone. Just like my data recovery that I payed for. I prefer to quit them all and throw my stuff on the net from my own server. WP sucks in many ways.
      People become -again- too dependent better, to teach yourself and family things like basic php, JS and jasonNodes stuff.( JSON ) Write your own shop basket.
      btw, you can use wired ethernet on wireless laptop without a RJ-45 connector. Bought a usb Ninler (15$) fast ethernet adapter because one of my laptops don't have ethernet port and it works well. Check if your systems' software supports it.   (Happy neural network: before I go to bed I close off all Wifi and routers.)

      Tiny bit about browser
      I no longer use heavy browsers like IE whatta relief! Stop auto refreshing your tab when clicked with: "browsername"://flags#automatic-tab-discarding. Every browser has an extended (Beta) options menu try these experimental settings but be careful.
      Do you lose net connection, reboot pc? Normally just check cable, network, restart pc or test your services; one too many is off probably such as rpc. Simple CMD (remote) quickies: ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew.  For adapter disabling or enabling you use: netsh interface show interface. A list comes up...  Then use: netsh interface set interface Ethernet enable. if you want to enable Ethernet adapter.   I also use: wmic nic get name, index.   A list of adapters and ports comes up like: 1    Wireless Adapter   12    WAN Miniport
      Use the index nr to dis/enable what you want.  C:\WINDOWS\system32>wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapter where index="1" call disable  This will disable the wireless adapter in this example. The result looks like:
      Executing (\\PC-ROCKSUSHI\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="1")->disable()
      Method execution successful.
      Out Parameters: instance of __PARAMETERS { ReturnValue = 0; };

      CMD can give many facts about (remote) connections -if you care or are interested- like: the well-known: set & net.
      for example C:\WINDOWS\system32>set. To prevend possible hacks and intruders: Use clean installs, less wifi, use passwrds, close services especially anything remote, wipe out radio and use good anti-virus: it's often as simple as that. Plús also handy is to use decoding, know what your firewall is doing, use/make a different user-profile environment vars. Be careful with social edia software(all is profiling) ,apps and with environments like ASP / .NET (windows-parts) and php-apache (-amp's), You can put (remote) restrictions on UAC and firewall and get rid of registry entries, kits, connections etc. Do research. Esp. when jamming your pc and registry. Serious problems occur if you modify the registry incorrectly:make back ups!!!
      Hey let me quickly thank the guy from Myspace who showed me a lil bit of coding magic. Let me thank as I come to think of it a website like Diffchecker! too :)

      Beautiful Cress, engel met waterlelies in t licht. lichtlelies.

      It's hot. To keep the ants outside, I rubbed in the stones and threshold near the entrance door with fresh citron. No problem. Cinnamon works good too. Also checked the kitchen cabinet shelves for loose shelf pegs.(written in near summer, don't mind these lines..) Ants look like our lil alphabet letter buddies with feet and hands; that can be so meaningful.

      For animallovers especially: no plagues in your house! It can be a terrible dil-emma as you know what to do but literally can not touch it as in a phobia, while the trouble becomes immense eats your house and work.Keep it out ,or catch it from the start and put it friendly outside.

      Section 2

       My old house.   I Took some pics of my old house. update: july 2019. With mezzanine floor and upstairs room. 'Bovenkamer' en tussenruimte. Tja.. I should have known. Throughout my family's life , streets and housing included, there were strange conditions and this spot was no exception. I just wrote that 'the story of my family' is one big reference to -the presence- of oppression, malversation and manipulations. I have a lot to find out.

      Update: the book I ordered from Else Barth finally arrived today!She taught at the University of Groningen.
      Tonight a music documentary about the wrecking crew and Louie Shelton playing a famous J5 guitar lick.
      Wanna buy a cheap watch; the ones I tried didn't look good and I need a watch. I don't think there's something like an 'internal clock' anyway.
      A young woman I know from a bookshop is too thin. I hope she's fine and only thin for her self, nót to keep some kinda other 'system' healthy (food/fat withdrawal). In many situations people can develop 'mouse-elephant' mis-translations and wrong interpretations.
      I bought a Portuguese kids book "A que hora es ?" Time doesn't exist but, for children I guess time can be absolute, the motor of all, making me wonder: could it be possible some folks mistake their religious feel with a sense of time? *Space and time rule. Season with health

      For a good friend I bought a handy first-aid kit and Tonight I gonna eat sauerkraut with own made fake-smoke veggie sausage, hope to give a recipe soon.
      I would like to find out more about the blind spot in your arms as i call it because you can't screw drive next to your elbow (nose is in the middle); the other hand can so I'd like to find out more about a possible relation between the L/R (overlapping) vision with the Brain and our arms.
      I'll be testing this when I enjoyed the tasty Sauerkraut at the A.I technology institute of Yokohama after dinner. (link)
      Architecture photo: example of classic structuralism. Structuralism has attention for the smallest unit (living creature) in an organization. photo.
      Last note: 言語は想像上の距離を克服する. Language overcomes imaginary distances. Bought tickets for Rijksmuseum, reading 'Mellenberg'- Biesheuvel. Within 3/4 years I want to speak a little Chinese (Nǐ hǎo) and Russian (где я припарковал свой -35. Hет ничего полнее моей пустоты) too.   I am not lucky with choice of languages: Russian has 33 letters and Japanese three alphabets of which Kanji has a few thousand characters, but a beautiful rich culture!     Kids book - forming education: the bad, the ugly and the good.

      Last week I saw plenty of building land had again been created in the Media for sowing 'defensible doubts' to justify a course of events with enough mess space for: magnifying of information, incorrect arguments and wrong questions, to damage name and reputation of people. Sure that deployed TV-media, for indirect or direct reasons, use the known trick of agitation, because aggrivated guests don't come out that well. By the way: is nowadays the public just there to let you know when you're allowed to smile at home? Have we become chinese? ;) Well, Media is just part of the Big Trick. Even before you join the conversation.
      Shinjuku Station: 50 platforms, hormones, aggravated, theory of opposites, old vs sexy (me), too much caffeine, I'm in Trembling 14 to Central Station.

      We now have a new offer : Vacuum Handler. It is a very handy new tool.
      You put the Dust Slurper handle, a short adjustable grip, only once and anywhere on your vacuum-cleaner hose and you never have to bend again! You use the hose to vacuum under your
      Low couch and table like a sand slurper. It slides! Easy, good for your back. Write for info!
      Today I borrowed the book 'Restaurant at the end of the universe' by Douglas Adams. The book says the answer on the universe is 42. Yeah that's funny but true too! The electromagnetic force pushing two electrons apart is 10 42 times that of the gravitational attraction pulling them together.

      Learned helplessness. In what shall we live: enchantment or knowledge, child or adult.
      The top of the tree in front of me is always in Golden Sunlight. But that is not true, the leaves at the top only turn yellow.
      I read about child psychology & development and thought: 'knowing the old mind by looking at the young one', the relief of memory, repression, movement.
      Among those people who were under coercive influence you can maybe still find this as a visual effect of sound on their behavior, years later.
      Leaves on the pavement, it's a little cold. I think about going to the ZOO one of these days..

      Here used to be an alinea about J. Cruijff, famous no 14.
      The refractive index of tear fluid is 1,337 = 14. (I don't have tv at home)
      When I see tv I sometimes get the idea even tv-hosts are manipulated into slightly nervousness. The public.. Also I see many voodoo dolls with robo eyes eating overheated batteries for breakfast.
      More really dumb numerical lingo.. 1000 is the 'square root' of 1000,000.   1414 of 2000.000 (two million) which is the price royals pay for a dumb speedboat these days. I believe they have another boat named Draak(dragon) : raak hak haak vuur spuw. Cheerful employer!
      1.414 414 makes 9. A romantic and nice bridge I know is the Regentesse (Queens) bridge with lions ,I believe-from Bruxelles as is marked in the bronze, built in 9-6-1899. Also 'the mission' in one of my favorite movies 'Logan's Run' is called "Procedure 033-03”. A movie about a futuristic self-sufficient world with happy smiling people living with their eyes wide shut and worshipping everything, always smiling and happy with nothing, always happy with nothing :)   don't lose ground my friend.
      My SSN (bsn) got nine digits, every digit except for the 4 (IV). That is..
      I have a number that appears twice, if you subtract the number to the right of it, I get two times a four! Now thats all a bit remarkable right? -I write more about the seedling nr 9 elsewhere on page. Nb: Compulsively applying or avoiding language or numbers can be pretty serious.
      Cruijffie (Veer-tien)
      ik vroeg de net aan ma wat is 'r opmerkelijk aan twaalf uur vierendertig?
      ze denkt ff na en zegt dan tien!
      tja dat had ik zo 1234 niet gezien.

      -- Generaly speaking and in context of our subject:
      ..when u have lot a public ur infact a 'chairman'. This page sais there may come a moment people when 'off hook' can face a lot of bullshit to keep 'em under thumbs; a lot of scratches on their way or in the process of new things, making uncertain, humble and bad choice effecting in dislikes and incredibility .(attention loss)
      They 'meet' the beginning capital letters, - you often see in Spain, on the walls : 'S.A.' - , of words -schuld angst- guilt and fear in Dutch.
      Angst loops back in their own behavior leaving nothing of the person with once guts, potential and critique becoming "sorry, sorry" remourseful old men , naive kids and now part of the wrong side propaganda.
      Watch out for the assassin called doubtS dripping in tóó much; try to stand above it, walk straight.
      Bold claims, imperative, and cynical questions filed in the right suggestive way are simply enough to convince people to the contrary of the(ir) truths anyway.
      people are often pushed by blaming 'em of so called lacking of: empathy, (showing of) feelings or/and solidarity. If you have time and possibilities; Yo, amigo cut down your expectation in a few smaller ones. I personally think is an easier path. Not always handy to commit yourself to just an image, a dream or someone else's expectations, anyway. Content folks can share and give in without obligations.
      nb: besides intimidation there is also the opposite 'cowlick' but that's at least a dito disastrous chapter. --

      7pm. I sat on a bench just outside the city center. I was talking to a long man in a long coat as the evening sank in.
      >The average person in London is photographed 50 times a day, in a world full of psy-ops, lunatics and the naive niminy-piminy of *'the secretariat' that doesn't know half of what is out there. (* audio Link: for all secretaries -of corrupted orgs). In Brotherdam lampposts check undesired behavior, probably they'll soon hook up on your fb page, your central file, footprints and call daddy as you pass.
      By the way, today you can buy thermographic microprocessor cameras with IRFPA-sensor that make snapshots of crowds. They measure peoples' temperature. In case of a fever, the screen lights up, possibly with a sound signal.    "..Is it one? Shoot him!!"

      -..Yesterday I watched Oltmans, Van Gogh and standup hero and animal lover Fu Hicks. btw How can it be that in 2016 in the US Uncle Sam (uncle,boss,man) a sensational book was published with information here already known in 1995? About Jimmy Dean being gay and playing the bongo's?!
      Dean was the first rebel, an outsider. For him no unification, classification and 'Fifi' suppressed into the uncle machine.

      -My fam was/is drowned in wrong 'information' to say extremely briefly. Things only lóók ordinary but they are not. Bizarre. Anno 2019 you can't judge all situations just as you see them, you have to measure them plus, naivety and lack of knowledge even worsen things.
      I am lucky I can write this. My family has to do with pre-written scenarios to broken lives, mental arrest to say the least. Doubts on every corner we have been / are literally guarded. Mamma Mia, dov'è Sophia Loren, voglio entrare di ubriaco!..That this is possible, that this can happen to people - and we all know how well bullshit can be kept under the table- under the eyes of law and the authorities ..is my very greatest disappointment. So much manipulated to pieces, made emotionally dead and mentally traumatized that this is not going to be a "we did not know" cover up!
      I intend to try to inform governments and I do not leave out later to share my knowledge with schools.
      The political zersetzung to dim my family came with a lot of psychological effects, damage, mental die and cut. Messing about with young people's mind live's and behaviorprefarable to leave no traces of life.
      I respect those people who struggled themselves out of fundamental milieus filled with guilt sin and hell. For many people mental battling with believes stay abstract but I think I know what it takes and these people dared to question their forced truths and moral. To re-set their patterns of thinking and values of living reality. Some of those people had to put everything at stake, family and even give up the idea of heaven in order to gain freedom of mind; they had to 'die' in order to live. I can imagine people with enough will power and urge to explore to escape their box in a cupboard existence to go study, write and dare to take a stand - after all they've been through!
      The story of my family is far from being complete and I'll for sure write much more about it!
      A lot has to be researched about the ongoing shortcut attacks on my family. It all goes back to the beginning of the first electric tram. From the too silent streets and the corner street houses ('double binder' cause where do people stop to meet) to the expropriation of the old farmhouse. What all has happened?

      I heard something about witnesses. Yes, strangely enough one could say this in several ways. What kind of 'beggar' or 'king' belongs to know 'everything'? And, what is that pre-knowledge? (En, wat is dat dan 'voor-weten'?)
      Loaded words and images; a magic lantern with scary pictures across our daily life in a language of disruption and silent threat. My relationships were very likely all pre-arranged and I have all the right to feel a bit worried about people and friends from the past.
      Relationship happiness is inevitably sacrificed and not just for a new love by command.
      At Mindyou (website) we even extend scenarios to: what about people who neglected the advances of the powerful kings of this world or what can happen to ex-partners of high status women (mostly) whose sexual uniqueness is desired /demanded but who were still kind of supposed -and agreed upon- to have some sexual experience.

      (horse-games txt about filthy -hidden- games with people, the temporary funfucks and laughing stocks for 'royal' and high elite)
      Ingredients like 'black' (vazals likely inside some weird (totalist) groups and other scary crap) friends, black suvs, big storys, anonomous friends, psy-ops, mental play, kill and attempts to erasing memories. I was ,as it seems now, part of such a short story but then again that is only part of the bigger story around my family and me that has started way back. In the street I hear things that make me wonder how much truth is already out, to what extent people heard too many wrong words and even seen wrong images. Of course I must have been bugged; perfectly imaginable in the Zersetzung going on since my grandparents. The groups involved in this, including helping kaltstellung praktices, must also be responsible for all the dirt that may already be out on the streets at an advanced stage. Take for instance extra-judicial practices. Traditionally, succinctly said, reality consist of 2 camps including any co-operatives: those who know and/or are negative help (bad) those who would dare to act but know nothing or wrong and or can not help (good but still bad). Neither bad group vazals or good civilians may know a darn thing about how the org. 'world' works and how they fit it themselves! Meanwhile.. all the organized lifelong idiocy around me and my family has made me worry about others. Permit me to repeat this one more time: How is it possible that a country and authorities allow people to be kicked in the corner by bastards for so horribly long? Why does she allow all those structures to exist makin this possible? how dare she talk about safety and security anyway? And actually who is who in this story?

      Power corrupts mega. People can be obsessive and crazy but have enough tools, power and the system in their pocket to screw along and place forever doom in the lives of ordinary persons. I am worried anyway about master - slave games with unsuspecting victims both in cheap as in expensive elitarian and privileged environments. People (women, youngmen, kids) in troubled worrisome positions kept and forced to work -often all kinds of service & sex jobs- by mean people. I want to chase those coward imbeciles to hell regardless what they are, who they are or where they are from: leave our kids alone.
      Point is where you're talking royal and 'high-elite' your talking potentially sworn extra-idiotic 'fan' fanatics inside all kinds of (traditional) leader groups who, if ordered, instructed, implicitly willing to do everything for their 'leader(s)'. In other words I'd like to know if every ex-lover of a king or miss queen-to-be is still doing fine and is as free as every other to do what she/he wants. There are too many control groups and promised lunatics around ready to lick the robe of some statue while slowly ruining an innocent person to smithereens who maybe just said "no" on the wrong time. Man ór female! This on top of questions on the (dutch) royal authenticity and righteousness.

      A family can live in living misunderstanding and -communication and get drawn apart from each other and themselves. (-Especially in hidden coercive influence- People can be taught ideas of disinterest albeit just -resulting in- an attitude and subconsciously get to learn and develop annoying and distracting traits that make it sheer impossible to have a good uninterrupted conversation longer than two minutes, which obviously and completely unnecessary won't net contribute to a better bond and future understanding between each other.)
        - This however doesn't mean that someone "saying no!" at the bar is brainwashed but more likely that the person who persists is a big jerk.
      (Where I use the words 'sneaky' or 'hidden' I mostly mean tricking (to influence and to school mind & behavior using practices that (may) include monitoring, hidden people and -wie immer- the sub-conscious.
      There should have been arrests if there was some integrity left. This can simply never ever be justified by any party. 25 h/day I hear bullshit and I'm going to make a shoutlist with the 'nicest' comments.
      - 'shrinking' insults, 'end-clock' and horrible condemning up and around the moments of your deepest privacy by these losers and as always I especially wonder where that Leopold tank is to blast these terrorists away so people can have a normal life..? I'm talking about my place at home it's not just a remark; it is true.

      Im not talking about a depression here but about psychological harassment Zersetzung with fake fairies, psychology of the worst political sectarian kind that fucks you over ánd your Gods.
      The moment you talk this *ultra psychology you talk the raped child to the sewer pipeline and probably for a great deal part of the sub-stream brown shirt brigades. Listen bro, this is the ulcer of our screwed society, the dirt train, the mad to lunacy connector and social destabilization under supervision.
      * Utter criminal monitoring assholes at work, blaming the victim, who horse-whisper people and kids to dirt fuel or to quench the next cover-up.
      Blaming the victim -in the context of this page- is a very important guilt-fear(consequences) tactic to hook victim to submission..

      People can be made to feel they are responsible (can be blamed) for their victimhood because it was their own behavior and fault causing a situation. An (anonomous) intruder/perpetrators blaming or actions may lead to a victims' (selfsuggestive) situation of feeling accused of somethin. He/she starts to search for clues in themselves to find reason for why and what is happening.The victim (the innocent person) thinks that maybe the perpetrator is (related to) someone hurted by something that the person did or, that the perp is a policeman. Though even nothing substantial or probable in the situation the victim feels guilty and morally burdened. The victim starts to feel as -somehow- the blameful reason for the perps' behavior. That's the guilt turnaround : the real victim is the criminal the perpetrator the victim..
      This can lead to a horrible longlasting covert submissive stronghold for a defenceless questioning victim surrounded by (bigbrother , state supported) perpetrating group-organised multi-level mindfucks, making sure the target becomes sensitized, feels stupid, hushed, has OWNED 'written' on their chest AND is compliant for whatever other purpose there might be.

      In other like media/true-crime cases, 'blaming the victim' is often the weakening of an indictment by feigning emotional agreement and casting other similarities in a different light to justify subsequent behavior;
      or venting an excuse to explain why a tragedy will happen to the other person but not to yourself.
      - In the above example I imagine someone who only recently knows about the covert manipulators around him that ruin his privacy.
      - The 'what did I do?' question of guilt can also arise later. The victim than already knows the covert (buzz/buss-voicing) communication possibly with schooling, intimidation and further provoking mindboggling suggestive hints or silences in an effort to influence/control this person's behavior and mind.
      All together wrapped up, what's goin on is the dirt loop of control. Barb psychology.
      People are victimized , under control and emotional restrained to play high position or dirt play and every group or network (a vital organisation) is used for this and likely filled with more of the same.

          - middle class fucks up lower class and vice versa -

      Sometimes I wonder: ain't progress distributed in a controlled manner for economic reasons? On top of this the moguls and primula's with their class trustees wave to the little peuple.
      It's time for politics with a say and a list of (war) crimes.
      Humiliating control of the behavior and thinking of unsuspecting victims is such a very serious crime.
      The psychological Zersetzung from bad groups and their -filth- circles on a corrupt pay-list is not without obligation at all. Mostly talking here power and connections abusing bad -parts of- elite and government which is probably the same white-collar criminals.
      Their manipulators and private handlers (bad people who beyond nlp school you to an addiction, unthinking or drive your mind nuts with threats, perversities, loose ends and double meanings) in particular will not get away with the idea of non-committal 'relationship' with- and crimes done to their victims. On the contrary!

      Sarlie Saplin - the soul of the machine.
      Jeder system kann analysiert, controliert und benutzt werden: to-the-max.
      Cults en sektes opereren vanuit dezelfde Duitse roots.
      Ook de mens is maakbaar en al vroeg wordt begonnen met kweken en vorming van eerste aanleg voor maximale gebruiks waarde en het meest effectieve resultaat. Alles draait om dezelfde principes.
      Elk proces moet/kan langs gelijkwaardige weg begrepen kunnen worden.

      What I said above was that it is about same principles. Every process should be able to be understood in a fundamental equivalent way. Everything in life can be approached this way, like science of the mind too. For instance I sometimes compare it with an electric-motor. Hey that's Tesla, magnetic flux! A magnet, jacket, an induction coil with windings. That almost spells 'excitement' in my language.
      Research into and knowledge of the management of the product 'man' and his conditions will bring you to eugenics and competition is knitting your sweater with someone else's thread.
      In our culture there has always been ample room for man-made cult, full of magic, symbolism, redemption but also deliberate confusion.
      It all turns out to be just about ourselves: the residents of our head, our thinking and our will and truths. let's reclaim the struggle for ourselves before 'false gods' declare the rest of the world to be an underclass caste.

      On rough terrain near an old closed factory under the roof of the south face of a big broken and ragged piece of concrete wall I found a circle, round it saying "besodemieterinG."
      It means deceitment. Mieter means 'mijter' (mitre) which is the pointed head of saints and the cap or headgear from highly placed dignitaries of the pontificate and other places.

      In many ways one can cause a hook and evoke emotional avoidance in someone. So certain topics say, in a statement, become too personally confrontational and therefore will be avoided, possibly making the information incomplete. Like..

      "guilt is hush money. Everyone in this world must be guilty. It prevends you from standing up against the same."
      "Bigbrother is a 'pusher'."    (rocksushi)

      love & pride



      The beginning of this page mentions: "believing in status." Status is also a ratrace and -because you want the same- a justification for the giant greed of the 'owners' of our globe. Watch out not to sell out, live up to what you think are someonelse's expectations of you and to live someone élse's life. Best condition for happiness is self-respect.
      The world is a vulgar place even a little jealousy can mean enormous trouble for someone! The feathers of Talent and Beauty can create quite a tail of sickening envy.
      People who were taught helplessness, being worthless and stupid have learned to disregard little achievements, good things and throw away happy memories. there's hardly any 'memory' that kept the good things and built up lasting and growing self-confidence; Don't throw them away: all your tiny progressions, keep 'm with you and 'become a little bigger'! In-the end: yoú are the only one who can make yoú feel no-good.
      Break and shrink-down practices -to wrap things up- in the context of MindYou's political coercion (micro/macro suppression and control) means: to destroy every relation outside a person and within this person resulting in a simple f x a = zero which shows you right away the incredible importance of that 'institute' starting with the same letters that in good and bad times is hopefully coherent and happy : your Family.
      You may make a mistake everyone does, but very most don't care. PS: for my Russian text I found out that 'friend' is друг 'drug' which sound like Pressure in my language ; cóól to get a confirmation like that!

      Think information. Generally good inside knowledge .in relation to psychology cult and mind-control, can be found in professional -web- publications and articles (A) about the matter. Over time you find those related and specific keywords that return best search /information results. You would want to google 'behavior control and environmental monitoring' , not 'abduction by small green lizard aliens'.
      People like to understand things quick & easy, along familiar and first-hand content and often dubious repertoire. Especially under certain circumstances and with controversial topics:you can feel a bit alone as your eyes open up and you begin to understand how things 'really' are, the contrast with old ideas can make it difficult to accept them; and doubts can stop you from continuing. Many people looking for insightful knowledge from efflorescing criticism and questions, fall back because they search with keywords that end them up in vague circles and nonsense overrides smaller truths.
      That can be the mainstream circle that you want to go through to get into (A).Hey, that's a loop!

      Scary 'politics' and regimes like fascism and dictatorships want the people to fall over. law, communication and life is strict, without reason-ability, concept of freedom and moderation. techno-logic (mind the dash).
      Lets say here on this page with 'freedom' I mostly mean : enjoyable freedom that can rely on good functioning of health and social law-enforcement and guarantees an uninhibitedness, frankness and freedom of movement within our exterior and interior.

      Cold strictness and brutalism, regardless whether driven or not by extremes and maximum result in behavior and communication towards people, only work when it operates under backup of a corrupt majority like ditto elite and intelligence supported groups and their canals for extra-judicial targeting and harassment because in a normal community-group this behavior would very quickly be punished or thrown out. And indeed, where ís the true voice and homogeneity for the group called civilians anyway? In Wheeliestan they laugh about a democracy without a working 'momentum' for its inhabitants.
      Yes, I've got questions about where / wtf Wheeliestan is..
      Wheeliestan is the name of my social-political manifest mostly in the form of a poem. Elements of supply economy in verse, that should be fun! Well, despite a romantic undertone it promises to become cold 'n' dark for quite some time. Many politicians promise good weather and more to spend but here is another story with evening clock and normalizing with true savings
      I made a flag for my prosaic state. Here is the official -diplomatic- flag of Wheeliestan! (without the word in it)  Aware, awake and essential. Not 'flying' on pegasus' wings.

      excellente geest   doel alweer voorbij
      schoone dame   ster van eigen sprookje
      voorbereide held   dolend in eigen sage
      tragische adonis   onsterfelijke vergissing
      niemand die roemt, niemand die treurt, altijd slapend wacht een abstracte dood.

      However outwardly visible you are, the 'chosen one' you are only to your own made happiness.

      There're a few books written before 1950 that tell more about our time then any other and I bought them all, finally.
      The omni-present signs: we know them, they have staring eyes! and the Ministry of truth (just like the other departments) in meaning exactly the opposite that "conducts propaganda and historical revisionism."
      Only since a few years I know that Bigbrother's co-ops and vassals also are named agents or knights. The 'streetranks' more or less.
      'Agents' can act on behalf of an organization, client orders or state (government). I mention them under groups. Their actions involve social Sabotage, Spy, Incite, Disrepute, but also abuse, intimidate, tepeated frustrations, the rigged card and stich-up, subjugation, schooling towards target(s). In these places you'll find intern coding, language play and traditionally a lot of play with name and characteristics of people because of their bearing associations. Potentially everybody can be involved in the bigger picture to ruin hurt and/or break an individual(s) from labor/union spies, all kinds of groupmembers, all kinds of (instructed or profiled) controlers and supervisors sometimes also group related, special agents, to the sourceless roles of ordinairy unwitting stirred-up angry people, antisocials and other singletons from the streets (disturbance smear & gossip campaigns.) Ruining status with gossip goes excellent spreading rumours of s.o. being a : monster; animal, woman or child -molester; sex offender; pedophile; claiming someone is gay or just nuts. It always pays off, or a mix of them all.
      At least in my language but probably everywhere, as agents, 'cleaning'agent, agent provocateur(state), motor-agents, knights, watchdogs, 'glazenwassers' (in dutch. don't take this literally), guarddogs, leges,(all between '' is pseudo or non official) 'soldiers', slipknots, hedgehogs("hard zijn", "mot hard sen"- being tough in english), snitches. Sóme of them true personal (unwittingly) victims. There are also plenty a names for BAD (intent) psychological co/vert schooling-training manipulators like 'total assholes'.(later) For these innervoice immitating spirits and queenies that like to fraud peoples' minds and kick 'the machine' to a level nazi alike, it's now their turn to return loose change. Kick 'm to the scumbag dirt belt and get rid of them. *Weg. (*Look -it- up, turn -it- around).
      ..Besides the group or cult form idea of 'hard' or 'being hard', I'll highlight a crosslink, a more 'official' explanation of 'hard' and 'imposed hardness' namely when rude interrogation is meant, resulting in torture and submission with accompanying practices like humiliation, pain and drown shower.

      Wormen en maden, zwaluwcinaties en zwanen : switch head.
      On this page I use the word 'buzz' refering to hiddden and clandestine way(s) of communication and influencing a person. I DO NOT mean the chemical agent known as BZ. 3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate (qnb) is a hallucinogenic psychotomimetic chemical drug 'more common' known as 'Buzz'. It's an odorless white crystalline bittertaste toxic. It looks like 'agent 15' a hallucinogenic chemical similar to BZ. In very small margins (Mg) it brings you intoxication, psychosis or death. A drug with psychotomimetic actions mimics the symptoms of psychosis, delusions and hallucinations. All friends happy days and shelter.

      Everywhere where there is direct psychological manipulation with people you'll find recognizable, mean B&S language that wants to subdue and control a victim often ending in hurt, loss , humiliation and (longtime) self de-realization. You will find recognizable language, conditioned behavior and daft moralization and justification.
      -What could be found out, studying the language around a criminal case in terms of possible overseen drives in behavior and hidden relations? The word 'lingo' (whole group id, coding, ironic-play, wordmeaning puzzling, confession, confusement twrds group,followers and those socialy influenced ) could be explained as nazi-crypto. Victims aware of existing surrounding manipulations having admitted to these provoking subdueing forces, may experience tormenting attacks on their dignity and humiliation of personal borders : humaness (dehumanization), privacy and sexuality with great influence on their (subcouncious) behavior. People can level, self-suppress and even start to forget (the seriousness) of what's going on which infact is probably more serious.
      In personal circumstances, over-time returning words that targets/victims notice but 'can't place' or can't relate to (question marks) cán be sarcastic wordplay that tell victims both something about their situation (saying they know your domestic privat situation) as well as professional talking based upon 'good thinking' and basic truths that can annoy and hush a 'stupid' victim.
      As I said earlier, on the new website I'll give a few small lists typical communicated words from extra-interrogation (Vernehmung), break, program, submission & control (happy/sad) vocabularies that victims can encounter. What works goes round. Psychological control and degrade 'vocabulary' is lend from every field of expertise.

      'Also known as: *'Secret Police', para military, informers, guards, Zersetzung etc.
      People in any way, function or form whatsoever who, wittingly or unwittingly inform , work for and are (indirectly) connected more closer to bad & corrupted elite and government , often coming from or influenced by ditto movements, communities, institutions and environments like sects and cults with an 'apart' outlook and psychological control (and harassment)
      Meaning : a flattening of- and to lose out in many aspects on the Q of life, having more corruption, inequality, frustration by network power-play and extra judicial bullshit.
      Public version is general suppression, personal variant is terror behind your ass.
      * add an 'e' to secret and you'll have 'secreet' meaning: mean sneaky bastard- in my language. All the X-s out there and around particular individuals to frustrate stressin' them up are preferably invisible, and can be anonymous, ephemeral, unwittingly under influence of covert handlers themselves and addiction related because this increases 'amnesia' meaning a 'bad witness', an awareness vacuum making it a lot more difficult for a target/victim to get witnesses and/or reliable information for use in a trial-case, maybe years later.

      Serious: Can't we build a sand crawler that gets stuck in the desert for those civilian nobodies who easily let themselves get incited especially those who have hooked on to one of those Arian sects filled with togetherness and empty moral maybe just for change and freedom but in fact joined the side of the oppressor blathered to state-blindness and enemy picture trying to annoy people in the corner?
      Those people are - as a group - not a normal representative picture of society, only together can they hold up this apparent norm. Unfortunately for many in my country of 'the far horizon, rain and the eternal wind', locking oneself up is in the blood. People find the wrong shelter. A-Variation on Fools Gold. With a lot of junk in it.
      Some sects and groups like that are even large & 'accepted' on their public outside, while others not known but important. They are omnipresent and their influence on our lives is big! But people in it can be schooled to all levels of fundamentalism and extremism. Take a look at the names they use: agents and soldiers. This is about people who are possibly willing to take risks, sacrifice their lives. This means we're talking terror and terrorism. And in my language 'reality' has the word 'work' in it. Sects and the likes are not to our interest, but to do as is being told and to be & to make game pieces.

      In Orwell's story they are called 'Guardians' complete with informant roles and 'Geheimnis Spiel' as it has been going on in daily-life just about anywhere.
      It's -again- about the individual devastating totalitarianism and Bigbrothers self-interest; further on this page a few words about a book by Else Barth.

      Psychological oppression likes to cause confusion and misunderstanding by playing a.o. with perception and expectation.
      I'm therefore pleased that Orwell attaches such great importance to language within the framework of repression and control. Good articles can be found about, for instance, censorship and political (correct) language, as we know it, but also as part of manipulations such as applied by 'Newspeak' and actually found in every totalitarian movement, from within the doctrines of the Nazi movement, to sects and the politics of very wrong countries and (home) tyrants. btw The dutch word 'Leer' for doctrine used in German language means empty. That's good analysis.
      Avoiding, or denying words like 'complot' could already mean that you're a victim of your pre-assumptions and bias just by language modelling furthermore, in bad circumstances censorship is not just about what can not be said, censorship is also about what is forbidden to think of. This is serious and very true.
      Looking very much forward to read them and to find out that these books are basically all right and indeed in certain aspects already surpassed. Going nowhere fast.

      ..typed in the rain on an early street near Berlin Zoo.

      The 'american' dream is over. underpaid McDonalds jobs are a fact and you do nót become a millionaire. The idea of chance, loose incoherence and freedom, that happy world map filled with moving 'dots' ,depending but independent, in which anything is possible and chances for success are for everyone, is out. It's all either planned or 'toll-rated'. Everywhere is friend-politics. Everywhere are madness and *lies and the ways to make you accept them. Everything is divided early, there is invisible barbed wire everywhere and you - that's the intention - is waiting. how much does that elite NWO illuminati Christmas tree have its protectorate full of brainwashed peddlers and corrupt tampering infiltrated in our society, the world distorted and made a community filled with abuse, injustice, superstition and people (victims and pions) sacrificing? The suppression is in everything: in the things you read, see, music you hear and language you speak.
      Open your eyes, even in your dreams. People have been tremendous naive in their world image.
      Sad that 'hard work and best idea' no longer mean chances for everyone to make it big in a free random always competitive world with changing throne players but instead since long exists out of- or is getting replaced by global monopolies into the smallest veins and a calculated nightmare.
      *In certain groups lying is learned and justified. There can be an endorsement of the giving of misleading information. Up to the court. Also if this lie tactics known as theocratic war strategy is for the sake of the organisation it is more important than the truth. Used to hide or make wrong, pseudo, irrelevant information and practices seem good or information unclear.

      In certain political environments and closed milieus the psychological practices are intense but what happens in small happens in big and fresh water is leaving bad wine as society slowly crawls towards the same kind of unitary police-state. Only listening to "your feelings" and happily floating around blown by the wind will make you an easy target for bad groups & jerks and for sure bring you mean BigBrother pushing in your back. That era is over and was never there. Maybe I should say don't pick your nose, deprivation of natural and calm sensory input sucks and it'll give you a major headache.
      Serious, keep your mind fresh lively senseful and inspired. I gonna buy colourful ánd nice smelling, aromatic flowers! Flavors odor are important triggering memory and a dimension of presence. btw if it's about sensces don't forget your glasses!
      I enjoy umbrella's but I like to walk in rain and storm. Podél naturalismu v staré ozdoby, okna a zakřivená žehlička, nebo v jednoduché přírodě. The wind is a phenomenon that touches all your senses. All umbrellas up in the air!

      Throughout history particularly in the 20th century, numerous experiments have been performed on humans without the knowledge or informed consent of these test subjects. The experiments include amongst others: the exposure to chemical and biological weapons , human radiation experiments, injection of toxic chemicals.
      Fortunately there has been a President who gave an apology for human (radiation) experiments...

      These things are tremendous important. The contents of that apology can be found online.

      The 'Firm' keeps you trapped in useless dilemmas and 'feeling content' with it.
      A lot of micro bullshit together is a mountain of possible trouble. The small numbers. That is BigBro's logic and he's always on the look out. That's why every single tiny bit of criticism immediately gets plastered by those equally switched & connected acorns; criticasters and dissenters being insulted and indoctrinated lengthy and continuously is a fact.
      On this page I mentioned Lumumba and King before. It's early december 2018 and almost one year later. I want to quote Martin Luther King:
      "The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but the silence over that by the good."

      Each corruption is part of a bigger corruption and prefers human 'obedient followers and wrecks' regardless of how they've been made or mashed that way, to keep things going.
      Since Robin Hood, the (wrong) elite collected that too stubborn 'army'belt of uncritical and 'blind' people for the Gleich-machien; followers, sectarian-order-grouped knights, agents, semi-religious pointed noses, wów! believers and all doing the wrong things everywhere.Brown soda: must it go in or did it come out. Stiff shirt, morning curd cheese, horse heads neat and clean! Being a nerd as a cover but barely qualifying for it. You immediately see the Christian lie of universal love : they don't see you,they look away, they only see their own group, look no further than their own shadow, because that's what you use slaves for, to be sent outside their comfort zone.
      From A girdle with placed positions ; a bumper to the left for their bad elite bosses and screw up to the right for the rest of us civilians. Man, this bad mud girdle a fascistic corrupt protectorate must be a century old trick.
      This bunch in it's heartless social context reminds to Logan's run "sanctuary."  It's the Big 'owners'. Their cold war of public psychological warfare, not even talking about what can happen on a personal level, is mostly a very silent and invisible one, played with a lot of patience that shakes people loose like an old can of ragout..

      NOTES for website: - I want to mention dilemma, complexes too little & too slow. Also onveRSchillig as cause, state and goal. In countless ways. Break that word up in chunks. Being dead means You don't move and you're being totally ignorant.
      -SF brings room for 'mental' fraud, science-reli-magic. Door to susceptibility like any belief or religion. Same old story over and over again. 'They' want to make people religious because of the handy doctrine and of what I just said. Whenever I see a 'convertee' on television I just hope it was their own authentic choice. The psychology nazi's like to make key people religroes
      Also victims of manipulation can be tried to learn and start taking on the habit to read and further rely on any signs from the outside. People with a heavy reli or magic/mystic conneXion can be very susceptible for the suggestibility herein and even use it for heavy decisions. They cán fool themselves and cán be fooled with this. - you see that medieval oppressor thinking : how can I make humans clayable objects and do as I please. How can I get 'my brain inside that other one, remove personality and get what I want. Well, hello Bigbrother! Making a BB jr, making another bb jr's and so on. ] The human brain is a wonderful toolbox but what a pity it has invented the 'whip'.

      - Fixed the Map-links on the Africa page.
      - Please use https (secure) when viewing this page. Gives a better result.
      - I want to find out more on hidden hard drug addictions behind the facade of seemingly normal family life as well as families used in relation to a genetic society and its design(s). On this page already I give examples that are nothing but rich |poor dividers. On the next website more big questions and invisible issues with their meaning from the burdens of mortgage debt to Big land ownership(amazing), politics for the elite, necessity of corruption, what is money, the (funds) banks tri-angle, who owns our resources, 'demo'-cracy, new politics, where do guns come from and how many middle-aged people are living on a 20m².
      - I restored the Carlin link on the Mindyou page about 'control, lies and suggestibility' especially in a controlled environment in which a victim is surrounded by people who tend to forget their mistakes and anything else. I can't repeat enough saying that victims can be given ideas and hints so they go start believing in the misleading idea of a secret relation or understanding with someone, a rescuer, a bond or hidden love maybe even communicating with messages or in secret ways, that simply is not there. Wishful thinking can search to draw things without logical reason, into more hopeful ideas for a victim. While there's nothing, no-one, no contact.
      If a victim is being played frequently, imposed with suggestions of some connection or someone thinking about them, it (the thought) becomes present and alive in mind-memory like a relation itself, even more stimulation that maintains possible wrong ideas and false assumptions that carry your invisible friend or relation with you as a side seat travel buddy in -the deeper shades of- the mind. Don't rely on strangers cause they're anonymous group 'co-ops' and other organized one-off assholes keeping you on a leash.
      This (also self) delusion can go on for years and nothing happens and nobody knows a thing.  Nobody-knows-a-thing to say it like Carlin.

      The mind's merry-go-round and self-excitement are often used to evoke wrong leads, reactions and ideas. People who show they are getting aware of hidden monitoring and stalking may -if so of course- the next days encounter a parade of laughter, kiss & goodbyes and make-up scenery in an attempt, not only, to trick a victim in the false pretense he or she was just some part of an outside joke or something, but to make a victim's mind 'mill' come up with a fake solutions and reasons as to why, about and what to believe, to reject ,basically saying goodbye to their doubts and thoughts and to forget the idea something weird wás going on. It's indeed 'made-up' and 'goodbye' while the bullshit round a 'target' most likely just continues, nothing has stopped.
      Destructive manipulators won't say: stop your thinking/doing crazy! And silence is consent. What I mean is this: the rad and fantasy of the mind fills the gaps, draws the conclusions, picks a lead, fantasyses meaning knits the string to a (fake ) clue, pops up an answer, produces an outcome whatever, if needed. Very dangerous in relation to communication/voice from (c)overt manipulators that a frightened obedient victim comes to understand as a compulsory and coercive task or fatalistic challenge, because 'yes' leads to infinity. It can lead to a extreme surrender including sexual humiliation, somthing with broken leggs or suicide accidents

      People 'looking for clues' can be susceptible to - the idea of - signaling by people and may start to develop wrong ideas based on their interpretations. Victims (see below) may even develop an extra 'eye' for people who they think look kind of trust-able and appear to be sincere so there cóuld be relevant information in gestures. Not handy.
      Leave it, don't spend time thinking about it and get all cranked up and stressed out. In a *monitored (followed) situation this meta-communication is typically meant to be misleading and confusing in meaning in the first place anyway.
      When spoken language is used to confuse people with fragments of mal-information and thought spinning/searching often used are: double binders; objectives and generalizations like (familiar) names; anything that can be expressed as a movement; prepositions (maybe based on your -coming- actions); countless metaphors and 'crypto' talk; voice distortion;convincing lies, scare and shame talk; get-together around you (hidden); group people (one coud say) stalkers swearing and gossip facts round home, shop, work etc (look up, you cóuld try to remember faces); (like in my situation swearing can be limited to a particular word you hate and swearing can be actually words that 'only sound like it' but ofcourse have the same effect for a listener/target which is known as homophone effect. This assumes organised/group layout with role-playing and (selected) people who, -maybe even wouldn't swear otherwise- , for themselves can hide behind 'not really saying the words', so similar sound, leaving out a consonant etc..)
      I want to mention here- house stalking: people looking, gazing at your home like they're saying: we found the monster. A victim may ask himself: "where's the smoke? or "is an owl nesting on my roof..?" This is organized to create estrangement but it can cause even panic in a victim and (further) stress him out; (sounds like..) mishearings. watch out for the whirligig with loss of trust and gain of scepticism round your person; voices sounding like ex-relationships to (subconscious) trick and bind you (false emotional binding & loosing time); humor (attempt to binding by removing resistance and making situation au serieux); reverse basic opposites like big becoming small and woman becomes man, stop is go or yes is no (ao newspeak- directing to/manipulation and simplifying language effecting in limited expression & thought, reversing logic- NoModel, and making serious mistakes by brainwashed reversed thinking for example because manipulators always talked that way subdueing a victim to orientate, turn things round.. Consider the drama that a victim has learned to think in opposites one can imagine mistakes by hesitation or wrong reflex the moment a victim is spontaneously called by a greenlicht instruction to cross the road when cars are storming by.. Killer mental harrasers can even play on a known reflex or re-orientation delay of their victims behavior.); buzz ('covert whisper',voicing) trying to make you use & listen and maybe 'depending' on outside notions, signals ,whatever for decision making and guidance; memories -that you spoke of yourself- and General/Basic terms people try to associate specifically which works confusing. All to make you come to nothing. Happens in real life too but the groceries loyalty stamp actions make you think your doing fine..

      Often talk and 'buzz' that comes to victims is confusing and 'crypto' while it is possibly all about you and your '-self'. Very handy because people searching for any clues are looking, thinking around and away from themselves, in fact closer towards more confusion. Meant only to make you more unstable, tired and mislead you. Often you'll hear things once which adds to insecurity.
      Sometimes victims may get a feel of inside or plainclothesman talk, language full of jargon and knowledge of 'the scene' but more likely slang and 'wisdoms' from any (known) organized groups where men wear Egyptian mini skirts for rituals and initiations, proverbs again to make a target/victim search & confuse like the word 'windows' which infact means the senses that recieve impulses! (senses and windows are holes with a (mucous) membrane separating in and outside) ór illicit state agents about to get fired. Normally they wouldn't act as morons and cult criminals themselves.

      The 'down-talk' wants to make you feel a fool, stupid and subjects a victim to a feel of a distance between the groundless unknowing child and those on the pillar of knowledge. The down-talk ridicules status and uses i.e. infantilizing petty talk, veterinary (rude) talk and dumbifying language (finding female, to calve) to polarize and make things worse. Having said this changing norms and values or the 'belief system' may sound difficult and abstract but for most people these are easily changed or altered in importance when giving seemingly better insights and view on things not even talking about hidden emotional intimidation. The more insecure you are off course the more it will get to you and the more sucseptible you are for manipulative bullshit.
      All of the break methods including communication are attacking self-esteem(self-image) by questioning and judging important basic specs of your (manly,feminin) character and personality like. 'Bait' :
      technical competence
      You can make the backpack longer with elements like leadership and the proud qualities of loyalty and soldierly. 'leader capacities' and richness of character so I added the L of love as well ..

      All these are important qualities. You can be praised for them. And you can be accused for lacking them. These self-values also play a role in (humint) Army interrogation techniques to explore weaknesses in order to obtain information or to challenge you. Cultsdo it to subject, control and abuse you. Ego down and ego loss. btw: about humint projects in general: (many questions. shamrock and political involv/awareness, how much privat use ,how to remove it from our caring planet and out of the lives of scary shivering kids ) Denying is like designing staircase after rocket invention. stop the crap.

      Victims may have fallen prey to killing inner confict, conditioned ruination and repetitions trying to prove there's someting left of themselves. Simply cause you're not told to become aware, selfresponsible and to read a meaningfull book. Instead you're learned to become dependent an a hidden addict éven if it seems you thrive in a rush of excellence or glitter on the outside.

      Narrowed-consciousness on a 'compulsive' track to nowhere with fantasy and wrong social input filling the gaps and supporting the lie, can become a kind of Double talk: escape is discipline, weakness hardness, unloving lonelyness happiness and probably all isolated.
      Careless astray. Shell. Loosing basic touch with yourself and reality. I suddenly realised that in the media, that's why I use it too, I hear say the word 'like' (asif) so often. It's a keyword you use to describe de-personification.
      Welcome, there you are! Introduce yourself to yourself..
      Ofcourse serious (sub)consciousness mechanisms and ways to suppressive and conditioning processes of the mind don't need extern harassment to happen. But it surely helps 'kickin' somebody to an addiction if the plan is to mentally screw 'em over.
      Guilt as fear of culpability typically makes behavior serious, humble, and quiet. Crime (Guilt) and punishment except with Dostoevsky is often hidden in 'the shaving mirror', eg at the end of a career to leave the scene with the right wrong example. It's tantalizing weighing(dubio) or witholding makes you battle against yourself, common for heavy emotions. End of career victims are likely to get some mental cracks and snaps to make sure they won't step up front and tell their findings and truths in a plausible convincing way based upon their goodwill.
      Other victims of psychological harassment are not understood, but blamed and caught (niet Begrepen maar Gegrepen). Victims and parents drawn apart. Parents not supporting their kids but facing each other. The last thing you want when your kid is actually healty (as this page always asumes).

      The stress and hustle coming from all sides, at the same time paranoia, power- control and horniness, is the drive psychology of the 'want-it-all' towards the poor kids of the rich & corporate welfare. Manipulation of people for personal gain is still a magic dream but a realizable one. And it will continue for a while in our unfair world with unnatural emergencies.
      “Every generation needs a new revolution.” (Thomas Jefferson).
      More later on other website

      Our voice, such a moving instrument. Intelligent automation:
      "We spotted stress in your voice, you'll be connected to one of our natural live agents now.."
      "Last year, Burger King caused a stir with an online ad that purposely asked ‘O.K., Google, what is the Whopper burger?” Android devices with voice-enabled search would respond by reading from the Whopper’s Wikipedia page." (You could get the same result saying Cocaine Noodles)
      A few months later, the animated series South Park followed up with an entire episode built around inaudible voice commands that caused viewers’ voice-recognition assistants to shout out obscenities.the New York Times

      If things function that's cool, but sometimes it's cool when they don't ; lifts, cars, cells, memory and all kinds of iffy wi-fi and hardware from electronic doors to remotes can be played, with replay-attacks and interference, so they won't function. Because maybe that's just what crooks want!
      Our language was/is build, orderly structered with a logic based upon existential essential movement and provability. Functions are the genes of the machine.
      Preferably everything is automated, turned into functional machine. Also the corruption & crimes also the language. Handy, language if you know how to look at it, as 'syllables' aible to give more meaning. Like devine or masterly developed cause and effect. Language as an additional messenger and pointer! But generally speaking, playing with language is plain stupid and can cause harm, create nutty ideas. Might be handy to look differently to a problem. Often it's just better to react to the F5!6$%^ problem instead of changing its meaning thus the language that names it. Some people (maybe unwittingly influenced to it) have learned to play with language, play with words. Making anagrams from words, semantics. Seek -deeper- meaning, higher behest or even guidance. This leaves some people ,like a semantic hyper ventilation, battling the unfortunate memories and emotions that they read in new battle code words every week. Except for fun it will be mostly not wise. Yet how lovely would it be if everything (surely for the elites with knowledge) would speak for itself, have head and tail and be rolling, like an hermetic poem.

      What young boy doesn't like big machines? They are fascinating! I still like sites with those huge cranes because it makes so obvious what they are: very powerfull extensions of man. With giant body and limbs. Repeats and loops. These machines give us tremending helping power and help save us something what we don't have enough of : time. Time itself might be 'endless', but life is short. Four times seven is..

      男 の 子.   Boy. Child version of adult human, from the masculin side of creation.

      Wheels of movement: physical movement- machine movement- emotional and ideological movements. Society.
      The big part: Its holy grail is the machine. The wizard. The magic. The Maker. By nlaws. Multiply it to industry. We don't live in a democracy. We live in an corrupt organised control technocracy. A very important part is its psychologization. The conscious people (the enemy) must preferably bring him self down to floor or c®ouch. The small part: human. The mind machine.
      Wholeness, unification, unity, built, creation, means, medium, way, propagation (wave) are traceable concepts, elements that can often be found in dogmas, theories and artistic expression.

      I have experienced many moments in which communication or normal working moments of orientation were used to deliberately cause little approach and conflict moments in distraction just to fill the mind with outage or re-thinking. Being off-focus and at the same time re-thinking something annoying whatever so you stil feel upset and make attention mistakes. Often in momements of transition like traffic or leaving the shop. And I don't have time for a second visit to the supermarket cause I forgot something. All these 'little' scratches..! the interupts of any kind that slow you down, make you lose time, eat your nerves and melts your sweaty face. The 'agents' we speak of on this page will always want to load you (and your new thingy you wear /bought) with a mental scratch to break your: wholeness(hit *s-confidence shield), feel of a new start, your positivity and imaginary power(Imagic) because unless something negative, everything must be 'seperation and scratch' for a target and he or she can *again write a bad association and memory to mind. Ultimately they make phobia and limitations drenched nervous wrecks.
      By the way, public spaces are good places to playback to targets what has been eavesdropped. Shops, streets and your local market walktalk will nicely do. It can freak the hell out of victims but is much easier thus imaginable and actually happens a lot. I explain this later. Remember that real spies also work with false moustaches
      Vendors can be careful not to throw negative attention at people based on idle talk (gossip) and create a biased situation, disadvantageous and outside the normal order of things(again) for an (targeted) individual before he/she has even arrived.
      As a targeted person your paths and the streets are used to shock surprise and imbalance you. Numerous times after I'd done or wrote somthing significant I'd meet hurted, wounded people staring the next day. The occasions in which I met cassieres with a plaster on their face are countless.
      Like all the ways to intimidation and emotional usurpation are. On the streets bigbrother breathed me all kinds of staring big innocent eyes, people like timelife pictures, bums, anti-types trying to vitalize ideas about angels, magic powers, aliens, possessed people and other meta realities in an attempt to alienate me, scare me, make me feel insignificant and gray in the face of the infinite and unknown dark maul that attacked me everywhere. The idea of limitlessness in a sense of 'anything is possible' only sounds good when you are doing well, not in the above situation where you are bombarded with unusualness and uncertainty and being so afraid of losing control you want to tie yourself down to the corner of your room.
      If you come across them 'aliens': just look back. Kung-Fu if necessary.

      Break and Build
      Serious victims (I use Zersetzung to indicate the level of psychologic harassment) after shopping often want to gome fast. They feel, they áre chased tracked ,bothered and stalked. Crash test dummies. Critical psychology of the deliberate bewilderment, extreme, unknown and abnormal. The psychological attack, starting with guilt and shame, aims to change behavior and personality but first, break down fundamental certainties and all resistance, tries to influence you, wants you to fully belief there's no escape, nowhere to go , no answers to know and panic actually might get your heels running and fear pumping. But at home the nervous situation overtly and covertly continues :

      Non-stop feel of threat and fear. Psychological warfare. A bit like csr. Cognitive disorganisation - disfunctioning. Stuck in the despairs of total: fear, hopelessness and trustlessness: 'lost'. Bewilderment and indeterminacy about attack(ers) and situation(infinite scenarios,information overload) , normal communication is hard or impossible, help is dangerous- to the victim's assumption. Complete exhaustion and continued stress will lead to disorderly behavior. Possibly to severe heart and digestive problems. -
      scanning the moment(your ears do automatically), waiting to catch in the act, concentrate on sounds, confusement disorientation and uncertainty, abandonment and neglect, abstinence of trust & love, putting s.o. alone, wondering the how's and why's- all looks rebus, absolute hopelessness, (defied to) questioning life and self, death flower of certainty: confound and hefty doubts about validity of your truths - mind - work and memory, development of irrational thoughts like Capgras : overpoising that people are replaced by imposter (in OUR context nothing outstanding with organ/brain damage but with built up dissociation and/or irrational concepts try match-up with corrupted untrusted environment, seeking reason), picture events and people, moodswings & anger outbursts, attacking essential fundamental trusted pillars of living like money and language in approach, use of and meaning/explanation(of which the latter is enough by itself to create pseudo lunatic and hesitating behavior in a healthy man; intuitively start (or be set/learned) to read anywhere secondary meanings, bias, portents of: calamity, assignment or command, (confirmation of) guilt and punishment, met with a-social behavior (literally dirt garbage incidents), avoiding 'killing' floor spots(horse chess jumps), listening to the neighbours, write down the numberplates,
      suffering wild-imagination, seeing change of states & things at home, (thought) suppression, checking the walls, overworked memory, rage, feel deadened, being scared to death, Sound but also light signals (deliberate: alarms, shadowplay, object and sticked tinfoil reflections, pointed laserlight, window/mirror angles, continuous blinking, flashing or shining lights, lights on all day in yout (nightly) environment), adaptions to your -new- daily rhythm, symetric behaviors, coordination (same faces and things happening often marks monitoring/negative nearness), feeling singled out centered and 'exposed'(upto enemy of the state feel), bad stuff at the same time(double binders),
      humiliation- and submission- (pay respect to your self,your will and don't give yourself away- you DO NOT HAVE to like,to do or pay respect to : things you detest -don't like- want or that go too far, to involuntary actions, to the food on the floor, to pictures you don't like, to beauty you don't see, to at beck and call and asholes suggesting you're 'guilty' that can be every -known- damn disaster great or small which cause immense panic in a victim),
      blame & shame (declared guilty and obsessive), intrusive-represive-undoing thought panic, inner and outer confronts, information manipulation, intense fear and (re-)trauma, non-stop scare - fearing the moment (break thought) and moment after: the unexpected and unknown, feeling watched in your head butt and heart, Buzz (voice, faking innervoice) and fear of mind-reading (these two are total fear break. this puts a powerless bewildered victim naked, turned inside out and utterly shattered under reach and eyes of the Gods or 'alien claws'),
      worrying about communication, elusive and invisible variables, challenged to extremities under the flag of honour or cowardness mark (possibly ending in 'suicide'), 'anti and opposite' (drowned in an environment as negative puzzle-piece'), self betrayal, tormenting dilemma and choices of will/sexual, abuse and abuse of naivity, swearing and blasphemy, provokement to anything sexual, rape, provokement to extremes, pushed to personality phasing/splitting, feeling captured and surrounded imprisoned,
      feeling trapped & controlled (important layer in uncertainty,'feeling in a maze driven to the pyre'. - language, associations & derivations play gets people clueless digging and puzzling mind and memory but keeps answerless combined with simply knowledge over someones' behavior and situation chesses a victim out, makes confused, overseen, foreseen and powerless),
      hyper-alert sensitized and stressed out, mental crash nervous breakdown - turningpoint..

      -Everything officials cults and jerks like to brag about or actualy use to change kill peoples personalities and lives, comes down to BITE : reformation of Behavior Information Thought and Emotion. In many many horrible mean sneaky ways. I myself use also Bambie which adds a thing or two to the repository of mindfucking theorem-.

      returning home (to social complot and betrayal), being stalked and gettin' provocated (time/location related aggravation),   monitored and 'placed' conflict distraction and interruptions,
      Psychological co/overt coerced reformation methods to 'inescapable' influence manipulate, control and subdue mind and behavior, Peremptory effecting mental harassment and transformation horror-terror using fear and trauma, brainwash (subconscious) ways of conditioning and schooling), cognitive dissonance (coping and adaption), impulse threat and punishment (-buzz- conditioning)
      (forced) change and reform (-- especially in coop with manipulations ,aranges stimuli and cognitive dissonance; little changes, accept new ideas. Self-identification with 'bridging' examples supported by people, socialchallenge (experience, (gay) humor), persuasive manipulative communications (e.g. buzz), can stimulate a victims' hatching false belief, forcing them into wrong choices, ideas and moves of a conversed conviction and pimped-up self-suggestion. A goal, image, emotion and simply the wrong move and (regrettable) action.
      Gay sexuality (or a one-time experiment) can be 'a-seriously' pushed as 'something' belonging to the natural supreme, leaders and leadership, or for seekers, the stirless, the unsure and other heteros' as: possible matching but hidden feelings, than learned and 'accepted' as a new belief and inner truth, but under false conditions -sucked into a new conviction, changing slowely, tasting the idea, settle id, persuaded.. talked an soaped into it. Step-by-step. (buzzed) considerations can be paired to 'examples', gay/male looking actresses people whatever(bridging) that victims identify with, while 'pictures' get increasingly more gay, supporting the way of their transition, infact 'supported' and pushed, from outside manipulators with bad intent letting these victims get wise "learning the hard way." In my own language that'll be 'through harm and shame'. Maybe intended to a victim's abuse and discredit and to another's future benefit --)
      nlp ('stikken' door taal genaai, shortcuts), fearing to be 'taken over' and controled (losing autonomy body mind >), (sub)conscious psycho-linguistic subjected to (buzz, conditioning schooling breaking, nervousness), life/status ruination,   household problems(relational finance house), rethink overthink, think you're part of a complot 'cause everybody seems to know you, plan how to convince the ones you love but have lost the trust, asking your self what the hell you can do. Then hopefully fall asleep without being kept awake, annoyed and emotionally played. Another day. Of the same..
      <!-- for the sake of readability, in the near future the bigger working-lists on this page will be reduced to its essentials -->

      To discribe certain (neg) transformation processes of how people throughout various stages are brought to submission and obediance by human humiliation and fear is absolute sickening and brings on the picture of total sadists at work. Perverted idiots and monsters who do-not-stop chasing the last bits of esteem and rational sense out of people. On another website -carefully- more of these extreme practices done by asholes that should be shot. There's something(s) as worse btw and it's called criteria of selection.

      "Reform instars with clear and present threat to life and sanity."
      about shockwaves and extremes. A short flash :

      You will see guilt. Trauma and confusion. living in moment. installed fundamental uncertainty and extreme fear (threat of immediate danger) while a full attack on someones identity and belief system with erasing of self-trust (by incitement & denial) in own-thinking and abilities (all I think and am is wrong! , every choice is a risk), Until people only ask themselves the W's : Where, Who etc like WHO + am I and WHAT + can I? resulting in tilt and mindpanic of not knowing anything any longer.
      People ongoing humiliated overstressed, in panick and absolute desperate will go into a nervous breakdown and give up resistance. From there the victim can only survive by rejecting the old self, confess and admit to the assailer at the first instance of possible salvation. They will surrender, obey and do anything to prevend giving off ideas or even thoughts, of being anti-perpetrator. A 'new' person is shaped with believes and behavior that can always keep him in fear and dependent and away from anything related to the old-self and relations, for a long time. The free 'butterfly' throughout the stages where victims more and more give in and themselves away, and started out of defence to deny the person they were, becomes a controled manipulative unfree pop. [eng pupa, to pupate] See, caterpillars have false feet.
      A different person(s) with even new habits, traits, interests and looks is possible, maybe wished for. Not natural, but after an emotions inciting mental terror 'campaign', maybe at home, lonely, socially isolated also by disbelief from their environment and without asking, nobody will ever know.

      The psychological deceit seems omni-present, shocks victims with mind-bending confrontation of private knowledge, incomprehensible and mean attention, lack of reason. This terror can have dramatic consequenses for an exhausted and riddled individual with overstressed mind, body and world view. The practices are all based upon organisation of people, private information and behavioral knowledge. This can make a mind-fuck big enough to scare an alien itself, although they don't exist. Stay calm get knowledge about the psychology of mind-control(individual) and Zersetzung(state control).

      Break, take down (and rebuild). The minds' machinery.
      It's a full emotional attack on one's sanity. Importance of trust and information gets pretty clear from ongoing assaults on your needs and believes (behavior) system, or in more words, does show that an attack on core concepts (..the ongoing threatning of common needs, ideas and official/social mores like privacy, id, securities, human relations) of a person's norms & values and needs can 'throw over' the logic and self-evident validity of one's belief system towards life and reality. A full metal jacket attack. Mental rape (prof. Meerloo, brainwashing of POWS) and murder trip along a ravine of madness, Fear anger and desperation.
      The question is not if, but how many people have been hurt, perhaps trapped whose life has purposefully turned into madness, angstgegner and the wrong kind of machine language; whose 'changed' behavior can be seen perfectly understood as an attempt itself to understand what's goin on, and as defense response to the unexpected and deliberate abnormal behavior of people and way of things.(process flow)
      Generally speaking: (Pseudo) 'elites', scumbags and other F*idiots thinking they can play with people are wrong. They are bad filthy cowards. Suckers for life. Till the end of it. High classed jerks and erroneous officials who looked away and didn't take the responsibily their work told them to, get away with one year of chores when their long career came to an end while normal folks have been broken until their lives can no longer make the difference. Also the common man as a majority group of actual immediate power to influence don't functionally (division)or actually exist. These organised mean perps are succeeded scum who ruin lives ,'capture' people, can isolate them and robb them from a normal reality and its true walk of life.

      From a psychology (mental harassment sm campaign) like above that makes the eyes of child and parents roll with fear in each other's failure, you -a victim- can expect
      -that it is continuously intensely extreme traumatizing (again) and all relations destroying up to self-kill.
      -that it will pretend to be an effect instead of a cause
      -that it hurts and blames the victim.

      Psychology generaly applies to both individual and group.
      Ordered, rumoured or driven stoked group freaks, piece claiming fans, yealousy, abusive stalkers, own judge moralists, sex-offenders, pesters and players etc etc -visible and invisible- are already enough to chase somebody completely into the emotional red-zone. Furthermore, you don't need a professional-governmental Zersetzung (also using these people) with overt/covert operating psy-trained covers, state-actors, agent-provocateurs and all the little X-s and nobodys of people and kids having no clue of the bigger picture and what they're used for towards somebody and everything and everybody else. Like their information can be condensed into suggestive misrepresentations used to create effect and bias on one hand and to frame a specific targeted individual on the other. Rumours and idiots alone can already harm and damage people. Gossip, whisper a plumber who just lost his cat to an ashole for an animal hater, gives -perhaps- trouble. Send him to an animal rescuer and maybe someone will get his sink repaired even better. A simple telephone can be a morbid thing.

      Through beliefs and emotions people can be thrown in all directions, rationally and irrationally. With seriously bad results. Like a magnet, people can be surrounded by bad, actually non-matching or inappropriate acquaintances and friendship relationships and social examples. Neutral, preferably naive, people and families can be surrounded in their circle simultaneously, for example by: - (invisible strict, religiously) believing people making them sensitive to change, spiritual worldly perceptions and becoming (more) receptive to incoming 'buzz' and manipulations.
      - 'free' or 'a-social' types who broaden and remove moral boundaries so that mistakes are made more easily and boundaries are crossed more reckless with negative consequences. - older/younger or authoritative-naive arranged relations (in many aspects) with probably quite a bit of unknowable and unintentional yet wrong impact, sensitization (of unsurety) and stillness on younger people, unwitting targets. Note: please do not break up your caring friendships. The background and context is most likely véry different from the readers'.

      Of course distortion and manipulation tactics vary in levels of intent, individual or group aim and seriousness like day differs from night. People can be manipulated watching the newest Opel or Renault Car advertisement. But I mean severe life hurting, direct and (c)overt manipulation towards a family or one of its members.
      Manipulation, behavior of attraction and avoiding, good and wrong. Individual targets and victims of above horrors in a situation that includes hidden! manipulation could have experienced a life path of:
      - unaware of c/overt schooling and manipulation. Maybe effecting in: isolation, addictions, covered inner conflicts insecurity and stubborness. - Manipulations go on. People are unaware.
      - unaware of c/overt schooling and manipulation. Love or biological clock may urge them to change and escape wrong behavior. The manipulators will try to push the victim to fallback to old life and style inc addiction and B/s obfuscation of self. Manipulator will try to reclaim. Manipulations go on. People remain unaware.
      - schooling and manipulation are known. Victims of the surrounded intimidation and mind-behavior control, who maybe after many years, became aware of the direct influence on their selves and lives may encounter truly real Réál bad serious attemps to get a victims' exit or back under control by stuff I mentioned above. This can mean a total but still hidden (seemingly sourceless) attack on body and mind of a target. Manipulations probably go on. People shortterm aware of bullshit around them can reject this ,maybe see what they felt was somekinda joke (this can be stimulated) and fall back to ignorance. People however that continue to findout, 'stayawake' and 'break loose' get ALL thinkable anti-cooperation, real heavy intimidation, hetze and scare tactics. Very very like they fallback to old routines work and mindset. Memory starts to lie. Awareness of trouble of what was going on can eventualy dissappear. Some people simply go through hell, they stay aware and equalizer of mind (cognitive dissonance, in-line suckers of adaptive behavior) won't drop to safety level but fight back for truth ,reasons and own life.
      It will depend on how big and serious the reason for this intrusive mental hijack crime is and many other variables of how persistant the problem will be or how quick it will stop, leaving sometimes no other option than to consider informing international contacts and to agree with oneself, going a hopeless uncertain future and a status of political dissident or refugee and having lóóóng talks facing critical information officers. Until sunglasses have been put on the table and legislation educated and my family save! This will be the actual situation for myself.

      On this page I spoke a bit already about the kind of people becoming victims the importance of traits characteristics, susceptibility resulting from mind and circumstantial situations
      as well as the many reasons : hateplay obediance control kaltstellung serve and submissive roles (royce) im many invisible or more clear ways
      ánd creating(schooling) intern emotional drivers having that same wanted effect on the desired -shaped- character-individual(chin)
      from :restrained knitted-in leaders , chancellors and worshippers to sweet temporarily stallions on a disappear track. Sure this happens almost naturally in certain environments let alone if you meet these conditions with extra dosis compliance psychology making almost 'natural born' victims.

      Later we'll see how this relates to mr. Clean, Chaos and the City. I mean extremes and opposites as: strictness, limiting individuality, order, moral decay progression and efficiency. Old wives' tales, molehill to mountain stories; everywhere throughout the years many stories and language according to lore have gotten ,slightly, different explanations effecting understanding behavior and customs. In the end it is social anthropology with an emphasis on a psychology that preaches oppression. Without realising this.
      Rock 'n' roll and the Referend, the stiff pulpit and shiny sexy chrome: they'll never end.

      All things a hiearchy. all things a hiearchy.
      [  Hiearchy is in every science. It means a describing classification system; in biology called a taxonomy of organisms. For example the tasty and wonderful rubus fruit like bramble (braam) that grows in a big bush. You can check the eng / dutch taxonomy in Wikipedia however they have trouble using some words like sub and class while often using the word clade. (clade means group of common ancestor & descendants) Remarkable is they are not very clear and use outdated description like fabiden. The good taxonomy of the rubus or bramble for example is a bit different. Maybe they should use writers without 'sensitivity to certain words'  ] Is it my Google or what? Also remarkable is that only now I read the word ocean in big letters on wikipedias personality page It wasnt there I even searched for it on the page and it was thén that I used for sea.org. More about the Taxonomy of Personality traits (associated qualities ,extravertness, dancing naked with a parrot on your head ); on the new website where we fit in a few essential schemes to make for ourselfies a seemingless obvious predictive model of quantized and flexible behavior(flexible - intrude into personal space and allow it to be forced voluntarily)
      I like Wikipedia very much but please overthere watch out for the diversity of anti-writers and people serving superstition and religious hints instead of scientific proof and reasoning. The lower floors are sinking in bullshit everywhere.

      Youth -   why sad Prof. Dread?
      Prof. Dread -   tell me the difference between pizza and social wrongs.
      Youth -   ?
      Prof. Dread -   they're both true.

      Victims in the spotlight, in the rays of influence of this ultra criminal treatment of longlasting psychological control harrassment may have been hurted and longtime occupied and distracted from themselves in a way that these people are unrealizing dried ice cakes, unwittingly surviving a normal, functioning and livable but stolen life. They can still smile. However, some may have been so wounded and longtime mentally kidnapped from themselves that these people are nothing but actually (unrealizing) deeply rooted complexes, fobia, fear and denial loaded dreaded time-lost left-overs of their own splitting personality, that their subdued-manipulated lives and homes, head and language stuffed with transformation compensation metaphor and superstition became places of avoidance and carefull moving with Maintained and 'Supported' break and hell in such ways that life cannot be seen as autonomous, will not function or must be escaped. These people can not smile.

      Readers of this paragraph are most likely not affected by this kind of intense personal psychological hammering on their souls and life. I suggest you to read good information instead of making oneself a victim of all kinds of everything, victim of hidden mind-control or victims of governmental corrupted covert humint programs with or without purple aliens. However there will be more victims than expected of psychological abusive/compliance but in as many ways as there are many levels. The amount of horrible psy-suppression for some will be -if we are not carefull- slowely amount to enclosening levels of the same subjugation for all of us.
      More information on everything later on other website. The question though rises anyway if Politics is actually aware of itself and 'their projects' and to what extent she looks away from elitarian private play and moneyhornypower games involving innocent people regarding the many ongoing scandals. Is party and national -politics truly as very meaningful and relevant as we all think it is or at least oughtta be? To what extent have politics been made an exemplample of cult, a wayback brain -machine and are there more examples of this in our society? Are they aware of themselves, the people and the bigger picture?
      Politicians still smile but the country has been cleared from integrity, the police is corrupted and the army is stoned.

      'This generation. Rules the nation. With version'

      ..I'm kinda worried about people, in the light of changing visions, about the margins between ego, superego and identity or: how 'we' all thought it was and how things really are. And if those involved dare asking all questions that need to be asked.

      [(old piece) The above over-stresses your system and the senses but the abstention or reduction of sensory input to keep you empty, 'less present', also happens and it's very relevant. Lack of smell for instance. Strong air filters are a problem. Even nose picking too! The air around you can also be neutralized with ozone or peroxide; Ozone (O3) don't mask but oxidizes and breaks the odor. It's a very strong oxidant, dangerous and a big problem too. In solid state ozone is velvet-black.]
      "When you pound someone into the ground, it is easier to walk over them.."
      "Metaphorical metafysical street tales, are addfill stories for the para mind of people giving a sense of anything is possible while nothing is.
      Entertainment as a means of not realising that you are being suppressed : our world is a place that needs what it is: powerlust and peep-show."
      "et si cela doit être le moi alors laissez-le être le vrai moi"

      There are many levels of manipulation. My family had (and have) the worst a complete kaltstellungs silence Zersetzung up to up to our heads. When I began to find out about all the abnormalities a few years ago this was concidered a break free attempt. All the horror in the list above was played in turn extra to me on top of trauma. I want to say, as I was shaking,not having a clue, searching and trying to orientate in these early days in a bookshop or on a quiet street I often heared things like: "you've got to listen", "Gonna take a while", "you got to keep faith." Certainly then at that early time these van become false clings. Outstanding little events that burn in memory as you are looking for clues. But they are only meant to make you a listener (buzz) and susceptible for influence again as grasps that make you more dependent again wich can be effectively translated in you having false trust and waiting for eternity for something to get clear, loosing will and strength to go on, to struggle, to speak out and not to be silenced!

      xxxxx made rather long lists necessary because of reference /work for other website. more later xxxxx

       ** 'The wish is father to the thought'. You won't believe how often important meaningful words are used - in some other context or none- to have people unnecessarily worried. It's again your own 'mill' starting to spin, while of course, when you hear mentioning "..your father.." you may worry something is wrong. It's double talk. Saying this but meaning something else and of course they won't tell you. Only for themselves, in their own mind they tie a statement to a 'possible' meaning and use this as justification to tell themselves they're not really lying. Sayings are often not literal so, won't make 'em sinful. A bit of truth to build upon a lie or confusing is used as oil for an empty tank in the desert and they figure: you might never know if there's a hell for lying. In some groups twisting and playing with information is a true hobby. Every millimeter chance in the right direction is taken to fuel you with mind ballast and stress. And in a professional psychological situation of harassment, one can not escape it.
      By the way the point between two opposites is a neutral. The opposite of -1 = 1 because -1 + 1 must be 0 (zero). By the way 10º = ..

      The opposite of a wish is the language (mother) to formulate it. So people surrounded by officials, cult groups talking 'parents' probably refer to bad plans or language..! I like to replace 'wish' for drive which then leads to a thought process and hopefully a nice result - your kid 'project' and the behavior around it. I think using this ** saying you have an okay way -going a little deeper- to look at a very tiny model of thought-behavior and rights system : your values!
      Contra, fail and break commenting can occur a lot. All the way to bad brainwashed ground patterns in behavior. Exclusion, putting yourself short, isolation, conflict, avoidance, non-functioning maybe under a lack of social life routines , ending up as a lonely daydream bot possibly very susceptible for manipulations, if needed. Especially when unaware. I have a friend that started to stutter. Please these are worst case scenarios. But it does happen, though things will be much less intens, íncase they áre happening. This is for Mindyou website: attack psychology in bad ways. Denying them is leaving people alone and makes the spin-doctors at top laugh. Bullshit happens too many people in many ways and levels.
      Frustrative continuous swearing and heartless snarling (those kidshivers alone are enough to chase 'em from light to darkness) , gossip facts and threats all can be very personal matching and thoroughly thought out. It will puzzle you -often into wrong direction. Emotional upset will weaken you, kill your 'esprit' stop you from work and create compliance.
      False 'Q & A' is possible. 'Calling up' your consideration, then promptly answered by an outside + or - reaction that will subconsciously set your mind up to subsequently feel good or bad about your idea and thoughts you have. In other words: it's basically using Pavlov to subconsciously set you up with a pre-conditioned bias.
      At the highest level of organised manipulations people may have to deal with a lot of too much (bad) fakeness. A highly staged life, the world in the amphi. Complete with basement tricks, monitoring, Bastard prompt corner (whisper, tu as soufflé vous avez soufflé), lightning, scripts and entourage..
      Victims aware of (invisible) psychological harassment around them possibly notice synchronicity between media they play and themselves. People not yet aware of what's going on can freak out thinking they are under alien/devil control or anything. There are no aliens. There are however mean idiots who studied your behavior longer than just a minute ago. Also there are many tricks and -unbelievable- sound techniques. More on another website.

      What a hand is to a glove, monitoring is to BITE: : behavior-, information-, thought- and emotional control
      Please understand that I belief -in a way- in spiritual relationships but in the context of mindYou (political-psychological coercion) this can be totally abused hence the attacks on- and cheating with the most important of someone's inner life and values.
      Something rather different: hidden and external influence on behavior when present can possibly be revealed in someone's language in more ways than via the content of a story.
      psychologists study statistics; what does a convincing argument need more? General economists go as far as a result(s). Psychologists come up with the same but then: study meaning of the results.

      Good psychology wants to predict behavior and considers behavior a reaction on input from the environment making most behavioral problems behavioral problems and not brain illnesses. Neither does a behavioral problem -if it is one anyway- always need a diagnose leading to numbing medication. It just doesn't roll back the problem far enough neither does it answer or ask questions. They and their likes often show this trait of not being able to count back to the right point. Big doors as well as shutters for eyes, deaf ears and selective memory of these bunches of sprouts must be opened quickly.
      There is not a single objective medical test to measure and proof a specific brain disorder. Some circles however will rapidly along the psychiatric-medical line call for instance behavioral disorders brain diseases. Now you've entered a twilight-zone where health becomes nightmare, care comes with an agenda, reason becomes pseudo-science and care workers blind criminals, leaving some people and 'patients' to-tal-ly shocksurprised. Cause now they've a reason to flat-dope medicate healthy folks.
      Put it inna bag, string around it and here you have it: the as-of-old minority screw-up and a corruption tool about which some psychiatrists with a lot of guts are reporting and talking about. Disorder in the court! It's a total fraud. Such a shame.

      It's a pity politics in my country voted against  ' a motion to check out sectarian cult life and other vague closed milieus. What does this tell us?
      it's absolutely necessary to find out more about what all and how much is going on in these environments in relation to : infiltration, monitoring, information streams & stalking, psychological control, manipulations of reality, organised crime and child abuse. The world is too beautiful to be handed over to morons who want light-sensitive obedient zombies and control by a 'society in shorts' in which half of the people is running after their dick and the other half is looking for clues..
      The moment you understand the why's of induced early childhood abuse you can either throw up for a week or jump in the car and drive around for a while, silent.
      btw: A victim dealing with organized harassment may have to endure a lot of confusing talk-talk, that makes him think and search in big(ger) circles, maybe even accuse people, while this whole ever misleading and polarising (++/--) crypto blabla may go back only as far as, and be just about, the victim himself and likely is 'crap' anyway ><.
      Repeating what someone said before happens too (via monitoring, eavesdropping) because organised confusement very much likes apparent similarities.

      - Going to fix database and the psychology/mindyou remarks will leave this page soon, will be talkin about other web projects like new websites I'm workin' on.
      - I have written one of the last texts for Mindyou. Square Man's livingspace diminished and shrunk to 'an empty armour on the spot in his own house', shows sign of a whiff, he breaths again. The website is available next year.
      - learning interesting stuff about the cochlea, basilair membrane, hair cells and the rock bone or 'os petrosum', the hardest bone of your body which protects your inner ear. Also reading official information about technological/sensory effects during all kinds of different working conditions in many fields of technological industry.
      - I've put a peace of Ecma script together with a speech engine. Just for Fun!  
      1-12 update:  - script that spells a number. For anyone who wants to learn what's the name of a number. See what this next number is: 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    It's made out of a 100 zeros! What feelings!
      - I hope to be making my garden yearbook with text & drawings about all rusty things and little big wonders in a daily changing messy landscape. Hey Bam!! Bytheway, seems a lot of people who can read, can't read 10000300,04.

      SB = -5° deviation table.   Wind drift = 3°.   Echo sounder 1.6m below waterline. Checking NAVTEX forecast..
      In ten years orso I want to sail round the world - and maybe I have found the name for my ship it is Beluga or Fangtooth which is a sweet monster fish at deep sea. His name come from Greek 'gaster' (means stomach). The surface you see, but waht happens in the deep sea buddie?
      Shouldn't Mother Earth dictate the head of inventory management? I think so!
      I think it's time to let people know that I bought the Atlantic ocean and I got the certificate to prove it. With it came enough recyclable materials and plastic, the size of France, for my brain package.

      A while ago I bought plastic figure with light for book reading. I copied it and made the figure out of instant-coffee.   ➜ Coffee-figure.
      A girlfriend of mine used this thick coffee sludge, for a Halloween party. Maybe it can do for mascara. Nice for a Kill Hannah concert!

      Next year I must have the 'Brain-package' ready that everybody can buy and is made of wood and handmade/recycled materials
      maybe I can work on a 'special' memory game. Also available next summer: you can by the best skateboards in our shop!!!!!!AH stair jump
      I made a little tune I played on guitar maybe i put it on somewhere in December. It's still on the guitar with the 4 strings maybe it is too shy for six strings but it sounds good. Update '23 : three(3) strings.
      This is part of photo of me in the mountains. It is the shadow on the tent and it is taken in the darkening evening playing 'Cheyenne'.
      I had wonderful fish dinner last wknd and I made great indian symbols from plaice what a beautiful fish! I wanted to make pictures of it but my horse ate them.

      Wanted to buy something cool handmade for someone but the didgeridoo gallery/shop seems to have disappeared..
      For some grief no words exist. This week I think of another queens 'birthday'
      Last summer I was honoured by wasps making their nest in the garden next to my house. I saw the *queen arrive in true majestic and patiently, in like ceremonial steps, get closer to it. It was a true unbelievable spectacle!
      Our graceful waspness has woken up. Fragile and brown from beneath the ground. She has left the nest early June.
      I spend a few words on the story on a night it heavily rained. November
      I was looking for a word describing a mother (parent) that has lost a child but in my language there is no word for what can't be said. Only the queen survives winter.
      I've learned that one of the most important Chinese Gods is a kind of God queen known as Guanyin: 'the one who hears the sounds of the world'. Guanyin sounds like queen or in dutch koningin.
      I'll add a little tune I played on guitar to the page next week that I named the bridge. I'd like to make a (kids) music book. Musique Brasilien pour les doigts trés long.
      I could not make a good recording. Sorry for bad quality.You can't hear a thing. I was high up in a camp in the mountains and there was a storm!
      Well, it adds to the imagination.

      Caute. Find carefully.     

      To the immaculate great and impossible emptiness.
      I felt a little sad for a friend : i think everything must go and there is only a dying in someone else. Those with only lust for power want to play for God. I think they are doomed. For there is no God.
      And there is no heaven. Not the way we'd want it.
      Our idea of heaven comes from a suppressor. I dunno. I think it's Spinoza, that it's different.
      I don't think you'll be able to find your wedding ring next time around.

      Please let me remind you of the fact that a great story needs "not to be fully understood"
      Dreams can be dreamed but only results are real.
      Although with two already it becomes easier to believe in a lie.. Or 8 is more ten than 6 or as a kids: a little bit of StarWars is more StarWars than nothing at all.

      Camera shots vary.
      The shot itself may be wide or close up, the speed with which the frames change differs between genres, shots are steady or tracking, lighting is bright or shadowy, these features encode meaning, the closeness of the shot, the speed of the action, the lighting on the television screen. (from thesis of Rose)
      "the extreme close up connotes hostility." (Fiske, Prof. Cambridge University)
      "you ain't nuts, your television is." (Rocksushi)

      What counts for some can count for all: good flow, bon chance and happy coincidence line up from your sociality
      confirming that you're going the right way. Wind in the back for all of us!
         fi more time wi a guh get frass. But eyah walk, Wi a go! Uhuru! Abuja!

      it's almost Christmas.
      "What did... cookies?"   "What did... cookies?"   "What did... cookies?" (radio test at soundLab Yokohama university institute)
      If something fatal would happen to me, so I've learned, parents, kids or family don't automatically own the right to see my medical file. And vice versa!
      So I'm writing a request to: see my own records ánd one to grant the people I love permission to see all ,possibly important, data. Disregarding some cultural difficulties , I do think some things ain't quite good arranged in the line of rules of the KNMG.
      (Over here we're working with pulsed wave beams and high energetic lasers.

      It rains like hell and a rough wind is blowing. Force myself into an easy weekend. listening to King Tubby (Eastwood dub), quickly walk through Critical Thinking looking up something and watching /listening stuff from Island records and African Museum. I'll be cooking this weekend and I'm pleased with some photo's somebody showed me. At night the old houses from across the street reflect in a little window as the sterns of a bunch of big old 16-century sailing ships- I found a nice article about admiral De Ruyter, nice for lonely hours. Here is a picture of some good rockfood I had made.
      Believe it or not but I saw a paprika potato chip climbing up a palm-tree yesterday. Yes, I can explain this.

      Rocksushi has made a new scoop you can buy: A floating (point) carpet! Make your family the smartest in the whole wide world!
      You can use it with calculating rods cause it has an 'X-Y' axis drawing and lining like graph paper in the same size of the rods. Handy if you want to learn how to count and calculate. it's also lightweight and fold-able
      You can even visualize java or simple math functions, or lay them after! Comes in different styles & sizes starting with about 40cm. Also with velcro (rods/sticks).
      Write for order and info!

      I've seen videos of someone who looks-like someone I knew long ago. She's very likely enjoying her video hobby, but, I gotta say this, darn, her language seems a little weird at times. Proverbial and phonetic sexuality. Little sounds of relieve and from speaking far off reminiscent (when you do realise this) of little sexy sounds, kissing. A servant play towards the master and the anonomous masturbator. Bilabials and voiced consonants into voiceless consonants (lip and tongue/palate vocalization) make those tiny smack, plop, sappy & sticky sounds. sigh.
      I hope freaks didn't try to morph her to ways of bullshit. You never know. 'There's room to serve and please the master'. Mani-fests. I like her videos though.
      Some of her vids have also some sudden scare background noises, make me think of an audible 'ear washing' which is Dutch for little punishment, more official : a corrective reprimand. There is a nice German word for this: eine 'Abhilfemaßnahme'.
      Neuro Linguistic Programming combined with monitoring and you got thinkPolice. My family dies in these priming tics. Scare and fright are often use to create 'heartbeat'. Nervousness. Flashy sounds don't matter what form are used as a means of indoctrination in certain circles.
      ..I hope she's doing all right! We used to listen to Talk Talk. Late in the evening, on the couch, cashmir, goodbye's at the subway station and chestnut hair well, more copper actually. Lóóng time ago.

      btw I'm fairly aquantenced with 'station platform' voices and artificial echos coming from cars on parking lots, hollow tv rooms, equalizers, reflecting open spaces cause they add tension to an existing situation. Tis a bit claustrofobic as well wich sucks when you're sensible to this emotion and you're played with loud bangs (damn doors there's always one near) as well. Bonks, bangs, ticks and whispered (self) commands; sounds can serve as subconscious triggers to the perception of accentuation (of a meaning), reprimande, primer, thought-stop, a recall, 'reminder'(to something), scare, as an emotional enhancer, an exiter the latter for instant to make your anger even worse during an emotional outburst.

      Instable vs stable. People from sad and unstable home milieus can become more vulnerable due to susceptibility to bad attention (fake love being used) and 'afraid to lose' manipulations.
      Under (hidden) undue influence you can be stuffed with 'taught' gestures that 'unnoticeably' load yourself (more) insecure also people can be made compliant while being schooled into preferences and habits that create more embedded association and identification with possible goals in the future like: services, sex and fetish. All kinds of. In all kinds of forms and classes.
      As the cooperative and direct object in a subject sense. (als het meewerkend en lijdend voorwerp in een 'onderwerp' zin) Our Logical society is still based on the simplest of human primal drifts.
      Too many dirt networks, too many scumbags on the lookout.     () (.) (|)

      On the mindyou website I talk a little more about (covert) neuro programming of viktims
      [ Where taught gestures tied to certain thoughts and emotions with their (neg!) associations, connotations, and effects are loaded during other moments and moods or integrated into general behavior where they basically can subconsciously and constantly, marginally or very clear, undermine or reinforce someones mood, moral and self because of an 'underbelly feel' of for example nervousness brought along by them ]
      To all my friends luv ya. Have fun. See ya later.     >>

      It's clear that the elites control people and truth in ways crooked and unequal by design. Rich men's advantages in a poor mans world need a psychology that weakens resistance before it gets aware of itself.

      Babylon keeps an eye on big and small, arranges our world in lies, making poor rich and poor again. brings people closer and take them apart. con-fusion, conflict (interference), no-getting anywhere. drives a wedge in every slit. AV. Separation. (Avé is an old Rome goodbye greeting)
      Everywhere is this human and child 'handing-over' sectarianism and everything looking alike infiltrated and connected to bottom low and coarseness because suppression isn't only about high-tech or power but also uses the seamy side of life for methods of compliance.
      There where elitist injustice asks for a corruption that requires controlled puppets. just like informers, peek and eavesdroppers, handlers, instigators, 'potential' -victim- watchmen and monitoring which through the networks' capillaries can touch éverybody both young and old.

      A girdle connected little brothers, a friggin army, in/between elitist corruption and the people. Networks full of idiots and connected followers, full of unwittingly people but who look away, neglect and 'leave' (vekind of sectarian because wrong by doing would be more provable than by negligence) and anyone who lends himself to mean a temporarily 'accidental' asshole to someone else. Someone who must be dimmed, shut up or for any other reason must get a bigger or smaller sign of the watching Eye.

      March Little bradders. From all your groups. The following from Groups with 'outdoor activities..' behaving like: 'NaSB' nationalistic a-social movement. Bottom. Ugly inside and out. A litta bitta stupid and mostly unaware of the whole picture but nonetheless each 'n' everyone of them trying to undermine the idea of our society that everybody has: free and undecided for. Last in ranks of the elitarian protectorate, a corp society completely corrupted and overloaded with the rich man's: family, friends, class, first-citizen and loyalty agreements. Loaded with their group-talk, group-happy, group dependent, superstition and brainwashed with weird ideas, helping the infiltration and levelling -Zersetzung to corrupt every work floor and bother every relationship that gets pointed at, to spoil the country, trick information reality truth, pseudo of everything, load fakeness, trendset idiocy, contributing to the inform society ,indirectly internally round the outside hurting life and building a world of pharisaism, hypocrisy and sanctimony. Everywhere.

      [ Suppression happens on big and small scale. Sects and tight groups (plural) can be put on a victim's tail. And plural means majority ,more than you alone, d'you get it. This can be a big disadvantage in many kinds of (paper) conflicts. Jerks on orders hide their bad intentions as good as possible. We can see that a victim's' often lacking and vague explanation is nothing more than the well-functioning tactics of an organized majority. And that explains a lot. However: time and corruption (also stress at the victim) are always engaged in showing apparent contradictions.
      Their practices towards victims are masked, júst & on the edge, dubious or invisible, upsetting, 'breaking' and angsty confusable/ing which is functional and key, and the reasons as to why are pretty obvious like:
      preventing of: awareness of any relation towards the presence or clear intention of using direct (hidden) manipulation to get coercive change or compliance (get nuts or..), exposure of those responsible and even, in case of indirect manipulation, prevention of 'any string attached' being seen as causal relation, so that changes seem autonomous and from free will. It can create disbelief round a victim, it makes him his self-oppressor. This leads to other scenarios that I will not discuss on this web page. But in this repression warfare with its corrupted co-ops all the way down to bad mental health care, it is often about peoples' fragile 'scales and shells' and how to break 'em.
      How many people haven't we heard talking about: opposition, underbelly warnings, distrust, 'vague things' around them, 'spies', discrediting, reputation damage, being abandoned and many coincidences befóre they ended up badly like 'suicide'. Maybe, after writing a smelly report on work floor misbehavior..
      Psychiatry is bogus. An easy way to stigmatize people. Bunches of group jerk informers (always more than 1, everywhere via via whitnesses) round a victim create n' collect little incidents pseudo proving something making it easer to write them down to disorder by a pathological mental or cerebellum disease. While the diagnosis is corrupt, the sane 'victim' is pill punished or observed..
      A psychiatric stigma tied to a person can be very important for mean bigbrother because sometimes they do not only want to get to the man (prison) but more important his story and all it can possibly reveil must be discredited and made implausible, unlikely to be true. The mindwork declared incapacitated. Again end of story. People,(here we mean targets, dissidents, good big-mouths against the stystem) once declared as having a disorder, should consider that this will be used against them. In a lawsuit with a housing corporation., a corrupt whispered troll will bring-up and use the argument in court to try weaken someone's case. Stigma is infact like spreading the gossip and picture of someone not completely 'okay'. Many figures are involvolved in a problem case: corporations, police, healthcare, the housing companie, socialworkers and inspectors, neighbourhood watch etc. The more people thinking bad about someone the better. Spreading negative images is trying to dismantle the winners, praise the losers. Creates the association. This tricky bullshit is a filthy corrupted branch on the totalistic tree of mean control state that in some regions is blatantly clear while somewhere else it starts becoming visible on a second level.

      Mental-health care and psychiatry as lengthening piece of corruption and repression is só old. Come on, it's fuckin clear and it's fuckin obvious and high profile books are written about this. Corrupted wolf in sheep's clothing. The voice of reason and heart, replaced by sunbeam Mafia leaves nitwits giving wrong pills and maligne neurolepticasyndrome. They're inner and outer nuts.
      When power's arm is so big and influential it can become kind of invisible. All arrows can be pointed at a victim through every (bought) contact through every channel. Even mh-care here & there is consciously incapable and corrupted and were not talking just one weird ass on the floor. The higher you are the more you can use all tools to bring an outsider, by a full attack on his energy and dignity - down.

      Under the spell of the ring.
      You can get worried by our powerlessness, our defenselessness and the playing with 'truth'.
      The *arsenal of people from doctrine clubs and other simple populists. Black/white thinkers behind the wrong side of the fence. A lot of human mess in a psychological curve of an idolate teenager with her stubbornness, but not to our interest.
      Corruption is a function, a loop that doesn't stop and where they seek cover behind each other. People, who somehow support the corruption and -as we see- sometimes drawn from *vague wells : Soldiers, knights, agents, guards an 'army' for mean repressive kings imaginable as the resources and industry owners.
      Ideally they would like to see us continuing to accept and take injustice for granted. Small, empty of practical knowledge and silent. Like a baby.

      engineering    Germany and Netherlands were first with electrical Tram. (1881)

      White colored medicines are usually pain killers. Colours for medication mean recognition. ( see .org for the baby image)

      Hey Jim, maybe another fooled dad as a fake-colonel in a wrong elders club? Arrest that city!. Remarkable and funny it is that my old school-class could easily represent a pic of how the very common big picture is.
          language as screwdriver tool for the idea. (deel argument in beweringen. note myou.) I like the letter A. It's a sort of pliers or tongs. A little mouth that bites or snaps. while the small letter is a housemaids flatiron: ssst! Where there's a will, there's a way! Used with many adjectives and nouns too. You can even make it a sexy drawing when you turn the letter upside down.

      Where has been representative leadership, standing for equal opportunities and a peoples' rights democracy instead of the continuation of impunity and exploitation, ruthless self-interest and leaving the world to her dirty fate until a cleansing war can solve all misery?
      Good social conditions lead to equal chances for equal opportunities and possibilities arising from them. In our immoral world, naive belief in justice and equity and overpaid mind-work, politicians say remarkable things about free and equal chance but many politicians are big earners and millionairs, is that trustworthy?

      BigBro imposes himself to us in many guises and faces in an attempt to radiate immutability, eternal youth and untouchability; something absolute.
      from chapter 'Sunsmile and Fangtooth' (reading from old newspaper El Arena):
      How much do the elite use their backyard sectarian groups and other trap holes with corrupt inner circles where: you hide cover-ups, distort and deliver people, plus other abusive and snap of the finger practices to play with our lives and rule the world. I wonder, from which 'albums' they can all choose! How worsebad is it? How much is society already factually divided into dumb, no hope and injustice on one hand, knowledge, power and privileges on the other? let me say this: treated incorrectly is already bad but to be kept small and forgotten..

      Every chairman should put in the rules: let's keep it nice. We do not allow ourselves to be used for anything else. And in their credo: stick your nose to yourself; also outside of here. Goes for everybody. People are easily stoked. 'What you know is a lie and what you do you fix for somebody else' for whole different reasons, is what happens a lot actually.
      The leaders of our world should do something against all those who break ties between groups, in between people, in man himself and weakens the country.

      One would almost agree with Thatcher: "there is no society.."

      More and more open eyes see the true picture of social reality; united self-interest and its general conquest/fear psychology and the important place of sects, networks, established structures and strongholds as protective belts ánd for all necessary possible knead and messing about with man and truth. Welcome to: 'decided long ago & in the pocket'. It's not strange that in this picture at least one of the psycho-control hubs (sect), the Jehovas, issues it's magazine somewhere with the title 'the truth'. It can not be more ironic. Let it above all be clear that preferably nothing should be clear.

      If you remove someone's language, you will deprive someone of all the tools. Prohibition on having a dissenting voice and criticism is therefore nothing more than the beginning of reducing resistance and the 'killing' of free man.

      Col. Rocksushi.
      for man and mouse.

      it's war. It's a new year

      Enjoy 1919 feel happy be healthy stay safe.


      Good underbelly: In the garbage I found an electronic McCartney model bass guitar for kids fun! I'll try to repair it!
      I wrote down some lines of text I called Nadia. Maybe it could serve as a small poetic metaphor for the all-seeing eye and the doom machine that constantly produces and predicts misery. Maybe I put it on a page.
      Did you know architecture can be easily painted in tones of just dark and light? I made a sensual 'almond' eye with city lights like above. The emotion of fear is strongly related to the almond shaped Amygdala in our brain a complex wonder in a nut shell itself!

      東京 Tokyo is a crowded busy city. With rush hours of a hundred thousend people and that's only one subway line!
      I drew 100 000 dots on my hand.   How much is a few?

      This morning, from my window, I saw a girl with her dog, one just like in the drawing on top of the page! cool! I sure missed out on a great photo here. Unbelievable.
      I hope Tris shows up again soon, that he doesn't listen to silent 'fairies'. Please do realize: time waits for no-one.
      Notice: Please be aware I always suppose -throughout the website- real (extern) trouble regardless whether my dear reader suffers real or non-extern 'trouble'. It's true however that there are plenty reasons for this happening at least much more as some would like others to believe.
      The above 'fairies' example could -as one consequence- result in 'neuro-gestapo' bastards learning you to talk out loud to yourself and collect private information as you -only think- that you are answering your own questions. In fact you hear them. Subsequently people, by then victims are, depending on what kind of information they've got, possibly thrown in a sucking twilight-zone of emotional blackmail to bring them to their knees. Voilà. Much more about this (within reasonable borders) later on Mindyou website. Blackmail, extortion, pressurize and threat which are important and useful 'tools' in the scare tactics to manipulate people.
      For a few it's possible to be thrown between handlers, frustrators and -sneaky- manipulators; the psychological kill and break, manipulation and undermining resulting in 'the kidnap', frustration and distraction of: thinking, development and life, continuously and maybe even *life long. (or give its preciousnesses -literally- away) It's totally bizarre. The question of blame and scandal is infinite.
      I should say neuro-terrorists because they can even make professional boxers and generals whine about their authority. They work on breakdown and calculate on forehand dilemma of choice, know who you are, again-and-again run the cards of complexes till your confidence melts like a chocolate bar and exhaustively attack your self-image and that of your real-ity day in day out.

      The Foundation of Ethics and good Food,
      Government, and Science in Wheeliestan

      I ordered the book 'Quisling's Hidden Philosophy' by Else Barth. Quisling whose name remind me of the word inquisition was a, colorful spiritual philosopher, convicted nazi collaborator ánd political leader of Norway. Quisling themes as the subordinate individual, evilness of compassion, leadership, opposition (there cannot only be a giving hand to make reality ,there is always relational coherence anyway), reason, belief, war, unity, power and goal suits a typical authoritarian group ideology. The nazis were a cult of labour. Philosophy can read as a bad trip. A little book about: relations, action and reactions can bring you the basics of our existence. Form and number are essential to living from the principle of change. Vital conditions of being, change and becoming, can be put into a semantic probability model of logical steps and dependencies along most common terms as: environment, behavior and skills, or in more fundamental steps that can be written from only a few formative preconditions and (dimensional) possible basic states.
      J.Brouwer made a nice self-explanatory proces flow model ,a simple time cascade, ) based on a tract by T. de Jong (TU architect) about origin logic and existential conditions.
      Where this model starts of with prime terms: 'difference, change, relation, isolation'. I use my own line because it just works a little better for me that is. It looks like this:


      Seems the 'same is continuously different..' These things are handy for stepwise checking, pinpointing and inform during communication and much more, it's a logical directional exploration.

      ..An agreement, it exists [or not], does and causes somthing new and useful. A good agreement isn't a vague distance, it's a construct that builds; it should stand.

      Else de Jong has written some good articles about her (Barth's) work. Looking forward to find parallels. I wonder what arguments and proofs Else Barth has provided to make the idealistic 'quality/quantity' logic, with its confusable terms misinterpreted by many, a wrong one though ever since the ground rules of that same teaching with its 'one dimensional' logic, a forced moralistic doctrine in my opinion, have been used to make fervent, predictable followers, referring the critical individual to the side. (the idealistic philosophy ánd medicine both arose in early nineteenth-century Germany) Anyhow, a book that mentions no-deficiency next to idealistic logic is a must read.
      Some live their own lives, some knowingly surrender and hand-in tóó much. In the end we're talking suppressive psychology again. Therefore it's very interesting to see how these ground rules have evolved in a predominantly serious way within that domain.
      When a moralistic doctrine is kicked and repeated into peoples' daily lives with an overload of propaganda, emotion, and symbolism you are soon talking a cult.

      Exclusive power means one sided dominance. within their war-propaganda they (nazi's) have the human/product moral-philosophy put next to Darwin so reasoning from any side, you'd get the appearance of it all being right. if not from a national safety than from a 'natural order' point of view. Basically you'd always end up having a 'growth and hold-up' declaration of war in your pocket. And harshness is required for determination, commitment to goals within an atmosphere of chaos and (emotional) clear-felling.

      Much is still unspoken about the war and about the true identity of the Jewish (Ew) question. In this context, it is not so much where stubbornness can end - we know this, but where, according to some, it begins meaning deviation from 'a moral norm'.
      The fun thing is, in a piece I'm writing, 'man' will have a less prominent place and be more thoughtful and respectful in relation to all of nature, the caring individual however will be more central. In this little epistle national politics represent the people, a depression or shortage can mean something very healthy, there's no exhausting unhealthy advertising and the plunder through mass production madness is replaced by clock and craftsmen in an attempt to de-stress, unlock and play fair with our world. In Wheeliestan technology is very important but people very acquiescently therefore always questioning if a solution even under the highest restrictions allow for implementation.

      There is negligible corruption and crime because there is no need for that. Everything is done to realize this on évery level because the philosophy simply states that 'this is the only way to truly honor and praise the anonymous worker'. In wheeliestan (about my social manifest) a referendum is very important within the segments of politics. As one of the only true instruments that give people the basic democratic opportunity to have a voice in a political issue. So start counting how many referenda you've had to find out how democratic your country is!

      It's Jan 2 2019. I permit my self a few words on the text above and its topic in general.
      Our ariba! ariba! twisted economy makes many people disappointed. How was that in '40 when a horrible BigBrother threw people out of a throat and drove them under his eyes through his maul -above which stood: Arbeit macht frei- into an extermination camp in order to eventually let them go up as smoke through the ears? (phonetic) I think maybe there was a huge psychological component to it all, long before Grinder, the 'behavior layout' was done; they just couldn't put control in a pill yet or dope you high and low by the widespread raiding media. The journalistic truth has become dangerous, true freedom of speech is a scam in every country, everywhere is sur and sous-veillance, there's noticeable anti-jewish sentiment and attempts to clear memory to the war. It's even worse, there are question marks, doubts, some even say 'lies'! With language, the truth gets juggled and puzzled especially in a sectarian environment and the nazi's, a highly psychologized society with leadership and strict 'compliance' (like insects) were a social sect.   Here you always find strong repetition of formalisation and rule: all off-course because of effective mechanization. Must we maybe interpret this 'lies' as being metaphoric and do they mean 'nó lethal injections'? An attempt to totalistic control withoút rude body & mind research? No atrocious atrophy of human dignity? Or is the truth about WW2 even more malicious and important maybe even much more vile?   One thing is sure, you can name quite a few countries that have been drawing characters inside history books in which the story goes like the dictator wishes for. Long before, but especially after the industrial revolution, for some, the world became much smaller, she became comprehensible you could get anywhere and fast. The happy few wanted to lead 'several lives at once', "they want it all and they want it now", as Queen sang it. The world fits in your Casio.

      The strict moralistic doctrine and a cult, it's the same. It is a rule of war, of break and build that traps people in a state of true emotional dependence and a Real-Low point of self autonomy and initiative. 'Toxic mind', 'bad' thoughts and 'wrong nature' (which can make victims clueless about how and what to change in themselves) both fit the new cult recruit or their victim as it once did the picture that the Nazis made of the enemy. Many other (self) fears, shames & blames are being -in case of a cult- used by fake authorities. *After being dependent people are urged to break with family and friends.
      Just like a sects' repetitive chanting is building the 'self-propaganda' . In the end they can kill for their leader..

      *The upsetter who coughs compulsively , the self-centered man who compulsively tries to prove himself right for the sake of his cause willing to sacrifice, the annoyed neighbor 'on duty' who keeps a peeping eye , or truly dangerous brainwashed militants..you don't necessarily need a cult (or the likes) for all this ..but it will sure help. 'Knights', scared hares and stunt chickens, they're all 'needed' in our society of demand and supply. To corrupt peoples selfrespect and expectations destroyed for life , the id's accepting it and mutual habituation occurs, and those who do so can grow as big as a country.
      I know people whose personal dramas were simply played against them. The true pillarisation is the social denominational segregation of a society. That is the psychological Zersetzung. Everywhere it is full of overlapping domes groups movements as servants and followers of BBrothers fascistic control eye ready to put people up against each other and use them One and Áll. And it's not even that big a cash book register.

      .....It seems that most members, to become a true follower of a cult, first have to be 'conquered', as an enemy and some victims may have forgotten all about this. It is ironic that they become the new recruiters making a new generation of victims again..
      Chant in Chinese/ Japanese Kanji is 唱. It means mouth and days. (kuchi and hi)     (nb: bias in my language sounds like the slang word for prison; well, it is! kinda)
      The problems about all this are endlessly stretching, they include and concern important matters as: child abuse and hidden addictions. It's a loop.

      For a chapter on MindYou my little website about the relationship 2* psyche, computer science, astro physics, wave-technology, curved maths, jungle-frogs and scuba-diving: 'Weightless and without references'.
      J.M.A. Biesheuvel is one of my favorite writers.
      Where did it start for him, the depressions? Besides the unbearable, sickening amount of god-forsaken waste and injustice that fills an ocean. Other writers have too written enough naughty stuff to trigger these biased mental 'knights' (manipulative 'callable connectable' knobs, lone or group-bound) who on top of 'divine command', auto instruct their selves to asap reclaim the 'land that was taken by a critic or 'rebellious' minority and will follow -alien- orders to "help set something straight in practice" basically meaning to chase someone ' via 'the rabbit hole' to a lunacy asylum.

      Two quotes from Maarten Biesheuvel:
      - "Voor de Maan zijn we allemaal gelijk: bloemkool, zee of mens, daar stoort hij zich niet aan, hij trekt aan alles tegelijk."
      - "En weet u wel wat angst is? Dat vult de ruimte van het heelal van mijn gedachten tot in de uiterste hoeken!" Uit: 'Maan' en 'Onrust'.

      Completely underestimated and underexposed is hyperventilation. People can be frightened of the fact that for the first time they experience anxiety that is evoked from within. You get aware and over-conscious of the worrying sensations over-taking you. Making you more afraid again; it's a loop. That fear can spread to basically everything and control yóu and your life. People can get stuck in that hell. Completely unnecessary.
      Often social phobia will develop. Also unnecessary. You gotta know that people -especially when you are in need- like to help you out. Lower your level, feel human and show resilience to bite through that scary feel and live. Start (s)lower, end higher. I will talk about it later on another website, simply because hyperventilation is very interesting from a broad psychological point of view. Avoidance and association-panic included. Hyperventilation, social phobia makes you afraid to be alone, for the street, for people and you don't want to quickly rush to the store over a balance beam and back. They feel scared to go outside where others are looking, fear the possible reactions from people and the prospect of tiring compulsive overthinking of everything negative that happened underway.. which can drive you nuts.
      The moment you say: change , healthplan , confidence and step out the (mind) behavior, you'll maybe find that you and your mind can be a little silly and demanding.

      By the way, over-alertness stimulates fright like with hard sound. Unusual sounds that can scare you are you're own fingers scratching things like your pillow, feets or hands randomly touching something, your growling stomach. Sounds may sound loud and normal things ,thanx to your extra attention, look different or weird. So given the condition, all of this is quite 'normal' again. Zoinks! is-it-a-ghost..?
      Fright makes you first hold your breath, the startle reflex. So a (breathing) disruptional feel can be triggered with an imput of a fright signal, like a hard sound, on (low point) of breathing.

      * to strengthen the bond and play comfort, bad groups may practice Deliberate over-breathing. This can cause hyperventilation. Hyperventilation means a lower CO2 level in your blood which in return leads to body effects that may result in a panic attack. People think they'll pass out, drop dead etcetera. Happens to quite a few people. Anxiety makes fast breathing and focus worsen things ya know. I know someone who overcomes this by : telling yourself that things are OKAY, relax and breath slowly with attention and drinking soda pop (CO2) to create some normal flow.
      Automatically and regularly over the day you : bend over, feel a pulse to take a deep breath or you must simply yawn (breath reflex). Use it to consciously breathe deep. Also know that your auton. nervous system regulates all.
      Gull method. Important: be relaxed in your chest and stomach and exhaled. Bend your head from chest to neck, take a calm but deep breath, smile, elbows outward and draw in the last bit of air. .shoulders up a bit. Hold for a moment when you feel the breathing air rolling down and exhale calmly.
      This often makes you yawn again! Don't overbreath but you sure can practice and find out what works. In no-time it can lose its obsessive character.

      You can see the result of the national Socialistic ideology on many movies. What I wanted to say about it I keep for elsewhere. Yet this :
      The ideology that hurted many lives was no economic philosophical masterpiece, but a cult full of *unity thinking, 'sentimental' imagery and sectarian, distracting, pseudo-ideology with an under and overhead conduction of emotions (like praise and doom) that kept people on track, complete with enemy picture and massive propaganda fooling many 'believers' and supporters for their wrong plans while not tolerating ány criticism. The movement itself has become the machine, people the product. As we say here: a string around it and you've got a *bread bag.
      It is an increasing scale. The individual is part of the total firm. Until he has become the firm itself and can only derive his value from this.
      Ideology is one of those nice words that replaces reason so Powerdad can fulfill its crazy growth dreams, that's also an ideology.
      It's just the arithmetic operators. To be able to apply the same trick: fór those who command, by those who simply obey and are nothing but a long lace in a riding boot to keep things going. A high boot, letting the owner stay out of the dirt.
        (to be continued)
      I've put a song on page by Girl+ the Machine. The band broke up. Suppose they got back together would they name the band Girl++ the Machine?
      It's a sleepers world and it ain't nice; the awake threaten with threats and it is full of tricks. Darwins evolution would be about humans only now from this point.
      It's an easy Sunday. Today autumn started and drops fall outside. Im not going to the shop; tonight a family dinner.

        W /\/\/\/\/\ L K

      Soft colors light up the life stream in an eye where between King Peppermint colored clouds the Earth forever lies. I got a beautiful Globe for my birthday! With nice colors and it has a lamp so it can shine in the dark
      I always had a globe as a kit, or a worldmap on the wall. Globus is the name for the unpleasant sensation of a lump in the throat which may be due to GERD aka heartburn. Which is infact about your stomach making NOT ENOUGH acid. Change unhealthy patterns and habits. Relax more. Go see a doc when the complaints last. You can also break only tiny bit of Rennie® or gastric acid tablet. Folks let me say you again, health is happiness. Work your suplesse and condition. Watch your food habits and slow down, literally learn to relax. Rest(in head) and sleep are very important. You can do simple breath and relax practice for a couple of minutes.
      Who's spoiled child clayed a bomb attack and made it the 'new Rijksmuseum'? It's awfull! Everybody can throw with paint but not evrybody will call it a design!
      In the Rijksmuseum I took a photo of an old dress but not because of the dress but because of the caption that read "chintz blouse" which reminded me of a J.M.A Biesheuvel story ánd also to his legendaric intro of 'Onrust', almost a poem by itself! Biesheuvel
      Next week from Remco Campert a poem Lamento! I used the feel of summer slowness, love and the elusiveness of a memory as a lament indeed for a little text myself. But here is the beaytiful poem Lamento itself. Campert

      Ando, Calatrava, Neutra, OMA (Hadid), are all architects. I like architecture and will be making a list of interesting aspects.
      The timeline of the architecture of the early twentieth century shows not only similarities with cultural renewing and art. Before World War 1 there wás no people politics, there were only or mainly the Royal Houses. Maybe it would be nice to learn what kind of Chrismas gifts were given away to Europe and Western-Asia cause it's remarkable too see from lets say 1922 the rise of regimes of dictatorships and fascism everywhere from Italy (Mussolini) to Russia. That is interesting! How come they looked so much like each other is what the political layman would like to know!
      Architecture always had its creative ways to shows whats going on. This is a pretty recent architecture piece located in madrid: Mirador. Can you see yourself standing on that floor? Thumbs up for you and while you're at it award yourself The Bronze Cross for your bravery. You can easily cut one out of these silver/gold cups of beef salad from the Ah shop. Cut 4 times, each corner following the angels to the center. Jeez.. that a giant awesome friggin cross! Remarkable right? The court in my town also has a gap, in what looks like a usb stick kinda stuck on top of the building. Thaz architecture! CreatiVe!
      On the world history map of Geographical social-politics and war, everybody but especially one could say in the black, red, yellow the people were left like red, pale white and blue. The war is also between the members of the family of language.
      At the end of the Cold War there was a saying going round "..left 'they' made fat, right 'they' made drunk." If that's so, 'they' maybe pretty much stayed invisible while learning 'ze foreighn languages' because that makes you look so cultural friendly and tres symphatique. And I guess it often is that way.

      Stad straat huis. 's Avonds met Capt. Mainwaring aan tafel in aangenaam lamplicht, kalme sigarenrook. Af en toe kort gelach. Sprekend over wat komt en was.
      About 30 percent of people live in flats. An average (american) person spends 7% of his life outdoors. This means that many people, about one-third of the people in Europe and the US, live the most of their lives with their legs in the air. Not touching on ground. You don't dream that as a kid. It's quite surprising thinking about it. Many cities have become an urban nightmare with draconian (high-rise) city development. The US is doing better when it comes to single-family homes than my country but most home owners you can find in Eastern Europe where common values did not go up in the daily effervescent tablet.
      My (flat, NL) country is very crowded.
      In Brazil 1% of the population controls almost half the land. The colonial system of 'enfiteuse', -back then all the lands were property of King Crown and their court friends- lets people still pay (sale) tax to this bunch of an imbecile big amount of land and property owning nobles and their descendants because it grants land rights forever.. If you'd try to pull off a stunt like that in China, you'd be locked up in a concrete trap down at the bottom of the Yang-Tze river for fifty years. In China you can not own land.

      Gonna eat sprouts tomorrow with old Dutch crumby potatoes- 芽キャベツ!
      I found an enormous clock in a waste bin. As big as a station clock and it looks completely new! Right after I'd put the drawing of Sushi (bigeye fish) on my webpage I found a cuddly doll on the street with the same big eyes. One on one artefact example of privacy and mind questioning scribbles. I tend to keep these kind a things. More on this on other website.
      Wrote some lines about the tight adjustment in hindering and colouring concerning both people and information showing other views and critic, as I reminded myself to inform you to: 'please let me know -in advance- when you want to send me personal information'.

      This winter I gonna steal or buy ice hockey skates.
      I am looking for people who are familiar with drawings and Flash. Pls write!    (Yo Tris!)
      'Science for Environment Policy' is a free news and information service published by Directorate-General Environment, European Commission with themes like: environmental-health, biotechnology and noise. It is designed to help the busy engaged policymaker keep up-to-date.
      A Happy polaroid. My favorite society doesn't lead people to super-stress but brings quality and a certain ease of living, politeness, technology and traditional craftsmanship .
      On the big photo (after play below) you see Haarlemse vaart on the left, right the old workplaces where the recorded DWDD tv-show.
      ! ƎꓭUTUOY

      Close to my apartment, grows a little round flower it reminds me of english sweets here: myelin nerves (or myeline)  and in the distance you see the gray sandy library, the university near the park and skyscrapers. Soon the introduction weekend starts. Indoctrination and x-rate days. Nearby a citypond with reed and feathers..
      Remarkable: the Nerve meyeline sounds like the name of someone I knew and her other name goes to (ear) hair cells and the church on the red square in Moscow. She was my girlfriend from France. Comme ici, Où était la police, security, Où était 'La Defence..' pour ferme les portes malicieux? La Defence where we sat and talked. On a later occasion I would accidentally drop my camera into that shitty fountain.
      Damned association bullshit on orders around me has always tried to disrupt my relationships and I bet, keeping wounds open, create misunderstanding, making things harder. Although my family is dealing with the worst version of the oppression manual and growing interests but.. snot 'snot gonna work.. :)
      I think for a moment of a girlfriend: short blond, ear buds, denim jacket, cigarettes -no names. I'm sure she is doing well and hope this goes for all my friends.

      My families life is filled -I discovered it was a storm flood- with the (confessions, irony and psychological functional) signs of the psychological Zersetzung -vocabulary- around us, thus for example also there was 'play' with associations or the literal names of (arranged) close relationships and friends like 'walking n marching', 'annoy' and 'somebody's pet' and rest assure things go way further than this.
      Telling the story about my family is nothing else but the complete explanatory dictionary of suppression.

      Calimero subordination and feeling alone.   I've put a great song by Frank Boeijen , one of the 'fine men' of Dutch Music on my page. Perhaps I recognize what he says. There should be a law against glazy looking people that 'don't know what you mean..'   Talk and buzz from nonos like that, undermines you and your work because you start to alter things when you believe to feel doing wrong or being irrelevant. Don't ever let it restrain you, use your talent. Bowie is absolutely right saying it is most important and the hardest to NOT LET your initial ideas get f*cked up and always be your own decisive critic when it comes to your own work.
      Externally evoked self-censorship, besides getting your material used/stolen in many ways, is not the only thing to be afraid of. People can even be made afraid to look to others for examples (copycat blaming) and thus stopped from learning. These shadow watchguards and thieves are never too sick to deny creative people their own hardworked copyright.
      For there is an increasing amount of meerkats working for wrong bosses ready to block the seed of inspiring appealing works and substantiated criticism.

      They'd even call universal truths copyright infringement of others work. Filth again claiming the truth, again trying to prevent people to come out with good work, on someones bb fuckin orders. 1000s cases in taunting frustration of a target/individual that must be going on as-we-speak.

      Cunning hungry bigbrother with his filthy rampant representatives and vassals in a very very sick way and out to hurt a specific individual can try to 'contribute' into someone's work -factually do so-, which can make *this person who knows whats going on around (* in reality here simply a target) lose the idea of purity of work, slideaway his true copy rights, ownership and honour for a (art) work. -They like to doubt the authenticity of peoples own hard work (/ then confess your crapp practices, losers).- He then can be made nervous, stopped boasting, talk about or maybe even stop his work(s) and potentially all of his work smudged, claimed by other(s) or doubted. He is empty and alone practically left for dead. Victims can be silenced like as with sex chantage cases. ..Always keep believing, always stay working especially when your troubled by these idiots, man and king -makers; apparently you do somthing good.
      Let it be clear when it comes down to filthy ways of influencing involuntarily putting someone elses 'hand and voice' into a persons' or artists' life and works, something that can possible rob someone from pride, ownerhip and authenticity of their own life and works that,regardlesss the reasons and 'justifications' the bastards and their clients use, that they bare full responsibility for all damage done and must be put to trial.

      I would like to summarize the foregoing, put it a lil more functional.. like:
      - typisch sectarisch totaal geklootzak van de eerste orde!
      - om heel sardonisch en ironisch een vinger/hand in het werk van anderen te krijgen en daar iemand drie tellen voor z'n 'afsluiting' mee te verbijsture en te verp-letteren. Er is n reële intentie om kapot te maken.
      - see 'language prediction' in little brainwave to language text elsewhere on this page. Very short on how do they know what I want to write. Further more: 'whenevr you're bothered by covert anonomous voice(s) that read along and try forecast your language ,tell yourself that it's actually quit easy for anybody to do so especially for those 'place stalking skindeep-crawlers', and that.. even though there's a right guess for a word or sentence core, they'll never can make the same writing as you. It's called 'empathic accuracy' used in AI too but then in professional linguistic rules unlike in this fake mindreading bad 'hobbywork.. ' keep cool.
      - a victims' manipulation may involve influence that cues him. Like a rail-switch that sows dreadful doubts about authenticity of your work. A bomb strikes: is it maybe 'dirty'? How to know what is own in the past and to come? Words are easily subconsciously or carelessly adopted because of their obviousness and the readyness of the offered information being in line with one's own gesture or idea.
      - What has been said or prompted (bussed) keeps comming back to mind hangs around in memory. That's frustrating 'cause it suppresses own natural (origin) of word(s) and thought
      - your life can be tapped, you and worktools hacked, situation spied , monitored , surveilled, key logged, eavesdropped.. A victim may leave things out (READ forget) afraid to reveal, might quit work, stop writing even the simplest conjunction fearing the source isn't himself, that it may be used against his reputation and named a copycat of 'preachers' that sell the rumours of that kind to their group and anybody else.. or start talking to get ahead of the handlers and give things away he had better kept to himself. Can you believe it.. Terrorists, that claim yoúr work..!

      - I ain't even talkin money, or about raising controversy round a person keeps this person/target negative in an inner-circle/public eye, the corrupted selection and choises towards him plausible, bad extra-judicial treatment and actions ongoing. There is no mistake..there is no objection, nobody shows responsebility. To help out or inform a family or an individual drownin' in groupTalk frustration; beit governmental or cult. (BB owns all), and ofcourse whatelse, with the intrusion of the personal space of people (victim-targets) there is the stealing of work and the releasement hereof to these controled channels, -of ultimately BigBrother Co.- , may that be a single person or a firm.
      I'm afraid for this too. For my work and material; when I speak, when I write my files at home. I don't even dare to play strings fully cause what might happen to the tunes of demonized lil devil Rocksushi? They can peek and eavesdrop on me, play games, steal words... commit character kill. As I speak to myself I let my intentions know, can't do a thing about this but it can be used against me in advance. People can use and react with what they got on beforehand. Prior knowledge. And it may take days before I put on RS what I made at home. The one thing they'll never lead the way with though is honousty. They can never beat my honousty.
      Before my temporarily place I lived next to a small half-open courtyard named the Spaanse hof. One could translate this as 'Spanish Court' (inquisition). That was no coincidence! That is part of the intimidation games, of the psychological war in which my family have been pushed since day one. Since Í was 1 day old ánd before. It's infact very sad: they're trying to mess up our lives, kaltstellung, so we silently make a cluttering mess of everything and now I get to hear rocksushi1, rocksushi2.. It's very sad ánd mean.

      In such a monitored and controled life situation, one can even no longer be sure of being the owner of the choices made in ones own life. A wreckening experience and awareness.
      I speak straight from the heart when I say I had to fight to keep on doing what I was doing with all bullshit around me, even before I had a single word on paper, and still.. For my friends and fam there's much more work to be done and to find out, I only just started it.
       - why is it? Why are some people such snitching jackals. Do leave your fellow citizens alone. I repeat: they bear full responsibility for all damage done and will be put to trial.
      - People, even aware of the influence exerted on them by covert manipulators around them can develop bad tendencies, ideas and choose to walk towards undesired behavior (crime, stupid, sex) possibly provoked by the invisible criminal 'guidance', to change their situation or maybe to see what happens. Well, what's bad ain't a friend.
      Like thinking you're worth nothing, are bad, wrong, ugly, stupid, dirty or bad luck and choose to accept it as a fact. Shoulders up son! Cuz the devil only wants to screw you over.
      nb: If people wouldn't join secret societies it would keep policies more straight and make life less corrupt.
      Just like the various groups under Bigbrother use language and psychology to manipulate 'targets', Bigbrother uses the (network) knowledge and every trick in the media to marginalize opponents and their work as well as to inform -growing amounts of- (superstitious) insiders as well as the broader public, through language and symbolism, psychology and lies, both subtle as cryptic.
      An ultra ideology says all individual expressions of art or any other kind of personal intellectual property are infact made by all and therefore owned by all. An example of this kind of nazi unity philosophy comes back in many sf/ufo civilization cultbooks about new or extra-terrestrial societies.

      Plain, sick, sweet or tough but good folks at home, upon the fields or round the tables: watch, to which the 'reins' lead.
      Bad, s(l)ick leaders and elites use all, have everyone informed and play along, have their groupvirus post their pests and nitwit cells around targets. If they can't stop-change their victims these individuals will be stressed out and maybe eventually declared labile and disorder in one of their currupted inner-circle bubbles along the way, ruining people. Please get the dirty fingerprints of (royal) elites and their friends these delaying pompous arrogant conceited twats, out of science, for godsakes let us find pace and peace and get their stains off of science, out of art, from weapons, out of party trinkets and industrial 'design', from the surface of our Earth to kingdom boredom and hurry up so we no longer have to be confronted with that weenery.
      -  A question is: how many (on Group 'orders', guided, organised) reli-crazy moral knights, singletons or grouped, are infact sent out but acting as 'own' judges dealing in very bad ways with people as 'their targets', and how many of those morally twisted/corrupted or delusional people are in a direct way 'higher social notables' having the means to substantially, effectively strike organise and cause harm in more 'unsuspected official ways' towards given clients and target individuals?  -
      Especially into my direction ,more fuel for the bullshit 'round me and family. ( especially ever since: het Grotere doel heiligt de middelen.. - lingo)
      For many (religious) groups, cults filled with emergency-boxes talk and listen poles applies: you got to believe something. Along the main feeding lines they are conditioned and prepared; when the followers are together, surrounded by their own walls and the rest of the community still protected.
      But what happens when they get into their other social roles? Because people have neighbors, are somewhere in a job or higher position, they have friends the little kids have classmates. Groups of young children (11 15 yrs) can be sent out and be a plague to a man or woman who, indeed, after years of harassment have taken on the form of the lonely old dirty evil man and dito witch.
      Insulting and offensive children's choirs and behavior, noise, cursing toddlers, trouble to and damage to the house (basement, windows, doors) and vandalism can be the kid-part within a smaller or much bigger induced defamation, libel and frustration campaign that can turn people's lives into a bitter-sour hell.
       -How many victims are there, whose continuing living hell is an in-blown external component? Some people make a color mistake too.. it's not the colour of people, it's the black of the ideology.
       -It's an environmental overload: too much social misery, too many tissues. Away with it. Life is too short.

      Meanwhile hell-gamer Bigbrother blames the victim but steals himself by means of the big vast amounts of peeking informing stealing everyday people of his EO ('ecumenical broadcasting' or his networks and the whole of all the reli psych sect connexxions he can deploy and anybody else ). On the new website more -personal- about this. (that was my drawing..! How come my idea..!). Let me tell you too that I believe that the entry fee for things like investments and model or patent protection are too high for the poorest of people. These things.. Poverty is again shiffering next to the lucky dip.
      Surely with shadow watchguards I mean the people I talk of on this page: people from any organized and 'collected' bunch a crumb willing to help ruin the life of people on orders -from top- of some state but mostly elit-arian bobo. Saying this despite okay people with good intentions but being naive. When you're less happy you're stalked, your work or stuff stolen for the bosses to pop-up elsewhere, relations lied upon and gossiped and as I said authenticity and ownnership of your own work repudiated and shaded preferably towards people a victim knows and the (own) community. Mean and bad people. Filth in a virus. Bored housewifes and P.M. mads. Ranging from gossip to terrorism. Painting a lot of false colors. Painting it sad.

      nb: you can also buy our white staples and magnetic!

      Bad reminders come in many forms like the tokens of silent -ongoing- threaths that situations or ,very sadly, even places like work floor and schoolyard can mean to people. In this respect POW's (see also right activists) and many others can be played continuously and live between promesse and fear and I'm looking forward to learn more from Dr. Robert Lifton about all this. By the way his wife, Betty Jean Kirschner, made it possible that adopted children were given the right to learn about their biological parent. And I think this (and not even so long ago) was and is a great human achievement.He himself has contributed with a tremendous important set of rules, to the understanding of [coercive] thought reform.

      and loading... Unnoticeable isolation, alienation and dirty mind games can start and play part in cold war processes of *obedience and control. Life can get psychoLogical spooky and still be, the next day you wake up. It's striking to see people's vulnerability and it *covers a wide territory. For instance: On a sophisticated psychological stamp path, people (subjects) are made into a 'user kit' with imagos, deep-rooted compliance and subordination to possibly become 'your wish is my command'. When you feel you've sunken low and think 'true' collors show, when you feel worthless you might become a give-away for attention. Remember only you can make yourself feel stupid. You're okay.
      Even the most nervous wreck, always feeling dump or not smart enough, imagining the wrong things and "never know where to start" can improve by taking him/herself more humane and learn to have patience and the will to think first and thén do..

      Im a
      I wrote a small piece : Goldfish. It has significant meaning to the above text. No to all on this page and will be on the new site.
      For most people a newspaper means to read important news, but for some to wrap in the fish.
      The poem is about associations; the trick is to avoid those crazy little things that sneaky slip into your thinking and doing,
      that undermine and oppose your drive and what you want: in going forward!

      While I was searching for neural effects on the long-run like cortisol rushes and hypertension I found the 'Subdivision' lyrics from Rush.
      I like them and put the text on a page   here.
        An increasing amount of cases in the US saw people with severe critic on cult practices being protected from liability for defamation under the First Amendment. That should make it encouraging for victims and other people to proceed and tell their stories.

      To what extent, where, at what levels and in which -kind of- parties do little watch brothers manifest themselves and with what kind of eyes are they looking?
      Questions such as: under which flag does an 'overtaken' girdle of wreckage fragments sail ultimately? The total of corrupt protectorate which divides and splinters people, like sharp bits of sand ..crumbs.
      Time to crush the mechanism of that belt of asteroids, of fragments, so that many people get a chance of fair-life again.
      With a new small website I hope to contribute a little bit to the insight and understanding of the total of psychological suppression and control regardless of what 'the opposition ' looks like, that can make someone a victim on one hand, and on the other hand the system that tricks with the use of deep psychology, its networks and (remote) technology.
      In this light, I worry about wrong authorizations, tremendous tress-passing of privacy and filthy methods of covert harassment. I'm damn concerned about the humiliation and abuse of people and violation of human rights. Because help and safety is not there.

      It's into January right now. There is snow outside in the streets.
      It's almost weekend and Im looking forward to the weekend with music, fun and good food from my local market, so, let me say this for now: there is free will, but no free choice.
      Dare to live.
      And to say you feel allright!


      PS: my list of favorite songs n bands is far from complete.

      Off course you have -and important- good networking and order. In an ordered system one sees change better. The railroad system is functional and punctual: one can count on it and that's fine! Progression starts with order, cleanness and a ventilator. Order and progression ('ordem e progresso') that's in the Brasillian flag too Passability and workability you know.
      I really have to leave this page for a while. I'll be sitting on board the Japanese Sunrise Izumo nighttrain soon for 7 hours trip!

      Lenin, the Sovjet leader and hero kept in lanternlight between the 'poles' of his heavenly gondola, a chariot inside an acropolis looking like a monumental rolo tank, once said 'religion is dope'. The fundamental, repetition, outline they all join together. I think it's all, i think it's: image out of light, watchman of the greater movement; I think it's the flag, look carefully.. "Licht wird aus licht und will nicht enden".
      In 2024 Number One's sparkle will be alive for 100 years. Ever Onwards!

      «..Разве вы не слышали о сумасшедшем, который среди утра зажег фонарь, ходил
      по рынку и кричал беспрестанно: Я ищу Бога! Я ищу Бога!»
      (Ф. Ницше, Nietsche)
      Мачек, смеясь, произнес тост и крикнул:
      «Бог - ты сам. вся жизнь живет вместе(Также для человека по имени «кто-то»,
      у которого никого нет). твое поведение исходит из окружающей среды.
      мертвые продолжают жить только благодаря другим.»
      Правда ли, что предпосылки для жизни – это те, от которых мы умираем?
      мы все стоим под прямым углом к нашей жизни. (rs)
      почти все — ваше собственное тепло». (три мудрых козла)

      PSU: What could be more pleasant at night onboard the night train, than reading a book , near a little lamp light from your own bed, while the dark landscape rolls away? I would like to freely quote Prof. Pieter Vroon :
      Man wants to act in such a way that he seems to be the cause of himself. By living like a robot and creating an extra-human Guru.
      Suitable for that process are the language (a means to make us all wise with foolishness), good manners (which according to many, come from outside), the Gods (who live in unattainable places), to hang around in unnamed groups (as morphine for personal conflict and responsibility) and embracing a state of salvation (back to the mother's womb).
      But it doesn't bring you anywhere because the confrontation of the master and
      the servant within us can not be avoided.
      Man wants to be out of the order of things and leaves the core of his life unlived.

      Under the above part I think there should be the piece of text about Trampoline. Because many people prefer a large share of responsibility for one's own actions and a high degree of directing one's own life. They do not wish to be overpowered and mastered over by the influence of others. Isn't it the damn fear that is the source of self-reproach that constantly scourges self-respect and leaves the core of your life unlived?

      (Youth to professor dread)
      Youth- how to hang on and be-live in a dream?
      Prof- the builders play with reality to have ways of obedience.
      Youth- but a man who is a slave has no life!
      Prof- yes, and without dying.. one must be dead.

      From a 2009 Kenia article : "There are many tragedies here, and I choose an idiosyncratic one: human rights defenders have been assassinated in the past few months, allegedly by government forces. As a result, every single suspicious death of a human rights activist is clouded, and the tag cloud is dominated by government-funded figures. " [About the death of Bantu Mwaura]
        it's like you have two options in telling certain subjects:
      1) you are right they say you lie and label you mad.   or
      2) you are right they say you are right but your dead.
      It made me think of Extrajudicial Punishment which is punishment for an alleged crime or offense carried out without legal process or supervision from a court. Such actions, -including: forced disappearances, 'psychiatric treatments' and killings by non-officials-, are often a feature of politically repressive regimes but also democracies.
      I made an Africa 'drawing' with countries and capitals of Africa. Hope it works. Update 23-11: When you click on a country you see the corresponding names on the Africa map with all cities and countries.
      The photo on page shows the monument in honour of former president Daniel Arap Moi.

      Locks, boats, clocks and positioning. Is this about sea navigation? No. I'm going to make a mini macro economy environment with calculation rods. I am very curious about the human component in proportions and how religious viewpoints can relate to results such as moneytrap/sinkhole when my society (partnership) in a society -as in life- runs from co-operation to slavery.
      Within an influence model like BITE, the depth control of behavior and emotion (i.a.) may result to or go along with a related pillar of economic/financial control;
      'cause it *limitates -I mean limits- nearly all possibilities of action and movement. Then this happens: time gets relatively shorter. It's a dot. Ever noticed all the er's like in hard-er fast-er? It comes from MORE. yea you can make a city out of that.
      *Darn, I understand the orange sirup for the long walks with grandparents 'e-limonade..' Anyway, I foresee poorer & costlier for the same amount of time here and there (ad/hd) for locals -no growth but getting poorer. Too much pokon.
          Africa: 'Paradox of oil'. Resources and happiness, proportionally. I'm curious also for the economic part of my manifest where shortages are not always considered negative . Will the own- interests economy lose terrain to 'my' social-economy with its unevenly divided unhappiness?

      The top five ship owners in terms of cargo carrying capacity (dwt) are Greece (309 million dwt, aprox. 100 billion value), Japan, China, Germany and Singapore. Together, these five countries have a market share of 49.5 percent of dwt. Only one country from Latin America, Brazil, is among the top 35 ship owning countries; none are from Africa. (source Marine-executive)
      Isn't it strange to think that, despite its great degradability, less than 150 years ago not a drop of oil was spoiled in our fresh and clean and healthy seas, lakes and water canals ..not a drop!

      To the outskirts, city lights and borderlines
      from the regions of Trenchtown and ruffriderz to Ariola Nightingale..

      At night, whether we go out in the crowded city or when we are riding the car following the thick rough lines like in dark panty lace, I always like to write or draw a funny something and send it to friends. This time I have put sunglasses over the word Coca-Cola while I was writing a text I named 'Coca-Cola & Polaroid'. In it there's a girl named 'Taintenough from around Zona Sud that I'd met in town near a viaduct where my friends and I played and kicked around an old leaking leather football.
      She talked about 'smoking solution' and I thought she meant getting high by sniffing Solution but she referred to us playing with the ball..  
      It had been like ages since I smoked a damn Pall Mall. I coughed my lungs out.
      I want to paraphrase a simple 'soft' part here:
      'Embrace me
      I'll embrace you while I still can
      And I forgive you for all the things you never said
      Forgive me for all the questions I've never asked.'

      .. Sniffing glue goes fast, as fast as an injection. Especially on the long run dangerous, damaging heart, lungs and brain. Sniffing knows the sudden death syndrome. A very ironic way is scaring yourself to death -truly- from a visualization in your own very vivid hallucination because of a weak heart. Poppers, glue, ethanol are gas inhalants whereas cannabis and crack or tobacco are smoke. Never smoke while using inhalants. Choking (passing out) is always a big drug problem. People, kids who do bagging must not use plastic bags but paper cause plastic vacuums and chokes. Vamos. Esta Combinado..  Drugs, dope, tranquillizers, some medicines like benzodiazepine, sleeping pills (blackouts) suck cause they ruin memory. You are your memory. You need memory for thinking. You need memory to connect one thing to another to make a good plan for example.
      Marley said: "all I have is my life." When you're not in reality, your all set to neglect whats important and waste meaningful relations.

      I like small joined initiatives; working towards more independence, broadening your circle and finding people, market (the net) is hard work but a working plan is cool. Build good network together, No break each other. There's much more possible than you think and steps are always small. Sometimes it's like spending time to invisible progression but every first step, every small, good step matters and you can do a heck of a lot more than you think!
      Learn a good craft, learn technology and learn how to learn. It's never too late.
      For others and the next generation too.
      Everything has to happen in this life 'cause there is no other. And -by the way- nobody is publicly owned.
      Networks are very, very important. Working together (with own people). On this page I talk about abusing the organisational power of networks but you need them so start build your own!
      Without a heaven and happy eternal existence time and life become very much more important. Here is where you stand up for your rights. There's work to be done, in ever trusting spirit, because say if my family is prosecuted in the next generation again, the people I love, my heaven is of no use to them.
      When I'm rich I not gonna build a baseball field but invest or start up something (together!) - good, ethical and wise! - at the basis of production lines and known chains like agriculture, like a farm, to strive for more own place , independence and work for 'own' people. Slowly and steadily (= carefully) building networks and finding good people. Good Foreman.

      Minorities, esp. the ones that are set back should learn; all the way down to the individual and family-group to start connecting and networking, get organised and guard unity. They should raise their own political leaders, create social structure, start a political party(why not?) and big examples should be aware of their position and influence and above all their responsibility.

      The basic 'idea' of information is honesty and relevance. It ain't no surprise to see what circles of pseudo-science lack in defence. Spinoza did not like vague authorities for trust. He criticized BigBrothers arguments and theological self-evidence maybe knowing that having no or bad information can make yoú irrelevant. In terms of owning a business that could mean you're broke. Let alone being a philosopher trying to understand reality. Spinoza, cool! looks like Brian May!?
      Spinoza was one of the first who pleaded for freedom of speech and was a proponent of democracy and he was included in the Canon of the Netherlands in 2007. A letter from September 11, 1675 to Spinoza pointed out his rationalist errors and Christian disbelief. Spinoza's famous answer was that it is ridiculous, that according to Faith the people who are deceived by the devil are condemned to eternity, while the devil remains unpunished. He was also a mathematician.
      The above date almost made me think of prime numbers but that wouldn't be exact right? Prime (priem) in dutch is awl. By the way priem in Lithuanian and Latvian means 'action' which is remarkable.
      Spinoza thought of the whole of nature with nature laws and God as comparable. Sure! They are All and forever. We are alive and short but with an option. All is possible evrywhere and nowhere at the same time. Have you ever seen fire sparks whirling up into the evening sky as spirits with little lights from a float on the water?

       "ik heb.."
       Overal is niets en overal in dat niets is alles het kleinste en het grootste een
       werveling van in elkaar hakende middelpunt vliedende krachten.
       "al een vriend."

      I bought a colourfull watch. I needed it and it's very handy and practical.
      Asking a friend: say, what has happened to the Minervaplein in Delft?

      I thought we had won.
      The European Patent Office in Rijswijk (NL) has a new building. I'll definitely visit this important knowledge center and library later this year!
      It is unbelievable seeing the many key control and leading positions hold by the innovative Germans in the many branches of different international industries present in every important aspect of our lives. Like: the -high- tech and chemical industry, Media (tv) worldPress and news agencies, natural resources, steel and machines, Big Pharma, the Central bank (It's not about the bank, it's about who counts the money to go frank und furt.), telecommunication, cars, the biggest online shops and printing companies with SIM-cards and our European money, the army(see Gé Berkhof) and the headoffice of the European Patent Organization. Lets say: anything ín, aroúnd and through us.
      Some time ago German -Aspirin®- Bayer also bought US biotech Monsanto. These people patent the natural substances of elements in nature which is possible by isolating them and using them in a technical way lets say a new tomato (they have). This is worse than selling oil cause it's claiming our food chain. Monsanto already 'owns' dozens of vegetables. Don't let yourself get devided cause parts of you may get claimed by your rightfull owner Monsanto. Well, now there's that Jokerdeal with Bayer. Does that mean calm paprikas? Totaly absurd this gotta stop now. Where are my Killertomatoes.
      We live in vulnerable times. What will you see when you look at the truth, integrity and authenticity of both regional culture and people?
      Today -29/7/18- in two months will be the 15th lustrum birthday of Carlos Galan.
      Some people are a big inspiration. This is one of them both 'politically' as for my starting company ABC   スミスさんはABCフーズの弁護士です   my attorney from ABC mr. Smith.  (audio)

      Anyways, this winter you can find the opportunity to book directly for a stay over at the homes of local people (language & culture!) from Brussels to Beijing. I leave it to this.
      Next year the landing on the Moon celebrating the 50th anniversary!
      I have some textbooks in front of me and I'm reading the inspirational works of Giants like Scholte and here: Richter AP726   and Karel Appel. Rob Scholte is easily one of the most original meaningfull painters around. Fu©K it. Tonight we'll watch the 'van de Schoonheid en de Troost' (of Beauty and Consolation) colourful tv-portrait about Karel Appel    "Fish from the market, the iron cranes, evening lights. Memories to a lost city: it is there and it is not there."  [nl] "In dat pure rood zit zwart ..hoe ga ik dat eruit halen? Dan denk ik na en dan gebuik ik cadmium citroengeel. Ik neem niet cadmium licht, niet cadmium middel, niet cadmium donker: ik neem cadmium citroengeel."   "In that pure red is black .. how am I going to get that out? Then I think and then I use cadmium lemon yellow. I don't take cadmium light, no cadmium medium, no cadmium dark: I take cadmium lemon yellow."
      Appel hit, smashed with his paint. Drove his emotions through his belly, through the paint tube pure and direct onto the canvas, attacking it.
      ..Next week I will get 'The colorful unknown' his book with poetry and drawings. I'm sure it will be my favorite read of the year. Update: from the book 'De kleurige onbekende' his gentle magistral poem: 'Fata Morgana'.
      I have to work & study hard myself. Again. There's a lot to be done for me, so I leave this page for some time.

      On a good morning in May you can smell sweet blossom.
      It rains. Will have to buy train tickets; for next week! In summer that place has a lot of happy buzzing around, wood smells like tar. I like to follow the train tracks and see little stations. Now it will probably rain. Not far away from the wharf where I am right now I wonder, whether and if so, how many control-flippin', ego-tripping elites and their I-contacts not only harnessed, moralized and twisted our society and community but have left behind their footprints in the works of Art, affected it, falsified maybe even occupied it.
      Both the Guardian and a great conductor recently mentioned the presence of propaganda in the Western newspapers. Sure! I wonder -and it would be a very interesting conversation to have with an insider -if so- how much of the great art was in fact propaganda and part of the (de-) constructing psychology of suppression and the false ceilings in the intellectual subjects concerning culture and moral within the media.
      Members of organised / compliance groups can be a mean big bother to (creative) people. They preferably would everyone to declare and justify every line people use or, completely nuts, if deemed necessary try to raise doubts concerning source and truth over your own copyright and or creations in their common attempts to frustrate information , independent creation , to stop knowledge , multiplying or taking away your 'gravity' respectively as a re-user or creator or (on orders) aiming to get-unaware- power over and/or frustrate life and output of a creator. Can happen live as you work. Can make people that are aware of things feel intimidated and thieves of own work. Cannot only raise issues of copyright but ulimately of the right to exist (bestaansrecht) of the victim and lifeworks. Write more about it elsewhere on this page. They also like to pretend people their work as irrelevant. Jerks. Please just continue your work. Time for a warrant.
      In this systematic world of watch-guard with so many 'helpers' (and you easily and unknowingly become one of them yourself) from all kinds of -inner- circles and backgrounds always makin' way and space for the cheap emotions and/or professional reasons of high bill elites, I hope everyone made what they wanted and that :
      - no artist have been thrown in self-delusion or somehow else was stopped from making new pearls of work. -
      Everywhere you've got 'in-the-pocket', infiltrated.. it's Rome, it's mean and everywhere is the eye. I repeat that our world is about the psychology of power and power is general suppression. Inna while the people mistake their prison for freedom cause there is no safety threat. And the powerful mistake their freedom for the right to rule over all.

      Hello Dissociated People!" Johnnie Rotten's tour through London's brute architecture trading history for statements of power with big buildings that "no longer relate to us" is recognizable as he calls a sirene his "favorite rave tune." I hear those 'shackles' pretty much even without seeing a car and what are those silly noise mopeds doing like 6(or 60) m/ph?. Urban chaos. Trauma tunes. Loud bangs. Slamming. 'Camp horns'. Emphasizing sounds. Within 12 months there were in my neighbourhood 2 suicides and I've seen at least 7 times fire trucks around my house which means about 12 occasions of *little fires.. Tonight the rest of the London Tour documentary.
      I wonder at times if *these were set ups to keep me from 'doing what I was doing' 'cause I'm acquainted with the kind of example really. Update: 13-12-2022. Suicide next to where I stay temporarily. 11! emergency services cars in front of where I stay, a small tent stood on the pavement for 4 hours. I saw legs lying. It's dreadful.
      Thought I saw people smiling behind police tape, hope I'm wrong.
      Suicide in my language semantically reads as self-murder or 'fatal movement ending someone's own life'. While the situation is always less dramatic than one thinks. The mind is playing games too. Like an invisible 'add factor'. Besides that think about the ones you love! You wouldn't want to hurt them!
      Suicide is horrible. You are really dead! There is nobody there. And it's freezing cold. Don't do it!
      Instead, don't be ashamed to talk to somebody. See your doctor and ask for advice! It feels good and is very normal to solve problems together. Use life to live   Believe me: people like to help each other!
      Update may '23: The person who committed suicide turns out to be our own neighbour from straight across our house. I can see into her kitchen from here. This is absurd! Not long before the incident she suddenly asked me at the supermarket how my mom was doing. It's just very sad. I heard she worked for Erasmus. Remarkably, opposite her suicide spot is the orange-ball sculpture 'Praise of Folly'. Ain't that the reversed ban and corral (ban & kraal) statue? That same statue was commissioned by Erasmus University.

      Writing the most important USPTO. By all means, whatever I write, a true honor and very exciting! Tomorrow fresh market: lots of good food, second-hand market and little shop with weird stuff and comics.
      I just made a simple indi dish. The pizza pastry is soft and fluffy. Here my 'easy veggie curry' Behind you can see my sea maps!
      I bought a pile of clay; Wednesday eve old fashioned claying, gonna make a small Yeti.   アクションは反応 です
      Update: Gave a little piece of clay a mouth. It is still in plastic. Tomrw it will change in little Yeti.   'the mercenary'
      "Power density, not power level is the culprit" We gonna build an example of a transmitter for mindyou, for the tech side of the website, because people do-not know a thing about their own coffee machine and electric-magnetic fields.
      Get rid off your spinning Chrome tab refresh: chrome://flags/#automatic-tab-discarding > 'disable'.
      - I still have my Linux mint version on it as well.


      21-21 Design. Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo

      Hi there! 21-21 Design. Minato-ku, Tokyo by Tadao Ando. Near National Art Center and Mori Art museum

      Maybe I should go visit a Dutch symbol : Anne Frank house. Anne who unfortunately isn't Dutch anymore cause almost every (copy) right on her is in die Schweiz. I have a version of the little light blue book myself about 'the act and the ache' of her life in 't Achterhuis' her hiding place and book title , printed in 1957. How very known still is her story around the world in 2018? Het Achterhuis was written by some very old people from the Alps if you ask me.. cuz it sucks. Just too annoying. You rather throw it through the window than put it in your bookcase. Christo the artist definitely had that whole house white wrapped in Huggies years ago. Not to be trusted.At least a bit skepticism in place. It's the same with World War II. When that picture story from the antiquarian bookshop is supplemented with all concealed details, it will appear that: truth is victim, co-suspects are people and human nature, word Jew needs a broader interpretation, existence of post-war scandalous antics while it was never only a 'yarmulkes' drama, motivations and purpose of the war were different, truth about the war makes our commemoration ambivalent. And what has that war taught us anyway? See the Tokyo Story poster: high in the sky horizontal rail/telegraph lines (efficiency). Below that are one father and daughter,the vertical lines. Like a wrong 'equals' sign. Modernity, it seems, commits seppuku on the old-fashioned past. They stare to the left expectantly. What will future bring? The 'new time' is already throwing its light ahead. One must hope these 2 people keep standing when it comes raging.. Those 2 people are trapped in 'the grid', just like us. Made by the 'old cocks' who have everything in their pocket and have society divided into: old cocks, hangers-on and louis fuckon bags. The rich get bonuses. The poor get pleuritis. That must change radically to: knowledge, organization and real participation, because the world belongs to and is through all of us. As life goes fast but time won't stop.

      On Wikipedia an article saying brainwashing does not exist "since 1960." Perhaps 19:60 on May-4 (Dutch commemoration day) is meant? Many people don't see the consequences of the 'banality of evil' and dare to think critically about their own believes and therefore condemn what might question those believes.
      Dr. Robert J. Lifton has some world renowned work based upon Korean war pows and the holocaust. He actually summed-up and wrote about 'Bite' including the importance of environment and information long before Bite itself.
      Touching the above subject is Hannah Arendt, who in her attempt to take a grasp at the mind of a war criminal, described 'the banality of evil', in her book about the famous Jeruzalem trial, more or less like: a choice of attitude not based on own intellect, self- and critical thinking and fitting ideology but rather simply obeying the professional persuasive promotions by internalizing the cliches of the nazi authorities (regardless whether people are extremists or not- rs.)
      Arendt who showed a remarkable view on people herself as she in a letter to someone described the Israeli crowds around this trial :
      "My first impression: On top, the judges, the best of German Jewry. Below them, the prosecuting attorneys, *Galicians, but still Europeans. Everything is organized by a police force that gives me the creeps, speaks only Hebrew, and looks Arabic. Some downright brutal types among them. They would obey any order. And outside the doors, the Oriental mob, as if one were in Istanbul or some other half-Asiatic country. In addition, and very visible in Jerusalem, the Peies (side-locks) and caftan Jews, who make life impossible for all reasonable people here."
      Arendt's book -she called the trial a show trial- received much controversy.*Galicians from Eastern Europe who talk Yiddish.

      Congressman Jim Traficant, the sherrif and maverick from Ohio maybe even saved a life in a WW2 case that too got much rumour and attention.   "it's not just about the unanswered questions, it's also about the unquestioned answers."
      I just want to mention Jim Traficant but I guarantee that he'll come back on the Mindyou website.In both cases the trials alone were not the only important to say the least, remarkable thing.
      I don't know how much relates to Mr Traficant but it sure is a negative subject- im talking about: racketeering. Especially as we're going to combine this with intimidation and coercion.
      It is not wrong to think about false moral, global opinionating and weird social outlooks hidden in under-layers of the big message in books or even educational environments. Some bookstores with the biggest amount of literary curioza, sexual inspired and modern-art propaganda, seem to have a strong Christian background. And teachers, just as academics,artists and philosophers, are very present in the free masonry lodges. Gee, that's our entire social shapeing!
      Our society slides into the general oppressive level of a *sect with its opposite, reinforcing arrows like false morals, control, the many lies, (self) conflicts, with distractive 'entertainment' and *keeping wounds in memory open or even re-vitalize them to trauma. No progression but prison.
      I think there's a lot of people who can only 'answer' to problems from 'a feel', in auto mode, or when they search for their papers. Thinking they have used and proved their mind and done enough thinking for the rest of the year. How many ask why their brain, our clockwork, is so slow and blurred and why it ain't fresh, lively, clear and quick? Being a bit more 'awake' or alert can mean the difference between feeling hopeless inactive or content positive active!

      a Dining, far from here. the wonder years on..
      "..ken je dat, dat je jezelf ziet zitten in donker glas? Eenzaam voelt dat. Ik staarde. Ik moet n hele tijd
      lusteloos starend voor me uit hebben zitten staren."

      Zie om je heen hoe de draak z'n landschap draagt met zadels pannen en bergdaken,
      die wijdsheid de lucht bossen de bergen de stromen de rivier,
      soms t lage licht aan de nabije einder over t liggende water,
      de kleuren der seizoenen, wilde onbedorven schoonheid van t land,
      langs d'oevers van haar velden wrijven papavers zich de slaap uit met de beek waarin ze schijnen,
      een eenzame bloem genaamd Ochtend Glorie ziet ontroerd dat iets haar van bovenaf bekijkt,
      met sprankelende spiegels vol hartstocht en verlangen ogen van kristalhelder dromerig water,
      hoeveel bij gebleven beelden sneeuw, lentes zomerstralen eerste regen,
      mensen en dieren uit wolken stof tevoorschijn of traag er in verdwenen
      daar op de eeuwige vlakte wind waait rusteloos de storm raast, huilt,
      duiken red tails uit wolkennevels, springen rainbows in sapphire,
      leven wij maar n flikkering: jagen, ontluiken, komen en gaan, geboort t wonder, spelen paradijskinderen,
      spelen onze wereld na, rond de bron, hangende silhouetten, vlekken, antwoorden op de zon.

      Everything on this page -that I often make in a highway stop when Im out on my bike or when im at station and trains- will be a topic on the new website to inform interesting folks about the learning mind, behavior and identity, related to the influencing, data collecting and ultimately [economic] control of one's emotions, information , mind and behavior.
      I am a whirling leaf, payment debt in the second drawer and my own wet toilet seat at 5.30 in the morning. Missing the train, shirt inside out and forgotten my workmap. The days tear off along the holes. pills, holes, pricks. life is a fucking tear-off calendar. Calluses are the only thing that remains. - That's entertainment.. But I do what I must do.

      I must buy an A95UF transformer changing a low impedance to a high unbalanced line signal to be aible to plug a Shure mic into my guitar amp.
      I would love to travel from Japan to abroad some sunny place. Probably with *Zersetzung using the 'nonpareil' of some establishment and their suckers (they all are) behind my back but hey, at least I could play guitar with some good folks and get those other people where they belong: inside a dessert jail.

      "Bugger the money, it's about people!!" An older yet highly appreciated & honoust youtube movie:   disorders & dissasters.
      (Professional) People should not just label others, lock 'm up and mean danger to the Health of sane people cause that's most definitely a no-no.
      Instead, they should have eys and a secular view on the unkind social realities of this world, on the 'voluntary' (demonic) possessive and obsessive functionality of sectarianism and other 'milieus' in the context of control and learn "mas rapido" about group psychology to name a few. With a cultic flpower statement as: 'mental sickness is brain-dissease' you make psychiatry criminal. I suspect it's not only the pilling of naughty humanity but also a backbench that wants to see intelligence, sexual identy and intrinsic religious awareness as something you musn't touch. Now that's something for a start   a short interview - resilience!
      Resilience btw also is the the soundwave absorbtion amount/factor of a material term used in soundproof technics. Soundwaves (air/impact) can cause vibrations like machines. What these Vibrations (hand-arm) have to do with HAVS or VWF known as id or idustrial disease aka white finger syndrome (nerves, joints, muscles, blud vessels) you will have to read on the new website.
       Sine waves come in different forms. These are: sine, triangle, square, and sawtooth. The more different forms the wider the harmonics front.
      Sinus en kanteel, eng pervers uitgedroogd kasteelverveel, golf en geloofje,zooitje worsten, haaietanden, begin van slim, waar je n touwtje aan kan binden om iets op te hijsen of te hangen, geweerlopen of piemels tussen te leggen, waar slijmbal en machtswellusteling, graaf dracula, vampier, frankenstein en nazi woont. Adergebroed dat zich hoog en breed maakt, z'n lange arm begraaft en dan z'n losse pols en handjes ergens anders weer te voorschijn roept, gespletengeweten herkenbaar aan wat kanteeltjes en kantelentaal en overal twijfel en tweespalt zaaiende meelopers die men satatanszuigers noemt. Stil kabaal. Goed voorelkaar maar met egoistische 'verhalen' vol bedrog en uiteindelijk geweld. Here are also waves, check 'em out! (link)

      For old friends : We, Tris and me, did not know about Paul (Delft-Dord). We were NOT informed, not by anyone, until much too late. Until this damned letter from a notary arrived. More about this complete unbelievable sadness later. But..
      Can somebody explain to me for jeez sakes, how it is possible in a civilized country for a child to hear about one of his parents death only months later, when they only live 15 car minutes away from eachother. How the hell is this possible. Could nobody find a clue..? A name? A street?!

      I can finally clean my windows. Hello world! Look what I found: A professional wiper! Got no excuses left..
      In a thesis on the influence of stress on police work, it appears that a lot can be improved in terms of safety through extra training & feedback. A different question: along how many 'off-roads' is there an appeal being done on the police apparatus for little 'favors'?
      I ordered french tickets for the SNCF train. Two simple wknd tickets for Paris Midi-Nord. I ordered them by phone in Dutch. How come that -so often- I get to hear people with Belgian accent?

      Music.. Backwards spelled my neighbour's name makes 'an LP'. My móthers neighbour name makes 'tape'. San is also part of names frequently around us. San sounds like sang, in Japanese it means mister(mr) and missus(mrs).    btw: Repeatment is important in bad environments as it is in every process.
      ∿ This is a sine wave. Go get yourself a library subscription and discover all the 'sinecret' knowledge of the world. Less question marks, bigger miracles! Music and even sounds can be an addiction.

      ..Some figures: about 90 people in America die from an opioid overdose each day.
      There were over 60.000 drug deaths in 2017 in the US especially with fentanyl being the worst killer ever and it breaks my heart with sadness and total unbelief.
      Here in the NL I thought there were the same amount of suicides as fatal traffic accidents but there are roughly said 3 times as much more suicide tragedies.
      Over the year Tabacco and Alcohol are absolutely the biggest killers amongst legal (drugs) means (20.000 people). While opiods make up for about 50 deadly casualties per year which is about half of the deadly victims in the total of illegal means (drugs) in the NL. Btw three major pain related opioid receptors being: mu(MOP), delta(DOP) and kappa(KOP).
      Unless you are a reptile-brain jedi you should ALWAYS have painkillers at your place. For instance combination paracetamol/ibuprofen (head, toothache) ; if that's insufficient naproxen of diclofenac for example. Besides that: call a doctor or a hospital. Or any other help service.
      Pain is a: x) 'self-aware-ness' priming noisy alarm signal(s) as found in fear, Pain and lack of air. The surplus of the whole cognitive conflict is 'illusively' translated as pain. The cognitive arrest of reflexes LPF (Feel, Protect and Liberate) want to get away from the loss of x.
      I guess the main part of pain is just pain. I wrote it with a P because of pressuretime, potential-difference and 'marketingmix'.
      So quickly said: where intensity of stimuli replaces meaning or content the sense itself turns into a negative, as pain. A 'bite-ning' pain. Without the sense overkill and surplus of reactions you have nuance back and senses do and 'sense' as usual. Poor humans.. robots can infact measure infinite much better. All (carriers of) our senses relate to tactility or feeling. So, senses can get hurt by their own input but ,if intense enough, by other senses' specific 'medium'.
      Pain sucks sickening hárd! It may be useful, but you don't want it for nothing!
      "An illusion of disownership over one's own head is associated with decreased pain perception"(nature.co). "Bloemschikken is spelen met de sterren" (rs)

      Alcoholism, the inability to leave the booze, is like a Japanese zen garden on the South side. It conditions the delusive self-suggestion : drinking is followed by a 'reward'. All addictions are a loop and self-fraude. Now-a-days in nanonano-world with hazardous bio-chemistry design and chemical behavior they call escapisme a brain disease and our reward center in the brain something you can chem up through a membrane with evil substances and yet another disastrous pill worse than the 'disease' that raises questions on its long-term effects. What is behavioral therapy without any insight?
      Cigarettes are uppers, med cabinets against daily warning signals from the 'institution of mind', filled with all kinds of addictive chemical -amines, that make you cough and your empty tummy run 'relaxed & actively' towards the ruination of your heart, lungs and dna health. You might not know but smoke isn't actually a gas. it's a heterogeneous mixture that consists of small pieces of solid toxic matter. Kachúú!
      All good stories must come to an end. And I don't know of any 90yr old -pack a day- smokers actually, this addiction is the absolute biggest killer outside natural death before over-weight and alcohol. On average, smokers give away 10 years of their lives. That's 11 minutes per cigarette. Won't be to long before you need your Rayban sunglasses to smoke these white yellow death sticks filled up with poison. If you do then maybe you should quit smoking. Please, go see a doctor as soon as you have complaints. There are very good doctors.
      Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) is a drug worth mentioning because of the hugh amount of liver failures it causes if you don't stick to max prescription amounts. Using it with max tablets for a longer time causes silent overdose with possibly severe poisining and unrecoverable damage to the organs in your stomach. Most overdoses are intentional and no accidents. An Acetaminophen/Paracetamol overdose does not make you fall unconscious or slide you into a soft coma. It will however cause a screaming pain in your belly, internal bleedings, you'll get liver failure and you have to wait and pray that you survive on Nac and will completely recover anyway. Please.. do not do stupid! It does a good job but it's easy also the biggest household poisener of the West if you use it bad. The most neglected long-term investment is the health of your loved-ones and yourself!
      The biggest group with accidents by poison exposure are children younger than six. They get in touch with the other main toxines coming from cosmetics, cleaning stuff and all other household & spray related stuff. Watch out your little toddler don't suck up some left nail polisher or starts chewing on a plant.

      Synthetic marijuana is also known as Spice or K2. You have to be careful. Smoking much weed (don't do it) shows you a glance of your future: up in smoke. I hate it and it's crap. Especially with hard drugs and Smoking and Alcohol can be deadly too!
      An important part of its addiction is because in lower doses it decreases fear and nervousnessie. There is btw another bad addiction besides drugs alcohol and tabacco (knowing to be harmfull for 50 years) and that's television. That makes you feel stupid. Y'can't beat it. Drug addiction will likely destroy your social life and anything else. The stuff you need is your worst friend! It'll sink you in sick sorrow, later in regret and will ruin your youth, health and trust. You will have forgotten to live and memory loss makes you a lousy witness. You are a prisoner.
      I don't wanna wait invainity  for your love. Circles of smoke.
      People who are choking get blue fingernails and lips. It is also a sign of drug overdose and respiratory depression. Always learn what to do in case of an emergency besides calling for help. Better is to stop using drugs! Quit that crap shit. Amphetamines like speed also ages you quicker. Also overheating is what you don't want to see.
      More than a century ago heroin was sold as part of a medicine (cough sirup) and developed, synthesized by the same factory that made aspirin.
      A drug addiction is a loop. Especially with an addiction a 'temporarily' bad move can become 'getting stuck in a wrong idea' for years 'cause a serious drug problem alters priorities, your clear and critical vision; it hides yóu.
      A quick word on ('date-rape' drug) Rohypnol: 'roofies' turn blue in your glass although generic versions may nót contain the blue dye. Rohypnol is smuggled into the United States and has never been approved for medical use in the US.

      - don't let drugs do you! -

         I must think of enzymes: waiting with open arms, ready to wiggle loose and then drop the object down. Hey, don't that look just like a cult?

      Man, I gonna saw off my ears.. Hundreds of bottles are now being thrown away every day with deafening noise into the glass containers around me. Bottle in dutch is fles. That are a lot of broken self-ies. Wishful cloud thinking by the 'association federation'? We can 'rewrite' the above rule 'self/fles -noise container' as a psycological one to a rule of idealistic logic because here flex-ebility is very appreciated (cafe bottles being thrown away even 5 at night) while the self of individuality as well as a critical attitude are considered to be objectionable - in my language 'verwerpelijk'- which lliterally means throwable. Remarkable. People should have a week respite after loosing their housing corporation registration points ending up being in a problematic location and last on the waiting list again..
      Want to visit a friend next week I haven't seen in a while. I hope everything is okay.
      My animal friendly animal traps had a mean spring and others prickly things; made them more friendlier! with the tension spring going Outside the box and covering cardboard and a drawbridge or valvent with strings. Happy!

      The 'slowguns' of sustainability.
      Also you can order your "I don't want junkmail!" or "I don't want your printed-matter!" stickers. For a couple of bucks you get stickers for you & your neighbours' homes (eng/us). A pile of 40 pounds of junkmail a year is simply too much. I stopped mailing services cause I háve everything. I can breath again!   That is, until you realize this disaster:
      -the average household receives hundreds of pieces of junk mail a year, half is thrown away unopened and only a small part recycled paper.
      -one day of junkmail could heat 250.000 homes, junk mail represents the waste of millions of trees a year as well as the paint and bad emission from hundreds of thousands of cars. More than (ninety billion) pieces of junkmail are delivered in the US alone.
      You can remove yourself from mailing lists to reduce this spoiling and scattering extravaganza!

      There is also mail of course you DO want to read or mail you want to be sure of others get to read!! Some control and obedience groups have weird policies concerning mail and letters from non-believers. This worries me. What can happen to my mail as a critic or apostate??

      "To measure is to know" my father often said. He braught cool technical drawings back home. He worked as a young man at an engineers office: Electrical engineering, automation, processing, piping (the 'brass' section of oil/refining industry ) and measurement and control technology. There was a small kitchen with tasty drinks. He came back one day with some music stuff a ghetto blaster and recorder he saved from a workvisit to a huge waste plant that is now a UVE, an "energy recovery plant." When I was 13 id made my first guitar song for fingers and thumb and he said "we go to the office and make a copy of that! which I thought was reay cool
      When I say make people break I mean something else than headache. I talk about naming and treating people as dirt -áll the time- systematically destroying self-esteem till it sinks in the sea, till u tell it yourself and even making you think you tell it yourself so you are always in doubts and think your stupid and worthless that's what I've seen in people to say the least. But waste is not a valid argument when it concerns animals, people and life on Earth: waste don't exist. So don't waste it.

      Please use your common sense and don't always make last arguments truth. If you count up your importancies but the outcome will not satisfy you : you've lied to yourself. Start thinking about yourself and what you love and think is really important on the long run towards happiness. Life shouldn't be a conviction, somthing you have to sit-out. Improve it.
      This is just a little story for my little friend Pandorra who is to be released on a sunny day round Spring into nature. ..and Dónt drink! Sunnyy!!
      Entonces, ahora eres libre! Ya no atrapado corre Pandorra!

      "Winners have a plan, losers an excuse."
      I gonna listen myself to some music, broaden my view and remember who I was & how I am.. (about 8AM )

      This year I'll show some fashion drawings for my fictive label Warszawa. I think it would be cool to make this work! hogelach - hola!
      Coming week is diet week. Only water & some juice and french bread with vegetables in the eve. No sodapop. It works! just like less bread & butter
      Bowie's song 'where are we now.' The moment you know you know, you're a being. (x,y,z of 'keep korrel'. eng: iron sights about awareness and reference) ..So I'm about to get involved, with myself make some great Japanese sugars 'dans ma siquine'.   It's remarkable that a lot of experts say that AI-systems will always be soul-less infact but -my apologies in advance- don't seem to understand what is human self-conscious in a philosophical-scientific reflection and framework in the first place.
      it's sad, a tragedy that, for some the concept of behavior still remains so abstract that they can not place it, and only can see the substantial brain itself as first and biological cause of what are merely psychological behavioral disorders. .
      Society slips through plenty of bigger and smaller revolutions. The (far) future can be cool, the world smaller, reality inter-active, altered, personal and virtual. Cheap dirt plastic plants. Who will have the right to reality? Did you know 'Smile' was written by Chaplin?
      On the new website I'll explain human consciousness (conscience). Our robot feels pain. Verifiable pain.

      Youth - AI minds will be conscious right? Prof. Dread - yes. Youth - they will think abstract and even philosophize better.. Prof. Dread - yes, and they can really close their eyes too.

      ..Every primary school should have a day of sailing on board of a sailing boat with their class and a half-day riding a little horse. Just as long -in my opinion it has nothing to do with that crazy equine horse dressage or horrible jumping.

      de natuur moet altijd blijven
      Je kunt 'r samen voor vechten!

      I bought a demonstrate. domain : so we can organize real demonstrations.
      The same eye has been turning the wheel for a long time.
      We have changed into manageable cubes, culture grays out, social innovation is painfully slow, the masses suffer from inertia and the ruling class does not want herself to take part in the solution with strong measures and chance of conflict. I demand a corrective tribal war. 'Unfortunately', that seems a little too... ;)
      It can get lonely out there knowing people and information are segmented : impediment of 'the bigger picture' and working turningpoints as democratic tools for change. But where can one find a point of action to come together and form a strong, recognizable, reliable and independent room? Well it is possible via the web! That's why I scored an extra domain for KritikCafe where everyone will be able to organize their own protest and demonstration and call for supporters sharing the same view. An opinion requires signatures and we're already divided enough.
      For influencing into bad ideas and opinions you only need false examples. Also handy are: fake authority with "in a galaxy far far away" voice(low and deep sounds authorative) , sweet big eyes and when it seemingly comes from a Plurality of people or 'more than you alone'. Nota bene, in my language plurality is the word for authorities. Digital debate on the market square -tonight!
      SPAM! Low 'mature' voices are often used in all kinds of active cultivation groups with young and old dumb scum, often white suckers in training for the elite corrupt system who learn about rank and pecking order, how to command (their own) 'inferiors', walk fuck over other kids and people. Because people simply think in terms of promotion and rising prestige. I keep saying this because these hurds/troep a is PM swagging muck that goes about frustrating innocent people on lies for big cheap thieves. Through the real ditches n quick. :) fuckov.

      Society is one lie: man is defenseless and powerless; in corruption the doors open only one way and at the most, people can look questioningly at a balcony high at a wall and wait for a response. I don't like big blind walls with a little hatch or something. If knowledge is given symbolism of inaccessibility and a warning triangle..

      Found a lot of interesting material from Bloom and Gardner, happily curious to see how things fit in. Attributing creativity and curiosity only to life is actually a racist comment Disfunction don't like borders that define freedom.
      I'm subscribing to one out of four most renowned psychology journals. Like Piet Vroon I am very interested in senses, time, ID and behavior mechanics especially in the 'short-track' site of it. What magazine should I take? That's something to think over next Sunday.
        koffiekan, theekan, alles kan.    ∞∞∞ ∞ ∞∞∞
      a little beetle.. I got him on tape too (link)   A few seconds of Kabutomushi

      Where's my color blue on our KLM planes? Around 2014 they used not only new -lighter in weight- paint but also a new color-scheme so I took a RGB sample: The 'old' color has much more red and the 'new' one more green? Seems they used a gradient. Sad if true. I liked that blue! Don't renew!
      btw Our beautiful KLM sign with the crown has 4 dots. There is a punctuation mark with two dots -in Dutch trema- the diaeresis. So it looks a bit as if there are two diaeresis's. Remarkable.

      The veggie meatballs in sauce left my supermarket for weeks now and only ketchup no-other red sauce on the shelves!No barbeque sauce! Can u believe it..?! Update: I bought balls in tomato sauce from Eden. Is this what I enjoyed long ago and tasted good ?
      I Like salad. I like green. Green is blue and yellow or: sip suck, bang and bullshit.
      Check back: a lot of stuff I like is gone also the goulash. Bought smooth fruit chunks, it's something new: smoesies in a blender.
      Update : The barbecue sauce is back. But now my hamburgers are gone!
      -a few days ago suddenly a few cans and jars fell on the floor from my basket. As it turned out: the side of the basket was cut loose at the bottom! ..that's no AH supermarket, that's a friggin franchise, a sectarian annex with radishes from some villa garden so they still do something natural good for the little people in the sleepers neighbourhood.
      Check back II : the words [and own name] 'russian egg salade' dissapeared from the saladboxes, got replaced by 'Luxury egg salade'. Because of the war. 'took a photo of what could turn out to be the last ever russian salad. 10-2022
      -My brothercan hardly reach his little sailing boat because the marina has been seized! - ' Should definitely get the navigation papers bro! I want a boat for: Markermeer and Biesbosch (Haringvliet). Oh man that freshness of the water, that blue, that plain at your feet, the mesmerizing glare, beautiful weather, the future- on the other side..
      You know, 'we are briefly visible as a sunbeam, in the midst of angel hair all is silver thread'. Next to a farm that I often drove by, there always was a black and white pig, called her Sunbeam. But one day she disappeared. Maybe because my fantasy had given her wings I dunno. I was a little worried but.. Update: recently ran into her again in another meadow.

      lopen in op t uitzicht in de verte
      zie over t rimpelende water de vingerafdruk van de schepper
      blaas mn motor langs de tulpen op stroken hollands land
      overstuur n rooie Lotus haaks over 't Bergse strand
      en van mij mag t zo blijven want,
      oud is anders
      oud is anders
      hoop t wel te worden
      maar voorlopig ff nie..

      A friend of mine was about to work as sailing instructor but soon left the group: a bunch of flying foxes, snakes, wolves and ostriches, right before starting their order's informer career as spioneer, obstacle and cheat. Becoming sour hypocrites who set lines and scratches in the jeu of life and participate into making other's lives a little small cold windy place. A bit like war. bytheway I know some creative mothers who like art, photography, stitching machines, fast cars and kungfu. Maybe one of 'em is mine :)

      The small 'Propagan♪a magazine' about life and liberty(sucks) that I have in mind, is filled with good work, even a few chords. I need to get store/distro info. Interested? Write me! Don't. Twill never happen.
      Sad attic poet. Poetry comes from hard work and clear mind. Fight the text, no fight the bottle and Morbus Venereus. Might be sad finding out after 15 yrs of hard work that there is something like hermetic poetry, slamming you in the gut with its multiple layers of 'picture' ánd meaning. No obligation, no guarantees too! Leve de nacht, beleve de ochtend.

      Art: a door in the desert. I often refer to Edward Hopper thinking about my street: a beautiful view of new buildings but where are the people? It looks normal but ain't quite. A student flat with ruined mailboxes no names. A rather new building, the same block of rooms always with the lights on in the middle of the night shining like little butter cream candies next to its friend: a dark empty building with dark holes in brown concrete, where no wrap ever gets a light.
      ..Critical thinking taxinomy conditioning recognition. Just some words, don't bother. I had a picture here so in its space let me say hello to a friend here. Hi! You say hello if you think you see a friend right?
      These flats. They are empty carcasses, shells. What are they waiting for? I wrote earlier about snow "white is the color of lost memory." There are many white buildings in the city. I made a few photo's that I will show later. Here a pic from a friend's house The 'Red Apple'. Pirate colours of the order, the house. Also the gas lighter aka 'the peanut'. Cool narrow SF alleys. I've heard Frankenstein roams around.  Near the nice 'Prague' bridge and red apple flat this small and old sympathetic fruit tree.

      And Then They Even Want To Think For You..
      Simple trick: dislocated finger.
      A quote mentioning "plausible deniability" made me come up with a second intro for the new website using the example of how some 'Pa's or famous people's' admiring and d-e-v-o-t-e-d Supersuperfans maintain themselves in a fragile fantasy House of cards with fanatical stubborness and fear of deception.
      He also talked about a psychology based on any deviation from a Cultural norm being considered a mental problem. (a fault, undesirable behavior) - Guess what those gray, levitating and short-sighted people and organisations are supposed to be..   ➜ A banana definitely outside a cultural norm.

      >On this beautiful day; a last note about 'mindyou.'
      Soon everything written in the above context will disappear from here, time for the website!

      To explain -in a way- your world you don't need books worth 700 pages full of wizards, sacred kings, magic swords to hold close before you for your blind conviction or coercive psychological practises that bind you to group and banner to make things 'personal'. What you dó need is good books basically like your old grade school books and a good book of psychology, behavior (control) and
      information-strategies. Good ones answer the underbelly feel of conspiring forces by giving insight on
      bio-psychological manipulation and everything bad in it, show the bad practices of organisations and even
      better, make an -unaware- cult/psy-op victim on a personal level, recognize the symptoms and facts of being one; because good
      books not only show examples, they nail it down to the logic behind- and functions that máke
      psychological 1-suppression and 2-frustration of excel and realizing results.
      It'll take you a week to learn that -if so- you are in bad influence; but that's still a heck of a lot
      better than remaining that same way.
      Understanding throws new light and brings another view upon things. With this understanding you can now start a new game; no longer you have to search for truths but you can try to find all the ambiguities and fountains of nonsense and lies throughout our history and believe me, these are infinite too.
      Naar de knoppen.

      The Mind of a banana

      Take an old biology book! Looking to a flower and the beautiful co-operation with nature gives great
      instructive information and parallels with our own vulnerable lives. You can see more what 'it takes to
      ruin and marginalize both the potential as someone's life itself.
      Our banana is a sad friend and example. The commercial banana is mostly a seedless one; he is doomed.
      Are you fresh or frozen?
      In the supermarket I heard that great intro of ♪♫ 'very Superstitious' from Stevie Wonder ♪♫ ♬ while I bought a small can of Knackworst.
      I wanted to ask my friend manager Yolo about it but he'd just suffered his mid-week break moment by his boss and temporarily has no own opinion left, only 3d-hand which isn't unusual for victims of plastic.
      I am invited to make a big video-animation for Hong-Kong. For the end of 2019 with yellow flowers and orange tigers. I dubbed it CULT WAR ! From building to building it will jump all along the street. Véry exciting!
      presentation starts like subway: dark light dark, then bright yellow comes in.

      On the Marten ToonderTrottels page is a link to a photo of an obelisk. There is another Egyptian symbol on that pillar in the picture: it's a winged globe. Here's another round sphere, with wings.   
      note: King's day everybody happy! Funny, the above obelisk ( internet ) has the original title P1000937 of which you can make both the total numeral 9 (Nederland) as with some 1 shuffle, the queen mother's birthday - no, I usually don't puzzle.
      Some asked is Mindyou about 'dismantling' all that bad lodge, sect, grouped & loose filth crap that makes & controls the scenes that pollute our children, give them dope, prostitute them and drowns the world in injustice and lies? and I said yes. With helping hands from a lot of good people and ditto explanations.

      Welcomed, joined and praised by 'new interesting friends' or impossible 'new close friends' who give a friendly blabla face but recruit for their inner-circles eventually part of the lying mugface of Big-brothel? That's called 'Love Bombing'. (Over at my house I started my own swing club: 'Gnome'! Cheap beer, free nibbits!)

      'The color you want'
      It's like the market, a question of right match and promise. Before this and before you end you up being a dependent, initiativeless, fobiac, careless, mad-stubborn, 'doom-monster' thinking and controlled person, data on you might have been collected to make it even éasier for them to pretend to be your intuitive 'feeling' friend (oh yeah..) and your desired way or answers for change and don't forget almost always they found you first. For happiness you don't need a guru and weird rules, also not when coming from yourself.
      PS: An -ing word is a verb that is used as a noun. Let's say the verb has done its job now it may sit and stare. A Word like that is called a 'gerund'.

      [   That curl of love bombing is an on and off break line to respect, kindness and wholeness.
      It is (was) lets say an ideal point and people do an awefull lot to get 'the love' back; but it's all a lie.
      The principle is rather implicable in a much bigger perspective.
      Many jerks may look like your idea of integrity win your trust and then violate it.
      Frustrations can be channeled while infantilization humiliates and it all adds to mental breakdown and fraude somewhere down the line.

      I repeat the surrounding capacity of group-crazy mud, assholes on orders that surround with falseness & fakeness kills a victim's 'happy 'shine' and at the same time frustrates personal work. Arrest all those gleichschaltung scumbags. And do it now.
      Their interference with good people is innate shortsightedness and nothing but self interest and a shitty plan.
      They do stupid and make a mess: from the inside out and the outside in.
      You is small, they is big and meanwhile people and closer victims loose time; but never let yourself get scared for the general world outside! Fear or scare can take on claustrophobic dimensions. Watch it! Don't let this happen to you.
      People anyway can be influenced quickly if the false confirmation of an idea is carried by a number of quasi anonymous x's or if 'the picture' meets up to the image someone has of an authority. It makes me think of a saying that is very appropriate in occasions:   "if you don't get it, then it's the numbers."
      Let me say again that the harassment -and surrounded fakeness & falseness by losers from all kinds of obey and follow groups being susceptible to influence and controlled by Babylon elite can take on the very first day and go on for life. When it comes to victims, sensitivity reads as sensitization.
      I want to prevent people falling prey to this sticky bulk of surrounded & extended control with mal-information, ending up as a guided 'kick-around' in circles and as a laughing-stock for others.

      I use a little shipbuilder example ; only when old and gray he understands that it wasn't fate of life, personal
      awkwardness, God, or bad luck that had been against him but that he was well-thought through fooled, his life long, in practice by some hotshot's private agenda using the networks to make his life and business impossible.
      This man never knew his fight and struggle wasn't normal and accepted his returning doubts ,shitty motivation, lack of progression and quit. Maybe he was taught only to trust his 'feelings'. How you wanna tell him his life has been forged, opportunities, love, career and pure destiny lost? That thoughts, feelings, reflexes, 'good' ideas and self-confidence were messed with? You gave him a war that he could not win because he didn't see it. He maybe had to do with a made-up milieu. He realizes that maybe in a natural flow he could have had his own flourishing business. You have let him have the most important struggle with himself and only in a world without danger one can neglect their underbelly.

      They are most likely capable to torn lovers apart, keep them apart and to hiss and seep through the awful truth to them many years later by other assholes who think it's the first day of the joke..
      All together it is a machine of irony. it has got to stop. It's war.
      My family had to go and still is going through dirty political indoctrination since the very first day of their lives.

      All those people who mess around unknowingly but know that they do stupid on assignment;
      All those collect-ed accomplices who in premeditation fool along for corrupted high elite;   they have bent and have already fallen.
      Psy-brigades (handlers) make endless scratches and accidents everywhere and wrap slow kill in mind-terror and accident, disease and OD. I call them the NUL-group. Ice dagger. Because they constantly put the 'murder weapon' in the hands of the victim, which then simply dissolves. One could say 'sneaky' but it's functional: source less and no-pinpoint are key certainly in professional psychological assault. Clever provocations, frustrations , manipulations -with language too- and the mistakes someone or a target makes as result of all this with seemingly no other source than the victim himself makes him guilty which is always handy in front of a court.
      When a victim can't explain what's goin' on, that person is seemingly the start-station and causal source of own fault behavior while maybe there is in fact trouble and provocation played tó this person.
      The world is in a cage and it's probably a lot worse than expected our: powerlessness and capture by (mal-) information. Fortunately there are way more good folks than -bad- flew clones and nitwits

      Self-interest is spelled as indifference and expressed in countless other ways. Like a foreign oil company maybe, that has their employee live in an apartment with swimming pool and private school who only speaks to the shoe polisher, saying the local African government, without know-how, is wrong because 'they', the African government, is investing rather than spending on social infrastructure. When they only get 1% ?
      Can you explain señor? Sure! There are mainly two kinds a people:
      the many who are not supposed to get anywhere and those who are helping them with that.
      All the vagueness and much trouble is nothing else but fascistic injustice and criminality in the post era of 'infotronics' and the never ended 'cold war' psychology.  ]     (sometimes in the above referring to an article: "psychology and Data-processing" -rs )

      Big Bigger Biggest.
      Prof. Vroon tells at the end of his book about language as self-deception, 'vague groups' as morphine for personal responsibility and in nice words about the house of cards of self-confirmation which brings me this weekend to stories such as: the interesting history of Gé Berkhof.
      - 1986. Berkhof was appointed Chief of Staff in the rank of lieutenant-general at AFCENT, the NATO headquarters for Central Europe. But he couldn't get along with his German boss General Leopold Chalupa and was fired after just nine months. -
      Kind of weird if I may say so that Japan isn't allowed to operate outside its borders while we were under command by a German officer in '86.

      two times the word truth

      Because I find militant civilian clubs creepy, I want to know more about meddles like Posse Comitatus (the far-right extremists group) , Pro Patria and about the massive WW2 inspirational propaganda of the NS. The occupier of that time (WW2) used a radio (volksempfänger) with a tuned range. Where these days, does our propaganda hide? Anger can be power very stupid and you don't want organized para military trouble, let alone an unauthorized, armed witch hunt behind your innocent ass on just three bristles and some air.
      Propaganda is like tv, an audio induction loop, an 'amplifying' church where 'the word' and its hidden message(s) hangs and sings around and everybody is talking the same at the same time. Propaganda too uses underlayers of symbolic connotation like advertisement subliminals, loading extra meaning and drive. Maybe one of the most remarkable is the pogrom action known as Kristallnacht on 9 nov 1938. Everything looks normal till you observe the date and find there are all 1111's in it or should I say "iiiiiii"?
      Although they know about 'think clouds' the whole editorial floor resigned from the journalistic newspaper Reures. Because colleagues thought "how could I come up with crazy remark like this? 9 has nothing to do with 1!"
      short explanation: 9 is i in the alphabet. By the way: 9 is also the amount of letters you need for Nederland (the Netherlands aka Holland)    meanwhile whole editorial office back again! Viva 'Reures' the non-existing news-paper from Wheeliestan.

      Remarkable about 9 is: if you multiply with 9 and add up the numbers you have the number 9 again! This has to do about our decimal scale and the difference between 10/9 which is only 1, the first decimal unit. By adding up you infact count the number of whole nines which equals the hidden decimal fraction to make a whole nine. Everytime again you 'write away' to fill a decimal class. Works forever! You can try this with lets say the table of 9 and we use 5 * 9. This gives 45. (or 4.5) Now we simply do:4 + 5= 9. That gives a nice cross line! Like you would point at the distance when you see a Leopard tank instead of your school or wife!
      When you have nothing to do take a pen and write on top of eachother so just straight through, first a 4 than a 5. Draw the 5 and 4 like a (horizontal) flipped Z. What do you see? It's a cross! Maybe a kids' wind mill for the beach or a propellor? You can make the same with the letter Z or S. Put one 90 deg over the other. Tis way you can make : bee combs, roof tiles, the dimensional swastika and many more mosaic patterns,mirror it!

      During ww2 the nazis used media and tv-capital Hilversum (NL) as a nazi-propaganda center. I coincidentally, happen to know a woman from around there who long ago told me her story with elements like: mental overwhelming, weird sexual advances and schizophrenia. I hope for her as for anybody else she has stayed far away from bad intent and abusive behavior. She wasn't the only one.
      Now you can lease our network; we take care for the moral knights, morons and gossip for your personal payback pleasure. That's one more happy private agenda only for $120 p/m. This week 15% off !
      Rain and clouded. Yesterday it was sunny, in the flower garden of the university near the cherry tree where I saw my girl walking and how she smiled shyly in a moment so beautiful, but in my memory no way as beautiful as to see again the careful water drinking of a sick friend, an injured compañero.   Hear..
      Last year I found a wasp nest I gave it a few words on a rainy day, maybe show you later.
      I asked Old Jake, 104 years old, what was his biggest mistake. He answered: "believing I was old at sixty." 満ち足りる. Don't make life a side issue.
      Me in an empty hotel at a table. Rocksushi in Cairo.
      My Shure mic is in the stand gonna play some tunes and listen to Bach; I aspect to be stateless in a few years..

      Amsterdam must stay Amsterdam. Especially for the Amsterdam people.Amsterdam must keep its identity. < no division, own people on the directing chairs of the city. I am kinda worried. I see many victims in many ways.
      Eén voor allen en voor alles in..? Watch out. Freedom, tolerance they're great words but perfect soft-spots to sow in trouble, like political left with its incessant drive for progressiveness and openness, causes many people with their wrong free choices to crash against the wall.    Transit: It could be interesting to see some migration figures. Gentrification of identity or.. How long would it take before a city is 'taken-over' by new strangers? Just kinda curious..

      Tension and a hand to stop bullshit from being pushed down your throat.   4us sounds like virus in my language. (about the picture thats normally here)

      She must 've gone with the Boss DJ. I made a list of the word conflict in 100 languages.
      Recently imported a test email account, don't worry if the answer on your email comes from gmail instead of info@rocksushi.org
      Will visit the 'Rijks' next week. Old museums are nice. In old museums hang old brown paintings and they're all about the past. But a museum isn't only a spot to see great works of art. Views and opinions are being born over there. Especially when it's about interpreting things I presume.
      Why did that new city council improvement have to cost that much?
      "Well, straight through the hall, third room on your right, I belief Monet just started his blue period."
      Whats next? shaping our subconscious? I think about putting Rothko in a big font on a thick peace of beachhwood: "if you think its just about the colours, you're wrong." Speaking about art: I've put a song on page of Herman Brood. I send you to the page here ➜   " 神は私の良心です - okuramasu" Herman always sounded 'live'. He still is. We have a small painting : "Slobber." Only a Print actually but wíth autograph. He left us not long after an Ecumenical Broadcast made an interview with him. A nice portrait in a docu ("God is my consience") that must have stirred controversy not only in bible belts and strict moralists : on his left morning Scotch, to his right a young chick. mixed feelings.

      De Rede.

      Outside, people walk about the allée next to a zoo.
      Actually an oblique strip of pavement along an iron fence with a few old and tall trees behind.
      It is a shardsplinter in which 'my park' lives. (the warf). It gives an authentic picture and there's also one of those antique dark-green advertising columns, which reminded me of walks through beautiful tree-lined avenues to old places like the Zoo in my hometown or visits to stately houses in the old city.
      In my language rede -see above means both reason as well as shipyard.

      Your data chart has a little 'sailingboat' (the letter 't') with a nasty word: Afterwards.
      Time goes fast   and our scope is limited.
      In japanese hirigana セーリング ("Sēringu") means sailing and katakana ヨット ("yotto") is sailingboat
      I feel good! Life's a rowboat. This week Amsterdam. Photo's! Have to start up a lot of correspondence the next months.!!
      For my E-eco project I would like to spin a word around itself to see if I can create a magnetic field, maybe make a generator on a rumors flow.

      This week:

      I want to look into a few things:
      Challenge the time-line, -those who plunder Earth's resources aka leaders behaving like godfathers and their collected pions & (little riot nuisance )knights-, make scenarios, give answers and ask questions, about social events to genes-theft. How and why the corrupt tree myriades of the 'Bright Side' create confusement & panick -with the appropriate effects- amongst people and why the Declaration of Human Rights is still only a declaration. Let alone there is one for animals.
      Kaput, dead, old, broken and Occupied. Sure I know some people I can think off.   myriads of trouble Victims of mind control learn a system of norms, values and conditions (waarden en vóórwaarden) that infact impede or make life and progress or starting with something difficult. If on top of this you meet intimidation in the street, your life may begin to look like 'real tree and shadow tree'. like space-station to space-station with a channel inbetween through wich you rush to come home fast. Don't let this happen. Be no prisoner!

      :: time to pick up my paints and pencils.

      :: I will be making a big painting with horses, listening dog and Robot and yes this is true.
      :: For my political 'Manifest of Tunis' I will be sketching the greatest challenge of comfortable attractive/cheap social housing.
      There must be plenty of people not once during their lifetime realising that many people have no big bathroom with a bathtub - in own country and will never have one.
      Social economical renewals are very present. Justifications for the necessity of income inequality are seen as fraud. Drugs will be mentioned but are not a great issue, because Wheeliestan don't know problems with integrity. The laws of the big number in the manifesto of tunis are bound to gravity
      :: I started making veggie recipes. Right now flowers food.  Tulip Bulbs. By the end of this year at least the meat has been replaced by meat substitutes and alternaives. Do tulips typivally grow in spring? I dunno This is a little (part) of a summer spring verse text I made named : festina lente
      :: My Father used to ride a Harley Davidson. That makes me feel proud. Incidents and accidents - I want to buy a big poster for my mother.
      :: A known school recruiting marketeers warns new students for the course- "filled with so much shocking manipulative knowledge that nearly 40 percent of the students drop out in disgust." Time to know a bit more of subliminals, hidden phalluses and taboo imagery.
      Our image/media culture is cramped, stuffed with sex. Shopping and sex are kin of ordial that's why they're often glued together. Sex sells and is everywhere in commercial and on television plain or hidden or in sneaky anchors, between camera action and the presentors talk: "come with me" . It triggers desire or primal drive. Homeostase in motion. A good definition of primal drive :

      "Primal Drive is ultra lightweight, fadeproof , never rust aftermarket
      style grille for your Jeep Wrangler. With holes cut out for
      headlights and turn signals adding an aggressive muscle look to
      your vehicle. Pre-drilled, perfectly match with original mounting
      holes. Directly replace the old grille, no drilling required.."

      No natural disaster will stop people from chasing after themselves and a discount. Does that mean civil disobedience? Not.
      Meissie (dutch for girl) is japanese for business card. Love your meissie.
      Some are very good at consciously turning a favor or gesture into guilt. Make you feel obligated even after 10 years to do a 'job'. One day that must stop, no more time! Guilt as false loyalty is sad and sickening wheather coming from a criminal or from that kind gentleman or lady in garden boots pruning the garden of the madhouse in which their own victims are housed, with the barons Landrover.

      :: Where is the war?   A piece of text and drawing about news and journalists Jeroen Oerlemans. The linked page is NOT the artical or drawing.
      The text page shows an interview in a talkshow with Jeroen. I put the video player upside down. Made me feel better and to honor Jeroen.
      :: You try a telepathic 'mental' connection by using a mobile phone and have a mind-speak conversation to someone who isn't using one? You don't. That's way beyond your nokia/Iphone! As soon as I develop the technology I'm selling it to aliens myself.

      :: Soon here at Rocksushi totaly white/coloured nails, screws and staples. Write for info/order-buy!
      :: This Easter weekend I go to sight. The newspapers said: good weather in sight.
      :: Tested old Fender amp. Still works. Solid! Thanks Pete!
      :: Reading some magazine writings about journalist H. Hofland.
      :: Leave the tonsils and adenoids alone. About unnecessary and possibly harmful Tonsillectomy amongst others. (esp. Netherlands). Allayed and Superstitious. How by BigBrother collected nuts crazy are we? I would like to draw a picture of the corrupted well that bad industry and elites can draw from.
      :: I do not trust and want to know more about the integrity and cause of 'all' physical complaints. Like prostate complaints! leading to a lame even humiliating physical examination and experience over at the doctor's practice. Of course Always go see a doctor! picture male anatomy.  Here is another picture of the prostate.

      I know a picture like that on the wall of at least 1 disco that used to have unbelievable very loud base and kickbeats. We explore this later to see how trance, stamp, hard & fast music and sound (noise, flat or piercing) can have an impact on mind and body and how their health effects, especially under certain conditions and in combination with drugs, social environment and other stimuli, relate to the possible forms of body and mind abuse. Simply cause the above elements belong to the repository of- and can be repetitively found in, the areas that mindyou is all about. Few things are so common, easy to use and emotionally evokative as sound.
      Perpetrators like the masked way of using the wrong value of a carrying ('needed') action or message as an excuse to infact create the nuisance they intend to. (noise, smell, mess, mistake) The nuisance is real and mostly -much- bigger and doing rather bad than any good from the 'supporting or helpfull information incase of a message. Same way cults and group representatives exaggerate their prime love and trustability and lying wisdom to hook people on futher susceptibility and obediance; emotion is the thing here used as tie/wrap relation(s). Mindyou is full of the sneaky excusable tactics used to annoy and damage people in such a way that victims even adjust their behavior , condone the complaints yet undergo serious health problems - thank you government for your concern..
      I dunno.. all of a sudden I think of the schoolyard open hiding space for (future) bullies and hanging cross for (future) victims. Personally I think this: our IQ will make us visit the next solar system; our EQ will have us living on a dying planet within 5000 years..

      Good agenda points: How 'big is it' (*) ? How old? And especially when they're group/cult nut; how many are 'they', 1 how much infiltrated -by corrupted bosses- in -circuit- firms and health care par example, and how big does mean BigBrother own a 'sample map' of society? 1) dtmh- 2005 , ccmc- 1988. Or, how-many-people are doing stupid and not doing their work as they (know) they should for the known 'vague agendas'?

        It's not the street. It happens behind doors: living-rooms, (private) schools, sects, churches, lodges and associations, weird clubs and in your mind.
      All the façades we walk by.. Facades are everywhere in our plastic controlled world, but what hides behind the pretense of human beings, city and idea and what is actually (that real) identity?
      And btw, where do all these 'Jung Professionals get born from? Can't they collectively disappear? I prefer wise old people with bond to time, shared emotional sentiment and wide knowledge.
      Subliminal sound, science and input; webinfo about consciense thresholds, impulsmedia and prof. Chomsky from MIT.
      Biohax implanted chips for their 3SM employees last year , Heineken making a directional sound video, the future is here!
      I bought XLR plugs, stereo jacks and cables for amp and guitar. I also checked out (for a new website) sound modulators from Moog, Roland and propellerhead.
      I even listened to greasy stuff like Morphfox that changes your male voice into that of a woman.

      In the iconomy too society is based upon fear, nót on the beatles. On the Sgt. Peppers album cover of the Beatles is a picture of American writer E.A. Poe. It's like ages that I listened to those songs!!   "imagine yourself in a boat on a river.."  Can you draw a spinnaker from different angles? Fun! See how good you are able to lie, imagine things and be irrational from memory. Good at sails? Try a bicycle or your sofa. If you accidentally burn your claw n fingies and they're hurt and feel tight like a cleaning glove, you'll be glad to have a friend around to tie your shoelaces! Try to draw a simple knot! A little wink cuz again, how well do you know reality.
      Conflicts, complexes and Booleans? Sure. Everywhere! I'll dive into some pages of awesome conditionals today ánd tonight. Is that a Python? Bluh.
      Jeu de Boulean or when my laptop hits the ground it usually falls apart nót together, breaking things only take one movement. You can assign meaning, a personality or an emotion to the shards, make again shards of shards, organise them, create a new, better order. Many problems bring in its challenge a learning of better insights. Even the broken pieces of a laptop. Make that a plate, laps are pretty solid these days.
      ..are many scoops but just one Scoob!

      When your heart sais no but your mouth sais yes, use your mind.
      I bought great stuff at the market last Saturday. I'm glad they didn't make it a parking lot but kept it a place for market food! Happy!
      btw I need to go to the Kruidvat to get me some trekpleisters. (drugstore)
      Will see if I can make photo's of my SR-SS-SL environmental tests. With peppermint, cola and Polar ice cubes.
      btw: parking lot (garage) was a word often (meta) communicated and hinted in dutch, likely as a mindfuck to make me question, play lingo and re-think all 1001 language directives and meanings and everything else that as a doublebinder applies to your (victim) situation. Tiresome irony and confusing. A comprehension inertia reaction. (covert) Manipulators can change the blank and neutral attitude their victims have towards language and how they use it.

      I'll drastically lower my cola/soda intake. At least in my amounts I don't trust the sugar/insuline and sugarfree/aspertame effects which are basically all opposite to the image of drinking healthy water. So, I have decided to drink much more (tap) water mixed with some lemon now and then. hey Scoob, youve seen a confirmation..? doing this for the fifth time!
      No more calories and dehydration and probably a lot more quality and fresh power in my glass!
      PS: after only a few days of (tap) water your heart-burn complaints can be no more. Tip1: put the cap on your lemon juice otherwise fruit flies go inside. Tip2: find rest: compose with taste and learn to cook with fresh vegatables, herbs and a little vinegar. x
      K, C and PH.
      The most common known difference in cooking between Europe and the United States is the temperature-scale or Celsius vs Fahrenheit. I was workin on a script when I decided to pen down a few basic Temperature facts:
      Celsius is a temperature scale named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701-1744).
      The temperature (in 1 bar) where water freezes = 0 ° C (0 degrees Celsius).
      The temperature at which water boils = 100 ° C.
      The Fahrenheit-scale is a 3-point reference scale with water-freezing point and body-temperature being two of them.
      I googled for the PH Acid-value scale goin from -7 to 7, that's how I learned it, where 0 (water) is the neutral point buh me foun notting in there. Zero results my google returned.
      ..Talking about water: My bro and I, we had a little sailingboat (Orion) in a small marina. Almost next to a water saving basin, I just found out it is named: 'Grote Rug' or 'Big Back' in english.   Jumping over the nearby nature reserve, brings you into Babylonienbroek and some other funny names.

      Are you from Africa? I would like to know people from (North) Africa. For correspondence and information for website!
      I also seek new friends in Japan and China to practice my language and to translate a piece of music text!
      Workin at my ABC and more. Ideas and shopping and billing software
      You can lend your voice to Mozilla's speech engine; Im going to be working on a few internet ideas.
      Nylon strings (a breeze) on guitar, train tickets, I want to make a so called 'shout list' with all kinds of remarks that get buzzed blocking thinking and life..  like "you'll be breathing through a tube soon." The lives of my family are drowned on dissident level, professional lie campagne and propaganda.
      Specially along the Corona year a load of topics this page is about, quickly came by on television, probably done to create a public conscious of topic waste bin; clean and 'done or workin on' but things in society only get worse. We have to work hard for some real change.

      "How can we make life worse for a busy mom Jim..?" , "..We make sure she don't ever have a relaxed, free 'nothing to worry about' feel and replace it for a depressing routine of seekin out medicines that all look the same in dreary light on 6:30 in the morning."

      Bugs with their -stop shrink and frustration bagger- continue to indoctrinate and divide -around- my family. It's pretty crazy.
      This crap is old and already started with my grandparents. My Tip: bugger off. I have work to do.
      Sad to know that Amnesty International can ask if you aspect "registration can cause you scruteny/right violations", REGARDLESS where you're from.
      People's naive ideas and view on society and social traditional patterns including their lives herein are changing?
      On planet "in the pocket" not even 100 good policemen can let themselves be heard if the story is too much "Not-Wanted." Where can you go in total corruption?
      People are jerks. You know why? Because they're stupid. They like to crowd around, talk eachother after, to point at the guilty, laugh at the fool who speaks truth while not thinking themselves and look to the man on the scaffold with the rope tied round his neck.

      Checking older drawings for '19/20 personal important and challenging I-ROY project. "Will there be a good life for us outthere, somewhere?
      ..Behind the facade of sunny island and its near mythological Rasta movement with the world famous music style deriving from Caribbean calypso known as Reggae. I suspect to find a psychological mayday, lost culture, erasing. I'm not enjoying myself having an ice-cold orange sisi in the sun, I'm looking to ruins.
      I-roy is an evaluation of our cultural spirit against a background of the rocksteady beat of roots-rock-reggae. No region is likely to be passed in this story about cultural liberation as we walk through a battlefield and meet our old friends. How did we get there, what is beyond ánd after todays culture?  Magic. Boun fi. I-ROY!

      Water! We all need this. It's the first thing you need. I will see 'Het IJ' (ri is IJ in Japanese) and visit the grass near the big -buckyBall- football
      In the 'chemistry of the nose' unpleasant smells are called 'reeks' with smelly molecules named compounds weighing less than 300 Daltons.
      Organic odorants fall into several categories, including esters, terpenes and aromatics. Water is not an organic element. Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe.
      I make an extensive list of some important aroma compounds like hexanal which makes a grassy odorant.
      ps: yesterday I got this great smell in my nose of 'football' grass (and maybe hidden leather) here in my park. I found one of these empty bulbs with nitrous oxide. I find them quite a lot actually so I started to collect them more or less to make a wind-spiel curtain of it! Nitrous oxide (N2O) is also known as a party drug and laughing gas (slang name: nang). It can not easily be traced in your blood. -Users should always read & learn about drugs!- via specialized and trusted info. Unfamiliar mood swings and stressy over-all behavioral changes -Could Maybe- indicate trouble with drugs. When your kid or grandma starts talking 'poppers', 'pink robots' or 'superman' it could very well be time to start a conversation and to pay attention. Kids like to talk code. See here a list of drug (related) terms in this DEA slang list. Drug Code Words.

      Today we meet each other to skateboard over here in downtown LA near Spanish corner. I gonna see a good friend of mine. Last time we saw each other was in Europe, Spain in Barca, Miranda d.e. and Santander where we used to sleep outside, also in our own hometowns. I sometimes asked how come we didn't get stabbed? As a kid we liked to slip through the fence onto a lot filled with huge 3m/10ft high reels we jumped from one to another.Damn they looked like giant rolls of Leukoplast. We saved each other lives kinda 'cause I caught him when he fell from a stair and had a bad head injury near his eyes while he saved mine when I had fallen out of a fast rolling shopping cart on a steep road covered with gravel coming from a parking-space on the roof of a shopping mall, he brought me to hospital after I passed out because the gravel had totally slit me open. He has an eye problem from the accident and from malnutrition during a heroin addiction. You get it when you're very tired too. It's like when having heavy eyes and you got to raise your eyebrows to see from beneath your sticky eyelids. On toast (op n toasie) we use to call it cause the droopy eyelid thing is named ptosis. He survived stunts and dope and as we speak is now a talented designer! He said: "I could only quit my way. I had to tell myself I was a loser this way, goin to a dead end and that I had to quit; I had to stop. now."
      ..In sunny Del Ebro: "did you see how she looked at me..?" I heard my friend say as we gazed into the river and saw the houses from the other side reflect as moving flags in the water, waving white swans back and forth. Speed of reality.

      Einstein: time is relative
      Newstone: dirty words rage through vains of mine. if you find yourself everything gets time
      Rocksushi: he dont know where but hell sure get you there

      'Animal trainer' (handler) : automatize, know & trigger your emotional life and your choices.
      -People (sneaky) manipulating your thinking day in day out. Can you imagine that?
      We are talking about people that make a motor of conflicts and drive away with you. Your vulnerability. With shameless destructive practices/methods they condition and maintain the paths to your ruination, nothingness, submission, abuse, silence and shame.
      They are misleading the lighthouse, wound horse and rider and play for God; All of them is yourself and with what they get you. You are fooled, hurt and likely to break your heart, mind and life and possibly day after day, year in year out. To control your ways and fuck over your future.
      That's what personal mind-control and suppression do. You are fooled. For life. ego or whats left of it (intro text for Mindyou.)
      You can always 'Buy a caravan'.   HERE !

      I spoke about a limited scope. No-one thinks about serious organised badness, abuse and deformation because it falls outside our understanding and perception.
      We only recognize it when it hits the newspaper, but then it's too late. If the authorities, the government do not end the rocket engine of trouble meaning Every Single codeWord and totalitarian unity club, then we -im afraid- know exactly where we're up to. It ain't time for a 'new world' made by the same. Maybe it's time for a new view on reality.
      Because it's a motor of injustice, inequality and madness mill; for many a path to psychological oppression, in an intense way for some - like with monitoring and commenting- and sometimes even with predestination.
      MindYou is not only about the topics elsewhere on a few pages, also about wasted people, missing, temporary sex objects, elite frills, war, intrusion, slavery (all colors), violence, sexual abuse (often used cause it's a social 'lock'), deep control, dictatorships, politics, economy, total deceit, falsification, contempt, shame and grief, (self)conflict, disruption and hopeful cooperation to stop a lot of misery.
      Authorities in even the safest countries have lost the trust they owned from a non-critical general public that believed in true leadership.

      De Fabeltjeskrant

      It is unbelievable that people can keep their mouth shut about -rumors of- frustrating fellow human beings: from lack of sleep, (catering) night-noise knights and idiots behind a wheel to murder. It's a known fact about obedience and hierarchical groups and anybody else they can ring to help screw around in given ways.
      Information is not used to help folks but left for later to blackmail.To keep doggie on his place. A lot of information gets stuck. Very quickly they should loose anything that looks like a (good) name. For those who have 'lost' their own reasonable mind and see a passport in (group) gossip to be a pain in the ass for someone else, I have only this to say: leave, you fuckin' disgrace. laissez-les pourrir.
      It shows a background and draws an outline of itself and corruption. All these groups and also the little helpers around are just criminals. Any good chapter written about the ruling elites and their 'major circles' will bring you to the absolute depths of mankind. In their root drive remarkable and questionable nazi PR, plans and connections. That's the idea.
      In the worst 'catch & control' circles words can become a prison. There are rules of obedience and their highest form of loyalty is betrayal. One way or another. The mind can be Adobed and we have the stories from Pows in many research reports to prove this, people can be turned into monsters and some don't even need help with that.

      Cults, sects and some lodges too can pull up high walls. Many of them have a European background. The Skull and Bones lodge's deepest traditional roots go back to Germany. Maybe not that strange. Science is synonymous with classification and hierarchy. The oldest known examples can be found in descriptions of natural history and many important people even founders of -par example- the botanica and syntaxonomy are German. The naturalists and the botanical garden (*hortus botanicus) are worth a few interesting hours! Old books have great drawings.
      One of my favorite picturesque passages in a book is about a winter park in Tokyo.
      Here in the local botanical garden maybe the highest tree -a spruce fir kinda- bears my name. Fun! cause my name ain't exactly Latin

      rooiehypno knol
      zwartehypno knol
      wittehypno knol
      over het groene gras
      onder de blauwe hemel.    (link)

      Calendar: we did not lose a day but wasted many years.
      The American dream is over, there is no open destiny, hardly a chance to make it through luck and hard work in an underpaid job and control everywhere. It's a prison and you can not go anywhere. There's a lot of misery with humans and animals, we are deceived and we suffer from self-delusion and self-deception. For years, 'elite' and others we trusted can mess about with people without any mechanism to stop it.
      Still I'd rather see it this way:
      The dream is over, buckle up, while some are still asleep.
      We are inna kind a choke, it's no joke. But spirit, good work, policy of equality for everybody, more independence, destiny convalescent and clear cooperation will get us somewhere and slowly bring bits of our freedom back. True colors. Viva life.
      This ends the MindYou remarks on this page. Anything else was written before.
      I'll put up a 362 ft (110m) poster of a Saturn Rocket nxt week. You may want to print it.
      simple scalable SaturnV (.svg)    Apollo 4 on launch platform .jpg

      Herinner ringen.   Made a drawing a while back of long men as millwicks -the millman- (X) and of a lady in a butterfly tie (turned 90°) as a dress and too short necklace who does 'Everything on feeling..'
      'Walking Man' of Giacometti ain't no-longer in the garden of museum Kroller-Muller but inside. This EASTER weekend I'll try to make my own Giacometti Thin Man.  Walking Man and Plunger.

      Privacy is the right to be left alone.
      Zóóm. The sweet hairs from your head you find can be curled like a 6 or 9. I seek pictures for the new website: crumbs, fluff and tiny stuff that look like something! You have a picture of a cookie crumb looking just like a fly or a doggie whatever? Fun! Mail me! A hair is also very tiny yet, it can make a world of difference.
      Our Albert Heijn! is a franchise. I have 'never' seen (ain't that weird?) my neighbours in my local AH supermarket where they sell new trash bags with big 'ears' handles.
      These bags are made of polyethylene (oil). Just like your sweater.
      A Supermarket like the Albert Heijn becomes part of your life. Is that family still doing okay? That external fraude was specific and 'directional'. The last words about this (a.o.) have not been said.
      the numbers : we can build Dread! one by one like the grains make the 'seas', the fields, the bricks   voluntarily hindered by principles.

      I noticed the letter U on my moms pretty new laptop keyboard doesn't work and I need to test a hard drive.
      Look-up work. You can manipulate information but also manipulate with the nature of it, 'Time-clock zombie smog prison Barcelona' and 'pop-music'. About the crazy Beatles rumours long ago, the 'music industry' and REM lyrics to name something. All of them on MindYou.
      I have dear memories to Nijmegen, used to drink a beer in the center long ago. Might go to the city again, visit the riverside and Kronenburger Park.  ➜
      Vegetarian is super cool! I am very happy & pleased that food products taste so good! A lot of hard and fine work is done over the years.
      Snowball: You are what you were. work on an album with happy pics. Good memories, That feel makes bigger and happier. It grounds you yet can give you extra 'lift'. Use your mind and senses. Rollingrollingrolling. Time works backwards you know only then you see its relevance plus it is irreversible. Watch it!
      Trees make the wind. I sit and stare and watch some branches move. This tree goes faster than me. Yep, I guess life's what you make it.

      The SVB is the assurance company (bank) that pays the general state pension in the NL. Another assurance company is AON (its logo looks like AOW, an abbreviation for the 'general state pension law'. This picture maybe resembles a little bit the money pots in general. Tis allemaal om het spel en de knikkers. In alle soorten en maten. Or in english: it's all about the 'game and the marbles'. In all shapes & sizes.   'graphic picture of pension'.
      "Appliance" : "5/9 + 3/9 = 8/9 AOW." Pensioen: klap of schaats. roodblozend of grauwblauw. People want to ensure their livable future. The happy few their wishes. That is understandable; many people have worked very hard to get there, in the position of exclusive exception. Still, things have to change despites the hard workin grumpy old men saying: "my afterlife should be the same life, dammit..!!" It's remarkable that public media -as far as I know- isn't very keen on giving useful information about some relevant topics. Why no TV-Internet program & website with an excellent and clear flowchart of our national-global economy (where eco stands for social pollution) to make such a system clear for everyone? Sympathy for the devil..in mootjes, op pootjes een boot-yes.

      I've seen quite some surprising things last year. I will write about them later and elsewhere.
      Meanwhile I hope Wikipedia (how many wiki are there) steers clear from mal-information.
      I noticed information disappear (without history notice) and differences between international versions .
      I know that everything can be worked. Everything between Google information and something you buy. All It takes is a troll and a bitch-talk for another daily frustration.

      I must copy a lot of study work. Not only is my website MindZoo about things like oppression , Bigbrother and (their) trolls (-internet- trolls are 'people'), bad ideas & dito (elite) traditions and victimhood, it is also about limbic system and declarative memory.
        (loaded ying-yang idiocy and superstition to let the 'queen' consume her heaven others must stay in the inverse of life and all good it can be, aka hell. -we use this hourglass or 'top-bottom' model to clarify both 'things' and 'class'. And I look to my own family related to this subject because I will look at everything to explain the strange Zersetzung on a tail behind my family.
      After investigating a tragic trial in which an innocent man was found guilty a scientist concluded : the claim was based on junk science, evidence was ignored and reasoning was more characteristic of mystics or psychics. Here is your magical answer: hypocrite magistral idiocy! Idiocy means: extremely stupid behavior.
      There're always people willing to belief bullshit to use as reason to bother other people. Besides this you've got loyalty , tradition and in tied groups miracle and metaphysics like omni-potent powers and magical construction and balance to make anything and every reason plausible. How many times have my famlie dealt with people who thought doing here bad(my fam) causes good over thère(some -royal- family, their clients whoever).

      Care for your memories. Everywhere people (crops) are divided put aginst eachother, while specific people 'targets and bad examples' erased, chessed out in ways that make them seem only source and cause to their problems and their own perpetrator as if they fucked over themselves and all as invisible as possible. Care for your memories.

      Thinking about getting people together to make a small writers magazine named PROPAGANDA. Room for good drawings too.
      At the back of the magazine will be a periodic update to the 2022 HeartPulse 3-5 day Mega Festival which will be something like you've never seen before.
      Also a place for good food, futurism, bigMedia, small crafts
      *by then the theme of 'structures of organized misery in a society with (silent) oppression' will be more urgent than ever. I therefore relate to Mindyou in a serious fashion but maybe sometimes with a wink.
      Folks who say otherwise do not know enough or are either payed to come up with stupid remarks or have them by nature.
      The Conscious Generation publication will show that it ain't so hard to 'decypher' and recognize the methodologies of inequity towards both public and people, despite all the sub-scenes and vague vocabulary that's goin' around.  
       - btw: We also add an disc-, -ard- and -tion/-sion word lexicon. (like suppression. Try this in 'pirate' Dutch. -
      Just how wrong can the wrongs in our cultures and lives be?

      - I believe it is better not to juggle with words and letters to understand reality, although in a context of psychology it is, besides puzzling, writing or fooling people, important to show other aspects of this than the for-mentioned - Meanwhile persons should never bow for suppressors in any which form, who are trying to limit and alter those people and to make them afraid to use their own choice of words.

      Patrick Dewaere (aware) Patrick Dewaere in Paris.

      I gonna buy a flying shark. it can swim through the air of your living room. Cool. flying room shark

      ARCHITECTURE: On my old FB page you see a peeled ball ('shell bestemmingsplan.') that leads to the 'Bigbrother' cube houses, and other builds that easily could be symbolic for the doctrine suppression agenda. Inside the box Lane. Architectural confessions, shine and gently cradle on the West wind, of architect Blom. It's still bombed away.
      Shell around a hole with windy cantina's, salvation army radio dust. Blackbook city.
      I was really amazed to find out that, a well known office building they were rebuilding not so long ago, was in fact empty! It was a great blue landmark. Along 'Lion lane' , the Maas Boulevard all the way to Marconi, you have the Water board with nr 123 the same housing numbers as my grandparents house.
      Bloms' architectural cube work 'Blaakse bos'(the 'Blaak Forest' ) was and still is an amazing housing project and I like to find out more about the surroundings: sometimes (som tijds) blown away emptiness in a sculpture garden. Blom was an Amsterdam architect while the Amsterdam school is an old expressionist architectural style mainly with expressive brick constructions.

      I'm going to visit a giant football next week that I've known all of my life.
      It is in Sloterdijk near where I was born and used to walk around. Sloterdijk. Petrus Kerk. (Peter's church) In here the grandparents of painter Van Gogh married. House No 681. Mine is 629. - this is an inbetween space- A commemoration plate reminds you of a fallen soldier in Rotterdam.. Funny, Remarkable, the plate mentions a soldier A. Vrijman whose birthdate is infact like mine exept for the year of birth. Also the private's number contains the housenumber in the same order of my grandparents in Sloterdijk- where I grew up. Is it old? It is as remarkably interesting as a small statue nearby with the title : 'de verdwenen boer' ( the lost farmer). The city park river and station are nearby.
      Of course I want to hear all your stories on this page's theme. On the mindyou website there will be space to tell your story and hopefully talk to people in the field and other experts that "will believe your story."

      Making LOGO for new site something like this- around and getting smaller and make important chapter list. People are just bits of information; I have a lot of writing and research to do for many things.
      'Magic'with language, initials - I'm looking at my family
      Power and superstition. How often are these elements reflected in tampering with people? How big is the craziness that for one person means a forward line up and the one for the other one down (/\) in a predetermined victim-hood that may extend over 4 generations in an increasingly narrower destination. Peoples lives as a determined package, a puzzle booth: connected, filled in, overwalked and vanished.  mooie deur / nice door!

      The inverse X is something else. Where one party remarkably overflows with symbolism and examples of the dictionary of oppression, it all comes across in practice of realty to the other - thinking of my family too!   Bad Circles of and -around- elites and 'Orange' (.org) are by no means excluded from our causal misery.
      The 'elites' and their (influence on) their high and lower institutions, networks, work and Bor groups, waves throughout society. A walking '////' global harmonicum 'wmwmwm' that severely controls- , contacts and influences a society consisting of corruption and friends-politics, favors and nepotism throughout the times in important jobs, instead of the reward of honoust hard work qualities and natural balance. Fraudes!
      Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Rich royals and ruling elites can use their groups that are tied to them with members themselves bound by: loyalty, 'two lies', extra-judicial criminal practices, social disposition and discontent, treachery, fanaticism, stupidity and superstition to help throw out their mad scorn and thorn (toorn) over society (like Wilhelmina) and 'appointed' individuals. It's still kinda embarrassing to see respectfull political managers turn into blushing jackknifes when some Big hotshot pops up around them as proof of their accomplished egotrip.
      Underbelly and 'painful memories' in a recurring way are elements of psy-suppression; how come the royal-house (nl) are so good representing some bad examples? What is that? Will if any, the conclusion go left or right?
      Our society is a motherboard with so much of elites own interests, falsehood, sham, (criminal to extra-judicial) misery ,that it would make a rattle snake shy, and full of organized lookouts and cuckoo's nests with more of the same shame. That must change.
      'Dad and 'the House' [fr:maison]. Have concerns about active circles around those two: to what extent 'wrong' people can be seriously punished by organized moral/doctrinal groups, as well as the extent to which (un)knowing victims receive the wrong 'attention' suddenly become supporters of the (royal) House (state) and/or God (influence). Knowing that these two absolute quantities demand and fit every norm and fear converts quickly..
      Snel! ik zie de bonte kortsnavelboomkruiper, geef mij den verrekijker eens aan Sjors!

      Sects as the Jehovahs and other close organized and /or leadership groups are everywhere to be found in our society from corporate functions to the media to the simple annoyance 'round your home, ready to serve and deliver people and 'information' to bigbrother(their bosses) for corrupted seats, decisions and on a personal scale to flock out to frustrate and spoil someone's good name on orders with a wink and a handshake.
      Many (pro) corrupted minions and trottels -having a clue or not- from all kinds of groups(!) ready to help screw over people , punish innocent folks on false motiv and the effects of what was caused/broken manipulated by their colleagues maybe lóng before..
      Extra judicial means organized criminal hypocritical, sabotaging and out of court.So you let bastards punish others without telling them the truth. If they knew , if it was really just about right and wrong, they should've nicked their bosses.

      These environments are typically used to tame and lame the people. Sects and the likes don't demonstrate they stay in line. If a group is in the news it is not unlikely it concerns framed media attention to steer opinion. Anything else means most likely disaster. Don't join when you really want change. They were and still are used as a small part of a total zersetzung in the attempts to keep my family down with devastating psychology.
      Typically used as off-the record, low-down and extra judicial practices towards victims by intelligence, all their 'friends' and of course the elites in scale of importance. The Oranges (The Dutch royalties with names that fit the nlp guidebook, psychology manual of suppression and named artificial) would be considered as an elitarian party belonging to the 'right side of the fence' they would automatically serve.
      Generally speaking it is -at least- remarkable that certain things and similarities have not been questioned in the media. WA and MA make a couple of fine diamonds(shapes). Language and "impress deter" symbolism play- in circles using psychology and (likely) the direct cores they 'guard' or ultimately work for-, is often present and recognizable.
       The leg of the occupying forces has made our throne royals their embassy, symbolic heads of 'lodgic' diplomacy, department of fairytales and fantasy, and she can do what she wants in Holland cookie box. It is a made-up theatre-play stuffed with fat protocol, but with their status and the predicate royal a lot of power and influence can be exercised on groups, trade and administrative/polital units.
      The people are bugged and the elite are served; when you're awake you see it everywhere, under whatever political model. Practices througout the ages I'd say, of elites and their fanatic groups need to be examined; Under no reason people can be regarded as numbers, hunted,abused and or in roles for disposal.
       Language play (lingo) with dates and names -international leaders too- ,can give some remarkable results. The beauty of Samantics and its elements reflect philos. insight and meeaning; language is a core elemnt of psychology. Afficher la question diplomatique: where if so does coincidence turn to hidden cryptonised confessions of powerplay and plain irony? More and more little facts pop up media included. How could my great and grandparent family (see picture earlier this page) not be afraid? 'strange signs' seemed to be everywhere.
      On top of the zersetzung every time around a new succession to the throne there was extra trouble for my family, I came to call it the '7 years itch'. To some, people represent nothing but to be made crippled phylum(division) and voting cattle. In the suppressing control and kaltstellung practices around and with my family I do not even exclude ,ofcourse unknown, crossing and exchange and other deliberately from the outside covert provoked limitations. And this must have happened to others too.
      Hurry.., index please. I have two centuries to find out for my fam..

      Never mind I draw it kinda sharp here:

      rule - (high elites)
      fool - (religion)
      school - (government)
      cruel - (armies)
      tool - (class)
      mule - (: worker)

      High elite is full of bad losers and heady pushers. Already in the past, control over the elite, nobility and clergy was a joke, didn't exist. With Power and status you have many people at hand from government to groups (pumped with loyalty and people ingratiate) and other organisations to release wrong machinations and 'fix' things. This can result in illegal and unacceptable practices while being protected by standing, system and sovereignty. But not protected by Tobi or Der Rocksushi. (!!)
      "some girls are bigger than others, some girls mothers are bigger than other girls' mothers."

        General Assembly Resolution 260, art 2 of the convention states a.o. :
      . Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
      . Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
      . Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part a group can be defined as genocide.

      What is possible happens, somewhere, somehow. My small sweet land of cows and meadows has connected to the world in a wrong way since a long time; it has lost quite a bit of its charming smile and innocence.
      We also know terrorist attacks. Since the early nineties we have seen other sad things like:

      • Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into Investigation Methods (IRT-affair) 'Van Traa' dead after "vague" car (auto) accident (21-10-1997). Around 9 pm. Alot of 9's on my page. The commission had to investigate ao :
        -the nature, seriousness and extent of organized crime
        -the effectiveness of the investigation methods.
        -the functioning and control of the investigation.

      Van Traa started out as a journalist , worked for Le Monde!. After the IRT report he went on investigating by himself- very unparliamentary, and stumbled upon the outlines of a network of children prostitutes and high placed officials known as rolodex -also a simple flip-over card system. It was then that Van Traa died in an accident. The sex-scandal investigation was stopped some years later -too many big names. Also wikipedia doesn't mention it. information shut.

      • The nations favorite naughty rocker and painter jumping off a hotel to suicide in Amsterdam (titulair capital) (11-07-2001).
      • On the parking lot of the Audio center at the Media Park in Hilversum Fortuyn gets shot nine (9) days before the elections that he would have won (6-5-2002). This shocked the country not long after the twin Towers drama. A few years earlier he had written a book: The Orphaned Society, about the de-personification of Dutch society.
      I was surprised to read about his brother Mart Fortuyn: in 2016 Fortuyn was admitted to a closed psychiatric ward due to his mental condition. He died at the age of 73 after being injured when he tried to flee the clinic in which he was admitted! Jeez.. I didn't know ! At ease knights.. godverdomme wat verschrikkelijk.. I can imagine him being perplexed, put him next to his big brother statue. **(see down) Ofcourse the man was sane, the world just sucks. Now Everybody is an allochthone. Poor asylum seekers: being pelted with desserts and drug runner for a future. Cultural fact: we once had a minister of development aid named Pronk [eng: 'show off' ]. Why not made things better over thére the last 10 decades. "There are not enough houses in our country.." Isn't that just a dramatic sentence for a people? For own people I mean.
      More recently good and daring work from a few people in the Hague (Tax-affaire); Cheers to the initiators and investigators. One of them writes in his book : "I may have needed those experiences abroad to understand that you should keep asking questions, that you shouldn't give up, even if you meet a lot of opposition. And that you don't have to immediately think that something can't be true, because it seems too absurd."
      Heck that's just a dot of panic. And panick is pretty much always part of psychosis, when known truths and certainties are falling and meaning and purpose come into crisis. Like a mental carantaine; very alone.. These days the House of Representatives changed into a charged and stressed brainpan itself. What all comes in through the barrier of Okkie 'Pepernoot'?
      By-the-way, the story of the 'childcare benefits scandal' (Tax-affaire) starts with 157 letters. Hee that's funny, multiply that by 4, add one, and you have my house number in 2018.
      When you put that number which is 629 under 157 you see a jumping number. You could easily make the year 1572 this way which is remarkable.

      **Subversives or anyone else for that matter, too bleak to have material that supports their story, are locked up in mental wards hoping they shutup after sane parole. Goes like this: assholes provoke you, you make mistakes, corrupted health care pops up, getting labeled, locked-up, stress makes u wonder how u got there , no-one believes you (abondened), friends/family are worked and overwhelmed, you must survive self-doubt, when you try escape you break your neck. Over. And out.

      • It wasn't until 2017 the ICC international criminal court in The Hague worked on a case that didn't concern an African (country).
      • In our prisons dozens of people a year die.
      • Srebrenica.. Gen. Karremans who kept his face straight but was very angry with Ratko Mladić.
      It's 1995 june 11. Finally, after hours of circling in the air, two Dutch F-16's carried out an air attack on two tanks at 2.40 pm but without any tactical effect! This happened under the leadership of first lieutenant Manja Blok the first female operational F-16 pilot in the world! Now we can start our investigation! like, was she paid as much as her male colleagues? (source: wiki All together.. it's a lot of au.
      Mooie deur!    MIT: Jorgensun, Jacobs, J.A. Morris-Stephens and T.J. (the Thin White Duke).    "Zeg maar dat 't een mooie deur is!"

      This year Japan!I want to travel from Osaka Japan to India (chinese restaurant in Osaka). And I want to see the pink cherry-blossom, the mothering 'Sakura' trees near the water in 2024.
      *Nearly all meat recipes will disappear in 2024. This will be a new, surprising & great challenge. No turnin back!
      Japan, Tokyo - 2024. With Eskimo, Bam & Bear! city, work, study, nature and bears. Little bear ran off at least 3 times, hid in the garage but came back, now is sleeping in his own house inside cage :)
      Meanwhile I want to finish a first text piece.
      Hopefully I can spend some time when I'm in Japan to some work titles: 'terug lezen', 'van binnen uit' and 'Bergen-Tokio-Bergen'(oneindig veel toeval doet iets uit niets ontstaan. 1e regel).  avondland   title and image in early stage.   Same for Tokio-Bergen-Tokio. just fun.
      I think about making them a print. Here a tiny bit of Haiku   -link. Note: beginning of april '24 database exploded again. files n all are set back to '22 kinda funny. I leave it this way. site moves in a few months.

      MindYou is a website about the total of all the wrong ways bad government, organizations, people & cults are controlled AND in return control, influence and -in our context- do ruin time and life of people. MindYou wants to hear your so important stories from both sides of the fence!
      But the website is also there for those who need a mirror to remember they have: a face and a name because for them 'Born Again' ain't a sudden move to splendor but an everyday struggle trying to figure out themselves that they're more than an empty shell.
      From the consolidated spearhead of a 'social' cultural anthropological point of view, with an emphasis on evolutionism.., I say : primitive man worships the skies, the mountains, the animals, the river; civilized-man only themselves. Little bear: when you've grown and have taken over, chase them all to hell, to the end of the universe, all of 'em ..and never forget what they did to you all, not out of necessity but out of blind disgust.
        They have to pay responsibility, they gotta answer. They'll have to answer ..

      Sneaky trim, break and surrounding indoctrination makes people small and maneuverable. A mean 'printjob'.
      How many people are inside a private, scary map.   Control, abuseability,   'owners',   arranging, discrediting, deceit, exploitation, youth stamp, people who see others as utility model, take off guard, muckraking, MK(childhood- trauma floor, ), ongoing 'bad-trip', sacrificing, or simple 'play' and the encouraging and impelling to all this. Subdue influence -from far and close- with bad intent; a misleading input on (unaware) people, the control of mind (kidnapping), is a drama that can continue for years.
      MK is a traumabased id/mood-switch often for better control roles of complience and sex with a button (T). It's also a coverup for firstly elitarian bad psycho-sexual practices all the way to: control purple and rape. A shell crack above a permanent firming conditioner with color enhancer.- (EK SS) sex-Industry is for norm people sure, but also for the top-executive gents on bigbrothel planet Earth and big money makes possible wish, command and delivery in any form and expiration date for many of those elixer searchin pervs to cross the famous line that you should stay behind as fast as a straitjacket-16. In this meaning MK is an unscrupulous making dirty trajectory on orders using unscrupulous perpetrators to get & to guarantee that 'privat' scared face made to follow,made to lie, made to stay dumb and quiet. There you have your ultimate suckers. -Also part of the bad elites real attempt for a temple-utopia: 'Big mouth's horny-dream lets say SexPlanetEarth. Of course we'll be trying to point at effects-recognition and solutions relating to MK mind-behavior schooling programmes.
      Time to deal with the Evil Eye and its monstrous (psychological) life smashing crimes. Most directors are not top elite; in the worst case not even a real director. I claim my stake. Ronja Rövardotte!

      The games that people play. How haughty and disdain is the look of some on and treatment of -fellow people. The world ain't a simple lifestory. When suppression gets personal and uses destructive methods, we want to show Every (fake) reason and Trick to the above that results to: emotional plunder, abuse, blackmail victims, morbide traditions () to (political) fraude and how to restore a valuable image. Yours.
      We're talking horrors in a studied and organised way. Please understand twice that destructive psychological (sect) practices can really lead to crazyness, an intended (social) suicide, conditioned self-repression self-exclusion and lonelyness without feedback for a victim. The mind can be screwed over from words to reflex. A dreadful situation is possible in which someone is (remotely feeded) 'driven' to end his life. Then the decision to commit suicide can be based on lies while being faithful to one's self. An organised psychological attack with an overwhelming amount of 'created' fear and confusement collapsing into psychosis ("Am I losing self-control?", "What's going on..?!", "I couldn't tell what was real", "What's happening to me?", "Everything 'seems'(meaning) different!", "Who is crazy?", "What's the world..are they against me..?") can make the conditions for this 'different' hell-train.

      1e zin boek : "go fuck yourself uit de klauwen (compleet uit de klauwen) gelopen sectarische idioten nazi bende trauma-duivels! bospenen! zeeschnitzels! go-fuck-urself!!!!!" .

      The unnameable noise carpet, which is in every modern song, is the underbelly of a victim who's scrathes will be there for a life long.I must say I can't wait to write on the Political Manifesto paper with many changes, good friendly shops and both agreements as rules counting for Everyone! Thanks to society. -If by then, I'm not a stateless person.

      Mind you is about behavior Control. And how everybody gets fooled by a false propaganda of truths.
      Corruption needs to draw from a well alike to protect -itself and- to keep things goin, to continue plunder.
      How does it work? We will look to society in a different way and how things come together.
      Psychological suck up and drop systems -best behind locked doors- preparing often already scratched people
      for obedient controled roles, sex, (top) positions and obstacle.
      We do-not want it to stay this way.
      Because all for one is just for some and you.. ain't one of them.
      You're kept naive so you don't think about the injustice and your lifetime running out.

      The terrible practices to keep freedom for a few and tv for the rest.
      We explain how. And make a plan! Watch yourself, wa-wa-watch what you're doing.

      You can 'throw a cult inside a man'.
      My family has to deal with controlled behavior followed by a tuned environment; that never sleeps and tries to divide whats good and bring together whats bad. There is always a call to disrupt balance , harmony and well being. One of the saddest things is that: perpetrators can frustrate others so very much in what they love to do most, that victims may for ever stop in disappointment, or start tormenting themselves with that they love doing most, frustrated over what drives and divides them. It is still the story of Robin Hood and the Kings' evil scouts. No colour-tv, moon landing or human rights convention can change this. It is the painful truth. We only must learn not to accept it.
      Corruption protects itself with girdles of people preferably controllable because then you talk followers doing everything. You see.. It's like the middle-ages where knights protect Queen and country but in our case these fake knights and soldiers work for the *self-interest of a few. In a total corruption everything has blatantly disappeared to the *wrong side of the class-fence and injustice.

      The malpractices of psychological suppression, shaping and (deadly) frustration both of society as the targeted individual by (a false) bigbrother and his many friends in its groups and institutions throughout society are simply said still 'the taxes' done by 'tax collectors' , extra-judical jurats and street magisters coming after the plain man's money and -if necessary- after his(her) time, quality of life and mind or in a variation on a smaller theme: they don't just come to the door, they come to your mind and sometimes to harass it day after day and take it from you.. A righteous society creates positive people, and contented people give back to their country. We also know that the image of 'feminin' psychology paired with hard-boiled statistics (it's core) delivers the management of firm/farm Earth.
      For ever I'll ask myself why it's so F** blatantly obvious that there's hardly any knowledge and official action against all of the above.
      To be maquire or not to be Maquire?
      You can reach everything and only get touched by logical harm?

      Jan. 15 was the civilian rights leader Martin Luther Kings' birtday (murdered). Jan. 17 is the day Patrice Lumumba the first democratic chosen political leader of Kongo was abused and murdered. Half a year after he gave a furious speech and lashed out to the former colonizer the Belgian king and government, that he accused of bad treatment, slavery, forced labor and insults, which immediately caused a diplomatic riot and angry government.
      Looking at my page and generally speaking it seems like 'cheats' don't like speeches. It's a particular kind of flew and it happened before.

      2018 was the 100th birthday of 'Madiba' and 45 years ago that Nelson Mandela was arrested. Apartheid and all bad inhuman unrighteous disappeared. Wrong. One man was liberated. Not Africa.
      In the future on another website I will refer much to this example of 'the papers don't cover the load'. It is an important psychological example. Can you tell why..?

      I launch a site later this year where there is place for investigative journalists who can't release their footage. I want to show the hard work of people that tell the dreadful honoust unbelievable stories that would otherwise stay behind and disappear into the own archive. (abc- Reures) Update: impossible. too tired. and NO time.
      More than 80 journalists died (2018) during their so very important and brave work.   Integrity and truth are priceless. (just like privacy and lasting quietness)

      'Creo que es hora de echar un vistazo al 'vocabulario restrictivo' y eliminar la prohibición 'social' de las palabras'.
      I bought a Luís Carlos Galan T-shirt.     Monument in Bogotá
      "ni un paso atrás, siempre adelante!"
      Big brother and its (blind) servants. It sneaks in and hides everywhere. and in it hides the apparatus of a network of totalitarian corruption. It's a Big pretender and nothing but a Big criminal.
      Luis Carlos Galan stood up against undemocratic, criminal and destructive powers and refused to let them join his 'new liberal' party which would have given them more power and bad influence over official legislations and the life of civilians.
      Luis Carlos Galan

      Have to buy a new laptop. Gotta fix a software problem. Seems I'll have to hitchhike around Europe and Tokyo this year..

      Lower class fucks up middle class, middle class fucks up lower class, upper class has the fêter and entertainment for all. Tidyman. Kind & clean neighbour. Excellent.
      "It's just a ride man" says Bill Hicks. Maybe like a curtain and you're the ring. Roetssj cause we have no choice, and you can't go away. I agree for most of us there is no real freedom, no freedom of choice and immediateness. You may only have the illusion. Nobody asks, nobody cares, the trick seems to work. When your lucky you've got a girlfriend kicking you off to work for a new bathroom and when you come home your pet's tail strikes your leg..
      "The -Western- world is based on fear, nót on love." I mean: based on fear and (anger) distraction. It's a sad world this way and you know, emotions are drivers. I've seen this movie 'the Great Dictator' where Charlie actually became part of his Bigbrother treadmill machine. There's a lot of 'repeat' in our world but watch it, your life.. you live only once. Based on fear, not on love. Yeah. Or, based on love and responsibility not on fear and guilt.
      Once a while we get forms, surveys about safetyness in our street. Never mind what they say; everybody is scared.
      And the engine behind this is the break psychology of one step forward two steps backwards, and it touches every floor. (I should say suck & break cause it's about under/over pressure).
      In the original curtain story some little spoiled girls are amusing themselves chasing a man around through nightly streets with a camera and stengun drone. Just before it fires its deadly shots the victim hears a voice: "hey, it's just a ride man! But now you're aware of it."

      Hang the horizon a little higher..
      you don't understand what is in your house.
      you don't understand your house.
      you don't understand what is attached to your house.
      you don't understand you.
      And neither do most people fully understand pickles, yeast, vinegar, licorice and vanilla.

      I say you only thínk you understand a can of paint,
      but you don't understand paint and u don't understand the can. Can you understand?
      you only recognize it.

      If you don't understand, that you don't understand;
      then you really don't get it.
      these 2 lines especially for people who should have good understanding of this world and it's mal-practices.

      Maybe resistance starts with a warning. To stop the colums of stupidity and stubbornness. And stíll the Hicks' and Carlins of this world warn people with their inside views and criticism on the silent forces and social happenings in our society. That's cool. That's important. Maybe we can learn to listen. Speakers and apes.
      I saw a very flat VW Beetle (kever) yesterday like as if people had sat on the roof. It did look a bit faster though. How much would it cost to bump out that car back normal again?
      After a visit my grandparents left in their lightblue VW Beetle; The moment they shortly came back into our sight we saw my grandfather drive the right direction but taking the opposite road. No accidents happened. I gues the VW VolksWagen is for 'we'; the Porsche Carrera (spanish for racing) for 'them'. (In japanese: 彼ら,'Karera'. Red is akai 赤い). Sometimes I see near my favorit supermarkt at the 'Praque' bridge a beautiful old red Volvo right from a comic book though it doesn't have an old-fashioned car antenna.
      Movement and self mean 'auto'.あ う と (A U TO).
      Ever feel silly when you're outside and seem to walk into the music beat coming from a car? Thats very likely coincidence. Always remain cool. Just walk on. Go to the beach to shout.

      MEDIA Until 10 years ago orso, almost every evening our tv journal showed Israel-Palestinian troubles (and I understand why). A very present part of our daily -news- reality and for a loong time.

      This makes me think of a friend who studied Hebrew language. There are two Israeli languages the other one (the second and not the official) is Yiddish, a mix between Jewish and Deutsch. Yiddish therefore is a German language and not, like Hebrew, part of the family that also Arabic belongs to. This makes a very interesting background of history because languages in a social-cultural context also serve as signifying group identity and social stratification.   This, fortunately, is 'Beirut' too: City development
      Zion from Jamaican culture comes from the ancient Hebrew but refers to a land in Africa: Ethiopia (Addis Ababa). Anyway, the bad part of the news is maybe at the end watching the weather news because climate changes will equal the effects on our global environment- like microbial processes in the soil.
      Sure we are hopeful yet at the same time some things will never recover and it won't help saying something like: "only 9 countries today are not in some kind of conflict, but hey, the world will survive." There is no other utopia than the purity we have left behind. ➜
      Lately around here we have the discussion about nitrogen or 'N' in chemical code. Nitrogen is good for you : it makes up for 78% of our air. But it is also related to everything salty, poisonous, alcalic and explosive. You can find it in drugs see N2O known as laughing gas, rocket fuel and as a chemical compound that contains the CN-ion group wich uses this symbol ≡ known as cyanide. Remarkable maybe is that it's often the pop-up symbol for the option menu on the nav-bar for webpages; like this page. Whether you mention nitrogen or co2 , all the same loop. Direct danger comes from fluorides millions of people suffer health problems from that toxic stuff like from polluted drinking water. Without proper rules and tech solutions the problems go back to the simple fact of people's needs. Since our Earth and its environment at last gets attention maybe (electro) chemistry will leave the shades in which it normally hides. Very very important. The Earth means long-term thinking. Every day the population grows with nearly 300.000 new people. If this goes on the planet will be burned up to ruins and you will have no backyard 'cause there will be no space for that; íf you would get born anyway.

      PHONES I Puppie inna basket, PietKraai, Rennie, Palmers, VH, the Cool Ruler, CUONG VU,   Nouvelle Vague   That's what you get  

      Magnificent 7 (movie) is after a Japanese film that inspired Star Wars. White lily Leia.. I remember the 'living' trash compactor scene. As the walls of bad moral are about to mash them the heroes use sticks to stop the threat. Yes, time and space are everywhere. Star Wars is my favorite movie and art work of 'good vs evil' metaphores. Star Wars ('77) was brilliant, magic! Connecting your spirituality with space adventures. The hunt for hidden inner powers and the subconscious really took on now! I saw a nice piece of tv showing the original setting for Star Wars the desert and town of Matmata in Tunisia. I went there by myself and found it wonderful, I didn't want to go back! I still recall the names of Sfax, Sidi Bou Said (picture of me in lighthouse while it rains) , El Djem and Gabès, the Oasis, the mountains, palms and people! Germans use the japanese word 'Kino' (yesterday) for cinema. The long horizontal lines. We build many yesterdays; how will ours look?

      Made a little doggie from little things I found on a walk near the park and the river

      Yesterday I walked along the river an stood still at the place I've sat down with a girlfriend a couple of times. The pontoon remarkably stood out from the others cause it had changed into an overgrown spot like a sad and lonely grave with fallen headstone that lost its memories and story.

      The Jacksons. What's a singer if he can't shout Mike? Okay, sure helps if he can sing.. Michael jackson was a musical hero. The best. Like Star Wars('77) the basics of brilliance were real, grounded, what made the magic even bigger. Since day one of success he must have had character killers around him because you don't want a superstar and example to mega-many people, young and old, to be trustable ánd speak up nasty things. And then he began to do just thát..  Micheal Jacksons' initals Mi Ja in Katakana are written: ミジャ just looks kinda funny. George Michael too deserves respect for the lonely fight for (creative) freedom against mean people and industries! More hopefully on other website! The beautiful houses you see are called the Blaakse bos; a bridging promenade above street level with shops and cube houses. We live(d) near that cubistic fairytale forest. A beautiful architectural landmark.
      SOCIAL/mindyou Welcome to our Era of MICRO and information. We hardly realize that we live in a time of micro-scale; functioning transistor parts so small they can't be seen by the naked eye and build on machine data, not by screwdriver.
      A society with strong and new forms of control needs good laws aka 'privacy by design' or should I just say: society by design, cause making policies (course and means) is all about control. Good news for Wheeliestan and our political manifest:
      Now there is a analytical framework that will show you exactly what your information infrastructure needs, checklist for policy-planners included!
      btw, in this little manifest there is no place for private monopolies. We will however give chance to every color uniform, overall and small and valuable farming (sea/land)

      STATUS study: japanese, GPS/NAVtext, and (environment) Earth Emissions and macro-evolutionary processes, electric/magnetic waves and robots, ninja & ghosts handbook (I will work very hard next year!
         water can take any shape and seeks the deepest point. slurp.

      TV - FILM TV- The hypnotic attention 'train' you can't say stop to, knockin' you off and out, carrying zombies along while the phosphorescent light flickers from its winking eye. A passive submissive role imposed by an illusion, giving overkill and monotony or asking relief, it's tiresome mainly. Bad teach, bad channeler. backgroundparty. Already belongs to the field of neuro-marketing, as everything. (neukonomie) People want to experience. Like to be with and watch. People and little colors! Emotion! Renew! Your virtual lively company, made of light. The more you see the same people on tv the less you should look to them. I tell you why: because actually they are evil, or they are retarded or both.
      in Beeld cult-uur ver menig vul dicht.

      Tv is the big believer, pretender of moral, security, say, freedom and choice. A brainwash, just like good music conditions. Part of the Controled-Speaker, part of 'Rome' with its invisible connections. Rome is there where people and things come together. Visible in calculated inequality, involuntary opposits, decadence, missery of the corrupted executive. From corruption come the strategic injustice and socialmess with individual set-back and stratification. And social problems don't come alone since they come from initial flow. Class and dichotomy(division) make gaps with regard to everything that shapes a person. Serious corruption with harsh suppression actually implicates a declaration of war hence the fact that social problems are others' social solutions. Where richness should exclude mass poverty. Wealth's destitution by decadence vs absence. You never have time enough. You would want to have ten lives. Believe me.    ..Keep watching, we'll be right back.

      Where the self-formed elite and controlling power -at their own discretion- the people and other parties:oppresses, occupies, oppresses, discriminates, abuses and misleads; imposes its will and whims on to them ;forces them to dance to their tune; and with their grouptroops and the official institutional protectorate corrupts society like for example through extra-judicial and criminal practices punishes and cleans up so-called 'noise', 'dirt' and innocent obstacle; she is infact showing a declaration of war that must be answered.
      The Faith, Hope and Love show carries on. (de Geloof, Hoop en Liefde show). The ball game of power lashing out delusion and perm procrastinate, delay (palthe). In Delft I lived next to a remarkable bank. It was the ABN bank with a roof-construction looking like tents held up, by three long poles. It is now a place for healthcare place named elft..
      TV is its very developed digital dope seductive machine keeping you on its hook. The screen is your primary huggie filled with substitution, promise sex desire , applause and beauty to dream about as well as false moral, intimidation, fear confront and enemies, Draconia, 'devils', false Gods, bloodlust, death failure and uglyness to swear at.
      It is the capturing tool of bigbrother. It will not raise the true and essential questions. It is mainstream. Its infrastructure contains the emotional version of transport, processing and drain. It will often lie. It is in the pocket and it will lie again.

      For the ruling riches TV has always been a tool to repression and bad promotion , to keep people addicted and tied in many ways just like the flood of gadgets and apps that require behavior adaption and devours your time. Tv truths song and fest keep spinning you around. EnJoy but be wise. Cause only feast and song can make you your own thief. It won't be long before we are all part of the 'live!' kill-rape-chase tribunal with a vote button in front of your horror plasma-tube. 'Westworld' is already far beyond being broke and sounds don't match the scene. TV keeps us stoic about our own confusion and numbness, negatively affects our view of ourselves and the world full of restrictions and limits and keeps us delusional about our idea of choice, freedom, justice, opportunity, it is a grandiose or subtle liar and distractor. Only when you stretch out you're able to see a little bit of your surroundings, the mechanisms and partial truths. But as soon as consequenses threaten existing beliefs of the potential critics many of people roll back to their known images and assumptions like a cake-roll staring and seeing nothing but navels and sauce. Or sour pickle in ham roll with cocktail skewer. Recipe soon!!

      Around 1982 there was a near landing of a UFO but they decided to move on after reading the television guide. Seems like they turned every scary NLP psychology chapter into a tv-program title like 'hints!', 'crawl inside the skin of' , 'haunted house' , 'bigbrother' (MTV San Fransisco) , tweedly deedly birdies ('k zie 't helemáál in jouw zitten) , the dozens of fake 'born again' solutions® and many more. There is however a chance to see a UFO in the Netherlands. It landed on the roof of the national train company building named 'the inkpot; the oldest and biggest brick building in the country. ..Observe it here: Cool UFO!Why don't it take up all these boring tv millionaires personality t-bags? It's remarkable; one could even see it as 'what kind of accident happened here in the past!'. Would try to explain this later but I can't
      This page knows 'other inside skin crawlers' cultic, who psychologically become aquinted with and try to read(predict) and learn appointed targets' behavior, (thought) expressions and ways of thinking.
      would they allow their children to empathize/learn the personality and personality characteristics (eg voice) of a victim as 2nd generation offenders on victims and their families..? Where is government to protect THEIR people?
      TV can be honoust, but it's mostly a false prophet. Sometimes great portraits, heart warming moments, interesting documentaries, learning (school tv!) programs, correct info-update channel and indeed.. funny.
      Mostly getting nowhere fast entertainment and -mainstream- fine-tuning tide of anti-opinion and criticism by underbelly information. Cross labeling.
      I gonna watch one of my 'heroes' : Bobb Ross. "We don't make mistakes, we only have happy accidents."
      Nót on the morning news! ..accidents, fire, murder, mkcorona up-close (be careful with your corona money), a new enemy of the state, even more flames, crying people, sirens, war. Im not even awake yet. Happy day. May I suggest a tv-show where people in wrong organizations, governments or on personal grounds, who gave orders to ruin the lives of normal civilians for tens of years, re-live the past time of their victims and vice versa? Or do they think 100 years of hell or living 100 loving comfortable family years are equal the moment they are gone bye and nothing's the matter? Let me state the difference in relativity of time: it's standing next to a hot stove or sitting on it.
      I got something for ya: my Wheeliestan Tomcat 14. There's not much difference but maybe jerks are twice dead.
      Meanwhile I ask again where our sound of the kick against the football has gone..?
      Tv is used to address followers and members base to confirm their (wrong) believes. Tv is filled with confession, guilt, suggestive exemplary punishment, 15 minutes of fame for stolen lives- rights- talent & fame for some people. Since a while we get to see the second re-run of a program about another show.. Tv is pretty much a sectarian thing because it creates a huge dependency while it sells crap. That's one explanation why stupid ideas become norm: you need it for social functioning.. Stowaways of the Zeitgeist.The pseudo reflector named TV for our daily entertainment shot of shock and party, fakeness, vulgarity and riddle. Likewise it got people over-obsessed and playing roles. Many people, some joined organized and very serious, go along with shadow play, obscurity and the whisper realm. The tele's imitation of life is a fukkin mind-gap making people blind and meanwhile the country has been taken over and sold. Waving is spinning around in the flat plane.
      The TV and Media overkill taps deeply into our lives. A true sign of our time like in the real world: It's addictive, depersonalises and confusing, often unable to interpret inner feelings and clear meaning. People ask themselves:" why am I looking" but than continue to do so, sad. Who Are You..? In psychology: illusion, the (little) lies, substitution, stribing for real goals are common ingredients. 'where there's a will there's a way..' In these times a reason more to find out less about tv characters and more about your own healthy vegetables. let's Soupstitute!

      -- Your tv are images electronically build up in 'lines'. The full picture never existed. Your tv screen is an 'illusion'. A computer are millions of switches and its information needs interpretation before it gets meaning. It needs you. Too.

      00100000 01101101 01110101 01111010 01101001 01100101 01101011 00100000
      01101001 01110011 00100000 01100100 01100101 00100000 01100101 01101110
      01101001 01100111 01110011 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101011 01110101
      01101110 01110011 01110100 01110110 01101111 01110010 01101101 00100000
      01100100 01101001 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 01101110 00100000
      01101111 01101111 01101011 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101000
      01100101 01110100 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101110 01101011 01100101
      01110010 00100000 01101011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01100010 01100101
      01110111 01101111 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 01100101 01101110

      ...My small country that I love very much (at times) is filled with rain, naive walk-alongs and nasty hypocrites, bunches of deeply scared disguised Mainwarings, Pikes and other 'stupid boys' ready to arrest spirits thinking you can do crazy without damaging yourself and not realising that their television with its 'freedom and free moral' is nothing but the freakshow.
      Despites or thanks to the 'morality of modesty' there are many groups and organisations that collect and suppress people, international brothers seeking, isolated vulnerable searchin' grown-ups & naive drama teens : sad shadows for claws and dicks of clever sun decks, people tactically frustrated, played with their bold complexes, misled folks pushed-op and morphed to prostitution or to solitairy knights into lovelessness and childlessness who confuse stubbornness for super and discipline. Underneath the rocks & stones: water flowing underground.
      Action is required to get all dirtbags, their friends and agendas who (in) directly use their contacts-pimps and 'fuck-portfolios' in the indifferent showbizz, media, fashion model and au-pair agencies (blabla other world and isolation), to take adventage of young people, children and girls, before the already omni-present deceit and abuse in these shitty industries become other words for sex trafficking, rape and abuse and a hell of a lot of scary stories for young people abroad on top of all the other existing horror. This goes too for 'domestic work' considered by UNESCO (part of UN. yes I do believe they're into some good work here and there ) as to be of 'the lowest status' and you know exactly what this means for respectful and lawfull treatment. Get those bastards. Go fuck a broom in your golden room.

      All people will be guilty. They've learned to love the enemy, they want to be the sufferer. They equal the difference..

      "hardlopen hollen sprinten.."   walking running sprinting. (A. D. van Leeuwen)
      ..sink in, relax, watch your breathin, lower your voice..

      FILM- Logan's Run. Great SF movie about life in the future anno 2250. You can have it all except your 30th birthday cause than you'll 'renew' and rise to 'Sanctuary! Sanctuary!' With Michael York as a former killer 'minion', an official agent of the system chasing runners, making a plan to escape.
      This movie was shot inside a giant shopping-mall.
      There is a great analogy between a shopping mall and the film theme: sale, offers (in Dutch sacrifice), routing, people, manipulation and illusion just as between the film and a totalitarian system. Brainwashed moral knights from BigBrother's scary networks like sects, cults, masons and post-academic strongholds who are allured to play 'agent' are model to the trained, 'runner' catching agents in this movie of which one finds out the horrible truth behind the system's falsehood that kills and brainwashes the people.

      -Just like in normal life, the living lie can be blackmailed with all his criminal deeds but this time by himself. The former agent and killer now himself becomes a 'runner' on the run for the system with its false heaven and deceit.

      Logan's Run I think, is a great entertaining quite timeless movie with some pretty actual themes, parallels easy to find between our time and the story.
      ..The people of the future, a bunch of happy shiny lotus-eaters, live in a utopian and hedonistic society that, led by an automated operating system, in reality is nothing but an extaltic cult full of fundamental lies and deception, absolute control and a systematic elimination of time and life with everywhere the confident merciless police-agents hunting down subversives.
      Logan's Run really draws you into its world, I'll be watching it again soon with some friends on big screen television! TV itself, of course entirely fits the above.
      V1. V2. T-Vee is also a beam (air) 'weapon'. This forget machine, station obliviance also claims casualties and damage like the missiles back then. Just in a different way and not so clear. It's a mass weapon of which you press the button yourself.
      - The elite agents in the film were called sandmen from the sleeping sand in our eyes. My whole country calls the sandman ,in my language, by the name of 'Klaas Vaak' (Class Fuck)
      It is amazing to see in a way the same lines from what is happening in the movie and in our own existing world. On youtube you can see how sane victims of psy-warfare tactics angry and panicked as it were, pull the bushes to find their covert mental attackers. Just unreal to realize ,you'll have to take my word for it, that what you see can be completely real. in every way!

      "You can have someone cheat himself for 20 years and wake 'em up in 20 seconds."
      For the creators of the hedonistic society-*cult, in which (co-)perpetrators, patsies and victims are all the same, mingling in with the people and (sexual) (ab)using them could go on without any risk.
      "Psychologists and economists have classified and described a heuristic catalogue of biases which recur frequently in human thought."   Low gones run!
      *cult = 'nobody' does anybody.

      Noam Chomsky has written great work on the psychological drives behind our world and (political) economy. For instance about the media role in the shape of Hollywood. I'd say the californication of it or 'playing nice weather' an typical expression in my language, of course meant here is the 'Great Pretender'.
      There are many persuasive ways great work can get undermined even by its own creators and I hope that works of proven wisdom & 'truth', in the category of 'difficult information' stay clear from reputational attacks and their works within reach of the general public.
      I accidentally stumbled upon a website that 'decodes' movies giving meaning to symbolism in the story using the masonry codes (that I have no idea about) if I'm not mistaken? Very interesting. What a fantastic effort and work! Spreading some light in a unique way. Here is an example: The snowpiercer   Next Lucas' THX 1138? (technological tyranny: verboten sex, obligatory dope) or King Kong? That would be nice. I'm not sure if King Kong is taken from a Japanese story (like Star Wars)
      Kin and kon can be translated with words like 'gold','(dirty)money','you','near' and trouble. In chinese/japanese you can hear the 'n' sounds like 'ng' as in bang. I dunno but I start to get the feel that the monkey wasn't a monster but in fact represented us, ourselves the people This way (im biased here), it could be another version of Icarus -the guy who wanted to get too close to the 'sun' (goldpot) and then his wings melted. A fear fable in the shape of a myth. And myths are passed along through the generations. Maybe in school where you're working on the story to never forget it..
      'One flew over the cuckoo's nest' is also remarkable. Only the spirits have flown in this movie in which the rise against the sterile system for color and freedom is in the end killed by the call for freedom itself (the indian). Written between Beat generation and the Hippies by Ken Kesey LSD guru and organiser of acid test parties for white temple goers and arty self-seekers.
      It happened one night (1934) is one of 3 movies that took all the important Oscars. Besides Silence of the lambs, 'Cuckoo' is the third that did so too. After a romantic comedy twice a nut movie.. begins to smell like a moral here. By the way that bitch nurse was called Big nurse.
      Take a look on the Wikipedia page on the book on which the movie is based. Some nice topic links on the dissembling and sanctimonial malpractice psychiatry can represent and has always been for people like truth seekers and political dissidents by using corrupt psychiatry to hurt people in very bad ways. "Takin' the pill is admitting you're ill", and it's still like that'. See the Rosenhan experiment "Non-existent impostor experiment." It's such an unbelievable shame it's almost a laugh.

      Sanctuary! Sanctuary!

      I read a nice article about 'numbed' children by indoctrination through the popular media. Am looking forward to writing a little more about these
      manipulative reins. Ultimately it comes down to what I write on another page: it is not about what is being said, but what you (think to) remember. There are many trix. Throughout the media/TV programming there is loads of hidden propaganda and opinionating: people or statements that need more push and (subconscious) goodwill are placed right before or after other positive moments so you start matching. This can ,later on, result to 'things in your head' quite the opposite of what you saw at the surface. WonderGlue.
      The same way tv can show pics, a scene with a resemblence or association to a known real situation or person. The mind overlaps fiction and fact and possibly distorts truth to make a new one. Exactly according to the TV maker's intention, a new feel or idea, a different 'image' about a person or topic can arise in mind & memory of the viewers, their views and feelings (sub)consciously altered. Whole new topics are created on tv, because what u see is what u will talk about and false or true don't really matter.   This process is named 'agenda setting'.
      Ofcourse influence & control don't only come via our TV. The city is a good example. Here everywhere socially accepted conspiracy, common drive that feeds, leads, charges, points. Emotional. Brilliant, consciously and unconsciously. From and for just as many small and large agendas. Movement.. Pro- and anti- are about 'on which side of the fence and with how many' ; Bigbrother likes to study and to control movement, our behavior. And.. he wants your Will. He wants yóu to want what he wants this includes you go buying or dreaming ('cause tired and dizzy ) and that u don't mind the elites to steal your space. He do-not want you to become (a) relative, wise, meaningful organised and to get involved into seriously questioning your life ánd the establishments' cause. So that's why wé do this.
      By all means the social framework is corrupt, tv cheats your needs and is therefore mostly a modderfucker filled with useless credible make-belief. Sometimes wrapped in (emotional) confusion so u walk dizzy everybody else's path.

      This weekend: 'Rockers!' a charming little movie, Orson Welles ("..Would I do it all over again? Hell no! Im a film maker, I make movies. I spent only 10% of my life to filming. The other 90 was hustling for money.")   Wells once did a radio show in which The Marsians had landed in New York causing so much genuine upset that people fled through the streets to escape the space aliens.   - There's a name for the 'psychological infection' that makes people believing madness and taking it over: 'shared delusional disorder or Folie à deux'. It seems it can happen to everyone. But much more important: it shows the root importance of information.-
      I want to watch the famous movies 'Popiół i diament', 'Die Blechtrommel', hopefully I can find some work of Fassbinder like 'Marleen' or 'The garbage, the city and death' : "a gloomy atmosphere of a dilapidated, rotten city where politicians and real-estate speculators are refilling each other's pockets, supported by the corrupt police chief."   -Rotterdam has been bombed by the nazis and yet hooligans and many others connect a serious bad sickness to the word jew. That's two times blame of the worst kind. What's wrong with these people? Dumb cunts. Unbelievable. Watch this city.-
      Next on the agenda is roadmovie 'Starman', Kubricks 'Eyes wide shut', reading the nice artful storyboard version (with drawings) of 'Abel' and seeing Krzysztof Kieślowski;the 6th film of his Dekalog series with the beautifulGrażyna Szapołowska Plop, fiction! and my favourite Soul Man!
      One of my favourite tv-programs is Andere Tijden. Also I very much enjoy Chinese dreams, Tokidoki(about Japan), (dutch)nature, recent middle-east docu-series(2022) , tv-programs that show a mirror, have people listening and allow for more than one question on an answer and the morning gymnastics show. Serious! Good television is possible. Such a pity Broadcaster Teleac with great language courses has gone. Sign o' the times? Arrested development?

      TEE-VEE: By the age of 65 you've watched over 9 years of television. People think the evening is supposed to watch television! You have been told from tv/media to go buy something 30 000 times a year. By his eighteenth year, a child has seen tens of thousands of violent incidents. Billions of shots were fired virtually and millions of hours gone playing Call of Duty games alone.
      How can they preach non-violence when in the shops young kids can buy stereotyped games filled with sexual assault and absurd violence in which killing innocent victims gets you bonus points, is it me or.. What you often see has a sphere of acceptance of allowance about it without clear moral borders. In an authentic real war, every bullet costs approximately 25 cents.(link)
      We are in a wicked world where 'hopeless and chanceless' youths live in and around deprived environments that brainwash them even more into violence, bridges of bad to worse crimes. No miracle young naive and problematic Scarface-poster boys change into 'Machiavellistic' minds easily to be persuaded into committing mindless stupid deeds.

      In my small country there is a lot of hidden propaganda on TV and I even suspect, like a magnetic field and electricity, across successive TV programs, cross & horizontal programming making a 'mindpicture', a subconscious 'rebus'.   This delayer, entertainer and immediate moral judge carries the dark breath of Caesar's Empire in which people get pushed, reputations spoiled while 'Big Eye's' moral tit-for-that policy is always happy to show you that your free opinion, healthy bias and instinct sucks.

      ..shame, loss and disgrace can keep you at home; social life carries now the picture of your enemy
      This is also about my fav movie Star Wars I : good/bad and the pillar of believe, where the magic of God was replaced by 'the Force'. Magic is dope.
      You can create a susceptibility in which people believe that, everything coming from one's own is (extra) natural, magic, power, elixer, confirmative, important and real. Used to be in touch with or get the same. That on every and normal daily harmless moment everything spontaneous coming from one's own mind is therefore good and healthy and one múst surrender to this, it needs to be acted after, obeyed or múst be answered because it's holy, inner-true or divine, whatever.
      It's not, cause only wise is wise. I bet masses of men walked through life as Jedi's. Serious, faith can make very strict commitments and thus stubbornness and play a truly important regretful role in someones life.
       You know what's cool? learning a trade and taking your kid to science museum listening to a string quartet standing in an audio Beam.
      'Video and tv' return the most search results and are spelled the same & understood in all major European languages, just like broccoli. (sounds the same even in russian..). One múst watch television.
      It's a wolf in sheeps-clothing and forget about the metamorphoses, it's more about metaphors sortakinda. Soap. You want war? Shut off television for a whole week..

      Bring back Smith and Jones and all duppy conquerors to kick out the protection maffia. Normally you don't want problem and solution at the same time so these bastards mean a very low and false conflict.
      Anyway I'll spend my late Sunday afternoon watching some episodes of old tv shows. Feel like watching 'Spot the Dog' with a cup of tea and bisquits in bed. There seems to be a compilation on YT!
      The tele is a scratching occupier. It's sad that thematic knowledge channels disapear and entertainment became something for zombies of death watching a giant goldfish for hours. Our society filled with 'moved' positions needs a media that consolidates those people having them -besides entertained and numbed addicted- recognize theirselves and feeling okay learning in false examples how nót to deal with their own or their boss' mistakes. It's a mistake; but not as we know it, not as we know it.. and there's always the bigger you in terms of some kinda group people belong to these days where responsibility disapears behind many backs until some patsy must take the fall.
      Compliant switches following corrupted decisions making them unprofessional people: it's a shame but who cares, it's the software that's doing the job man!

      BOOKS Caribean Crabbs, shark survival guide, Set game and theory, Dostoyevsky themes, Licht by Prof. V. Icke , 巧合分崩離析,又重逢。 作者: 椰林飄香, and the 1995+ Oltmans diaries:"Suhartó!"
      Oltmans:"Anyone who might be under the illusion that all nations within the Nato alliance, do not use the same illegal and criminal tactics as offshoots of the Big Brother in Washington, should have their heads examined.." What a character! Although a 'naughty notenkraker boy', I found parts of some of his work sure to be valuable.   ..And the works of Prof. Piet Vroon. Starting off tonight with locus and rationalism. Looking forward to read his work   Hard & Koud. With M. Simec(link)
      What's happening in the distance? I'd like to analyse this 360 degrees.
      There seem to be icecold places amidst our society where people struggle to reach 37℃(98℉) ; our body temperature in wich we are alive and be able to function. Say, take your pet or kids out for a walk, get some blush on those cheeks!

      (my family got -and still- 10 times more trouble including hints in the media as well as the other way round: attempts to create local underbelly from own appearance and doings that either relate to negative media actuality or could be explained as such. Btw, I have the honour to have my name as a 'problem' in a series of mathematics school books, 'moderne wiskunde'. It's also remarkable -I must admit it makes me smile- how a morning show on television seems to follow or use elements that occur in the latest texts and subjects I add to this page. I sure do hope they're not part of some obnoxious plan..
      But that's obviously not the only thing. Google and Media are screwed up. The uncommon last name of one of the grand-parents delivered search result starting with letters that read bomb-attack. Radio and media items that cross main themes/vocabulary of my web page are stuffed with repeated bad words just like my name is used in the media in relation to many 'bad & sad', wrong and negative associations and characters to generate negative flow. Creating underbelly pre-assumption, disbelief and rejection as well as methods to create this suggestibility. It's serious and I know -only now- that it happened to my parents and grand-parents before. Political psychological suppression uses such a wide variety of dirty tricks and manipulations that victims can -possibly seemingly with only their selves as reference and source- give away what they are, give away what they have and what they -for themselves- represent. For us: A mile-long tail filled with generated, evoked, arranged, engineered negative interference and intent; headwind in many, many ways..

      Also reading about Milgrams experiment (horrible concentration camp images-) and mindless obedience or 'agentic state' - don't get into strange cars!- as well as '6 Degrees of separation'. It seems when people do not have to take responsibility they can send others to hell yawning. People listen. And what does BB make? He doesn't make a face, he makes backs. Okay, the only unities I like here are inside a classroom or carrying a proud flag.
      Hugo de Groot:
      "Notae ad dissertationem Hugonis Grotii De origine gentium sectarie Germanica et morbidium, et observationes aliquot ad meliorem indaginem difficillimae illius quaestionis slavus caprioles magnificus ridiculosa" (Leiden, 1643)

      Bought two books, one book about the filosophy of life in and behind the balance sport of Judo fly-dive and learn to fall. Ippon!
      This winter I would like to read 'De Avonden' by (Simon) Gerard Reve.The legendary -circle- title makes me think of the Aardappeleters. De Avonden (= the even-ings) was a winterstory shock with gay sexuality as its foremost exciter. It takes guts to prop this as art and get readers upset while the mist of war is only just beginning to dissolve. Sex is omni shape, everywhere don't mind if you got a hard on.
      Bomans (another Dutch writer) was not only a good writer, but also a people's connoisseur with an eye for reason and emotional drive. What else would he have said about war as a background of chaos in relation to sexuality and frustration? I say this because Bomans didn't like Reve's first book all that much. And without having it given any read, I actually think I won't like it either. (Because too explicit things I decided not to read it.) Rêve bytheway means dream in french a title of a famous painting by Henri Rousseau with looking eyes of animals hidden in the bushes!
      Bomans rescued after his passenger flight in a hot-air balloon ended in sea: 'the Boesman dive'.
      Bomans Because of his oratorical qualities 'with a wink' often on TV and by writer Mulisch commemorated with the words: "The man on television is a family friend made of light; when he dies, a friend dies", would not live much longer after another important meeting with the sea when he stayed -alone- on a small island in 1971, for television. NB: Bomans also once took a flight in a glider which then landed in a haystack kinda.
      read more on this excellent website:Ilibriana  [for Dutch readers]

      Cleaning up study table for two more great books: intel. studies and a hopefully good +700 pages! history sketch of Jamaica and Marley ('a brief history') by Marlon James. "In >Jamaica we all trust rumors, facts come with an agenda.." Update: I couldnt read it because "too much swearing." Mindyou is about the legendary Jamaica too. I have many questions. Yes, I do think there are many questions. Has there been research being one of them. Take the language with double adjectives, the strong simplification and its unity preaching I-talk, part of Patois. It's like newspeak! How come? Where does it really root from? 'Aks yourself a question' as they say is a good example of what this page is all about.   How did the philosophy of control (suppression) psychology in shape, functions and use of (certain type) people within public movement and cult life rule the Jamaican society and have itself ,in terms of yin yang and parallels compared to and effect the mainland? What (if so) did the 'world' learn..?
      From a street corner you can see a once legendary music studio in ruins. Historically speaking the uplifting (70's) lasted as short as it took Usain Bolt to run a new world record. I don't understand: for a higher reality you not gonna get stone dazed. What you want is to sit around the table with your loved ones, family or friends and think of a good plan! What happened..?
      Next is another known problem. Somebody put it on a list (link might be removed soon) Jacob Miller was a car crash but also his son died. Big Youths 'One in Ten' (music)Did see quite some 'Mills' and glass pyramid structures in my surroundings the last couple of years. Through out my life I realize. Even met my first girlfriend in a place named crazy mill.
      I did a little read up on the VOC: very interesting and imaginary! Finally attention and research comes round showing these corrupt VOC bastards under pirate sail were doing dirty business and misery everywhere, West ánd the East. I repeat: modern history and before is not long ago. It-is-not-old! They could build and write it all. Different worlds, broken strings? No way, it hasn't ended at all. It isn't 'untouchable times of lóóóng ago are behind museum glass'. In reality things just continue. The appointment's still on, tea has just been brought in..

      This weekend I'll re-read a story about war guards. Just A fine little book where things are not created of nothing and heroes just have normal names.
      The other book I bought is: 'Open ogen' by Remco Campert. I am full of expectations, very curious. > It's poetry about chaos (link). Poetry is. Answers connect. Slashing goes fast. Questionmarks need shift. This was a cruciate ligament update.
      Geregen eenvoud, de tragiek en bewust-wording van het menselijke moment. Hechting. Voor de laatse woorden mag je ook -ont- zetten. Het gaat over de oorlog. 'Vind het een beetje minder dan verwacht. ik hou niet van oorlog. Daar raakt je haar van in de war.
      Opmerkelijke foto van inspirerende Campert.(link)
      The title 'De Avonden' reminds me of I-ROY: the collapse of culture and moral decay.
      Against the backdrop of rough-strong music notes of all kinds, the main characters are standing on the ruins of what once were a music studio, the annex of the townhall and a school: "sovereignty of our body and mind violated, with a drug needle the annulment of self-determination sealed. Our hands held up for phone and pills as the epitome of dependence, living between the false decors of forced morality in a society where everything is broken." A hard hitting bass mixes in between the images, and someone suggests to build a *pyramid from the dirt. Conscious argument. Fire burn.
        *(Dutch - streven is 'sterven'. sterf/streef punt)
      Click here to see a pyramid.

      PAUZE 12.00 - 12.40     19.00 - 22.00 sports outside with some friends. Basketball, skateboard, voetbal. (I can't pronounce soccer.)
      regen   veldje   invallende avond   schaafplek   doelpunt   naar huis. eten!

      FOOD Check the Pods recipe.
      Here is a promised recipe. You can take any vegetable you like.   recipe 'blindevink a la provenciale' . Groetjus. Some vegetarian products taste simply very good like the quorn sateh or flat meatballs in sauce. Happy! I made a great goulash/Stroganoff dish with it. Super! It works great when you grill (bread toaster) your veggie meats. Today I mashed caraway seeds. Prawn-cracker crumbs wood be handy!   I made a simple dish with just noodles, celery, cheap champignon ragout, a Jeanette pepper and some veggie bouillon (don't cut through the tinfoil cube). Wonderful!
      Curry the poorman's' strong seasoning mixture (it's not a single spice) is very tasty and works good for vegetarian recipes. For curry dish 'roti' (the cake) without a pan I use a lot of yeast and then microwave the thing using thin layers pancake flower or puff pastry on a roll which gives you something eatable in no-time. Normally a good pan, smóóth dough with water yeast , baking powder to sprinkle over and a little bit of butter(for pan). Thin layers, fluffy edges and róóólling pin should do the trick! I don't thoroughly knead the dough, ready in 10sec and still soft. Rise for 15mins. I have a ball eggsize I usually cut in two ,one for a next time. Frying pan 30 sec per side.
      I stopped using liquid butter / oil for most cookery. Good to see a little lump of butter melting in my frying pan again, just like the old Days! You'd usually eat this with (veggie) chicken, hard boiled eggs, potatoes, bok choy and long-podded cowpeas in German 'spargelbohne'.

      Roti is a tasty dish that you eat with your hands and fingers. Roti rules. Roti for president! People and friends wonder if I'm always cooking in the kitchen, they say:"then what do you do always do than?" Well, I don't do always do budokan, I don't do always do pianoman and I don't do always do formula-one. And hell no that I don't always do kung-fu rockstar snelkook pan.
      Harmfull psychology can have badly effects. Like social fears. Lonely people without an introducé. Flawed mindsets. I see successful leaders but without kids. Are immortality, themselves and their important work the baby? Folks, watch out. Time is short. Don't let it pass you by. Don't miss out on life!  日土寸 (time)。
      (It's because of "the system" you know that 'thing' that's designed for its owners and cramps life everywhere on this planet). Man is continually cursed, called and torn apart.
      The world disc teaches and preaches success while so many feel stuck n infearior and even the tiniest life deserves our full respect.

      Mediterranean cooking is just a hobby, it doesn't get in the way, decide my mood or work (day). Keep things healthy right? Anyway.. at the address where I temporarily stay I can't avoid morning television and nice cookin programmes starring funny worms with notches that cut unions into rings for soup. There's a show with an english woman whose name I don't know. Long brown curley hair. Ogen als zomerijsjes. One of these days I give my creamcake with liquor receipe: 'Yin-Yang'. Great with Chocolat milk: ff menge en klaar ∈ Klara.

      A favorite soup in Japan is Miso soup. For my Japanese friends a diffrerent morning soup easy & enough for 1 litre. Needed-  100gr soup vegetables: leek (40%), carrot(30%), cauliflower(10%) and fresh celery leafes(20%) all coarsely chopped. That's about a standard bag of soup vegetables in my country. I prefer extra celery over cauliflower, 15-20 soup balls of (veggie) minced meat with pepper pinch a salt and nutmeg, a good 1 liter of water, 2 stock cubes (for 1L), vermicelli and 2 small tablespoons of (sunflower) oil for the effect. I don't use taste enhancer. At times I use fried and cut tofu puffs(like fried egg) and some spoons of rice cooked in soup. Let rest until balls/carrot are cooked (+/- 20 min). Very tasty, very healthy, very simple! Breakfast in japan is often warm food with steamed rice, omelet, slurb veggies and fishy or a few slices of (sandwich) meat and soja products!
      I experienced rice works good when having bowel problems. Stress makes you smoke(eating) and drinking(sucking) too much. Oral fase and all that. With persisting changes or problems: always go see a doc!
      I'll try a futuristic 'Werthers Echte' yummie travel buttercandy recipe soon. Did get it from a friend in Sydney, Australia.
      btw: Flying from A'dam or LAX to Tokyo both takes up for about 11hrs but to Sydney it's 7 hours longer from A'dam Airport. Also the name of this site is Rocksushi but, to be honoust with you, I have never eaten sushi. I tasted it once but I don't like it. Bytheway, this is part of a borough with the streets of Suzi and one of my favorite streets in Tokyo. Some wards (japanese : 区 ) in Tokyo are infact autonomous little cities.

      cv --PS: for our Android login buddies: we are working on pages. We sell some groovy stuff on 3dCafe. (Not open for public yet.) So I guess were stuck with some lame stuff on here for anybody else. Our giftcard is much better than bitcoin and you'll soon be able to use it for worldwide tickets as well. rocksushi card andr®oid page.

      I discovered that rhubarb has GIANT leaves. Nice!  This is pure 'rabarber'. More on this later.
      Own cultural vegie recipes made with and without supermarket products soon on the site (i hope) Green Pencils made by a bunch of spring onions.
      Wanna loose weight? Remember red sauces like ketchup or shaslik taste great and have almost no fat! At the other hand bread contains múch and often non-vegetable saturated fat. TIP: Eat less (cheap)bread (carbohydrates! + fat!). It's also unbelievable how little butter or oil you'll need infact for your fried eggs so use less fat! Some people think unsaturated fat is no fat but something different and you can eat as much as you want. Saturated fat is unhealthy. Unsaturated fat is much healthier but still fat! Too much unsaturated fat is therefore simply also not good!
      So, no or less snacks, sugar, salt and soda and try to eat more fresh food instead of processed food with all pre -added sugars sweeteners salts fats and other (synthetic) alien additives. Than you need only a few more things they are: you basically have to eat less than before to get to healthy weight no underweight! you want to physical move more (walking, learn to like it) and you got to lose weight slowely (few pounds) so you don't hurt willpower. Focus on longer term is more healthier and works best! Last but not least try to eat food no poison. I like hot peppers but leave them for a while too. They dont burn fat. by-the-way,
      |  incase of a pan grease fire: Lid On Pan (lop) and turn of fire.
      |  indien een frituur pan vuurtje : Deksel Op Pan (dop) en vuur uit.
        Red white black colors are the increasing degrees of serious burns but also of possible wound infections! Do you have a burn? 20 min lukewarm water. Go see a doctor! From blisters see one directly!
      Heartburn? Try taking only 1/4 or 1/2 of a tablet and see if it works. Maybe healthier. If complaints do not go away then go see a doctor. Good chance they can help the problem, maybe you have to lose weight.
      Something more happy: I mixed a small can of tomato soup with 1/2 liter bouillon added some oil (looks good, soft taste. Maggi erin..?) and fresh rise (soup boiled till rise is done). Next day you have a very tasty authentic Tunisian (N-Africa) soup! you add some cumin. Today I made a little tree of fresh glassy egg white. In the future -and more skilled- I would like to make a little 'Kubistic' tree just made of squares but that's precious tiny work. Fun this first experiment!

      This week boerenkool (kale) with the 'best worst' there is; Hema worst (wurst). I'm saying goodbye to meat for a while. In Tunisia (where they only played Bob Marley) I learned long ago to put rice in my soup just like my grandpa did- it's old dutch too! My other grandfather used to chew coffee beans.
      Did you ever see a flying sausage or a finger with two nails? - I know it's a little scary but it's simple. Put 2 finger-tops against each other horizontally and on eye height.
      Look just over the point where your finger tips meet but beyond/behind it. Now slowly move your fingers away. Jeez.. you're a magician!
      Also cool: put your arms wide, eyes closed then touch you fingertips again. If you're good at it try it fast. Next week cognitive ollies.
      We 'humans' ain't a hair more worthy than all other creatures on Earth. We are stupid ignorant spoiling idiots. We have to be conscious in how we go about with Earth, respect all animal life and treat animals that always have been our sweet and important friends thoughtful with love and care - must!

        This is the most important part of page:

      We must treat ALL our animals with the best respect we have! Animals take care of their children! Some animals are smarter than people and if not, at least they look this way.. Bad practices STOP! Bio-industry STOP! Unethical testing on animals STOP! Stop All tests on animals! The imbecile insanity to let animals suffer for our 'beauty..! Arrest those lab 'docs' ! STOP Immediately!!

      mother & child on the same fur coat? No Wáy..!

      birds should fly, animals be free!

      The next couple of weeks I give some old war recipes. Food for times when there is none. And maybe I can find the way to make 'tobacco' if I can remember. (just out of curiosa. I quit smoking a long time ago. Everyone should. Smoke makes you cough. Come on it's bad like hell and they knew this for a long time. Do not fill your lungs, health, life and future with poison. Stop that killer and stop now. Smoking without cigarette in time laps looks like constant scissor with your fingers. Stop cutting. Besides cutting there's also the "hush" mark when finger crossing lips.
      Said it before, nature's simple splendour is such a relativizing thing, a great and easy way to relax! breath slowely! You don't have to curse, scratch your wounds, count prove something, hate yourself, feel bad or to pretend that way. Hug your pet, look at a silly duck. Leave new things new if they 'laugh at you'. Don't scratch them. Get yourself up instead. Almost everything is beautiful, you too. Yea.. thank God though for the invention of waste bin, yu know watta i mean..? Nothing can be beautiful all of the time!
      Remember the blossom, the sea, the trees, a path of pebbles, the rain or winter all these delightful fragrances from nature. Smell is very important! It itches your senses, keeps your mind and memory awake, awareness! Get yourself outta that gear! Your filled senses are good mood makers that can make you active and want to participate reality. Don't filter them out but use them. Wear your glasses see things better and be connected again. Come up with reasons to do something instead of having excuses not to! ..Can mean a world of difference while behavior medpills tame people's emotions.
      Tinkboutit, there's a lot of beauty in this world, a lot of efford. Don't ruin this in you. Like an addiction masks that you are infact outta control. Quit the 'precautions' you need to make you feel good. Regardless of anything don't slip away from reality with your home as the only comfort-zone, fantasy as a refuge and lonelyness as your only company. Think twice and you'll get somewhere, see you around!

      I was very surprised last weekend: I got one whole half bread! Finally! For soup. A half bread, not sliced so crunchy all over. At first this seemed impossible to understand for the girl at the bakery; which sums it all.

      - It's Thursday night are you coming?
      only when i feel good
      - one week later: are you coming?
      yes, but not on thursday's.   (Check your excuses..)

      ROCKSUSHI In the future more about food and health! Is there an existing link between increased heart disease by vascular problems and calcification for instance? I want to know..
      The meat industry sucks. 'BigIndustrie's dependencies and refusal of politicians to reform strategically the other way is often striking.' Watch-it Buck, "bigi bigi bifi.." Interesting too in relation to bio-effects and/or health problems: sugars, *proteins, pollution-poison, fats, salt, sex and growth hormones like estradiol (I'm interested in bone growth), nutritional habitual effects including food(meat) towards sex and sexual orientation, non-vegetable raw foods, water and watermonsters, pollution-poison, cooking materials(the -what should be- teflon/PFOA scandal and its successor genX technology with FRD -fluoropolymers again damaging human(liver) and environment.), food 'additives' like sweeteners, preservatives, emulsifiers, weakeners and calcium carbonate (chalk) also tiny part of cement. I'm a bit careful with all of these. Educate yourself and make yourself a bit more wiser in your choice of.
      *Kidney disease is growing at an alarming rate. 1 in 7 American adults have kidney disease which means millions of people are affected, unbelievable even with old age included! Bad chem, pollution.. Our vitality is attacked in many ways. For once and for all: watch your health! - I tell bad chemistry jokes because all the good ones ar. (old i admit) -
      Food news: Chocolate milk does not come from a brown cow, haven't we forgotten that cows need to be pregnant thus inseminated to give milk?

      Taboo. Abba-toir. Too scary, too painfull. It breaks off. You right away think of a diffrent 'dark and light' : gimme..gimme..gimme. Our thinking here is distracted from what needs serious attention. Bio-industry is medieval horror. That's not how you are born and that is not how you die. Disastrous indifference. Earth must be declared holy. Nature given rights and protection by LAW. Both quest and respect for the fundamental order of origin untill inventions of harmless loops thrive our existence in harmony with nature and no damage done. School don't teach life's wisdoms. Some of nature's gifts should be untouched by us, should NOT have a price, maybe never have one. Please don't spoil the sea. 80% of turtles is touched by plastic waste.    Also fish lips are not made for hooks. Fish feel pain too. And no more aquarium. Please get sweet Goldfish from stupid empty bowl; buy yourself battery fish!!

      Fangtooth & friends

      Hurrah!! Effective since July 2021. The EC concluded the agreement to combat the plastic soup with a ban on single-use plastic! Away with bags, cups and caps from animal stomachs !! source kvk (Chambers of Commerce) Please stop whale hunting! Japan, Norway and Iceland say they pay attention and respect to mother nature but does harpoon whale fishing fit in to that? No. doesn't fit in to that!! Freaks! Idiots!

      Marine Biology!
      I have a house with many animals. So I have a clever little mouse. I put a mirror in front of his food ..which made him so the crap scared that he jumped up and landed in his water basket. But the next time he stood up to his image! My mouse Feynman did the same! I say: we all, and researchers make a very big mistake towards 'intellect' and conscious of animals!!
      A mouse, such a mighty beautiful little animal takes care of her children, moves them to another spot, they can find their nest back in your attick coming back from the other side of the street and walking the stairs. They are wise. they are unique creative individuals that I have seen climbing outside walls to the roofs. Those guys have a lot of guts!! and use their little hands to eat. Animals deserve all the respect they can possibly get!!!!!!.
      I went into town. I bought a suit for my doggie Benjii, Feynman and for me. It's superman suit for 3-5 year olds so it's for the future. What you give is what you get. It was cheap (wibra) but it is very nice ,right? (link) A little song for dread here.. It's time to get a little fitter. I want to go abroad healthy: a little stretch and some walking or jogging helps! Check your weight hereBMI calculator
      People don't want to be controlled and sit still; they want to live, feel-free, use their senses and move! It's good to lose (some) weight. It increases your mobility, your awareness and quality of life. It makes you more happy! step by step.
      On a new website about suppression I use overweight as an example in 'the discussion' about disorder and disease. Please, don't close browser when you set Clock time. Rocksushi wants to use only sessions. There are 10000 fantastic & complete other clocks on the net for on/offline desktop. I will however make a file with cookies and pc-waker so my 6yr old niece can download and use it. My excuses!  Meanwhile here's a simple timer-clock (link).

      MINDYOU "Around my fam there has always been -on every level- a massive intimidation and psychological undermining. Kept away and divided, ruination by design. Life in a blister. It's nothing of a coincidence that we've stayed in weird apartment complexes probably on demand by the Parties' headmaster of the cover up girdle. It seems more and more that we have to live in many forms of seem and appearance." In Dutch to be translated as shine.

      Blood Sugar Sex and Magic.. sums it all.
      Something like Eavesdropping is as old as sin and Peeping Tom.
      Bigbrothers fascist army of schitzheads trades dignity for treason and spits out minions. Spoiled information runs like water through the veins of that lot.
      Anyone who stands up and really wants to raise issues (let alone on a honest journalistic level) will have to look out for ridicule, denigration and worse.     (Mindyou is a website about suppression.) I read 24/7 buzz frustrating and BlameTalk. That ain't new. I know.
      Even before you get up the first feelings of sunny mood can get lost in attempts to break your smile down to doubts.
      Organized psychological harassment around you:
      sadistic 'camp guards' non-stop spoiling your mood, good flow, nice moments, repeat of a nice moment, good start, success in one-time, first attempts, ideas, plans, something good, not a while but day in day out, year after year. Your senses shocked, your frankness towards plans and your world killed. Until you've become an isolated staring reflex or addict.
      That filth (controllers) threatens, challenges 'guilt' into people hurting themselves and slam their face (indelible confirmation of any 'guilt'), keeps mind wounds open, intimidates without borders, makes people loose contact with family and reality, and makes people fear justice rather than -or as much as- injustice. And I don't mean own choice kinda self-punishment and penance or Murphy 'accidents'.
      One can be guilty from guilt or accusation (= again guilt) of inadequate (self) punishment. Be careful of coercion to penance and self-punishment, because this provokes an admission and so its repetition. Guilty feelings,right or wrong can make you sick, silent and comply, that's why.

      The belief that at all times law and correctness can be deliberately changed with injustice and incorrectness(misunderstanding), that innocent people be put in a killing plot of murderous design at all times, is a horrible threatning jokercard. This is almost fundamental fear and uncertainty;this can put people cold and lifeless in their rockingchair for the last 30 years zombies with their bow tie round their throat, closed-off from their emotions, as a form of self-reque, killing the world to save her.. When desired and ordained, someone can be extra-judicially 'kaltgestellt' for life. Maybe his origin should be kept secret, maybe he has seen too expensive naked boobies, maybe an abusive sump must be kept shut, plays the violin too good or should be isolated because of knowledge from a (coming) puppet role etc etc.

      Guilt present or not the slightest bit, can make very tiny -compliance!- and can keep a person from talking, thinking and planning. Victims can even be given the idea that they are protected and thankfully!! still 'free' by the same powers (corruption) that are seemingly against them.. People /victims also stay dimmed when the psychology is used of threatening with fulfilling prophecy. Meaning they know what ever you do (talk about, think about; there are always tricks and clues for this) is what they will threaten you to disrupt or confront with which will give you the creeps and can start to make you feel locked, watched and really scared and keep you from undertaking things in the future afraid for second time trouble. Extra-judicial practices like these should be awarded with 30 years in prison staring at a white dot.

      More and more I start to understand 'what' was 'around' us. In an attempt to silence (at least) and hide us in an life of 'inverse' and the requisites department. What fed and 'radiated' me and my family intimidation, frustration, doubts, "stop" and "fault" in our lives and minds. You call this subdue political coercion. 2 questions; how this could happen and continue while nobody is arrested.
      Yes you read this on my page and yes, it is rather important text.

      FOR NEW WEBSITE some notes & titles: 'Cheops and decay' about our own memory -  A night walk: silence by rest not of emptiness -  Trottels!Wheeliestan. Censorship and asking questions (Yes it should be illegal) -  What's in a name? -  Is God electric? Mostly about morality -  The last variable is on which side of the fence? -  The past is not long ago! We're still in it. -  Earth is much more beautiful than heaven! and the 'Sun' is old, so he wears a beard as he travels -  False underdogs (sympathy for the enemy) and I'm writing a short story about a finger (AP)
      - Over de ontdekking van de ontdekking van de Hemel : over de ontdekking van de ontdekking van de Hemel.
      -Masquerade on the diamond floor : About stars and shine. The moment our divas and heroes break through their own cordon and want to speak they get smudged. Reversed attention magnet. Title is also a symbols stuffed video clip - the masks, the black/white 'castle' floor (joints,grey-out goin the right way -confusing magnfd. white noise - and /F1 ) - from Robert Palmer.
      - Come as you are : data and bias. about the right profile for the job, colored opinions and supermarket fridges that sense what you want.
      -Bulls eye! : in which fancy ladies collect small fears for advertising and for the next meeting hour of the secretariat, are busy drawing relationships and making patterns.
      -God & Maradona and Messiah- religion and psychology: about mass and group psychology and people.
      -Forgotten wars : not long before the first world war, the world had already known genocide. Why don't we know about these wars? What has happened and what has been constructed in a geo-historical way? Always interesting think-food cause anything hidden masked forgotten and denied or bearing the inherent function of these patterns, are likely to be used in an offensive way as the "" 'blind spot' in the mirror of both conscience and awareness.

      - Law of small numbers. Overlooked but not by multinationals and corrupted people. Small numbers can meet 'stupidness by design' or be used to point at non-causality or the wrong figures.
      - cheaptrick : Often organization & (pre) information are part of a trick that can leave audiences utterly amazed, but it can also totally confuse when the same theater magic is pulled on someone's private life.
      - Obsession possession : about the manipulation of circumstances, bad coincidence and tests ("you see you need that pill honey!") to keep someone 'happily' doped in a lie and far from the world, heart and self.
      - Lies and Patterns : About 'sound sensitive' fakers, fake calls and fast-arriving care with lies and pills and possibly all Jehova.
      Corrupt labeling, stigmatizing , especially easy after provocation, contributes to the fact that all actions of someone (eg a critic, whistle-blower) are drawn into unreliability.

      The 'myriads of societies' upper-top and bottom-low are imaged by the tree elsewhere on this page and also goes for the underground rabbit hole of fantasy (ao) in which manipulated (normal) people can get lost and may start to act a little foolishly.
      Take 'William and Jeanne D'arc or maybe our victim thinks she's queen Victoria, whoever: they carry 'their title' and 'responsibility' in silence and modesty but are simply fooled people and fool others.
      For there is no reward, no crowning, no promise. That 'rightful old King' in the street is just a wanderer, or angstgegner. There IS however REAL injustice and repression. Stop waiting. Start living. Too much sssh & too much 'watchie wah' and the world is cramped with lies, make believe and headache.
      Berlin baby - be TM - and 'Kids of a numbe*®*d God' are some new texts I'm writing for MindZoo.
      Seen them all, lived them all or 'patterns'. Loops around a pool.  'Imitation of live' by REM. In this clip they last for 22 secs. We are copies. Repeated outlines of others. Style copies and style prints.
      Bizar really ,in a way this video shows parts of my life.

      Media news prevention and shaping opinions. We take this much further & personal on MindYou.
      Also fake (TV) psychics, mediums, faith healers, channels & mind reading ghosts - it's always a trick.   Probably victims. Probably all inner circle info (without their knowing) with obscured communication.
      A clairvoyant woman named Lieneke predicted -from a 'spiritual mental' message- a plane disaster (Bijlmer) and called the airport. An accident did happen. Never knew this until '24. To my knowledge housewives don't know time and names of fatal flights. Apply what's on this page and you got a case. (?)

      related: Agent-Provocateurs and serieus hidden manipulating schoolers. These crap suckers that bunch of choking fruitcakes that may hide and surround people since their youth and still go on to fuck 'm over. Fake feathers. It only takes the right hint & suggestion to make anything of anyone.
      From ecstatic princess feel to real loser in the gutter; there is nothing.

      More: Ceci n'est pas un pipe. When will we no longer see a pipe indeed?   About our society and as old as wine : the blame you! finger. (the shh! finger is just as worse) I want to make a study drawing of two hands because we can't shake hands with our selves.
      You see it's actually simple to create upset and channel anger and bad intent towards people whose life must be burried under loads of crap. Faking authority to persuade somebody to screw over his own opinion is something just like it. -I have some questions about buying a private satellite. Huh..?
      -I have some questions about micro-damage and dust.
      -I have some questions about pollution and SAR-values.
      -Thinkin about a Crusoe kinda sketchbook out of the drawings I make on MindYou notes. Cause I need to get away. 'Cause over here you're nearly declared mad only putting your old mans chair outside to enjoy the sundays weather without smog.

      The idea that social failure and misconduct lay in the (young) individual has long been a big taboo; it was our failing society! Perhaps, but can you call a discriminatory society cluttered with regulations, confusion and poverty trap that people can't get out of, still a failure?
      The dichotomy of rich and poor is so clearly visible and tangible in every field of society because the system consciously maintains a social structure that keeps giving priority to the social-economically strong of our society, ánd offers better realistic perspectives (expectations) on self-reliance, socioeconomic security and quality of life, than the socially weak have in e-ve-ry possible way. You can see this in the greater prevalence of addictions and a lesser and unhealthier : living and working situation, social position, (mental) health, financial spending scope and ultimately life expectancy itself;we are ruled by 'others'. Discrimination and favoritism in fundamental principles and policies within (the trias of) social institutions constitute a corruption that perpetuates unfair class difference and social inequality. Not everybody can be rich, but nobody has to be poor and much money alone shouldn't decide who can live a worthy and good life with chances to develop all talents. Often poverty -although not a law- will even have a negative effect on the perception of (past) time. Not to mention the time compression by unhealthy lifestyle that makes such a life shorter in general. Poor people can't afford to be free of worry for a long time and death won't be a health resort too. - I write a little bit more related to the above paragraph in 'the cult of society' - on this page.

      Always opposing anything will see a moment that your infact opposing your own truth u know wat I mean? I say the moment dem forefighters start enjoying their position -on the good side of the fence- it wasnt about the bigger cause right..? I think you need the good chunks of Communism anyway to bend cheating factitious Class system towards a more honoust rewarding egalitarian model.
      With trias I mean here: regulation, exercising, checking
      "Sustained elevations in cortisol produced by stress and disease are likely to result in catabolism." Think that's a very true concept..

      It is as important to see how the elite, through institutions networks and groups, exert influence on society : rules and moral, politics and management on a large scale, as it is important to know how the individual can be (MIS)treated in that respect. Ofcourse especially the extra-judicial, handling of non-conformists on the visual radar of norm and behavior as well as many other victims of (semi official) mental harassment for as many as reasons.
      The 'preconceived, covert, organized (groups and 'paramilitary' included) harassment'. More specifically: consciously exerting such a great influence on someone's existence, thinking and being, that in the case of a victim his behaviour, development and health as well as (self-responsibility for) one's own life and possible relationships that go with it are: distorted, damaged or destroyed.
      These victims can count on: general counteraction makin'hopeless, intense influencing (iq, emotions(fear) and behavioral conditioning), arranged deception (wrong examples, contacts and wrong life path choices), frustrating work and rest (planned & provoked conflict and accident;force sleep deprivation,hurt and stress) with the aim of seriously damaging one's will, energy, abilities and health.
      Such an intended ongoing attack and sabotage on all (important) aspects of one's (inter) personal life and sphere also includes matters such as character-kill, brainwashing, isolation, terror, abuse and/or social downfall, life and mind-control, severe distortion and disintegration; possibly complete-kaltstellung on inner and social life (murder without death) up to actual (suicide) murder.
      They thought it was just an idiom but he is all real: the never-come-back line.

      If the police and justice department are for criminals then what are these groups up against? Network(s) and groups (see above) wíth their informations , oaths and codes , contacts and circuits are everywhere around very handy. You can have the whole of society behind your ass when some intel or class bobo wants it. There are always people(morons) , moralists and 'knights' around to help work and frustrate an innocent -unwitting- individual without there being any legal ground or reason for it, for their fancy belief-chief Hoblin Rude.. (Hood nude good loot mood food root)

      *Groups, their members and 'contacts' potentially have the (intermediate) role of frustrator, informant, (co-)perpetrator and can in themselves already be morally twisted or criminal.

      This Kaltstellung can be initialized by bad governments, people in these governments or other 'elite' (private agenda) with access to all available -authority- networks. The world can't be big enough; achieving emotional bias through false confirmation, altered magazines, everything will be used.
      To explain this: "the law is there to be violated" according to a trusted book which title I will not mention.

      "One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents."  Welcome to our world..
      From the intercept.com website With killer-drones and domestic spying flying over our heads ,Congress about the intelligence -community says what it has been saying like always: "what we dó have is scandal and controversy, what we dont have is oversight.." Well, I think its good that way.. I've changed opinion. What would I care if the next window cleaner is a drone on a ladder looking through my window and than starts to erase 'state-dangerous' music from my collection..? Still, if you look upon a conflict of good and bad (a problem) as 'an assignment' of rights. What worth is citizen? In the borderless reality, évery closed door opens for the intelligence priests. Elites and their networks open doors that should have remained closed. There are protocols to protect man against man but.. let me say it right here: man has no respect for neither the great nor the small in our world. She has no respect anymore.

      You got cool and good (study, repair, fun) groups, ánd there is bad (parts of) low cowardly, treacherous groups that at their core infact help contribute to the degradation and misery of designated individuals. They are part of a victim's alienation with regard to his situation because it (unwittingly) puts him against a buch of anonymous, opposing, organised(conspiring) people. It can be just part of a broader 'official' stealth operation until this victim of mental attack and harassment 'has flown'. Especially specific civilian action oriented groups that flirt with extrajudicial law (on instruct) mainly consist from virus and developmental disorders.
      To say it within our theme of 'movement': de ontsteking motor.. the ignition engine. In my language infection is spelled as ignition. btw, the electric spark was an invention of Oliver Lodge. Well, must be a good lodge then..

      .. 'Nazi's' and all their co-op networks & all their (dirty) contacts : scumbags in a 'hierarchy' who obediently and to the image of their 'great' leader/manager/some-ass-they-know by given orders are being busy to fuck over the wrong one, especially thanks to organized deceit and stolen humor , premeditation and need for money, flattery or worse.
      Organisation can make heaven or hell. Every tight organized group, club, 'church' and anyone they can fix, sweep it together and it's just a potentially marching bunch of handshakes, vague orders. Informers, traitors and many scratches. On low level; a bunch of NSB. Kristallnacht.

      For my family it means top and low level mess.
      With *Zersetzung around the home from long-lasting psychological indoctrination to lame wake-up trouble noise and break and estrangement @ superstress level. Stress is a killer. It kills you by heart, body or stupidness.
      The idiocy from 'cemented minds' was and is in everything, in words, in everything that surrounded us; anything 'new in composition'. The moment I only talk of a happy plan, someone starts drilling and that ain't even sortakinda kindasorta. From 'the top of the bridge to the break-finger height of the pull-ring on my back window' so to speak. * Ultra.
      Political coercion doesn't need no walls while conflicts, unawareness and misunderstanding can tear people and even family apart.
      People can get invisible scratches and get crazy; experience complot outside, self-blame inside, they can't grab the confusing and vague frustrations by the balls and lose feel with family because they can't explain.
      There is much work and a lot of change needed in legislation that concerns our privacy, which must not become an elitarian priviledge. There is great challenge into formulating understanding in the field of: information, privacy and individuality related to the sciences of psychology and (mass) control with the people that take political decisions in these matters.
      * "Zersetzung" to express seriousness. Working on a target, often also means working on a targets' family.
      * I say this because on Mindyou I absolutely want to address very important and serious aspects of the (young)mind as trauma-based behavior, neurosis and abusive social stigma.
      To what extent do people, entire families, fall victim to these disturbed elites, their bad friends, handlers, the many searched and made minions & pions and the filthy control games they all play, the last 50 years in conjunction with far-reaching psychological knowledge and developed drugs(meds) by the industry.
      I am afraid the true attitude towards people and abuse has not changed since coffee beans.
      What positions do they take? How far goes the influence of all that 'shadow shine' and does it disrupt the good intent in our society?
      "The lie rules" and unbelievable methods are used to guard them. The inequality is so big that she doesn't fit into the conscience because it's about something ordinary people don't possess: connections, too much money, a mentality for plunder and the genes to always fuckin for-war.
      A war is anyway something that starts with: 'divide and rule'. Isn't it so that before the first canon goes off, the war has long been started? Separation division & conflicts are important weakeners. The opposite is possible too. A while back I wrote a line about Julius Caesar asking his advisory what 'Germanicum' meant on one of his coins. There are many abc games and as many global identifiers, ways a nice guy and probably honoust indeed, becomes a friend of us but in fact hurts and upsets relationships without him realizing it, as one masks in the outline. Like wolves in sheepclothing. What's behind the (neat) facade.
      I heard a woman arguing from a viewpoint that didn't consider problems as loose accidents but coming from 'the system' being 'problematic' as a whole. Good! This woman may also have to deal with sheep in radio ON position. Meaning the wholly organized virus of micro sharks, small but invisibly many kingdom and state pions immediately to question the mental health of people who dare questioning truths and corruption. The quite obvious solution: truly isolate those green creatures, spray them, build a hugh forever wall around that lot with just one tiny immensely heavy lead door then SCUD them.

      This goddamned spider studied crookism and psychology..

      Many apart & stuck collected people do work to keep BigBrothers's pirate flag and business going. Some are like: a flu, mindkilling and a mess. Many impossible misunderstandings, strange accidents and conflicts are due to corruption. We are surrounded and caught by many lies, division, (mal)-information.
      Have I been here before?
      Quite a few people -especially if they suffered from organized misery, have been made crazy. Started looking for the why's, the bigger picture, connections, but have drowned in an Information Maze and many question marks. Especially when trouble is clever hidden in what seems normality, so it can 'excuse' itself, knowledge in many forms is urgently needed to prevent people from: bad judgement of an incomplete picture, and years of damaging by totally unneeded dope medicines for a 'disorder-something' they do not have.
      You could get a lot of those lost folks on their way again (I like to hope) basically by using a compass which can make a lót of things clear and -with attention and lots of good cups of soup, explaining that everything is human work and "hell is other people."
      In the meantime, we not only run the 'same new' rounds, but also look for and follow loose ends; and too many people want us to like that too.

      Between Apocalypse Now and The Day After.. Then what is an example of political and personal indoctrination at a high level?That can be: to feed someone, who has to remain silent, with an extremely serious feeling of being accused, punishment and linked to accidents and terror and letting this 'enemy of the state' know while being chased, they are already on a list of missing persons. It is sleeping next to ruined central station with broken glass windows at night in a strange city and feeling safe.
      I call this political coercion, where the greatest fear and confusion trickbox that can hit a target does not consist of satellite technology, but out of the own whirligig as well as all the possibilities that a powerful overarching network offers with the help of many anonymous people (who suspect nothing, x-jes), to exercise anywhere and at all times 24h/d around a person, a Zersetzung of psychological shrinkage and mind terror. Disruption of your energy, rest, balance and harmony or in Spanish: Interrupción de la armonía, del equilibrio, de óxido y de energía.
      Please understand: mind, moods and behavior can be manipulated (to say the least) and as victims undergo day/night street frustrations there may be stompin' on the walls at the same time. ' even without hard reality crime and back-end star wars technology; a lot is possible.
      Common examples often used are -sleep- deprivation: 'excusable' nuisance that tiresome repeats itself (including the use of children, 'youths' ) , fake reasons to avoid normal communication about a problem: so things can escalate making a bad picture and bad name, as well as redirect information to 'in the pocket' people always ready for a wrong and coloured decision; all (provocative) attempts to make it -yourself- and preferably 'official', very hard for you.
      The greater the necessity for intimidation the more is done with noise other than just being intentionally really disturbing or even naggingly soft, like fysical upsetment and directed emotional triggers can be invisibly layered in while underneath other 'tracks' of communication can be searching to have indoctrinative and restraining effects on the mind -to keep things short. Threats. Hammering terror from the mental waffia.
      Sound is science: to people remote sound has its general characteristics , let alone the personal sensitivities therefore you talk different kinds of decibels.
      noise pollution nuisance is of key importance and a simple method to breaking someone down. If day in day out a victim got to be as resolute at night as during the day, something will happen: he will get serious health issues or die a lóóóóót sooner.
      Street corners can be the more noisy spots, busy 'double binders'. That is probably why we have always (probably arranged by crypto knights with a mission of creating psychological grays, walkthroughs, crosswords) lived on corners, except in Delft.There we lived at no. 90, right in the middle. I don't really like 9 although it's the letter i (little man) and the number of letters of my country. Anyway, I understand why my grandparents had closed windows.
      It is not the 1000 nights of sleep that I'm short of, but the 5 million wrong cell repairs and I do need rest indeed.

      listening, searching, staring, loose-stuck, distraction, tense, too much repeat, start all over again,
      listening, searching, staring, loose-stuck, distraction, tense, too much repeat, cutting your hair.

      I know for myself the seriousness of evoked stress and fear. Thinkspace gets smaller, you can't write to memory. Clear thinking drops Dangerous. You can ruin a person to death and it is an ice-pig: it seems all by own hand of the victim.   My grandparents were silenced and especially my grandfather from early on and in a professional was emotionally 'choked' dead. Let me repeat a known war-psychiatrist: "you catch a man like you do a rabbit, by the ears."
      I have at least one friend who, due to effects of long-lasting undermining and mental battering maintains a stressed, 'closed' posture. "Because it feels good." This might be, but I don't think by a sense of relaxation, but from a feeling of safety.
      It's fukkin' disastrous, it's fukkin' serious factual big trouble for some people. I can't say more or I'll keep on writing two pages more, it's doped, stoic, shell, firewall, pain call..
        I think some people always remain kids with open ears due to -generated- traumas they've experienced in their youth. And some are often reminded to them. They're always ready, always 'scanning'.

      I don't believe them -blindly- anymore, all those (stone) old stories with people hung on the piles ,the scaffoldings and gantries or above the crowded marketsquare, because they were so called 'bad and mad' knowing that 'Roman' elitarian corruption and networks has always clawed 'n' surrounded us, up to today. We should prevent that the stories of people who went down fighting injustice against a bad, rather failing majority, disappear into a nameless footnote as 'medieval nutcase', maybe getting a onetime glimpse of daylight publicity only as a sideline of a 'bigger theme' in an 'historic art tv-program' with a shitty guest narrator. Many stories are serious and deserve (historic) recherche even when 500 years ago to serve the truth. The main group monetary leaders, the capital; industry, mining and all their institutions maintain exploitation (see E1) with patch control through: division, conflict and distraction, their never-stopping headhunting on mind-capital and infiltration as well as taking over everything surrounded by walls. This is why your bank invests in weapons and everything, behind the facade of Christian happiness and unity.
      This time they did not come to the border, this time they came to your head. And once more, it is a territory that can be controlled, owned and exploited.
      Economic dependence in the interest of the consumption system makes cheap production pay the man-hours for the exclusive one. Standards are abondened and everything is a print, people too. I tell you, if nothing is done politically against abusive forms of absolutisme, people, by all means, will have to withstand controlling powers on their outside and inside, while all unity, bad or good, gets undermined as suspicious threat to the system's imago.
      Moves are calculated, our world made blind. People are manouvered to distracted isles, in all ranks, who do not recognize bad trouble in each other, do not see bigger pictures cause they're cut off and played individually.
      This and other pages on Rocksushi are simply not the right place to dive any further on the notes and comments I made.
      ..Got to practice my reverse backflip ollie on a 50 stairs jump anywayz.

      What is true and obvious to you, may be not known by someone else. It's easy forgetting to tell things this way.
      Stuck and float: The freight. law, loans, pensions, wages, insurances, procurement, social security, waste inc.
      The Animals! our World!  一週間の夜。 動物と地球

      On the new website everybody can send/rapport his or her own troubles! I want to -at least- keep file and create a message board/point. We don't want to see healthy people disappear into vague places, we DO want to see good information and insights.
      We need expertise! I ask older folks to volunteer. Please Write!
      I share the idea that general knowledge is for everyone, available to those who want to understand it rather than the exclusive domain for those who do understand, claim or shield it.
      Much more and many questions included on Mindyou, Yoy!

      Concerning the above mindyou texts :
      I must point to the certain specific conditions noted on the 'mindyou' page on this website. Therefore I state this is an international website.
      Where I speak of * sects and 'closed' groups etcetera I mean thóse that are bad & abusive. Reality however is, at my side of the ocean, most are in fact 'unhealthy' to say the least.
      * Those networks using monster psychology and making their members and people waiting for Godot with fake vividness and emotional plunder for unclear 'sample' purposes. People go singing around the table, they dream. I must look out too for not letting the frenzy of the day but what's really important and deserves attention rule my time and life.

      People actually need 8 to 9 hours sleep a day. Earth belongs to none of us; she wasn't made to serve us
      GEAR When 'you are sure' means your information is verified. What do you know? First take a look at a race car: here. (link) Then, let's drive: here.

      RUMBLE I must find a mouse (Natty Dread) in my house and put him outside. He has stolen one grape and has eaten a piece of my steak.
      I can't catch Natty Dread. His three friends: Rocksteady, CaranD'ache and Mir still out.   Update: see what I found from the Natty Dread. it's real! (link)

      Woef en ik wandelen langs t spoor gooien steentjes naar de armen en de rijken t regent ver vooruit kringen in de plassen tot aan t station waar je mensen ziet wachten op later zo gaat t alle dagen we eten een saucijzebroodje totdat de tijd omdraait en lopen weer terug er hangt leven in de avond lucht verderop is t bijna donker, aan de overkant 'ons' restaurant n stukkie verder de vaart achter onze werkplaats loopt het pad langs 't oude huis en t kleine gemaal door de tuin naar de Rocky Mountains, da's ons zeilboot met sneeuwwittje in n slobber-trui onder n aangedaan lampje dat uit staat.
      al is da nie zeker, maar Woef zegt: een uitzondering op een regel is n hogere regel. en zolang jij ben zolang ik ben zover we waren zover ik was zo dichtbij zo dichtbij ik was zo als ze mij hield ik haar vast zoals je was zoals ik was zolang jij ben zoláng ik ben zijn we oneindig.

      Puzzle 'De Avonden'. G.Reve 'The Evenings' book cover. (link) Just for tonight. I'm working. I don't know if it works. I have mini laptop and too old browser so I can't see. Just drag the pieces from the left. Next time a cover from writers Hermans or Zandstra. I've seen a beautiful remarkable docu with an emotional W.F. Hermans (photo) watching Le quai des brumes. He said some true things adding to my opinion that 'God is the Earth and Jesus is a stuntpilot.'  

      I did send an occasional letter to an 'old friend' in the past but it came back unopened. Though I've never received any, I want to warn people when sending emails with personal information (related to this pages' subject) because I simply cannot guarantee their safety and anonymity.

      the sun is high the sky is blue
      it's beautiful and so are you
      dear prudence everything you think is real
      the sun is high the sky is blue
      it's beautiful just like you
      dear prudence don't you forget to go out and play.
      (free after the Beatles)
      keep playing outside, don't become a grounded child.

      Some have unlimited opportunity to explore the lengths of this world, that is freedom.
      Some are brainwashed into the ever present belief of nothingness and being worthless, handless, footless and stupid. A belief system made false showing life as meaningless. Basically: life sucks, you're bad, nothing will meet up to your expectations. Life reflects reality is faithless, future hopeless, no real chance. Surrendering to everyday routine. Despites and blind to own qualities! No future. Waiting for life, for just sómething and might as well just sit it all out. Sleep it away. But thinking is injured, damaged and kidnapped; mental rape.
      Repulsed to the decreased space named a home and the cells of their mind's thinkingspace that they no longer dare to leave. Captivity has many shapes, takes on many forms and knows many ways. Learn to scramble up again. You matter!

      --No answer on your e-mail? that's weird. try again!
      Friends & people I know/knew I will always return a msge. If not then something's wrong.
      I do not trust that everything goes allright with my E-mail or even normal post for the past 100 years, serious!
      update:jan 2023. I did not recieve any (normal) email for well over two years.

      People can be illegal but not illegally a human being.
      everything we are.. love is such a beautiful thing.
      Much perseverance, Luck and Knowledge. I wish everyone the chance to find their own wórking truths and to pursue their own happiness.

      don't fall silent.

    'Kwassier  Zoo..     Parapluie! little bear こども-母
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